Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 1000 Xu Your Father and Son Commander

Chapter 1000 Xu Your Father and Son Commander
Shuerhaqi did not return along the original path, but left with his bodyguards by the small path, otherwise he would collide with Sun Shoulian's troops who were speeding up.

When Sun Shoulian led the cavalry to the battlefield, what they saw was the Jurchen army that was about to collapse. Sun Shoulian and his subordinates forgot how to react at the time, and were stunned for a while before being overjoyed.

Those who came were all Sun Shoulian's personal guards, they were the elite of Liao Town, and they were cavalry on horseback. Facing the scattered enemy infantry, this was clearly a credit to them. Military exploits!

They were also chased by Shuerhaqi all the way from the mouth of the pine tree to Gushanbao. They were suppressed and beaten for a long time, full of resentment. This time they caught up, and they were defending against murder, so they must have a good time.

After all, the spearmen of the Huwei army were not so flexible in their actions, and the number of cavalry who slaughtered and pursued the main force was too small. For the Jurchen soldiers, the addition of Sun Shoulian's force was a real disaster.

During the daytime battle, when the sun had not yet set, Sun Shoulian, who was on the other side of the battlefield, came to Wang Tong. In the past, when we met, we always bowed to each other. It was not just about superiors and subordinates, but some sense of friendship. This time Sun Shoulian didn't show any hypocrisy at all, he got off his horse directly, turned over and bowed down, saying in his mouth:

"The commander-in-chief descended from the sky, and the children of Liaonan are all grateful. Even if Sun's family is smashed to pieces, it will be difficult to repay the great kindness."

Wang Tong shook his head with a smile, and said:
"Sun Pengju, don't kneel there, help your father up quickly."

This is close to what he said. Sun Pengju stood up happily and helped Sun Shoulian up. Sun Shoulian's face was also full of joy. Wang Tong looked around and ordered:
"The first regiment and the second regiment will go with me, and the rest will stay to clean up the battlefield and camp near the alkali field castle before nightfall."

The left and right agreed, the terrain of this canyon is narrow, and there are many dangerous places. Besides, it is more than an hour away from the alkali field fortress, so it is convenient to go there.

As for the Jurchen garrison in that fort, they are not even counted as food between their teeth, they must have escaped by now, and Sun Shoulian hastily sent people back to report to Gushan Fort, and then left most of them to clean up. On the battlefield, he, Sun Pengju and several cronies accompanied Wang Tong on horseback.

Ordinarily, after this big victory, everyone should be excited in their hearts, but when they rode out of the battlefield, everyone was speechless. This victory is too brilliant, and it is too unexpected. After a while, I vented completely, but felt a little empty.

Sun Shoulian has been in the officialdom for a long time, so he naturally knows the true meaning of talking when there is nothing to say, so he can't let the scene be cold, and said with a smile:

"Boss Liao has fought and won victories, and the two powerful enemies in Liao Town have been wiped out. The next step is the Tartars on the side of Tieling Guard. I am willing to cooperate with all my strength and let the commander command me."

Wang Tong nodded with a smile, and said:
"The war in Liao Town should have ended, and the next step is to clean up and maintain law and order. Restoring the appeasement area is the most important thing."

Sun Shoulian who listened to this answer was a little puzzled. There are more than 2 Mongolian cavalry under the Tieling Guard City. If you count the tribesmen who followed, there are more than [-]. How can it be said that the war is over? Wang Tong wants to raise his own self-respect, and the situation between the DPRK and China is said to be very complicated
He was thinking wildly here, but Wang Tong had already explained:

"In addition to the two big victories here in Shenyang City, Horqin's tribe will definitely not dare to stay under Tieling Guard for a long time. If he doesn't leave, it will be the encirclement of Liao Town and the Eastern Expeditionary Army. They dare to bet for the first time, but they dare not bet It's the second time, it's ridiculous, I can't stay on the grassland, I want to find a shelter in Baishan Heishui, but I didn't expect it to be so empty."

Listening to Wang Tong's words, Sun Shoulian paused before saying flatteringly:
"If the commander hadn't been there, the Tartars would probably have made the right bet."

Wang Tong laughed, and all the people laughed. The Horqin tribe and the Jurchen formed an alliance and relied on each other. This strategy is extremely clever. The Mongolian cavalry and the Jurchen infantry are combined to strengthen each other. Resources, animal husbandry and agriculture are also complementary.

The combination of the two has already surpassed Liao Town in terms of strength. After a big victory, they even attracted the Jurchen and other Mongolian ministries here, and their strength became stronger and stronger. In fact, those who were close to the side wall Many Han clans also wait and see, and even arrange for their children to speculate.

If there is no such a strong army as the Huwei Army, and there is no such a hardliner as Wang Tong who is the cronies of the emperor, the Jurchen and Mongolia are now confronting the Ming army in Liaozhen, and they are gradually eating away at the west.

"It's not easy for you this time. You could have stayed in Taiping, Phoenix City, but you took the initiative to attack according to my instructions. You have been tossing with the Eastern Martyrs until now. There are many adventures and losses."

