Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 989 Under the Shenyang City

Chapter 989 Under the Shenyang City
Twenty miles to the south of Zhongwei City in Shenyang, there is Yimapingchuan. The materials looted by Jurchen and various Mongolian ministries around and outside Shenyang Zhongwei City are stored nearby.

It is precisely because of these materials that they can besiege Shenyang City in winter and early spring. The reserves in Shenyang City are also sufficient. Several nephews of Marin and the Li family are in the city. There are soldiers and guards in the city as the backbone. A large number of soldiers assisted, and with the high and thick walls and sufficient equipment and supplies, they could also defend safely.

After the Mongols were driven to the grasslands in the early Ming Dynasty, their ability to attack the city gradually deteriorated, and it was not worth mentioning at all. When they attacked Shenyang City at the beginning, there was even a stupid thing where the ladder fell apart and climbed to the top of the city. They were also directly driven down by the Ming army, and many people were killed and injured by rolling logs, boulders and boiling water under the city.

However, as time progressed, the battle gradually became more difficult. The siege team began to know how to use carts to cover the city, and began to build wooden buildings under the city to shoot arrows upwards, forcing the defenders on the top of the city back, and then drove the soldiers to climb up. Climbing and attacking made the defenders even more angry. The personnel who attacked the city and built fortifications began to use Han people captured nearby, and those who climbed the ladder also began to use captured Han soldiers.

It is the most tragic and helpless thing for the former comrades to meet each other today. The people on the top of the city began to feel helpless, but they still fought desperately, and casualties gradually appeared on the city. What's more troublesome is that morale dropped sharply.

The attacks under the city are endless. It seems that every day, foreign Jurchen tribes and Mongolian tribes join in, but our own side can only consume so much.

The news of the partial reinforcements also came in, but Wang Tong actually only brought more than [-] soldiers here. What is the use of these numbers, it is basically to deliver food to the Tartar soldiers in the city.

Indeed, it was rumored that Wang Tong used several thousand to break nearly ten thousand, and once used thirty thousand to break one hundred thousand, but that was a rumor. After fighting against the barbarians for so many years in Liaozhen, the number of false military exploits is still low. Who doesn’t know why? However, the news from the city will not be false, only more than 1 people have come, this number should not be false, what is there to do, everyone just surrender the city and surrender.

On the contrary, Marin, the deputy general in the city, was more elated. This kind of fake acid is confused in his head. He really thought that he could be saved this time, and he would cry at that time.

Beginning at noon on the 16th of the first lunar month in the 26th year of Wanli, the defenders of Shenyang City breathed a sigh of relief. At night, he sent someone to sneak out to ask for reinforcements.

Everyone knows that it should be easier to defend the city these few days, because the Tartars below will mobilize their strength to eat the arrogant Tiger Army first.

Shenyang City has been prosperous for more than a hundred years. Regardless of the time of war, there are still some things that are not lacking. In the area of ​​the south city wall, a group of soldiers are all staring at a crenel, where several of their bosses are gathering together. From there, the aroma of wine and meat floated from time to time.

Today, the 27th day of the first lunar month, cabbage and radish stew and pancakes were also delivered from the city, which was regarded as a reward, but those generals went to the city to wander around, and actually brought a jar of wine over.

A few soldiers who are always the Li family's personal guards were temporarily promoted, and the guards above should also be polite to them. Drinking during wartime is a taboo, but the siege of the city was suspended, so they just turned a blind eye. Eyes passed.

"Old Zhang, I went to pay my respects to the general of my family today. I heard the general of my family yelling at his staff there. I asked the staff below what the staff said. Wait for the Tiger's Mighty Army to come and send troops inside the city. I was scolded by the general of my family, saying that I was looking for death."

"Your generals are clear-headed. Our family's generals are still pondering this way. They were persuaded by the following people to come back. Think about it, Wang Tong is His Majesty's number one confidant. Whether it's a false report or something Yes, the higher-ups are not pampering, or else he is only in his early twenties, so why would he be a Marquis?"

".Whatever he is doing, just drinking, if this torment continues, maybe we will confess here."

"Drink less, are you still working in the afternoon!?"

"With just this little wine, why don't you drink more and drink less? The soldiers and horses of the Tartars are all going to eat the Tigers, leaving 6000 people to stare at us, and then they will attack the city. I'm going to find a girl in the city to tinker with me in the afternoon. , are you going or not?"

A few people were talking there unscrupulously, and one person said a few words there:
"Damn, this is downwind, wait for the messy smell to come across the country, wait, what's the sound?"

After the man finished speaking, he stood up and looked out from the crenel. The walls of Shenyang City were very high, and he could see a long distance when he climbed up.

"It should be Tiger's Mighty Army over there! It's coming!!"

"The baggage camp is set up!! The horse team and the seventh regiment go to guard!!"

