Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 992 Extraordinary Requirements

Chapter 992 Extraordinary Requirements

The city, which had been besieged for several months, was successfully relieved within a day, and the tens of thousands of aggressive enemies outside the city had been completely killed.

The officers and soldiers of Liao Town guarding the city saw the battle from the top of the city. There were no tricks or brave officers and soldiers. The battle could be said to be simple and monotonous.

The infantry regiment oppressed first, attracted the cavalry to attack, and then used firecrackers to kill a large number of artillery bombardments to completely defeat the enemy's main formation, and then the cavalry outflanked the enemy in a large area, making it impossible for the enemy to flee, and then it was an annihilation battle.

Such a boring battle, but those who have been in the army for a long time know what it means. The formation of the six squares and the spearmen has been kept strict from the action to the beginning of the battle. You can see the six squares from the top of the city. Square, the firecrackers are even more terrifying, and the firearms in Liaozhen are not worth mentioning except for the artillery.

Everyone really doesn't trust firearms. When the enemy is about to rush over, you have to fire the firearm in your hand to strengthen your courage. When the gunpowder runs out and the barrel heats up, often the enemy has not yet arrived. It's not that the soldiers with guns are timid and cowardly. The man who opened the gun can throw away the gun and draw a knife to fight the Tartars.

The firearm is something that makes everyone feel unreliable. After one shot, it is extremely troublesome to reload. It is not sure whether it can be fired. Sometimes it hits, and the enemy may not be injured. When it comes to the front soon, this firearm is an iron rod. The loss is too great.

But if you look at the capabilities of the Huwei army, their firecrackers calmly faced the impact of the enemy's thousands of horses, and then they were so close before they fired, and the damage was so great, it was like one person holding a scythe Swinging wantonly in the wheat field, every time you swing, a large piece of wheat falls down. On this battlefield, the wheat is the cavalry
Not to mention the cannons, the cannons of the Huwei army are not as big as the cannons of the red-clothed generals on the top of the city, but the frequency of firing cannons is so fast, they can hit so far, and kill so many enemies, there are already people on the top of the city There, he muttered in a low voice, did he invite some gods and Buddhas to send down such a thunderbolt.

The lieutenant generals Ma Lin and Li Ruzhen of Liao Town in the city were quite sober, knowing that this time was not in a daze, but to send people out to fight quickly.

The soldiers defending the city hacked and killed like crazy outside the city. It is true that they vented their suffocation and resentment at being besieged, but they also had the fear of being shocked by the battle of the mighty tigers in the city. They needed killing to vent and resolve.

The soldiers I saw with my own eyes are like this, and the people in the city are even more like this. The battlefield is not big, but after the fighting, there are too many places that need to be tidied up and cleaned up. The corpses and weapons, as well as the extremely messy battlefield, must be cleaned up. A large number of fortifications have been built inside and outside the city for the harvest, and some of them have to be dismantled now, otherwise it will be very inconvenient for the army to enter and exit.

But after the people in the city heard this, no one dared to believe it. Everyone thought that something must have happened outside the city, such as driving everyone away to attract the attention of the Tartars, and then the soldiers in the city escaped from other places , or else they want to catch young men as cannon fodder and rush to the front to die.

After defending the city for several months, everyone was extremely nervous. Suddenly, someone told him that the city was rescued and asked to clean up the battlefield. Who would believe it.

Several riots even occurred in Shenyang City, but the officers and soldiers of Liao Town were never kind people. The riots were immediately suppressed severely, and the males in the city were forcibly driven out of the city.

After seeing the outside of the city and seeing everything that happened on the battlefield, it was unbelievable to believe. Some people cried bitterly on the spot and knelt down on the ground to thank the gods and Buddhas.

When this inexplicable riot occurred in the city, Wang Tong had already gathered all the generals in the official office of Liao Town Lieutenant Ma Lin to hold a military meeting.

The main hall of the official office has been cleared out. Originally, there were desks and main seats on the north side of the main hall, with a row of seats on each side. As a landlord, Marin directly removed the seats on both sides of the hall when arranging the venue. .

Among the generals in the meeting, Wang Tong sat on the main seat, and the rest of the generals stood on both sides. Except for the generals of the Huwei Army, the rest of the generals were older than Wang Tong. It was a matter of course, after all these battles, who had the right to sit down in front of Wang Tong.

"Everyone, today's victory is due to the concerted efforts of all of you. This commander will explain the achievements of everyone in the memorabilia for military merits."

What a concerted effort, those who have participated in this battle, and even those who watched the battle from the top of the city, know that this victory is entirely due to the Huwei Army's family, and the cavalry who surrounded and killed them were just helping.

However, what Wang Tong said was that with today's brilliant military achievements, all the townsmen and soldiers will have a share, and there are many benefits.

Everyone's faces were filled with joy, they all bowed down and said:
"Thank you, Marshal, for your kindness."