Wang Tong comforted me, but Sun Shoulian quickly clasped his fists on the horse and said passionately:
"The Sun family has received great favor from the commander-in-chief, even if they are smashed to pieces, they are willing to fight. The commander-in-chief said that, it is really killing the lower officials."

It's not true to say polite words, but if Wang Tong came late this time, or Shu Erhaqi was willing to fight desperately, I am afraid that the entire Sun family might really be wiped out. Wang Tong said:
"Work hard, don't worry about doing things in vain. This year or next year, I will guarantee you the position of chief soldier. On Sun Pengju's side, there will also be chief soldiers in the future."

Wang Tong said it lightly. Sun Shoulian and Sun Pengju were stunned on the horse, but they didn't dare to sit on the horse anymore.

"Thank you, Marshal, thank you, Marshal."

After all, it is rare for someone like Wang Tong to be appointed as a Marquis to be the commander of Jinyiwei. There is only one person like this in about 200 years. The highest point of a warrior in the officialdom is the chief soldier. Shade can also be managed to create a large world, Ma Fang is in Xuanfu, Li Chengliang is in Liaozhen, isn't that the case.

Don't look at Sun Shoulian is the deputy general now, he is only one level away from the general, but this level is a world of difference, many people have been in the position of deputy all their lives.

Sun Shoulian was ecstatic when he promised the position of a general soldier here, but Wang Tong's next promise made him stunned, and then he was ecstatic. Family, those are the first-class generals. Looking at it now, the Li family also has this possibility. I didn't expect that I, a lieutenant general, could reach this step. How could I not be ecstatic.

When other people make such promises, they have to laugh and scold them back, but Wang Tong cannot help but believe in such a promise, so of course he has to drag his own son to kowtow together.

After being teased by Wang Tong, Sun Shoulian got on the horse and sat on the horse to flatter him, but he felt a little uneasy in his heart. Everyone knew that prosperity must decline. After winning, he will definitely go one step further. Thinking of this one step further, Sun Shoulian couldn't help but feel a shock in his heart. Now that he is in such a situation, how far can Wang Tong go if he goes one step further.

If there were any changes, would this promise still count? Now that he was considered to be Wang Tong's person, would he be in trouble then? Unexplainably, Sun Shoulian actually worried about gain and loss.

More than [-] beheads were beheaded, and livestock and luggage were seized without counting. The results of an encounter in a tributary of the Taizi River were quickly counted. Only the enemy was killed and no prisoners were taken. This is also rare. If it was placed two years ago, such a big victory It can also be described with exaggerated rhetoric such as Zhengu Shuojin, etc., but this time, everyone thinks it should be taken for granted. It is not surprising that they have seen too many victories.

Jianzhou Jurchens have limited manpower to mobilize. After this failure, they can no longer take advantage of Daming in many ways, mobilizing troops everywhere. There will be no more major wars in the world.

Sun Shoulian rearranged the defense along the main and tributaries of the Taizi River, and arranged most of the main force back to Phoenix City. He led a thousand cavalry to follow Wang Tong back.

There is no need for the army to march in a hurry for this operation. They are traveling normally, but there are enough people and livestock, and the pace is not slow. The weather outside the pass is cold. According to Wang Tong's feeling, there may be a little warmth. After all, it is already February. Spring is coming too. According to Sun Shoulian, it is getting colder every year now, and it is estimated that it will not be able to bloom until the end of March.

This time the army still returned to Shenyang, where they decided on the next move. The supervisor Wang Xijue and the supervising army Chen Ju in Liaoyang also arrived in Shenyang City. Shenyang is now a safe rear area, so it has also become the base camp.

Halfway through the return journey of the army, there was a military report from Shenyang that the Horqin tribe besieging Tieling Guards began to evacuate, and the Ming army of Tieling Guards pursued them. Although they did not contact the main force of the Horqin tribe, the rest came with the Horqin tribe The small tribe has cleaned up a lot, and naturally it has credit.

The brigade of cavalry in Shenyang approached Tieling Guard, and the failure of the Shenyang city also spread to the Horqin tribe. The Horqin tribe not only lost their vitality in the Shenyang city, but also became a lone army in Liaozhen. If they don't withdraw, they will be killed. Everywhere will be suppressed.

"It's a pity that the Eastern Expeditionary Army is brave and capable of fighting, and only the Tiger's Mighty Army has the greatest chance of victory. They can't take care of both. Otherwise, keeping the local barbarians will also save the Ming Dynasty from great harm.

After returning to Shenyang City, Wang Xijue spoke to Wang Tong regretfully, and Wang Tong replied with a smile:

"Master, don't be sorry. The Tuman came to Liao Town to kill the people of Daming and poisoned the place. How could he leave in vain? There are many righteous people in Guihua City, and they are willing to share the worries of the court. It won't be long before the livestock of the Tuman will be Daming. goods, the local barbarians are the slaves of Ming Dynasty, and it won’t be long before there will be no more barbarians in the world.”

Wang Xijue was stunned by what he said, and then nodded in conviction.

(End of this chapter)

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