Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 998 Pushing Over

Chapter 998 Pushing Over

The mountains on both sides of the battlefield are covered with trees that have lost their leaves and are covered with snow. The undisguised actions of the Donglu Jurchen soldiers can be clearly seen.

Not only was there an enemy in front, but the two wings were also attacked. The soldiers observing the battlefield immediately told Wang Tong about this situation, but Wang Tong ignored it at all and just looked ahead.

The gunfire soldiers retreated under the shield of the spearmen, and the rear army of the Jurchen cavalry rolled up the front army. Even if the people in front wanted to hesitate and be timid, the people behind still pushed forward. In this canyon terrain, There are mountains on both sides, and it is impossible to escape from other directions.

The first regiment and the second regiment of the Huwei Army are the units with the most veterans. Their combat effectiveness and will are recognized by all parties. There is an unwritten rule that the soldiers of the first and second regiments must at least start from a small flag First of all, the local regiment training and Guihua city side should be a leader like a captain.

In front of them was the Jurchens' menacing cavalry, and the infantry of the first regiment and the second regiment of the Tiger's Might Army had firm expressions, and the spears in their hands also did not tremble, pointing firmly ahead.

Although the Jurchens were galloping on their horses, according to the rules, some people took the bows and arrows from the horses. The opponent's spear infantry array could be said to be man-to-man.

However, the gunners on both sides and in the gap between the opponent's two spear arrays kept firing. They quickly loaded the ammunition and tamped it down, and then fired.

Although the density of firepower was not as terrible as before, bullets were still flying across the sky. The cavalry on the horse had no time to shoot their own arrows, so they lowered their bodies as much as possible, so as to get to the opponent's front as soon as possible.

It was less than fifty steps away, but the Jurchen cavalry who was brandishing their weapons and roaring became more and more astonished. The appearance of the soldiers in front could be seen clearly, and even the cracks on the opponent's face could be seen. But the opponent was not afraid or shaken. The sunlight, the reflection of the snow, the light of the opponent's spear and plate armor suddenly made the Jurchen cavalry feel very dazzling
Less than thirty steps away, I can feel that the opponent's firecrackers are getting denser. The bold firecrackers even take a step or two away from the array and shoot obliquely. If you can fire, you can fire. At this distance, you can hit people or horses.

The roaring Jurchen cavalry in the queue often suddenly leaned back and fell off their mounts, and some people limply lay on the horses, motionless.

But the momentum of the brigade is getting stronger and stronger, and they are about to collide. They believe that no matter what kind of pawns they are, they will not be able to maintain their formation under such a shocking impact.

Twenty paces, ten paces, they were about to hit each other, the spears still didn't understand, the ferocious faces of the Jurchen cavalry rushing to the front turned into fear, into panic, the infantry didn't disperse, but they wanted to You have to subconsciously pull the horse to avoid it, but where can you avoid such a rush.

The Jurchen cavalry's mounts are also living creatures. No matter how tame they are, instinct is the most important thing at critical moments. Naturally, the horses are unwilling to crash into the steel jungle in front. Some of them stand up while running, and some start to romp Jumping, when a horse suddenly makes this movement while running at high speed, there is often only one end result, that is, falling and rolling, throwing the cavalry on the ground, and some Jurchen cavalry roared and beat the horse's belly with spurs, causing the horse to suffer. go forward.

"Kill, kill!!"

The soldiers of the first regiment and the second regiment of the Huwei army also roared wildly. Some of the enemies fell in front of them, some deflected, and some ran straight in.

A cavalryman crashes in, and the array is often dented inward. Four or five spears are often pierced into him and his mount. The spears in the hands of some spearmen cannot withstand such a large force, and they are bent to the limit and then broken However, the spearmen couldn't withstand such an impact, and sat back, their arms numb, but they still clenched their spears tightly. As for the broken ones, the companions behind him immediately made up for them and continued to serve as the formation.

The dead cavalry in the front row and the jumping horses successfully blocked the charge of the rear team, but the Jurchen cavalry who kept rushing into the spear formation made gaps in the tight spear formation. Although the Jurchen cavalry in the rear team There is no high-speed Mercedes-Benz, but it can rush in and fight.

Some people were able to shoot bows and arrows on horseback, and some people took out long knives and swords on horseback. There were also casualties in the queue of spearmen, but these Jurchen soldiers could only move once or twice, and they were immediately poked down by spears. All the non-commissioned officers are moving forward, they can stab with axes and spears, they can chop, and they can also hook the Jurchen cavalry on horseback.

Gradually, the Jurchen cavalry who were lucky enough to rush into the enemy's formation began to be eliminated, and the spear formation began to return to its original shape. The Jurchen cavalry had lost their speed, and they all piled up in front of the spear formation. It may not be cheaper than infantry, and the length of the weapon is far inferior.

