Chapter 995

Until now, Sun Shoulian had already prepared for the worst, but his own son came running, so Sun Shoulian had to adjust his plan, and prepared to break up with the guards himself, so he had to let his child run out. No matter what, Wang Tong should be grateful for his kindness and support him in many ways.

After making this plan, he couldn't sleep at night, tossing and turning, thinking about his wives and concubines at home, thinking about the wealth of his family, he really couldn't bear it.

All of Sun Shoulian's direct relatives also knew that the battle to the death would be tomorrow, and it was still unknown whether everyone would be able to return to Phoenix City. In such a situation, they naturally couldn't sleep.

He never expected that after a heavy night, he got up early and saw this scene. The Tartar army camped around the Gushan Fort disappeared without a trace.

Of course, it is impossible to disappear out of thin air. The Jurchens’ camp regulations are still there, and those heavy siege equipment are also there. When I asked the soldiers on duty at night, they said that they heard the commotion in the Jurchen queue in the middle of the night and thought it was a night attack. Getting farther and farther away, I just feel weird, and dare not act rashly.

Donglu Jurchens were careful enough to retreat, and they didn't disturb the extremely nervous Sun Shoulian's troops.

Sun Shoulian breathed a sigh of relief, he had turned back from the brink of defeat, but the news brought by Sun Pengju made him have to think carefully.

When Sun Peng came quickly, the Huwei army led by Wang Tong had already set off, and he did not keep the Donglu army, which was inconsistent with Wang Tong's oral message.

After thinking about it, Sun Shoulian ordered most of the soldiers to build fortifications in Gushanbao to prevent death, while he himself led [-] guards and pursued the Tartars.

The Tartars finally withdrew, and everyone had to get out of the catastrophe, so why bother to catch up and die, the number of personal guards is small, if they went to pursue them, wouldn't that be delivering food to the Tartars?
"It used to be for life and death, but now it's for wealth and honor. It's very different."

Sun Shoulian answered very clearly.

During the rapid march, Wang Tong slept the least. The scope of comparison also includes the civilian labor team behind. Going to sleep in a hurry, before going to bed, Wang Tong will conduct random inspections in various military camps to see if the soldiers have picked up the blisters on their feet, which is the most influential part of the long-distance trek.

After all the soldiers fell asleep, Wang Tong and the soldiers on duty at night waited for the arrival of the luggage team. After the arrival of the luggage team, Wang Tong would count the animals that died during the day, and then the civilian men who supervised the luggage team delivered the dry food for the next day. and supplies are ready before going to sleep.

Humans are the most hard-working animals. The cattle and horses that transported the luggage kept closing down, but the soldiers and civilian husbands were full of food and had rest, but they were able to persevere.

The Huwei army has already passed the confluence of the Taizi River and the tributary, and marched south along the tributary at Songshukou
From Gushanbao to Songshukou, there is only one road for the army to march. Wang Tong led the army all the way, and along the way, he only saw a small group of Jurchen and Mongolian soldiers who were fleeing, but saw the whereabouts of the army.

It is impossible for an army of tens of thousands to come and go without a trace. When the Huwei army turned into the tributary of the Taizi River, one thing can be confirmed. Shuerhaqi, the Jurchen army, has blocked it.

During the rapid march, the cavalry that Wang Tong can use is very limited. There are only a few hundred volunteer cavalry scattered along the route of the army to scout and spy. The number of people is limited, and the information obtained is naturally limited, but an accurate judgment can still be made, Shu Erhazi was blocked.

When going north and going south, they are all tributaries of the Taizi River, and they will inevitably meet on the valley road.

Wang Tong had few cavalry at his disposal, but Shuerhaqi had a lot of cavalry at his disposal. Moreover, the news of the great victory under Shenyang City could not be blocked at all. Shuerhaqi also knew the situation and results of the battle. Otherwise, Shuerhaqi would not have retreated overnight after getting the news.

Nearly [-] troops under the city were wiped out within a day, and Shuerhaqi had more than [-] troops, and they were all from the Jianzhou Department, which was much stronger than that of Haixi Jurchen.

In Baishan Heishui, Jianzhou Jurchen is a political term, representing the integrated power of Nurhachi, while Haixi Jurchen is a geographical term, representing many tribes, not a whole.

According to the news from the city of Shenyang, the artillery of the Ming army coming from the pass is very powerful. Once fired, it will be like a thunderbolt, invincible to those who stand in its way.

Shuerhaqi has thousands of cavalry in his hand, including the Jurchen's own cavalry, as well as the Mongol cavalry who have always been friends with the Jurchen. These people are very familiar with the terrain outside the pass. When retreating, Shuerha Qi's side is also cautious about the movements of Wang Tong's reinforcements.

The scouts on Jurchen's side have been completely spread out, and the scope has expanded to a very large extent, and those who inquire about the news are also aware of it.

Two days after the Huwei army marched along the branch of the Taizi River, they could already see enemy cavalry passing by or cruising far away.

