Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 997 Who is the Brave

Chapter 997 Who is the Brave

The branches trembled, the snow fell, and there was a lot of snow outside the customs. The vibrations of the large groups of people who were too far away were often not so obvious. Now these signs indicate that the enemy is not far away.

I just made this judgment, but I saw that the cavalry who had just been sent out to explore the road were rushing back like crazy, and they yelled immediately before they got off their horses when they arrived at the main formation:

"There is an enemy cavalry group five miles away, rushing towards this side!"

That is, as soon as they finished speaking, they saw a large number of cavalry emerging from the other end of the valley, rushing in this direction.

"Marshal, turn up the big car to cover it!"

The situation suddenly became so urgent that the people around Wang Tong also forgot their dignity and shouted anxiously. Wang Tong shook his head and said in a deep voice:
"Confused! After the big cart was transferred from the rear team, there was no time, but the team made him mess up!"

After saying this, Wang Tong said loudly:
"Give me the commander-in-chief's order. The whole army should stop and form formations on the spot. The first regiment and the second regiment are in the front, defending the formation. The third regiment and the fourth regiment's firecrackers step forward and the first regiment and the second regiment's firecrackers. Let's shoot together!"

The commander-in-chief was issued, the drums were beating quickly, and the generals gave loud orders. The firecrackers who had just gone to chase the ambush on the mountain hurriedly formed a team, trotted to the front of the two regiments, and [-] firecrackers began to stand up in layers. , where the ammunition is loaded.

"Don't set up a large horizontal team, leave room for the firecrackers to maneuver!"

Wang Tong had already found a mount at this time, and he yelled loudly on the horse. The road formed by the valley was not wide at all. It seems to be a complete defense, but in fact it has no elasticity.

After being scolded by Wang Tong, he saw Li Hu's head slapped his helmet with his hand, and the formation of the spearmen was readjusted, becoming a two-column formation, which actually left three firecrackers behind. The passage of soldiers is guaranteed to be thick enough.

With such an arrangement in the front, the infantry regiments behind were also adjusted accordingly. The three paths left were more than a hundred steps backwards, facing the infantry regiments behind.

"The number of firecrackers in front is sufficient, strengthen the defense of the flanks, and don't be harassed by the enemy's small team!"

Wang Tong shouted orders, he was on the right side of the first regiment, the bodyguards and messengers ran back and forth on horses, because they were walking, so the horses were also behind the queue, and they all changed horses with the cavalry.

"The cavalry are all maneuvering behind the second regiment and are ready at any time."

The sound of horseshoes on the opposite side had covered his words, and Wang Tong's voice could only be heard as he raised his voice. Now the opposite side of the river valley is full of enemy soldiers and horses.

When it was about [-] paces away, the leaders raised their knives, and the speed of the whole brigade slowed down slowly, until it stopped at about [-] paces.

You can see the cavalry of Donglu Jurchen constantly adjusting their positions, aligning their positions, someone shouting loudly there, and even cavalry can be seen putting a second layer of armor on their bodies.

Li Hutou is at the side of Wang Tong's position. The right end of the first row of the army is the commander's position, and the position of the first regiment and the coach is just adjacent.

"Brother, the Tartars really had a good time until we ran out of guns. If the artillery was there, the guns at a distance of three catties would smash them to death. These Tartars are very thoughtful!"

Wang Tong nodded, pondered for a while, and said:
"Not only is there no artillery, on such a narrow battlefield, our input is limited, and their input is also limited, but they have enough cavalry to have an advantage, and when the two armies meet in this narrow place, they still If you have to fight with us for courage, this is the place where the two armies meet and the brave wins."

The original origin of the saying that the two armies meet and the brave wins is that a battle between Qin and Zhao during the Warring States Period also met in such a corridor terrain. They fought each other to the death, and the Zhao army won. It is appropriate to put it here.

Li Hu spit on the ground with his head, and said disdainfully:
"This group of bastards really think they can rush over in front of our firecrackers. It's a good idea!"

Wang Tong shook his head and said in a deep voice:
"Don't be superstitious about firearms. It is still the spear and sword that decides the final outcome of the battlefield, at least for now."

The Tartar soldiers and horses on the opposite side also started shouting. From this distance, the shouting on the other side can also be heard clearly here, because the shouting is too loud.

"If the person in front turns his head and turns around, the person behind him can immediately behead him. This is the same from the front to the back. If I turn my head and run away, Shaggy cut off my head. The beheaded person, his land, livestock, All property, wives and children belong to the people behind, and if the Ming army in front is captured, I don’t want any of the property seized, and everyone will share it equally!”

Someone who knew Jurchen's words translated it to Wang Tong, and some people passed the words to the commanders of the first and second regiments, and their expressions became serious.