The bronze horn was sounded, leading the drums of the infantry regiments to beat twice, the whole army stopped, and the messengers from the central army shouted everywhere on horseback.

Now Wang Tong has more than 2000 cavalry at hand, all of which are placed on the side of the supply camp to guard against the few light cavalry cruising around the periphery.

Ding Zhuang, the man of the supply camp, looked terrified, but still unloaded the cart in an orderly manner, because if they were in a mess, the overseer's stick and whip would be pulled down. Livestock were driven to the center of the wagon camp, flammable goods were moved to the middle of the wagon camp, the carts were connected to each other with cart baffles, and one-pounder guns and tiger squat guns were placed in the gaps between the wagon camps.

The seven infantry phalanxes in front were tightly formed and not a good target for an assault, but the car battalion that was setting up camp was a good target.

However, this Ming army's infantry and Tartar cavalry had never seen it before, but the two thousand or so cavalry Tartar cavalry knew that half of the two thousand or so cavalry had strict formations, advancing and retreating like one person. Captive cavalry are often defeated and then killed.

The other half didn't have any formation, but they were exceptionally brave. Their combat skills on horseback were not inferior to those of the best warriors in the grasslands and white mountains and black waters, and they were even more fearless.

The left and right sides of this Ming army are already fish on the chopping board. If this Ming army is eaten, then the wagon battalion and cavalry are not worth mentioning, and there is no need to risk knocking out their teeth to gnaw him off.

After suffering a few losses, the Tartar cavalry cruising outside the Huwei Army's brigade were no longer willing to make random assaults. In the majestic battle of the army, some harassment has nothing to do with the overall situation.

Wang Tong looked at the army formation on the opposite side. The Haixi Jurchen tribes and the Mongolian tribes were in a mess. Although there were more than 3 people, under the dark situation, even Wang Tong believed that there were [-] people.

There are only a few thousand cavalry from the Haixi Jurchen tribes, while most of the Horqin Mongols are cavalry. If you want to say what formation the Jurchen and Mongolian allied forces have, it is that the cavalry is arranged on the right and the infantry is on the left. On the contrary, it is a common practice in the art of war that the Tartars barely managed to do so.

"There are so many people in front of me, I feel like I can't breathe. I have been on the battlefield for several years, but I am not used to seeing this. I have to look at the sky and the ground to feel more comfortable!"

Besides Wang Tong's personal guards, Li Hutou, the head of the first regiment, everyone laughed when they heard what Wang Tong said.

"How far away from the enemy line!?"

"Return to Commander, seven hundred steps away from the enemy line!"

"Decree, the seventh regiment is the reserve team, the first to sixth, from right to left, as a horizontal team!"

The messengers around him agreed loudly, and hurriedly rode over to deliver the order. In the queue that had been quiet for a while, the sound of footsteps and drums sounded again, and the flags waved, just now. .

"Fire gunners, take the lead!!"

Another order was issued, and the firecrackers who were originally distributed on the two wings of the team began to run towards the front of the team.

Originally the voice on the opposite side was extremely noisy, even though it was several hundred steps away, it could still be heard clearly, but seeing several regiments of the Ming Army unfolding in strict order, even someone who doesn't know much about military affairs, seeing such a team Discipline also knew what this meant, and the Jurchen and Mongolian coalition forces began to become quiet.

Wang Tong looked around and gave another order:
"Fire the cannon two hundred steps forward!"

The artillery position was on the right side of Wang Tong. After hearing this, the artillerymen who were about to unload their horses nervously reloaded and unloaded again. They could already see that the Tartar coalition forces on the opposite side had already started to gather horses in front of the formation.

"Advance from the first regiment to the sixth regiment. After the enemy enters the firepower preparation distance, shoot and deploy, and send orders!"

The flag behind Wang Tong fluttered, and the bronze horn sounded again. This time it was not a long stop order, but a short and sharp sound. All regiments issued orders one after another, rhythmic drums sounded, and the horizontal formation composed of six infantry regiments began to attack forward.

"The infantry brothers are going up, our artillery team has to keep up, everyone work hard!!"

Mu En yelled loudly in the team, and the artillerymen also shouted and pushed the cannon vigorously. Wang Tong said again:
"Five hundred voluntary cavalry, step forward to protect the artillery!" As soon as the order was issued, Wang Tong's mount and the horses around him were restless, and the sound of drums on the opposite side also sounded. The movement of large cavalry at this distance can feel the tremors on the ground, and the horses that have rarely experienced this will feel restless.

Wang Tong turned his head and glanced at the guards. The veterans who were transferred out were quite calm, while some who had just entered the battlefield were pale. Sun Shoulian's son, Sun Pengju, also had a bad complexion. Wang Tong said with a smile:

"Sun Pengju, keep an eye on the city of Shenyang. If there is anything unusual, report it to the commander at any time!"

Sun Pengju was stunned for a moment, and agreed loudly

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(End of this chapter)

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