Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 999 Tiger Might

Chapter 999 Tiger Might
Shuerhaqi, the firecracker of the Ming army, also saw it. When he was in Jiefanzhai, he rushed to the front and broke through the defense line of the Ming army. It can be completely covered, and when they get to the front, the hands of the opponent's soldiers are shaking, and they have no accuracy at all.

Why is the firecracker of the Ming army so powerful? Just now, Shu Erhaqi stood on the saddle and watched for a while, and they fell down one by one, completely unable to resist. Isn't the cannon the most powerful in the Ming army?Why is this spear pawn so evil? Shuerhaqi himself has an estimate. If he leads the attack of the fang-toothed cavalry, it may not be effective. Why is the opponent so unrelenting? .

The Baiyala guards guarding Shuerhaqi waved their weapons indiscriminately, driving the cavalry away. On such a battlefield, there is not so much time for people to be in a daze.

"Master, let's go!"

"What are you going to do, Minggou is relaxing now, let our pawns stand up and down, I will dismount and lead you"

Shuerhaqi woke up from his stupefaction, and said in a rough voice, if his personal soldiers were his followers, in the current situation, they would not care about the superiority and inferiority, and said eagerly:
"The riders will soon lose their strength. When they collapse, the infantry will not be able to withstand the narrow terrain. Master, let's go. If you go at this time, you can bring back people."

Shuerhaqi raised the whip in his hand to whip him, but he put it down again when he heard this, and said with a dead face:
"Going back like this, my brother Yingming Khan will definitely not let it go."

"With the protection of the slaves, Ying Minghan can't do anything, but if all the slaves are left here, then the master will really be."

Speaking directly to the guards beside Shuerhaqi, Shuerhaqi almost shuddered, and immediately understood, looked at the battle situation in front of him bitterly, and said with a poke:
"Let's go first!"

As soon as he walked, the rest of the guards followed him immediately, surrounded him and advanced together. The pawns behind were still piled on the road. Seeing his coach leading the horse team rushing over, although he didn't understand what was going on, he was still in a hurry To avoid it, to make way for a road, but this road is getting wider and wider, and there is no way to close it.

As soon as the general left, the half-hearted cavalry in front who were constantly being killed also followed. After all, they walked fast. The cavalry charged into the infantry, and it was their own infantry. Of course it was very simple. If anyone did not have eyes to stop On the way, it was chopped off with a single knife.

Without much effort, the cavalry who could turn their heads all turned their heads and smashed the infantry array behind them, but they ran out by themselves. When they saw this situation, their main cavalry and generals all fled. They were still willing to die, and immediately there was an uproar, some turned around, and some ran towards the hillsides on both sides.

"Damn it, didn't you say that the Jurchens are invincible?"

Wang Tong cursed viciously immediately, and the soldiers around him who could hear this sentence were puzzled, even the idiots in Liaozhen didn't say this sentence.

"All the cavalry officers and soldiers immediately went into pursuit, cleared the sides and maintained, the firecrackers waited for the cavalry to pass, and then formed a team at the front, and then the whole army trotted forward to pursue!!"

Wang Tong issued an order in a series of voices, and the firecrackers who were originally between the two spearmen's squares withdrew immediately, and the cavalry on horseback and Wang Tong's personal guards began to gather in front of the infantry. Everyone is driving the horse forward to chase.

The cavalry began to pursue, and the musketeers began to return to their pre-battle status. The brass horn blew shortly, and the pikemen stopped. The musketeers stood in a row in front of the queue amidst the intensive drum beating, checked the ammunition matchlocks, and then Under the leadership of the non-commissioned officer, he trotted forward, and the spearmen behind him also began to trot to keep up.

The small groups of harassment in the mountains and forests on both sides have ended. Seeing that our team has collapsed like this, how dare they stay here, they all turn around and run. Keeping a strict formation and moving forward, in front of them and on the left and right, there are fleeing crowds all over the mountains and plains.

Seeing the Huwei army chasing after them with such a rigorous formation, the Jurchen infantry who still maintained a little discipline also collapsed. The army trotted forward and chased forward, but they were able to keep their formation. This is terrible.

Qi Jiguang, the No. 1 general of the Ming Dynasty, said in his military book that soldiers must maintain their formation on the battlefield, but he also said that when marching, they must stop every ten steps. What is this kind of army now?
The Jurchen soldiers haven't read "Ji Xiao's New Book" and "Records of Military Training", but they certainly understand what such a neat advance means in the army.

The retreat of the general and the cavalry has already crushed the infantry formation. Seeing the mighty tiger army rushing like this makes them completely collapse. Now everyone turns around, the road ahead is blocked by their companions, and it is too late to kill them, so go up the mountain , People huffed and disappeared completely.

The infantry chased a little slower, but the hundreds of Huwei cavalry chased after them, rushed directly into the crowd, and started hacking and killing.

