Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 993 I will go with you

Chapter 993 I'll Walk With You
After Marin was reprimanded, his complexion was naturally bad, but the generals in Liao Town did not have any complaints. They also disliked Marin. It's useless, Ding Beihou led the army to rescue, what a strong army this is, what are you still talking about, do you think your head is too stable?

The Marquis of Dingbei wants to monopolize the military merits, what can you do? If the Marquis of Dingbei lets go, why don't he lead people to rescue Tielingwei and Liaonan?

The generals in Liao Town now have a headache for fighting the Jurchens. The Jurchens are extremely brave. Liao Town pays too much no matter whether they win or lose. Moreover, the battle in Jiefanzhai and the series of encounters that followed made Liao Zhen Junbing's view of the Jurchens has changed from contempt to a little fear.

However, the generals in the hall still did not understand Wang Tong, they rushed to rescue Shenyang, did not rest after the victory, but continued to fight on the road, what is the purpose of such hard work?
It has reached such a point, why bother to work so hard, and also consume their own soldiers and horses, not only Liao Town, but also other soldiers and horses think so, although if they follow their thinking, Wang Tong should be driving them now Go to the front, consume them, and enjoy the military exploits yourself.

After the siege was relieved, Shenyang City was sleepless all night. The common people were mobilized to prepare food and grass for the upcoming Huwei army. The hasty preparation requested by Wang Tong was too late. , even if his lord Wang wants to use the servants of each family, he can only give it.

The only one who was resting was the Huwei army. The cattle and horses killed outside the city, as well as the captured sheep and other livestock, were slaughtered in large quantities, and were simply cooked and used as rewards. The soldiers had a full meal and then rested as soon as possible.

"During the march, Master Wang also asked me why the soldiers were given such good food, why there was so much oil, and the soldiers did not eat well, so how could they march uninterruptedly for a long distance."

The soldiers were resting, but Wang Tong couldn't rest. He and the lieutenants of the regiments of the Huwei Army inspected the camp and the rest of the soldiers together, and said these words in the commander's tent.

No matter whether it was Li Hutou or Li Xiaobiao, although they felt that today's battle was exciting, they were not exhausted. Hearing Wang Tong's story, the whole group nodded. Facing these direct descendants, Wang Tong preached by example and spoke very deeply.

"The Tiger's Mighty Army has extraordinary fighting power, and everyone in the world knows it, but where does this fighting power come from? One is that the soldiers are well-armored, which can be seen by anyone, and the other is that the training is diligent and non-stop every day. You have personally experienced this. , but the food and salary are never deducted, and the soldiers are allowed to eat and sleep well at any time. You will be willing to do so only if your efforts are rewarded enough.”

Seeing everyone's convinced expressions, Wang Tong said again:
"Now that my officer and Cai Jianjun are watching, you are all people who do things. Naturally, such deductions will not happen. But after a long time in peace, it is inevitable that some people will want to take advantage of the loopholes. With such things, the morale of the army will be greatly reduced. Even the combat power will inevitably decline, and even collapse is inevitable. If you want military achievements and wealth, you must keep an eye on it, and do a complete job of this food supply."

"With Big Brother here, Tiger's Mighty Army will never make such a mess, we don't have to worry too much!"

Li Hutou answered at the bottom, and everyone laughed, they were relatively casual in front of Wang Tong, and this occasion was not a place for military discussions.

Wang Tong and Cai Nan looked at each other, glanced at General Tan who was sitting beside him, smiled and shook his head and said:

"Sooner or later, you will be in charge of one side alone. How can it be possible for me to stare at you all the time?"

The next morning, Wang Tong got up before dawn, and together with the generals of Liao Town who hadn't slept all night, inspected the young and strong and the livestock outside the city.

The dry rations made by the people were also prepared. The garrison officers in the city had collected the dry rations and started to load the livestock. Wang Tong just made a simple arrangement, and most of the goods loaded on the carts were Unloading, the burden of the peasants and the prepared livestock.

The cart was only loaded with enough dry food, a small amount of ammunition, and camping equipment for the Huwei army for a day. For a cart pulled by four horses, it was almost empty. The soldiers only held weapons and did not carry other burdens. thing.

At dawn, after a brief preparation, the soldiers of the Huwei Army began to line up outside the city, ready to go.

"Sun Pengju, I'll give you ten men and thirty horses. You should rush to Gushanbao now and bring this commander's message to your father. Be sure to entangle the Jurchens and bandits. No matter what casualties you have to do, I will protect Sun Shoulian afterwards." The position of a general soldier!"

