Chapter 996
Nurhaci united the divided Jianzhou Jurchen, and conquered from east to west. After winning victories one by one, he had a high prestige among the Jurchen ministries, so he was embraced as Yingming Khan, which was even closer to the status of an emperor. Everyone dared to disobey his orders, but Shuerhaqi was an exception.

After the messengers who had worked so hard to come from Jianzhou read Nurhachi's order, Shuerhaqi was a little reluctant, hesitated for a while and said:
"I know what the Khan is thinking, but now the Ming army is marching lightly without carrying cannons. It is a good opportunity to defeat them. If they wait for their cannons to be brought up, I am afraid they will not be able to move them. You go back and tell the Khan , it would be best if reinforcements could be sent, and at worst, we would have to outflank from Yahu Pass to defeat this route, and the rest would be no problem.”

The messenger was Bai Yala, the personal guard next to Nurhachi. When he saw that Shuerhaqi did not obey Yingming Khan's orders, he immediately became angry, and his tone was also strict:

"Khan said that it is not easy for the Ministry of Jianzhou to have the power it has today, so we must not act rashly and waste it for nothing!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he was directly kicked down by Shuerhaqi. Several of the guards who sent the orders drew their knives, but the guards around Shuerhaqi also did the same. Shuerhaqi Pointing at his own soldiers, he cursed and said:

"The things between us brothers are only interrupted by a slave like you. Isn't it for the sake of Jianzhou that I do things like this, and I will go back and report to the Khan. This opportunity will never come back. I will give everything to win it." , The cost is also the cost of my own slaves, please rest assured Yingming Khan!"

In the team led by Shuerhaqi, the main elites are all the elites of his own tribes, and the Jurchen is still a union of various tribes. Although Nurhachi is the king of Khan, the people below each have their own tribes. , belongs directly to his own master, and Nurhachi cannot directly give orders.

Moreover, due to Shuerhaqi's bravery and long time in Jianzhou, his followers accounted for one-third of the Jianzhou Ministry, which is why Shuerhaqi is the second person in the Jianzhou Ministry one.

In the time and space without Wang Tong, after Nurhachi established Houjin, he imprisoned Shuerhaqi and died. The strength of the army was distributed and weakened several times before it was given to Jierhalang, but even so, Shuerhaqi's inlaid blue flag was the largest among the Eight Banners.

Because of such power, Shuerhaqi also has his own ideas in action, and he is not going to obey Nurhachi's orders right now.

The Baiyala soldiers who sent the order could do nothing. In the army of other people, they could march directly, hang them with bowstrings or escort them back to Hetuala to return to their orders. But in Shuerhaqi's camp, a group of people They all only listen to Shuerhaqi, if they really want to confront each other, they will be the ones who will be killed first.

Walking on the road formed by river valleys and river beaches, there are forests on both sides. Wang Tong also came to Liaoning in that time and space, and went to many places, but there were few trees.

Now Wang Tong didn't know how Sun Shoulian was doing in Gushan Fort, nor how far Shuerhaqi's team was from him, but he knew that if he walked in this direction, he would definitely collide with Shuerhaqi's army.

There are many trails in the mountains and forests, and those who are familiar with the old forests can also go east from these trails to the outside of the side wall, or avoid Wang Tong's army.

But there is no supplies, no positions for generals, after the army of more than [-] people walks out, how many of them will be left? , this actually saved Wang Tong a lot of effort.

The Jianzhou Jurchens have finally reached this point. Naturally, the gathered power will not be discarded in vain. The two sides will inevitably collide along this tributary. .

For the soldiers of the Huwei Army, the daily long-distance march is very hard, but that is the case, because walking long distances with weapons, whether it is a new soldier or a veteran, is doing it every day, and the hard training has made them adapt to it. Well, the trouble now is that it's hard to eat lunch.

Stopped for half an hour at noon, chopping firewood for daily life, boiling water for cooking, time is tight, the dry food that has been frozen in the skin is often not hot enough, it is really uncomfortable to eat half-cold, but fortunately, there is hot water Come on, or the stomach will have trouble, but it is better to eat in the morning and evening.

In addition to being able to light a fire and cook with ease, the Volunteer Cavalry also hunted some wild animals nearby. There were often big guys like roe deer, wild boar, and deer. Come on, it tastes better when you eat it, and it is precisely because of these fats that the soldiers can support themselves during the cold march.

"Commander, there are too many scouting activities in front of the Tartars, it is difficult for us to move forward!"

Wang Tong stood on the edge of a tributary of the Taizi River, the army marched beside him, several generals stood beside him, and there were two heads on the snow in front of him.

"It shouldn't be far from Shuerhaqi. If he can cut off two heads by himself, he is also a hero. Who is this?"

