Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 991 The battle has just begun

Chapter 991 The battle has just begun

The roaring shells flew into the queues and positions of the Jurchen and Mongolian coalition forces, and those who were hit by the shells were immediately taken away with flesh and body several times the area of ​​the shells.

After claiming the lives of several dozen or so people, the shells fell on the ground, on the frozen ground in winter. The shells with great power bounced off the ground. I thought I had avoided the trajectory of the shells. The Jurchens and Mongols suffered again, their lower bodies were torn apart, and their legs were taken away. For a while, the horrific howls even covered up the roar of shells and the fighting on the battlefield.

The front is being defeated, and the front line is in chaos. The three-pound and six-pound artillery are tearing bloody paths in the crowd, but the nine-pound artillery is different.

The nine-pound shot ball fell on the ground, and the mud splashed, and the frozen mud splashed on people's bodies. Both the leather armor and cotton armor lost their effect, and were directly penetrated by the mud, and then jumped extremely far, some hiding behind the big formation The nobleman was directly torn apart by the shell and took his life.

What was even more appalling was that a cannonball hit a horse accurately, perhaps due to the decay of momentum, the cannonball did not tear the horse apart, but flew the horse with it, leveling the people around the horse.

The main formations in Jurchen and Mongolia have also become a mess. Who would have thought that the artillery of the Ming army could have such great power and can hit so far.

After a bombardment, the nobles here didn't even care about the rout ahead. Some cried and wanted to leave, while others shouted desperately:
"Send someone to seize the artillery array, it's not far away, they just fired, it's troublesome to load!"

Those who can say these words are rare calm people. They have seen the artillery fire at the top of Shenyang City. After the first shot, it takes a lot of effort to fire the artillery again.

But not long after these words were said, there was another thunderous sound, and the second round of artillery fired again, and it was a scene like hell again, with blood and flesh splattered, stumps and broken arms flying, how could it be so dense? How to fight, everyone has no intention of fighting and wants to escape
"Master!! The city cannons are firing!!"

Sun Pengju finally saw the cannon fire on the top of the city. In fact, he was not sure whether he heard it, but he saw white smoke, which was the sign after the cannon was fired, and it was fired more than once.

Wang Tong showed a smile on his face, and said loudly:
"Send me the commander-in-chief's order to stop the shelling. The infantry regiment will press down on the whole line, and the cavalry and voluntary cavalry will press down on the whole line, so as not to let a single enemy go!!"

After Sun Pengju heard it, he agreed loudly. He had already developed a behavior of subconsciously obeying. They were about to scatter and run for their lives, how could they not let one go.

He hadn't delivered the order yet, but he saw that on the left and right sides of Shenyang City, there were large groups of cavalry coming over. They were the banners of the Ming army. He also recognized the banner of the Li family among them. What did the more than ten thousand cavalry marching on the front line do?

Sun Pengju also saw that the south gate of Shenyang City was slowly opening, and the guards on the top of the city were running towards the gate tower, and they were preparing to go out of the city to face the battle.

At this moment, Sun Pengju felt as if his heart was about to explode, a big victory, a big victory, a complete victory.

The infantry regiments pressed forward across the board, and the distance between each regiment was wider. The gunmen began to guard the two wings of the pikemen, and the pikemen strode forward with great strides accompanied by the beat of the drums.

The enemy's cavalry has disintegrated, and the enemy's main formation has collapsed. Most of the enemies are facing themselves with their backs, and they are all fleeing.

There were also brave people who saw that Luan Cheng had given up the idea of ​​running away, and rushed towards the infantry regiment regardless of their horses, but their fate was only one, to die in battle.

They couldn't rush in before the dense forest of spears, they could only be assassinated, and more people died under the free-firing firecrackers.

The cavalry had already outflanked the two wings. At this time, the combined number of infantry regiments and cavalry of the Ming army was less than the number of Jurchen and Mongolian troops, but the entire formation of the Tartars was completely chaotic. The subordinates fled in clusters, and the generals of various Mongolian tribes desperately restrained their subordinates, trying to suppress the formation.

But the infantry regiment from the south slowly pressed up, and the Ming cavalry on both sides also approached. The cavalry was the hammer, and the infantry was the anvil, driving the enemy to the infantry formation, and smashing them to pieces.

Most of the Jurchen infantry, they have never seen such a powerful cannon, their leaders and leaders were either killed or escaped, they lost their command, panicked in their hearts, and they were overwhelming in every direction on the battlefield. The superior enemy, who doesn't know where to flee, can only bump into it like a headless chicken.

Such infantry are the best targets for the cavalry. The Ming cavalry who rushed into the battlefield just waved their weapons left and right on the horse, letting the weapons cut off the heads and necks of the enemies under the horse.

