Chapter 994

Sun Shoulian, the deputy commander in charge of southern Liaoning, is very regretful now. He has been fighting here for six full days in Gushanbao. Sun Shoulian doubts whether he can enjoy the many benefits that Wang Tong promised him. It is also left for the descendants to use, and it is hard to say. In the place of the Ming Dynasty, orphans and widows have so much money, they will inevitably be targeted by some ambitious bastards.

Sun Shoulian's line of defense based on the fortress along the Taizi River has already been breached. Originally, Sun Shoulian planned to extend this line of defense as far west as possible, and it would be best if it could be connected to Liaoyang.

In this way, Liaoyang, which has sufficient troops, can provide some support, but the surrounding area of ​​Liaoyang City has shrunk so much that Sun Shoulian is angry that Liaoyang actually dispatched soldiers from the army village near Liaoyang City, making the troops on the Prince River even weaker, and was eventually defeated. The Jurchen forces going south came and went, and they were riddled with holes.

The actions of Jurchen merchants in Liao Town have never been restricted. There are also many real maidens who work as errands and soldiers in Liao Town.

The Jurchen forces led by Shuerhaqi relied on looting villages along the road to replenish supplies, and marched lightly. Although the road was covered with scorched earth and the Han people seemed to have experienced hell-like disasters, Sun Shoulian was hard to guard against.

When the Jurchen brigade was at its deepest point, it once reached Lianshan Pass, which was less than two days away from Sun Shoulian's base camp, Dingliao Youwei Phoenix City.

The line of defense was useless, Wang Tong sent another letter to arrange, and Sun Shoulian couldn't stay in the city to defend. He entrusted the Phoenix City to the big households in the city for joint defense, searched all the forces in the city that could be brought out, and took the initiative to defend the city. Go north to find Shuerhaqi to fight.

It is also a common practice in Liao Town to deduct military pay. Sun Shoulian has a little more money than others, but he also deducts [-]% or [-]% every year according to the routine, otherwise it seems unreasonable.

On this departure, Sun Shoulian's tribe did not suffer from the great defeat in Jiefan Village, but they heard a lot of rumors. There were many people who failed and fled in the military villages on the Taizihe and Guandao lines, but the news they brought was not. Let others worry, panic.

Sun Shoulian also spent his family's money, not only repaying the outstanding food and salary, but also paying two months extra as a starting point, and also promised twice the reward for military achievements.

He also thought clearly that if he followed Wang Tong's orders, he would not have to worry about being rich and honored. If the Jurchens broke through, not only would his own territory be poisoned, but if several big cities fell, the court would pursue them. But without Li Chengliang's solid accumulation, in the end, the newly acquired deputy commander of the division was gone, and he might even be punished.

Sun Shoulian's army moved, but Shuerhaqi's side began to retreat. The defense suddenly turned into a pursuit, and it was enough to force the Jurchen army out of the range of his defense.

However, he didn't dare to disobey Wang Tong's series of orders. He could only pursue, but Shuerhaqi just left. As long as Shuerhaqi gets out of the side wall, he will be considered a great achievement, and it doesn't take much effort.

He even chased along the Taizi River, fully restored the defensive position he had set up, and went from one victory to another.

However, when they pursued to the Songshukou area on the Prince River River, the Jurchen army, which had never engaged in direct combat with the Ming army, rushed over.

The tens of thousands of soldiers led by Sun Shoulian could not resist at all. According to the previous enemy situation, Shuerhaqi led more than [-] men, including more than [-] cavalry. There were already more than Sun Shoulian's, tens of thousands, and almost three thousand cavalry.

If Sun Shoulian led an army full of courage and full of fighting spirit, then the encounter between the two sides would be very fierce, and Sun Shoulian had no way to escape.

The Ming army in southern Liaoning is obviously not the kind of army that can fight to the death, and Sun Shoulian has no intention of fighting to the death here. Once in the battle, after losing a little wind, he led the army to retreat. Naturally, Shuerhaqi's soldiers could not hold on. Let it go, come down and retreat all the way, from the mouth of the pine tree to the south, pass a wall fort, and then the alkali field fort, none of these fortresses stopped, and finally arrived at the Gushan Fort.

Although many of Sun Shoulian's subordinates were scattered, there were more people following them. This is also because they are close to the side wall, surrounded by mountains, and there are pursuers behind them. If they get lost, their lives may be in danger.

The Gushan Fort has little regulations, but Sun Shoulian arrived a day earlier than the Jurchen soldiers. The Gushan Fort is separated from the Samagji Fort and Aiyang Fort in the west by the mountain meadow. For the army, there was no way to retreat, and Sun Shoulian could only stick around here.

As early as this day, Sun Shoulian made full use of it. All the soldiers, whether they were able to fight or not, were mobilized by him to dig trenches and build fortifications outside the city, and began to search for the grain stored in the villages near the fort.

