Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 990 Thunderbolt

Chapter 990 Thunderbolt
Once the horses were driven, they would subconsciously run faster and faster. The leaders of the Tartars in the team shouted loudly to restrain the team.

The power of the cavalry lies in the charge of the group. If they are scattered, they are useless in front of a solid infantry formation, and the formation of the Ming army in front of them is obviously the kind that is least likely to be disrupted.

The Mongolian cavalry and the Jurchen cavalry became more and more cautious, not daring to be careless, and some generals shouted orders there, ordering a cavalry to charge towards the artillery of the Ming army.

The dozens of cannons slowly advancing there are really heart-stopping. Regardless of whether they have seen it or not, the Tartars also know that artillery is the most powerful weapon of the Ming army.

At a distance of more than two hundred steps, the Mongolian army in the Tartar cavalry brigade will begin to order to charge. In fact, in the army, the soldiers are roaring, the horses are neighing, and the hooves are thundering. The orders of the generals are impossible. To be heard by anyone, they just led the bodyguard cavalry to the front.

As they moved forward, the entire team began to accelerate. The cavalry in the front rows took out their bows and arrows. Don't think about accuracy when riding and shooting, but the formation of infantry in front of them is thick enough. As long as they can shoot arrows in, they can cause damage.

Within [-] paces, the two sides were already ready to fight. The Mongol generals could judge the distance, and the generals of the Huwei army could do the same.

The enemy cavalry entered the cavalry range of [-] paces, which was the "shooting preparation distance" in the order. The drums were beating rapidly, and the generals and non-commissioned officers shouted loudly.

The firecrackers in the front row used blow rods to compact the ammunition for the last time, checked the gunpowder in the priming pool, and the matchlock on the bird's beak, and blew a few puffs to keep the matchlock burning, and then set the firecrackers on the wood. Fork on, aligned to the front.

The ground tremors from the soles of the feet became more and more intense. The faces of the cavalrymen in front of them were distorted, and the bows and arrows and weapons in their hands could be seen clearly. Trembling, the non-commissioned officers in each row kept cursing to keep them calm.

No one dared to drop their weapons, and no one dared to fire ahead of time. Whether it was the regiment training team of Guihua City or the guards of Tianjin Guards, some of them had been on the battlefield, some hadn't, some had seen bloody fights, and some had seen bloody fights. No, but what they have in common is that they train for a long time.

Under the constraints of military discipline and punishment, every soldier has formed a mechanical reflex to orders and has an absolute obedience.

They also know that if they fire ahead of time, if they drop their weapons and run away, they will be arrested to enforce the military law, and their family members will also be punished. Now those relatively generous treatment for military family members will also be cancelled, and there are even punishments. This is something no one wants to see.

The forwards of the Jurchen and Mongol cavalry were already within range, and the archers on horseback gradually drew their bows to full capacity, and some people had already shot their arrows.

Within this distance, the arrows naturally couldn't hit the firecracker's body. After flying in mid-air, they were all inserted into the ground. It was already twenty steps into the range, and the distance between the two sides was getting closer and closer.

To this extent, the soldiers could not hear the order of the Huwei sergeant, but they all saw the movement of the sergeant swinging the ax and spear in his hand.

The sound of "bang bang" started to sound sporadically, and then quickly became dense, as if the drizzle at the beginning turned into a downpour.

Intensive explosions, firing successively, the cavalry rushing to the front all leaned back and fell directly from the horse, and a blood hole suddenly exploded in the face. What's more troublesome is that many horses were frightened immediately, and they stood up directly during the run, or they jumped and jumped around, throwing off the cavalry on their horses.

Even if he was hit by lead bullets and survived for a while, he fell off the horse and was trampled by the startled horse. The horse is still alive, and the human is only a limb.

After the menacing group of cavalry was shot by the firecrackers, their momentum was immediately shattered. Needless to say, the casualties were heavy, and the remaining people were also screaming in panic.

The horse had already rushed up, and the weight of the horse was not small. It was impossible to stop the momentum and turn around immediately. The people in the front row were hit hard and turned on their backs, while the people in the back row were still being pushed forward by the people behind them.

The horses in front were already lying on the ground in disorder. In order to ensure the effect of the charge, the cavalry will maintain a dense formation as much as possible. It is impossible to run too fast. The horses in the back row were killed by the dead bodies Stumbling and causing confusion to the people behind him is causing more trouble.

The Tartar cavalry had already entered the firing range, and they were deep enough, so it was impossible for them to get out of the firing range of the firecrackers in a hurry.

The Jurchen and Mongol cavalry were unable to move forward, but the Huwei army's firecrackers were still shooting, like a scythe harvesting a wheat field, falling down piece by piece.

"Ten steps forward before firing!!"