When Sun Pengju heard that his father was fighting bitterly with the Jurchens in Gushan Fort, he was already very anxious. Hearing Wang Tong's arrangement, Sun Pengju thought about getting off his horse, kowtowed heavily to Wang Tong, and said:
"Marshal, the life and death of the subordinate family depends entirely on the Marshal, so the subordinates should rush there as soon as possible."

Wang Tong nodded and said:
"The Tiger's Mighty Army will rush over there as soon as possible. All these preparations are for the rescue of Gushanbao."

Seeing Sun Peng go away with a dozen or so riders, Wang Tong said again:
"The army marches in a hurry, and those who delay the hesitation march, and the supply and supply teams follow behind. Don't care about the livestock's life and death, and the people's rest and sleep don't care about it, but you must catch up with the tiger's might every day. Otherwise, the leader will be beheaded. "

This statement was extremely severe, Liu Sanlang accepted the order awe-inspiringly, and Wang Tong ordered:
"The dry rations provided by Shenyang City are sufficient, and civilian husbands can also eat four meals a day, but they can't delay their journey. Liu San, do you know how to do it?"

"I will understand at the end!"

Wang Tong got on his horse and looked at the infantry waiting in line. He rode his horse and started running towards the front of each infantry team. Stand still, so that Wang Tong's loud shout will be relayed to everyone in order to ensure that everyone can hear it.

"The Gushan Fort, which is 250 miles away from here, is waiting for our Huwei army, waiting for us to win. We must rush there as soon as possible to win and rescue the friendly army."

The queue was very quiet, and the soldiers listened solemnly. Wang Tong got off his horse and said again:

"The cavalry will guard the baggage team, and this commander will walk forward with you!!"

The military discipline was strict, but the scene was still agitated. The guards who were on the horse and the generals of the regiments dismounted. Wang Tong waved his hand, the password was issued, and the infantry team filed out.

Everyone knew the march was going to be tough for the next few days, but everyone was willing and motivated because their commander was walking and marching with them.

All the generals watching around and at the top of the city felt incredible, and Li Ruzhen whispered to Li Rubai:

"Wang Tong treats himself so harshly, what is he trying to do? Is it just to win the battle and give up all the glory, wealth and enjoyment?"

"I don't understand, but Wang Tong is able to fight such a victorious battle and reach his current position. He must have his reasons for doing so."

Li Rubai's answer was also incomprehensible.

The Tiger's Mighty Army's marching has never been for speed, but for stability. There is not much time for marching every day, but the time for camping and dismantling is very long, so as not to give the enemy an opportunity.

But this time from Shenyang City to the Gushan Fort in the southwest, it is required to march at full speed, and speed is the first priority.

Marching in the ice and snow, the soldiers must eat enough, but in order to ensure the speed, they can't carry too much equipment and food, so this time Wang Tong tried his best to ensure the infantry's supplies and marching speed, so that the physical strength they consumed could be fully recovered. Replenish.

If we try our best to guarantee the soldiers, then the peasants will not be able to take care of them. The soldiers carry the dry food that is only used for one day, and there will be a short rest at noon. They will use local materials for fuel and so on. They will march one-third more than usual One or more distances, and the people and livestock who transported food, grass, and supplies could not go so fast because of the load, so after the Huwei army camped at night, they had to arrive a few hours later, and the Huwei army continued to move forward after replenishing dry food, and then repeated .

A cart that does not hold too much stuff can also guarantee speed. This cart can provide defense when the Huwei army camps, and can provide shelter when marching and encountering the enemy. The extra carts are also thrown into the baggage team. The carts carried by the army are only enough to enclose the camp.

Soldiers can get enough rest, but civilian husbands and livestock cannot. There will definitely be problems with civilian husbands, and livestock may be exhausted to death, but this is a price that can be given up.

If it is an infantry from other places in Ming Dynasty, it will completely collapse during such a march, and it is not impossible to make a mutiny, but it is not impossible to have enough warm clothes, eat enough to ensure that they are full, and have enough meat. Too big a problem, they have enough physical strength to deal with it, and the training ensures that.

Wang Tong was not worried that someone would attack the weakly defended supply team. Within the range that could be estimated, no one had such mobility and strength to intercept Wang Tong's retreat. The infantry regiment can also carry out rescue after receiving the news.

As for the infantry regiment that attacked the Huwei army on the way, it was looking for death, and it would be smashed to pieces in the extremely solid steel jungle.

On the second day of this kind of march, the livestock began to die of exhaustion, and the livestock was immediately used to improve food. On the third day, some peasants began to flee, but they were quickly chased back by the horse team.

The speed of the Huwei Army infantry regiment has not slowed down, and has been moving forward.——
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(End of this chapter)

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