Soldiers rely on fortifications to defend, and their courage and fighting spirit are always much stronger than field battles. The Jurchen soldiers and horses who followed were frustrated on the first day of attack.

Moreover, Jurchen's experience in attacking fortifications is not rich, and even outsiders can always enter the defensive area of ​​Gushanbao. Sun Shoulian also got some news. Bian got a certain amount of replenishment before launching a counterattack.

Sun Shoulian knew the military geography of Liaozhen very well. The purpose of the Jurchen troops now was to wipe out the defenses of the Ming army on the line between Yahu Pass and Taizi River. However, if you enter Liao Town at Yahuguan, you can go straight to the hinterland of Liaodong along the Taizi River, and you can also connect with Korea along the side wall.

The trade between Jurchen and Goryeo is constant. Goryeo is in a sense a middleman between Daming and Jurchen. After this line is opened, Jurchens can not only trade with Goryeo, but because of Goryeo's cowardice, they wantonly plundered It is also possible.

To do this, the Jurchens had to clear the obstacles along the way. For example, if Sun Shoulian's army was completely wiped out, there would be no strength in southern Liaoning.

There is not a large battlefield around the Lonely Mountain Fortress where more than [-] people can fight, and the Lonely Mountain Fortress does not have any tall and thick walls and defenses that have been in operation for many years. The trenches and low walls are all temporary preparations, and the obstacles to the enemy are not that great. , the battle was extremely difficult on the first day.

They are also ordinary pawns. The Jurchen's advantage is too great, and their determination and will to fight are also superior. The reason why Sun Shoulian's subordinates did not collapse is because they are on the defensive side, they have fortifications to rely on, and they cannot retreat at this time. .

Sun Shoulian held his family's personal soldiers in his hands as a reserve team, and if there was any point in the defensive circle of Gushanbao that could not hold up, Sun Shoulian would send a reserve team to plug the gap.

Sun Shoulian's soldiers and servants were almost fully equipped in the Sanjiang workshop, and Sun Shoulian was fed with food and salaries. Their combat effectiveness was quite strong, and it was no problem to plug the gap.

The situation on the first day was maintained like this, but the Gushan Fortress was too small, and the combat effectiveness of the Jurchen infantry completely surpassed the ordinary soldiers of Sun Shoulian's subordinates, allowing them to launch attacks in several suitable directions at the same time. The soldiers are also attacking everywhere.

This kind of defense that blocked leaks everywhere caused the morale of the garrison officers and soldiers to drop severely, and it also made Sun Shoulian's soldiers more and more exhausted.

On the third day of the battle, Sun Shoulian received a report from the soldiers, saying that the Jurchen soldiers and horses had begun to cut down trees on the surrounding mountains, preparing to build siege equipment.

"My mother, I usually raise them to feed them, but I ended up with such a bunch of wolf cubs."

Everyone scolds like this, don't even guess, the uniforms worn by those who made the siege equipment clearly belonged to the soldiers of Liaozhen. On the Jurchen side of Jianzhou, many soldiers in Liao Town did not know the righteousness of the nation.

After the siege equipment was built, the battle to defend Gushanbao became more difficult. With the cover of the big shield, the Ming army was blocked and the bows and arrows were fired. The Jurchen soldiers filled the trenches outside, and then tied them with wooden stakes. The large wooden pillars smashed through the low wall outside.

Without the cover of these simple fortifications, Jurchen soldiers could easily rush in for hand-to-hand combat, and bows and arrows could also cause damage. Sun Shoulian's personal guards and pacesetters also began to suffer casualties.

The scale of the rout of ordinary soldiers became larger, and Sun Shoulian couldn't stop them from beheading one after another. The situation gradually got out of control. On the fourth day of the offensive and defensive battle, nearly a thousand Jurchen soldiers rushed into Gushan Fort. Sun Shoulian He personally led his men to drive these people out.

But when the enemy rushed in, it caused a lot of damage. The warehouse where the grain and grass were stored was set on fire, and the enemy was killed. Those who could mobilize the firefighters in Gushanbao were mobilized, but they could not put out the fire during the battle, and the grain and grass were still burned. It cost a lot of food and food for tens of thousands of people. Sun Shoulian found out in despair that if he wanted to support him, he would have to kill the horse after two days.

The soldiers below are fleeing, and some people go directly to the Jurchen side, but Sun Shoulian's guards are still loyal enough. This situation is desperate. Instead of staying here, it is better for everyone to protect the main house and escape. A silver lining.

When people were panicking, Sun Pengju and a few people entered Gushan Fort. When they arrived near the battlefield, they took the nearby mountain road and then sneaked in from the side of Gushan Fort near the mountain. Going crazy with anger, it's clearly a death situation, why do you sneak in to die
On the morning of the second day after Sun Pengju's arrival, the defenders of Gushan Fort were horrified to find that the enemy troops in front of Gushan Fort suddenly withdrew overnight.

(End of this chapter)

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