Wang Tong made a judgment and asked, and the general beside him quickly said:
"Returning to the commander, this is the cavalry soldier who joined the army from the people of Liao. He beheaded the most when he was a hero. Now he is a small banner in the army. His name is Yu Feng."

There was still blood on Yu Feng's body, and he stood respectfully in front of Wang Tong. Yu Feng grew up very quickly in the bloody battle. According to the evaluation of the generals of the Huwei Army, this man was born to be on the battlefield. To ride means that he shoots and kills alone, and then returns with his head chopped off.

"After chopping off so many heads, and being able to bring the news back, he is a capable person, promoted to the general banner, and let Sanbiao pay attention to cultivation in the future!"

Wang Tong said with a smile, Yu Feng hurriedly knelt down to thank him, Wang Tong pondered for a while, and said:
"The enemy is right in front of us. According to the established rules, the scouts should not scatter. Just search along the river valley and report back at any time!"

The people on the side were just about to agree, but they heard some commotion at the edge of the line, and everyone's attention was diverted immediately. Yell, someone is yelling.

"Commander, there are Tartar soldiers in ambush in the woods on both sides of the road, and the gunfire soldiers have been killed or injured!"

A general patrolling the army came to report, Wang Tong frowned and said:
"The spearmen continued to advance, half of the firecrackers counterattacked, and half continued to follow the brigade. The cavalry left 200 people as the leader, and the rest dismounted and joined the counterattack!"

The firecrackers had already started to roar, and some generals gave orders loudly. Yu Feng clasped his fists and saluted, and rushed to fight. Wang Tong pondered for a while, then turned his head and asked:
"How far is it from here to Alkali Field Fort?"

"Marshal Eleven Li up and down!"

"The non-commissioned officers of the first battalion and the second battalion of each regiment joined the counterattack on both sides, and the rest of the regiments continued to advance. After five miles forward, the whole army stopped to rest!"

The orderly agreed loudly that the first and second battalions of each regiment were the most elite of the regiment, and the proportion of veterans was very high. The so-called non-commissioned officers were small banners and captains. Wei had already joined the Huwei Army when he was a guard, and his combat experience was extremely rich.

They are often elite warriors wearing plate armor and holding axes and short swords. Donglu Jurchen shoot arrows from the woods on both sides to injure people. Chasing and counterattacks are more individual combat, so Wang Tong must devote himself to being good at melee combat. the power of.

Marching in cold weather, the fire of the matchlock is easy to extinguish, and the burning time of the matchlock is not longer than the time of marching. In order to avoid consumption, only a small number of people in charge of security remain ready to shoot at any time.

When encountering an enemy in a hurry, the firecrackers that can be fired may not necessarily be the position where the enemy is encountered, but they are in a hurry, but the Jurchen soldiers who shoot arrows still follow the old concept, thinking that the range of the opponent's firecrackers will not be too far, and the power is very powerful. Limited, they soon learned their lesson.

Within the distance that the Jurchens' bows and arrows can kill the enemy, the Huwei Army's firecrackers are also quite accurate, and their power is even more powerful. When an arrow hits a person, sometimes it will be blocked by armor, but the Ming army's firecrackers fire, as long as they concentrate , It must be a death or injury, even if it hits the limbs, the bones are smashed, and it is lead poisoning, then there is only disability and death.

After the cavalry cavalry dismounted and the non-commissioned officers joined the battle, the idea of ​​the Jurchen soldiers hoping to rely on trees as a cover was also in vain. They were good at shooting, and the warriors who came from the volunteer cavalry were also good at it. They hoped to fight hand-to-hand. .

As soon as the Huwei army counterattacked, the Jurchen soldiers on both sides immediately suffered heavy casualties. They wanted to retreat, but they retreated far away. They couldn't shoot the Ming army with their bows and arrows, but the firecrackers could still kill them. It took a long way to go, and it took a lot of physical strength , carefully lurking near the army, but could only launch one attack, and immediately hit his head badly, left the body and fled in embarrassment.

They originally thought that the weapons of the Ming army were powerful, and they would definitely be weak in close-range hand-to-hand combat, but they didn't expect that the non-commissioned officers with axes, spears and short swords would not suffer at all in hand-to-hand combat, and they were equally brave and fearless. It's a headache, stabbing and cutting basically won't cause damage, only smashing or chopping with enough strength will be effective.

But before making such an action, the opponent's ax spear had already assassinated him
The screams and fights in the mountains on both sides of the valley gradually subsided. The sneak attacking enemies were expelled and annihilated, and the wounded were simply bandaged and sent to the cart behind the team.

The army continued to move forward amidst the turmoil, while the firecrackers loaded with ammunition and prepared to be fired moved around in the mountains and forests, searching for remnants of the enemy. When it was quiet, it was just a moment of incense. Someone noticed that the treetops seemed to be shaking
It doesn't seem that the vibration is becoming more and more obvious, and the snow on the branches is falling.

(End of this chapter)

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