"Pass me the commander-in-chief's order, and the firecrackers will immediately retreat to the spear array after a round of shooting, and shoot freely under the cover!"

After delivering the order, Wang Tong turned to Li Hutou beside him and said:

"Did you think that the burst fire of the firecrackers can completely solve the enemy's impact?"

Although Li Hutou didn't speak, his expression showed that he really thought so. Wang Tong explained:
"The enemy's strength is sufficient, their speed is sufficient, and they are determined. The first round of shooting in the firecracker formation can be fully fired, but at the beginning of the second round, during the interval, the enemy may rush into the formation. It must be tragic, and everything must be safe on such a battlefield."

Wang Tong immediately looked around and said again:

"The enemy has already carried out surprise attacks and harassment in the forests on both sides just now, and there may not be any later. Use the firecrackers to withstand the enemy's first wave of impact, and withdraw enough troops to prepare for the surprise attack!"

Li Hutou has been learning and growing, but as a battalion officer of the Huwei Army, he has never independently commanded the army's battles. He also spends his days training soldiers to garrison places. Wang Tong has always been in command, and he follows orders. In the past, Wang Tong would not explain so much to him, but now it is different.

After the lecture over there, the formation was adjusted again. More than a dozen cavalry in heavy armor came to the front of the formation, and the enemy's team also fell silent.

On the side of the Huwei army, the formations of the spearmen, firecrackers, and cavalry are also ready to report one by one, and the carts are still being adjusted. In this narrow terrain, how to arrange the last carts of the team? Placement is a very troublesome thing, but the Jurchens' team doesn't give them any time.

A dozen or so heavy armored cavalry in the lead could be seen roaring in unison, charging forward with their horses first, and the large group of cavalry behind them moving slowly. At this distance, everyone in the front row could feel the tremor of the ground.

After the horse trotted for a few steps, it began to accelerate slowly, the vibration on the ground intensified, and the Jurchen cavalry roared and shouted on the horse.

The gunfire soldiers of the Huwei Army did not panic. They have experienced such scenes many times. Once a larger cavalry group launched a charge opposite them, and they were hit by the fireball salvo. They just hold the firecracker and the wooden fork below to maintain the balance of the firecracker, and then blow down the fire head from time to time to keep the fire head burning.

The commander of the firecracker line watched the enemy approaching nervously. This battle was different from that under the Shenyang city. The enemy had to be brought close enough to shoot at the Shenyang city to cause enough damage, but this time it was to stop the enemy at a certain point Beyond the distance, the enemy cannot break in.

When there were still five steps away from the effective range, the firecracker commander in the first row had already chopped down the ax spear in his hand, and the firecrackers began to explode.

The axes and spears were swung down, and when the soldiers opened fire, the Donglu Jurchen cavalry had already rushed into the range, and the dozen or so heavy armored cavalry who rushed to the front lowered their bodies desperately. Cotton armor, hoping to resist the opponent's firecrackers. According to the previous concept, two layers of cotton armor can't be shot through even by bird blunderbusses.

But this time it was useless. The high-speed flying lead bullets pierced through the cotton armor and directly tore through flesh and blood. Some fell directly to the ground from their horses, others were dragged by stirrups, and the horses ran in panic. At the beginning of the strict order, no one dared to slack off or run away. Everyone felt that they could rush over, rush over this short distance, and then hack and kill.

After the first column fired, they turned around and retreated, and the second column fired again. The Jurchen cavalry were dismounted and continued to charge.

The queues that can be expanded horizontally are really limited. Although there are sufficient kills each time, the total number of casualties is not many. The Jurchen cavalry can form this situation of one after another.

The firecrackers are terrible. Even though the cavalry is constantly moving forward, this advancement is only because the opponent keeps retreating during the shooting process. No matter how good the horsemanship is, how thick the armor is, and how flexible the movements are, they cannot avoid it. After the firing of the firecrackers, all the famous warriors screamed and fell off their horses, some of them didn't even have time to scream!
They were still urging and forcing, saying that they couldn't turn back, but everyone couldn't help but slowed down their horses and didn't dare to rush ahead.

No matter what the process is, the cavalry is always moving forward, and the terrible firecrackers of the Ming army have also retreated into the formation. The infantry is in front, and everyone can't help speeding up the horse. No matter what, when the horses come to the front, the pawns will be shocked and collapsed.

The pawns in front of them seemed to be a little different from the firecrackers just now, and the faces of these pawns were also very calm, they just leveled the spears in their hands and pointed them forward.

"Reject the horse!!"

A general gave an order loudly, and the soldiers in the first row stuck the end of their spears to the ground, tilted their bodies and held the spears with one hand, and immediately unfolded the spears that were originally vertically facing the sky.

"Master! Tartars are coming from the mountains on both sides!!"

someone yelled,

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(End of this chapter)

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