Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 825 What, the instructor is her?

Chapter 825 What, the instructor is her? (determined)

At this moment, in front of Chutian, there are thunder and lightning everywhere, and these lightning and lightning have various colors, which makes Chutian wonder, "What is this place, and why is it so strange."

At this moment, Chu Tian saw a series of pictures in front of him. It was a few giants fighting, and it was very fierce. After a while, all the surrounding places collapsed. Chu Tian was so frightened that he wanted to enter the Immortal Mansion, but found that the Immortal Mansion could not be used.

On the contrary, when the giants in front of them were fighting there, they were here and there, completely ignoring Chu Tian's feelings.

But what puzzled Chutian was that when those attacks hit him, Chutian couldn't feel any pain, which made him puzzled, "Strange, why these attacks penetrated through my body."

Just when Chutian was wondering, the battle between those people was over, and only one giant was left at the end. He looked at Chutian, and then showed a surprised expression, "I didn't expect that someone in the future would see this."

Chu Tian looked puzzled, "Later generations? What do you mean?"

The giant didn't speak, and then disappeared, and the surrounding pictures also disappeared, but Chutian was still standing on the Thunder Mountain, and the surrounding thunder and lightning disappeared even more.

This made Chu Tian look confused, "What's the situation? What exactly did you see just now?"

Chutian who was there was very depressed, but Lai Ping who was outside saw Chutian's figure and hurriedly shouted, "Brother Chu, how are you?"

Chu Tian returned to Lai Ping and said depressedly, "It's okay."

Lai Ping quickly asked, "Then what did you find?"

"I didn't find anything, I just met strange people and strange things."

Lai Ping was puzzled, "Strange person? Strange thing? What is it?"

Chu Tian told Lai Ping what he saw just now, and Lai Ping also said in a daze, "Could it be a hallucination?"

Chu Tian wondered, "Maybe."

Lai Ping checked Chu Tian up and down to make sure nothing happened and said, "Let's get out of this damn place quickly."

Chu Tianen said, and left here. After they returned to the city, it was dark.

Chu Tian didn't expect it to get dark so soon and wondered, "It's getting dark too soon in this fairy world."

"What is Kuaihei? You have been in Leishan for three hours just now."

Chu Tian said solemnly, "What? Three hours? I didn't go in for half an hour."

Lai Ping looked at Chu Tian, ​​"You must have seen hallucinations and miscalculated the time."

Hearing this, Chu Tian muttered to himself, "Could it really be an illusion that caused the time to go wrong?"

This made Chu Tian depressed and thought about it for a long time before he thought of the dean and said afterwards, "I have to go to the dean, and there will be a period later."

Lai Ping looked confused, and when Chu Tian reappeared, he had already arrived at the tower.

The dean was already waiting there, and saw his flowing white hair fluttering in the air, then stared at Chu Tian and said, "You are late."

Chu Tian laughed and said, "I was running some errands just now, so I'm late."

"Okay then, let's go."

After finishing speaking, the dean took Chu Tian away, and Chu Tian asked curiously, "This is us?"

"Go to Training Valley."

"Training Valley?"

"Well, there is a training valley unique to our academy, and it is also one of the largest training grounds on this planet."

Chu Tian was puzzled, and then followed the opponent's pace. About half an hour later, he came to a valley. At this moment, the lights in the valley were flickering everywhere. Not only that, but also various shouts, and even the sound of fighting and fighting.

Chu Tian glanced over and was stunned. There were hundreds of people here, some were attacking each other, some were climbing mountains, and some were fighting in the water, as if they were training.

Until someone found the dean shouting, "Look, the dean is here."

Everyone immediately stopped training and rushed over, and said respectfully, "Dean."

Chu Tian took a look and found that these people were either nine-star earth immortals or ten-star earth immortals, and they were indeed pretty good.

As for the dean, he said with a smile, "Training is hard."

Everyone laughed and said, "It's not hard."

Then the dean asked with a smile, "By the way, where is your instructor!"

"After she came back during the day, she was depressed and put herself in the stone house."

"Oh? That's it, then I'll go and have a look."

But at this moment, someone in the crowd shouted, "The instructor is here."

At this time, a figure appeared in front of the crowd. When this person saw Chu Tian, ​​he stared at him in shock, and Chu Tian also widened his eyes, secretly startled, "No way, she is an instructor?"

This person is none other than Guna who met during the day.

Originally, Guna was still depressed, but when she saw Chu Tian she was surprised and respectful, "Dean, who is this?"

The dean smiled and said, "This is my recommendation today to come to you for training. I hope we can select together at that time."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was shocked, and some people refused to accept, "Headmaster, he just crossed the Tribulation Realm."

"Dean, is he your relative?"

"Dean, is he your friend's child?"

For a while, everyone thought that Chu Tian came in through his relationship, but that Guna immediately laughed and said, "Principal, you have also seen it. Obviously everyone is not convinced. I am afraid it will be difficult for me to let him come in for training."

But Chu Tian said with a smile, "Miss Gu, you must be prejudiced against me."

Everyone didn't expect that Chu Tian would dare to call Guna like that, and everyone showed admiration, but Guna put away her smiling face and said coldly, "Boy, I'm not prejudiced against you, it's everyone here who has been selected by myself. It’s not like you can come if you want to.”

Chu Tian was not afraid and said, "It's actually selected by everyone, so let me tell you about the selection criteria, maybe I can pass it too."

As soon as the words came out, everyone laughed, and some people even said, "Boy, don't be brave. This standard requires at least the strength of a nine-star earth immortal, and when everyone comes in, the talent is at least the third level of the immortal body. What do you say?" You, who are in the Tribulation Transcending Realm, and whose physique is the Eucharist, how do you live?"

"That's right, this selection can be abnormal. Even though we have worked so hard to come here, if it is still your assessment, I don't know how we will die."

Seeing those people's persuasion, Chu Tian smiled and said, "Thank you for your kindness, but I still want to try."

Guna stared at Chutian playfully, "Really?"


Guna looked at the dean, and said respectfully, "Dean, it's like this, then I will reluctantly arrange an assessment for him, if he wins, let him in, but if he loses or gets injured during the assessment, what? Yes, I can't control it."

The dean looked at Chu Tian and asked with a smile, "You decide for yourself."

"I'm actually here, don't be afraid, and ask Miss Gu for advice."

Gu Na stared, "Call me Teacher Gu or instructor Gu!"

Chu Tian still laughed and said, "Okay, instructor Gu, how about the head office?"

Only then did Guna calm down, then took out a box, and threw it on the ground, only to see a barrier appeared, and at the same time, there was a wooden figure inside the barrier.

That Guna said with a smile, "Everyone came in after defeating it, and you are the same, as long as you go in, you can defeat it."

"A wooden man?"

When everyone saw Chu Tian laughing at the wooden man, they all explained there, "Boy, don't be careless. When this wooden man erupts, his strength can be comparable to ten-star earth immortals, or even more terrifying, so you can ask for blessings." .”

[Today's ninth update, the monthly ticket, the recommendation ticket subscription, the reward, let's get it up. 】

(End of this chapter)

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