In this situation, you don't need your superb riding skills or your superb combat skills. All you have to do is raise your weapon on the horse and look at those backs and necks. There are no Jurchens holding weapons Everyone is routing against you, you just have to hack and kill.

Although Yu Feng was condescending on the horse, his face was already splashed with blood. Ever since the jungle chase that suffocated him, Yu Feng had always had a kind of fear and worry in his heart, which made him train himself desperately. He was also extremely brave after the battlefield. He did this because he felt that the Jurchens were very strong. In the jungle, the eight of them clearly had the upper hand, and they still had advantages in weapons and equipment, but they were still killed by the opponent.

Originally in Liao Town, watching those Liao Town's personal guards perform martial arts exercises already made people feel that they were incredibly strong soldiers, but these Jurchen men turned out to be even more terrifying. When encountering the enemy's army on the road, he can protect himself, at least he can kill enough money.

He looked down on the first person on the horse, and when he heard the cries and roars of the Jurchen soldiers, the worry and fear in his heart suddenly disappeared. Yu Feng kept hacking and killing, and the depression in his heart turned into joy, and joy into joy.

The intrusion of the cavalry made the disintegrated Jurchen infantry ranks even more disintegrated. In order to pursue the victory of the brave in a narrow road, Shuerhaqi invested enough power. After the cavalry, there were enough infantry ranks, forming a long formation. But now Such a battle would bring disaster.

The collapse in the front quickly affected the rear, but the team behind couldn't disperse quickly. It took time for the crowd to collapse towards the mountains on both sides. is the beginning.

Hundreds of cavalry completely smashed the enemy team ten times their size. This kind of chaos caused the fire gun soldiers who followed behind to even temporarily change their tactics.

In such a scene, shooting is too easy to accidentally injure, and it is also a needless waste of ammunition. The generals and non-commissioned officers yelled at the soldiers to pinch the matchlocks, and directly used the firecrackers and wooden forks in their hands as weapons to kill the enemy. Similar to the iron rod, the wooden fork can also assassinate. Although the efficiency is very poor, it is enough for this kind of situation of chasing and killing the enemy.

When the spearmen rushed up, it was even necessary to blow the trumpet back to let the gunfire soldiers retreat, and replace the spearmen who were more suitable for cold weapon slaughter into the arena.

"Keep no prisoners, no prisoners, kill those who kneel down and beg for mercy, kill those who prostrate on the ground and move around!!"

The orderlies holding the banners were no longer riding horses, they were running and shouting, because they could no longer move on the battlefield on horseback.

After the gunfire soldiers withdrew from the battlefield, they loaded ammunition directly on both sides of the road, and then divided into small groups to walk in the forest, shooting and killing escaped fish, occupying the commanding heights on both sides, and providing guards and lookouts for the army.

The desperation on the battlefield formed resistance several times, and then it was quickly shattered, followed by a complete collapse, desperately fleeing, or waiting to die.

"Master, big victory, big victory!"

Li Tao is not as casual as Li Hutou. Even in private, Li Tao calls Wang Tong a marshal instead of a big brother. His face is also flushed with excitement. Now all the generals are in a place by the side of the road. Gao Duan observed the battlefield, everyone had excited expressions on their faces.

Victory is not unusual for the Huwei army, but from the offensive and defensive victory under the Shenyang city to the current encounter victory in the river valley, such consecutive victories are still very exciting.

"It's a victory, but there are also quite a few tartars running away. If we can control a few key points around us in advance, the victory this time will be even greater!"

Wang Tong said something with a smile, but when he won the victory, he immediately criticized his inadequacy and it hurt morale. Wang Tong said with a smile:

"Below the city of Shenyang, the tributaries of the Taizi River, plus the marching and camping along this road, the new recruits of these regiments of the Huwei Army have also become veterans, so you can use them with confidence!"

Everyone laughed and were extremely happy. This is the soldiers and horses they brought out. They are naturally happy and honored to keep winning victories.

The result of the battle was actually greater than Wang Tong thought, because the cavalry led by Sun Shoulian rushed up from the rear. This time, Sun Shoulian followed him very carefully. Sun Shoulian would tell him about any trouble, and Sun Shoulian knew that Shuerhaqi was going to fight the Ming army in the canyon, so he hung from a distance, completely ignoring the hundreds of Jurchen soldiers stationed in the alkali field fortress.

When the battle started, Sun Shoulian, who was hesitant, made up his mind to take a gamble. He knew the great victories of the Huwei army, and he also heard about the great victory under the Shenyang city from Sun Pengju. In fact, the main idea of ​​the gamble was Sun Pengju Instigating, copying the Jurchen's retreat, the cavalry will never suffer from the infantry.

This time, Sun Shoulian made the right bet.
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(End of this chapter)

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