Wang Tong nodded and said again:
"Everyone, please rest assured, Governor Wang and Supervisor Chen are in Liaoyang, and they understand what happened here, and both of them will sign to confirm your military achievements!"

Hearing this sentence, everyone's face became more joyful. Under the current system of the Eastern Expedition Army, although Wang Tong is in charge of everything, he can confirm the military rewards, but he needs the confirmation of Wang Xijue and Chen Ju. With Wang Tong's words, Everyone is more determined in their hearts.

Wang Tong leaned on the back of the chair and scanned the generals below, and said:
"Each army draws thousands of fine cavalry, and they can go out of the city to sweep and cover. Each army assigns directions, chases and kills the enemy's sentries and defeated soldiers, and returns only after dark."

The cavalry of Wang Tong's headquarters and the cavalry in Shenyang City are still strong, but the cavalry who turned from the Liaohe River line are all long-distance raids, and now is the time to rest, but no one dares to disobey the order, they are all in unison obey orders.

"Can the details of the seizure and spoils be sorted out? Can the storage accounts in the city be brought?"

After the two orders were finished, Marin winked at the soldiers behind him. The soldiers quickly handed over the ledger, but Marin handed it to Wang Tong with both hands.

The generals of the Liao Town looked at each other, but lowered their heads again. Wang Tong was indeed arrogant and unreasonable. He wanted to eat all of the confiscated in the city, but there was no other way. Fighting, it is his ability and good fortune to be able to eat so much.

"Shenyang will send out [-] civilian husbands. Their dry food supplies will be provided by the savings in Shenyang City, and the livestock captured outside the city will be selected from strong and strong ones."

Wang Tong's arrangement made the generals in the main hall a little confused. The Tiger's Mighty Army had their own carts and supply camps, and what did they need so many peasants and animals for? Many people immediately thought that they had thought of the reason. Cavaliers acted together with the Huwei army.

It was only half set up, but outside, Wang Tong's personal guards hurried up to the main hall, came to Wang Tong's side and whispered a few words, Wang Tong pondered for a while, and said:
"That is to say, arrange it now, and arrange for the people in the city to make dry food for 2 people for six days, which will be needed tomorrow."

"Subordinate to obey!"

These orders are aimed at the generals in charge of the city. Whether it is to recruit civilians or prepare such a huge amount of dry food, it will require a lot of manpower from the people in Shenyang City, so Marin came out to respond.

After all, it was a big victory. Even if Wang Tong was majestic, the people below relaxed a lot. After receiving the order, Marin said:
"Marshal, the dry food for 2 people for six days is too much to consume, and it will take a lot of work. Tomorrow, the time will be tighter. The army will be exhausted after entering the city after a big victory. It is better to rest for two days before setting off. It’s easy going.”

"There can be no grace. If the people don't have enough manpower, they will use soldiers. If the people don't have enough food, they will distribute the storage in the treasury. If they can't make it during the day, they will do it at night."

Wang Tong's tone did not improve, but he did not leave any room for the people below. Ma Lin's face changed, and he still bowed and agreed. Now he has no confidence or position to disobey.

"The formation of the various armies is still the same as it is now, without any changes. Ma Sanbiao, Li Rubai, Ma Yong, and Li Sanshi led the cavalry to continue northward. This time, you do not seek speed, but stability. As far as Tielingwei, there are two military strongholds and three thousand-households along the way. They should all fall. You should take every step, pull out the fortresses one by one, take down one and defend the other. If there is anything wrong, you can withdraw to Shenyang City. You understand. ?"

This order is much broader than the one given to Marin just now. Basically, it means that the cavalry brigade goes all the way north, and if it can beat you, it can beat you, but if you can't beat you, you can run back.

The generals were puzzled, and they began to bow down to accept the order. Wang Tong gave another order and said:
"Ma Lin and Li Ruzhen came here to prepare military supplies, and secondly, they came to defend Shenyang City. Shenyang City fell to the east of Fushun. There is no need to rush to rescue. It is good to ensure that Shenyang City is safe."

Left and right have been guarding for so long, and it should be guarded for a longer period of time. This job is also easy. Li Ruzhen bowed to take the order. Marin hesitated for a while and asked a question:
"Marshal, the situation is so good now, all the ministries should come out together and launch a counterattack."

Everyone understands what Marin means. The situation is good and it is a good time to gain military merits, but Wang Tong's arrangement for everyone is to stick to it and do nothing. Don't let everyone move.

"If I don't recognize your elder brother, and your family didn't have a banquet when I went to the Xuanfu, I will execute the military law to kill you now, and I will give you an order. If there is a place for you to speak, step back!"

Wang Tong scolded in a cold voice, Ma Lin's face turned red immediately, he didn't dare to speak, and hurriedly retreated to the queue, Wang Tong always spoke kindly, but suddenly became harsh, and all the generals were awe-inspiring, Wang Tong looked around and said :
"Deputy General Sun in southern Liaoning is fighting fiercely with the Tartars in Fort Gushan. This commander will go to the rescue tomorrow!"

(End of this chapter)

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