Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 1001 Discussing why the army is militaristic

Chapter 1001 Discussing why the army is militaristic

"Talking with Mr. Wang, I always feel that what I have learned and seen before is useless, and I always feel panic!"

Wang Xijue had such emotion, Wang Tong said: "The supervisor is joking", but this topic did not continue.

On February 16th of the [-]th year of Wanli, Shenyang City became the camp of the Eastern Expeditionary Army, Liao Town and all news of soldiers and horses were reported to Shenyang for disposal.

The news of Shenyang's victory came back to Liaoyang, and Li Chengliang's condition improved immediately. When the news of Taizihe's victory arrived, Li Chengliang was able to ride slowly. Liaoyang used to be the center of Liao Town, but Li Chengliang knew how to do it. The Zongbing Yamen was also moved to Shenyang.

In this case, Liao Zhen can cooperate as soon as Wang Tong has any orders, which is very convenient.

Before the arrival of the Eastern Expeditionary Army, the two most urgent issues were the siege of Shenyang and the crisis in southern Liaoning. Because these two places were tense, and Liaozhen was everywhere, some were harassed by a small group of Tartars entering the country, while others were harassed. It was the local wealthy families who colluded with bandits and took advantage of the fire to rob.Now that these two places have turned the corner, the rest of the places have also followed suit. Those who don't know what is good or bad are waiting for them to be encircled and suppressed by large armies.

Before the news of Shuerhaqi's failed journey came back, Fushun Station, the gateway to the east of Shenyang, was reoccupied by the Ming army in Liaozhen.

There were still small groups of Mongols active in the north and northeast of Liao Town, but the Jurchens shrank across the board. According to the news reported by Tieling Guard, they killed some Jurchen thieves, but they were all Haixi Jurchens.

Now the situation in Liao Town has actually returned to the level it was before the defeat of Jiefanzhai. The purpose of the Eastern Expeditionary Army has been achieved, and they can return to the imperial court, at least Wang Xijue thinks so.

"Master, although Liao Town has been restored, the battle is not over yet. It is too early to consider retreating."

Wang Tong spoke directly, and Wang Xijue, who has always been non-interfering in Wang Tong's decision, was also very direct this time:
"My lord Wang, now that you're done, there's no need to use weapons and waste the country's money. Although the Tiger Mighty Army is brave, it's tiring to run for a long distance. For the sake of the soldiers, Mr. Wang should go back to the pass to rest as soon as possible!"

In the end, after decades of ups and downs in the officialdom, Wang Xijue, who was always smiling and straight-talking, was unambiguous when he really wanted to, and played an official tone in an unhurried manner.

Wang Tong glanced at Wang Xijue, but said again:
"Master, in this battle, all the Jurchens and Mongolian Tartars were killed in Shenyang City. Although the Jurchens of Jianzhou were killed along the Taizi River, and the vitality of Jianzhou was hurt, it did not hurt the root. Now the Jurchens outside the side wall All the ministries are broken, and all the Mongolian ministries have suffered heavy losses, but it gave Nanu Chief a chance to integrate, if he is allowed to do it, it will definitely become a great disaster for Ming."

Wang Xijue's face was calm, but he took the tea bowl cover and skimmed off the foam in the tea bowl, and said with a smile:

"The general's fame comes from the battlefield, and this old man knows it too, but what can the slave chieftain do now? Mr. Wang is so persistent, it's really killing chickens and knives, it can't be done, it can't be done, such trivial matters, let the soldiers of Liao Town do it. .”

"Now how can soldiers like Liaozhen beat Jurchen? If they don't have more than twice the strength, Liaozhen won't even be sure of winning. If they lose again, the situation will be corrupted, and it will take a lot of effort. Why bother, and supervisor, look, the slave chieftain asked Daming for the corpse of his father and ancestor, unified the Jianzhou Jurchen, and this time formed an alliance with the native barbarians, recruited the Haixi Jurchen, and recruited the wild Jurchen. If his recovery time really allows him to catch his breath and create a situation outside the side wall, then it is really a big problem."

Wang Tong said sincerely, but Wang Xijue just shook his head and smiled. Although Wang Tong has always been in the dominant position of giving orders from the customs to these few wars, but in terms of law, Wang Xijue is the commander of the Eastern Expedition Army. The next action, Although Wang Xijue's attitude was not clearly stated, it is possible to see the meaning of opposition.

If Wang Xijue disagreed, the army would really be unable to move. Even if Wang Tong could take away the Huwei army, it would be a great crime and cause trouble for nothing. Wang Tong looked at Wang Xijue, who was with the old god, and understood in his heart that Wang Xijue was so Thinking in this way is consciously serving the country and the people.

If it was really intrigue, jealousy and envy, it would be easy, Wang Xijue also had faith and persistence in his heart, and now the literati are so hostile to Wang Tong, Wang Xijue dared to let Wang Tong go in the early stage, and now Wang Tong wants to go further, but Wang Xijue firmly refuses.