The spearmen of the Huwei army can easily stab the Jurchen cavalry, but apart from bows and arrows, the cavalry can only hurt people by throwing their weapons out.

Even bows and arrows can cause extremely limited damage to well-armored spearmen, but the cotton armor on Jurchen cavalry can't stop the powerful stabbing of spears and the chopping blows of axes and spears.

In the area directly facing the firecrackers, a bell mouth was formed. The firecrackers fired continuously, making it impossible for the enemy cavalry to rush in. The continuous firing of the firecrackers made the open space continue to expand.

In fact, the two wings of the entire Huwei army are now shooting, and the gunmen are firing uninterruptedly on the hillside. The team began to fight the enemy in the mountains and forests.

The morale of the Jurchen soldiers had already dropped. The troops who took the mountain roads to attack the Ming army's flanks were just harassment. They could only wait for a breakthrough in the frontal battlefield if they wanted to cause decisive damage, but the frontal cavalry charge was defeated by the opponent. If the infantry of the opponent is blocked, the opponent's army is as stable as Mount Tai, and their attack will naturally become useless.

Moreover, the counterattack organized by the Ming army was very powerful. The squad composed of musketball soldiers, spearmen, and non-commissioned officers can reach far, fight close combat, and cooperate with each other. It is inconvenient to use long soldiers in the woods. It is extremely brave, and they are skilled in cooperating with each other. A team is only more than ten people, but the Jurchen soldiers who are proud of their bravery often need several times the number of people to resist, not to mention the gap between weapons and armor. Any killing, if someone counterattacks, you will be seriously injured or die immediately, and no one has the heart to support it.

Some of the more than a hundred personal guards around Wang Tong were guarding Wang Tong with axes and guns, and some were holding firecrackers and shooting continuously. They were with the firecracker team that retreated to the far right of the infantry.

The Jurchen cavalry also saw that this is where the handsome flag is located, and wanted to invest enough power here, but the river valley beach has limited space, so they can't strengthen it if they want to, and the firepower of the firecrackers is very dense. The firecrackers are even more energetic, and their shooting frequency has increased a lot.

Lead bullets poured over like rain, and after the first contact impact, the Jurchen cavalry even deliberately avoided this direction.

Wang Tong was observing the battlefield on his horse. He could see that although the enemy's brigade was still pushing forward, the cavalry fighting with the front line of spearmen was constantly retreating. Now the spearmen of the two regiments of Huwei Army Soldiers often have to make large assassination moves to touch the opponent, and now the killing output already relies on firearms.

"Blow the horn!! Beat the snare drum, the first regiment and the second regiment move forward!"

Wang Tong gave a loud order, and the trumpeter picked up the brass horn and began to blow the marching horn. The sharp brass horn temporarily suppressed all the sounds on the battlefield, and the drums, which had been silent for a long time, sounded together, and the non-commissioned officers all retreated. However, the shooting of the firecrackers suddenly became violent, and the Jurchen cavalry could only retreat in panic.

The distance between each other was slightly opened, the non-commissioned officers corrected the formation of the spearmen, the rhythm of the drums changed again, and the group began to move forward.

The Ming army no longer defended but attacked forward. The spears pressed forward layer by layer. They didn't know how to block them. Every cavalry on the horse faced several spears. If they blocked one, they would be killed. Others were stabbed to death.

The impact and battle completely exhausted their courage and fighting spirit. The bravest fighters had already died in the impact and battle. Looking at the steel thorns rolling in front of them, some people began to turn their horses around, and some were killed. The rear team slashed and killed, and some of the rear team ran away together. If the companion wanted to enforce the military law with him, they would turn their faces and fight.

The cavalry ranks continued to collapse and run around in the crowd. The advance of the Jurchen brigade had also stopped. The front wanted to retreat, but the people behind continued to move forward. It had become congested and chaotic, and the Jurchen army stopped.

Meet on a narrow road, the two sides fight to the death, one side advances and the other side must retreat, if the momentum stops, that is a dead end, the array of Tiger Mighty Army spearmen is not fast in order to keep order, but even so, they can still catch up with the enemy Footsteps, calm assassination.

This is especially true for the musketeers, each of them only fired three or four rounds of ammunition during the battle, and now they can shoot as much as they want, but there is a frontal shooting opportunity between the three gaps between the two pikemen. The number of people is really limited. In order to rotate as quickly as possible without affecting the formation, after the soldiers shoot, they don't turn around directly, but run around the formation, return to the rear from the edge to load ammunition, and then go back and forth shooting.

"Master, we can't stand the front anymore, let's go back quickly!"

Shuerhaqi's Bianyala guard said in a panic, Shuerhaqi was at the end of the cavalry formation, his hand holding the rein was trembling, but his mind was confused, how could the cavalry be defeated when they charged into the formation.
(End of this chapter)

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