The number of volunteer cavalry is too small, and they are mostly used to find out the road and find suitable places to camp. They are used to strangle each other with the enemy's scouting cavalry, but it is far from enough to cover the battlefield. Wang Tong simply ignores it , so that the firecrackers are arranged on the periphery of the queue, and if the enemy dares to approach within range, they will fire immediately.The Volunteer Cavalry is no longer scattered, but gathered into a brigade and dispatched to explore the way.

Under such circumstances, if you can't beat the opponent, you may be able to retreat completely. For those detective horses that move around the army like flies, Wang Tong's attitude is:

"The goal of our army is the main force of the Jurchens, and everything is based on a decisive battle with the main force!"

Shuerhaqi is only in his early thirties, but he has a very high prestige in the Jurchen Ministry of Jianzhou. The so-called Jianzhou has one dragon and one tiger. The dragon refers to Nurhachi, and the tiger is Shuerhaqi.

The Jurchens are already slightly taller than the Han people, but among the Jurchens, Shuerhaqi's tallness is also very conspicuous.

Hearing the news of the defeat in the city of Shenyang, the Jurchen army was a little flustered, but they were not afraid. For the scattered Haixi Jurchen and Mongolian allied forces, they had been fighting between white mountains and black waters for almost four years. Jianzhou Jurchen looked down on them very much.

They lost the battle, but we may not. Everyone has this thought and thinks that this reserve is still there. Although Shu Erhaqi led them to retreat hastily, the whole team's spirit is still there and has not collapsed.

Every day, Shuerhaqi also patrolled the camp calmly, and there was no sign of anxiety in arranging the arrangements, which made the people below feel less panic.

Detective Horse and Detective Cavalry returned after being sent out, and kept bringing news from the front back here. Every time Shuerhaqi listened with a calm face, as for what was in his heart, others did not know.

It was the beginning of February, and the snow and ice on the side of the road in the forest showed no sign of melting, but it did get a little warmer. After listening to the report from the horse scouting, Shuerhaqi moved his eyebrows, and then let the horse move around, looking like To patrol the camp, in fact, do not want to be heard.

"Did you explain that the army brigade marches without artillery? It's just the infantry rushing forward? Only in the middle of the night can the luggage and artillery catch up!"

"Master, it's absolutely true. The servant followed them all day and night, and set out with them again. This group of Ming soldiers was anxious to rescue Gushanbao. They didn't bring any luggage, and they marched completely lightly."

When he just got the news of the battle in Shenyang City, Shuerhaqi didn't believe it was true at all. What kind of Ming army soldiers could wipe out tens of thousands of soldiers and horses in less than a day, and there was such an unimaginable As for firearms, everyone who came to report mentioned the word thunderbolt. It seems that in their opinion, only thunderbolt has such power.

More and more people escaped to report the news and inquired about the news on the battlefield. Only then did Shuerhazi confirm this. Many people even turned pale and trembled unconsciously when they talked about artillery.

Because the artillery was too powerful, and the coalition forces under the city failed too quickly, everyone thought it was unbelievable. Everyone felt that there must be some unbelievable reason for this. Ruo Leiting's artillery was deeply remembered by everyone. Living.

"It's just a little short, our cavalry team is about to rush to the front, just when they are about to finish their firecrackers, but the cannon rang, and the big guy can't stand it all at once."

Everyone has the same idea. Thousands of troops rushed over, and they were very close to the firearms array, so they could be hacked and killed. As a result, when the artillery fired, it was only a little bit short. In the final analysis, in this battle, the firearms The power of the blunderbuss has not had time to be fully utilized, and the power of the artillery is too eye-catching
"It's not impossible to fight this battle, but we must choose the right time and place!"

Shurhazi came to this conclusion
The tributary of the Taizi River turns eastward from the side wall at Gushanbao. The river valleys and beaches are all roads suitable for marching in the mountains. The purpose of setting up forts along this line is actually to defend against the enemies outside the side wall.

But for so many years, the main road for Jianzhou Jurchen and Daming's traffic is at Fushun Pass, and the entrance and exit of Yahu Pass are also along the Taizi River. The front line was becoming increasingly deserted, and the original east-west roads were also covered with trees. The march of the army was to go south and north along the tributaries. The east-west direction might be fine for the small team, but it was very troublesome for the large team.

Where there is a fort, the terrain is relatively flat, and the only roads around the fort for the army to enter and exit are along the tributary of the Taizi River.

Shuerhaqi led his army to stop at the Alkali Field Fortress, and after a day's rest, he moved forward. He wanted to check this time and fight the Ming army during the day when there were no artillery.

When the Jurchen soldiers and horses were marching, the messenger from Hetuala in Jianzhou caught up and brought an order from the wise Han Nurhachi, ordering the entire army to break up into pieces and immediately withdraw to Jianzhou. Allah's main state-building forces converged.

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(End of this chapter)

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