For such a situation, what Wang Tong can do is to persuade:

"Master, Mongolia is different from Jurchen. The Mongolian Tartar nomads live on the grasslands and have no fixed place to live. The purpose of invading the Ming Dynasty is not the territory, but the wealth and population. Yes, why are they only settled in Guihua City, but this Jurchen is different. Where there are thousands of miles of white mountains and black waters, whether it is Jianzhou Jurchen or Haixi Jurchen, they all gather villages, farming and trade. If they are allowed to integrate and develop, they must covet The vast lands and mountains of my Ming Dynasty came from the bitter cold outside the pass to the lush south of the Central Plains. They are not farming and trading there. They occupy a piece of territory and they will never withdraw. On the contrary, they want to operate for a long time. The nomadic land on the grassland How do people know who governs the farming people? If the Mongols enter the territory of the Ming Dynasty, they will be surrounded by wars and the common people will rise up. If the Jurchens occupy the territory of the Ming Dynasty, it will not be long before the occupied fields and population will be used by him , This power is also growing like a snowball."

Seeing the calm expression on Wang Xijue's face became serious, Wang Tong knew that his words had an effect, so he said while the iron was hot:

"Although Wang is a martial artist, he can read history and has experience. The Sui Dynasty conquered Goguryeo and resorted to military affairs, and returned several times without success. Monarch, why did the conquest of Goguryeo begin as soon as the world became stable? Why did the war against Goguryeo last for nearly 40 years from Taizong to Gaozong until the country was destroyed?

Speaking of this, Wang Xijue pondered. Wang Tong talked about studying history in front of him. It was really a trick. Why the Sui and Tang Dynasties conquered Goguryeo? Of course he understood the meaning, but he didn't expect Wang Tong to link Goguryeo and Jurchen. , and what Wang Tong said and thought about, there are indeed similarities between the two.

"Master, the Jurchen is different from North Korea. The people of North Korea are weak, but the Jurchen is strong and barbaric. If..."

Wang Tong wanted to say more, but Wang Xijue interrupted, and said slowly:

"My lord, you are already an extremely human minister in your current position, but you are still so eager to make achievements. What are you trying to do?"

Wang Tong was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head, and laughed out loud. He was a little nervous about what he just said, so he simply sat down and said:

"Wang Dushi originally meant this. You think that Wang is so constantly begging for war, but also constantly able to win, and constantly make contributions. This is evil intentions!"

Unexpectedly, Wang Tong said it so directly, Wang Xijue was also taken aback, and then said slowly:

"My lord Wang is quick to speak, the old man is indeed ignorant, everything has a plan, the old man has been in poverty for several years, jumped into the official career, step by step to today, he also has the heart of serving the country and the people, but also has private thoughts of seeking glory and wealth, Wang My lord is a trusted confidant of the Son of Heaven, has great martial arts skills, and is rich enough to rival a country. He has already reached this point, but he is still so belligerent. This old man reads sage books, but he also knows things in the world, and he must ask for things, but what does Lord Wang ask for? What else is there to ask for, but the old man can’t understand, can’t understand, after many days of fighting, the soldiers are also homesick and want to rest.”

After Wang Xijue finished speaking, he leaned back on the back of the chair, but waited for Wang Tong's answer. The meaning was very clear. If Wang Tong couldn't give a reasonable explanation, the result could be imagined.

Wang Tong looked at Wang Xijue and said with a smile:
"Master, if Wang said that he was warlike and had made great ambitions to wipe out the Tartars and barbarians around the borders of the Ming Dynasty and open up the territory for the Ming Dynasty, is this a good reason?"

Wang Xijue shook his head with a smile, Wang Tong also smiled and said:
"In today's world, no one is willing to believe the righteous words. If you say that you are only seeking profit, everyone takes it seriously."

After saying this, Wang Tong took out a booklet from his pocket and handed it to Wang Xijue, and continued with a smile:

"Let's take a look, supervisor, I didn't want to take it out so early."

Wang Xijue opened the booklet and looked at it for a few times, but his expression became solemn again, but Wang Tong took Wang Xijue's pen, ink and inkstone and ground the ink himself. After grinding, he picked up the brush and wrote a few words on the booklet, and then He stamped his private seal, handed it to Wang Xijue again, and asked:
"Master, will Jianzhou Jurchens fight or not?"

Looking at the notebook in his hand, Wang Xijue was silent for a long time, and when he looked up at Wang Tong again, his expression was quite complicated.

On February 25, the supervisor Wang Xijue, the chief general Wang Tong, the supervisor Chen Ju, and Li Chengliang, the commander-in-chief of the Liao Town, summoned the Eastern Expedition Army and the generals of the Liao Town.

The governor Wang Xijue thought that the Tartars would not have a chance to breathe after all the evil had been done, so he ordered the army to march eastward to all directions, and another [-] fine cavalry and [-] infantry in Liao Town were dispatched to build the state.

This time, the pawns of Ji Town were not left to guard, but set off together. Liao Town also used its old foundation this time, but this pawn was basically used as a civilian husband. The total number of troops in the state is nearly [-], and they are all elites of Ming Dynasty, with an astonishing scale.

When Wang Tong led the army to fight, Wang Xijue was in the rear. On the one hand, this matter was trust, but on the other hand, it was not close and harmonious with each other. You must know that other civil servants commanded the army, but they had to sit in the army, but in Shenyang However, Wang Xijue and Wang Tong often talked in depth, and the relationship seemed very close. Everyone was puzzled——
A thousand chapters, a thousand chapters, a thousand chapters

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(End of this chapter)

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