The non-commissioned officer who was wearing Tiger Might plate armor strode forward and stood still. The next time the firecrackers would use him as the benchmark to line up in horizontal rows and fire, and then moved forward again.

The six regiments, with a total of [-] firecrackers, fired in rotation, and the cavalry who rushed up suffered heavy casualties, and the queue in front became more and more sparse.

On the artillery position on the other side, the guns fired, and the artillery was still being erected. The artillery and auxiliary young men unloaded the gun mounts and gun carriages, drove the livestock away, and loaded the ammunition nervously.

There were already cavalry rushing towards them, Wang Tong only had around twenty personal guards around him, and the rest were sent to the front of the artillery formation.

The volunteer cavalry did not mount a horse to launch a counter-charge against the enemy. They all dismounted and set their bows and arrows there, while Wang Tong's personal guards quickly checked their firecrackers.

The Jurchens use big bows and heavy arrows, while the Mongols use horn bows and short arrows. One has strong lethality and the other has strong penetrating power, but their shooting range is not as good as the standard longbow of the Ming army, and naturally they are not as good as the firecrackers.

The roar of the firecrackers beside them and the screams of their companions could be heard clearly among the people rushing up the artillery formation. They were terrified but did not dare to retreat. Now they had an opportunity in front of them and broke through the artillery formation of the Ming army. , You can also turn to attack the flanks of the Ming army. This is the only chance, otherwise the whole army will be defeated.

They also saw the sparse firecrackers in front of them and the bows and arrows being prepared. They had never heard that bows and arrows could block the cavalry's impact. Many people picked up wooden shields from the side of the saddle to cover them.

Within the shooting range, the firecrackers fired first, but the wooden shields couldn't stop the high-speed flying lead bullets, and immediately someone fell down and died, but there were not many casualties, and the large army continued to move forward.

Dozens of steps, whizzing noises, the bows and arrows of the Ming army have been shot out, the arrows hit the horses, and some hit the human body, but most of them were blocked by the wooden shield, and some people even hit The arrow did not cause fatal damage, and it could continue to roar and charge.

The firecrackers can still shoot one round, and the bow and arrow can still shoot two rounds, but this can't stop the charge, and the cannons have just been settled, and it is impossible to reload and shoot.

Another round of firecrackers was fired sparsely, and the bow and arrow also fired a round. The cavalry on the horse could shoot back with arrows, and the Ming army also fell, and they could rush away immediately.

But at this moment, the Ming army standing in front of the artillery array ran desperately to the back, revealing a cannon, the distance was only fifty steps away, what can the cannon do? How many people can be killed by a single shell? What.

Both the Jurchen and the Mongolian cavalry could clearly hear the roar, and they also shouted at the same time, to kill and kill the Ming army.


There was a muffled thunder-like movement, and puffs of thick smoke spewed out from the muzzle of the cannon. It was not the roar of cannonballs blasting from the top of the Ming army's city walls.
The thoughts of the cavalry stopped here. The shells fired by the volley of sixteen three-pound guns sifted the cavalry in front, and directly emptied the range of dozens of steps at once. Most of the Jurchen and Mongolian cavalry companies screamed They were beaten to death before they even came out. Now that there is enough space, the soul-stirred people in the back row strangled their mounts desperately, roaring and turning around, and some people rushed forward in a daze. The spirit of these people It's all broken down completely.

The volunteer cavalry got on their horses one after another, brandishing their knives and guns, and began to charge. They only thought about how the escaped Tartar cavalry still had the courage and fighting spirit. They sold their backs to each other without any cover, and the result of their rout was massacre.

But the volunteer cavalry didn't chase very far. After chasing dozens of steps, they heard the sharp copper whistle behind them. If they didn't come back, the artillery behind them would fire indiscriminately.

"Load the three-pound cannon with solid ammunition, raise the shooting angle, and prepare for the maximum range. Hurry, hurry!!"

"You fucking can eat a catty, don't be with a woman. Yes, the six catty cannon moves forward and aims at the enemy's main formation, and the nine catty cannon raises its angle of elevation."

Mu En held a five-foot-long bamboo stick in his hand, and Zhang Wu held a leather whip in his hand. The two roared in the queue, urging the soldiers to move faster, faster.

The artillerymen stuffed the charge into the barrel, tamped it with a boring bar slightly smaller than the caliber, and then put in iron balls or shot balls. The three-pound gun that had just been fired cleaned the barrel with a wet brush, and then cleaned it with a dry brush. Twice, reload the ammo.

"Ready!!" "Ready!!"

"You bastards, remember to plug your ears!"


Muen roared wildly, the entire artillery formation began to vibrate, and the shells flew out roaring.
The explosion of the firecrackers and the roar of the artillery made Sun Peng beside Wang Tong tremble uncontrollably. He suppressed his fear and fixed his eyes on the city of Shenyang.
(End of this chapter)

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