When the gates of the city were opened and the cavalry and infantry of the Ming army rushed out, the situation of the battle was completely determined, and it was really a battle between inside and outside.

Every soldier of the Ming army was not fighting, they were just massacring, killing the fleeing Jurchens and Mongols in the back.

It takes ten or twenty years to give birth to a person and bring them up. Killing a person is nothing more than an instant. The densely packed enemies on the battlefield quickly become sparse. In such a desperate situation, some people fight frantically and drag more All the enemies died together, but more people collapsed completely. They didn't want to fight, and they didn't even have the strength to escape. They just knelt there, crying for mercy and surrendering.

After several months of siege and nearly half a year of defeat, the cavalry and infantry in Liao Town had a sense of resentment and resentment in their hearts. At this moment, they completely vented. , They also killed the past without mercy.

There were even repetitions on the battlefield. People who had knelt there and surrendered found that they had no way out, and they had to pick up weapons and fight to the death.

However, this does not affect the overall situation. The battle situation has developed into a battle of annihilation, and the advantage in numbers is already on the side of the Ming army.

"Master, big victory, big victory!!"

Sun Pengju, who was beside Wang Tong, was trembling with excitement, and his speech was out of tune. He was fighting tremblingly, fighting more with less. He thought it would be dangerous, but he didn't expect it to be such a hearty victory.Beheading over [-] people is really easy, and it is possible to wipe out all the enemy troops in this state.

Sun Pengju is a general's son, and he has also seen fighting on the battlefield, but he never thought that the battle can be fought like this, and that Ming's army can also win such a victory.

Wang Tong turned around with a smile and said:

"Look around, is there anyone as happy as you?"

Sun Pengju was taken aback, looked around, and found that although everyone looked excited, few people were as excited as himself. Just as he was about to flatter Wang Tong, Wang Tong pointed to the battlefield with a whip and said:

"Dozens of Haixi Jurchen, Horqin Mongols, and more than a dozen Mongols have combined these soldiers and horses. Has there ever been any joint training, has there been any rules, and with the combat power of the Huwei Army, what is this mob? , Victory over them is nothing to be happy about."

Sun Pengju originally thought that Wang Tong was pretending to be deep here, but when he peeked at Wang Tong's expression, it didn't seem to be fake. Hou's reputation is well-deserved, he gave up his young master's life in southern Liaoning to come here, and it really came to the right place.

"Let's clean up the battlefield with the supply battalion! The guards of the [-]th Regiment assist!"

Wang Tong calmly gave the order, and just as the messenger went to deliver the order, Wang Tong said again:
"The cavalry raised my flag and went to the battlefield to issue orders. Now accept the surrender, and all the spoils will be collected and distributed uniformly by the Huwei army."

After hearing this order, another messenger came out, and the Huwei army cavalry, which had not moved much, began to rush to the battlefield. Sun Pengju, who was on the side, was shocked when he heard this. The wealth is all nearby, and it is now in the pockets of various soldiers and horses. Wang Tong's statement is tantamount to putting this sky-high amount of wealth into his own name first, and then distribute it.

The battlefield is full of rude warriors, everyone fighting desperately is not enough to eat their stomachs, and have more money, they value the spoils very seriously, for this competition, the same robes in the army often use knives to fight desperately, let alone now Everyone on the battlefield is red-eyed, and they belong to different armies. This is going to cause a big conflict.

Sun Pengju wanted to remind him, but there was no room for him to speak in this scene, so he endured it, feeling worried.

However, the development of the situation on the battlefield was beyond Sun Pengju's expectations. The cavalry in each town were rebellious and unruly. It is to obediently obey orders and dare not have the slightest dispute.

Sun Pengju immediately understood that the cavalry in other towns had seen the strength of the Huwei army on the grasslands. The cavalry in Liaoyang Liao Town saw the strength of the Huwei army when they cleared the field, and the defenders in Shenyang City saw the thunderous force. The power of a thunderbolt-like firearm.

Warriors obey the strong, and soldiers and horses from all walks of life know how to change, obey the orders of the Huwei army, and accept all arrangements.

When the order to accept the surrender was issued, the Ming army, which had already become red-eyed, finally stopped moving, and those Jurchen and Mongolian men who were stubbornly resisting and fled in all directions collapsed on the ground.

The infantry regiment of Tiger Mighty Army has already begun to clean up the battlefield. All wounded enemies will be repaired. Da Ming has no obligation to heal the wounded enemies.


"The battle has just begun. It's too early to say congratulations. Call all the generals to the city to discuss!"

Wang Tong calmly ordered! ——
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(End of this chapter)

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