Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 988 The situation is good

Chapter 988 The situation is good

I thought that I would kill all the Ming people's Tanma, but I didn't expect that in the end, I suddenly lost three of them. The remaining two Jurchen rangers were screaming in horror and anger, and shot towards that side with arrows.

People are thirty steps away, and they can shoot through people's necks from thirty steps away. The one over there must be the one with good archery skills in Mingren's team. Kill him, and the remaining ones have been injured by arrows for a long time. It won't last long either, don't worry.

One foot deep and one foot shallow in the snow, the people in front couldn't run fast, and the people behind couldn't catch up, but the distance couldn't be widened. The Ming man in armor swayed from side to side, and there were trees blocking him in the woods. It's hard to hit.

After chasing for thirty steps, he almost arrived at the place where the Ming man had just shot the arrow. Just as he passed by quickly, a person rushed out from behind a tree trunk.

This person seemed to be lying on the ground, and this pounce directly hugged a person's leg. The momentum of the pounce was not very strong, and it only led a person to the side. He just smashed it down, but just halfway through the action, he screamed out in heart-piercing pain.

The Han man hugging his leg held a short knife in his hand, and desperately stabbed at the lower body of the Jurchen. While roaring, the Jurchen took out the knife and slashed down.

After a few moments, the Han man below did not move. The arrow wound on this man's body was very obvious, killing the enemy, but the Jurchen rolled on the ground in pain.

The companion was suddenly attacked, but the other was distracted. Seeing that the companion's lower body was already spurting blood, he knew he couldn't take care of it, but when he was distracted, the Han man in front had already turned around and opened his bow. Aiming, it is already a step late, it is too late to do what you want to do.

The Jurchen dropped the bow and arrow in her hand, pulled out her knife and rushed forward with a roar. These Han people have never seen too many fighting scenes, and the distance is less than thirty steps. Only now.

At the beginning when he met the brave and savage Jurchen, Yu Feng was really flustered, but now, with his companions dying in battle, Yu Feng's heart has hardened a lot.

His movements of drawing the bow and setting the arrow were very steady, and when the arrow was shot, it hit the opponent's face and fell directly.

Yu Feng threw away his bow and arrow, and heaved a sigh of relief. He drew out his long knife, and walked forward with a deep kick and a shallow kick. His classmate had been killed, but the Jurchen was still clutching his lower body and screaming and struggling. , Yu Feng walked up to him, raised his knife and slashed down hard.

The Jurchens below uttered even louder screams. The screams gradually subsided, but the knife in Yu Feng's hand kept chopping. At some point, Yu Feng's tears had already flowed down, forming bruises on his face. The plate armor was covered with blood, and the plate armor deck was full of bumps and holes. During the pursuit, Yu Feng was shot four times. If it wasn't for this plate armor, he would have died a long time ago.
The distance between Liaoyang and Shenyang is not far, but the army's actions must be safe, and it will take about three days to arrive. On the first day of the army's departure, the volunteer cavalry sent out began to return to the army.

Many people who went out did not come back, not only accompanied by the volunteer cavalry, but also many volunteer cavalry, but there were also many people who came back. Those who were originally from the family soldiers of Liao Town often had their heads captured. Nearly a quarter of those also came back.

Yu Feng was the first to come back, and the number of heads he brought back was second only to those of the generals who came from the volunteer cavalry. There is a separate battalion among the cavalry, called the Horse Scouting Battalion. Their military merits and military pay are twice that of ordinary cavalry, but their work is also the most dangerous. They are responsible for detecting roads and covering the battlefield.

Yu Feng, who has outstanding ability and brought back five heads, was promoted to be a small flag in the Tanma battalion. After the tragic hunting and anti-hunting in the early stage, there are very few Tartars around the official roads of Liaoyang and Shenyang. However, the cavalry of Wang Tong's headquarters was not used, nor was the cavalry of each army.

Many Liaozhen army generals who came from guards and family soldiers were originally sent by the master's family to serve here, and they were unwilling to join. This Wang Tong also let them, a total of 300 people came to join the horse hunting camp, and the Huwei Army cavalry itself mobilized 500 people to organize Entering it, these cavalry are responsible for the strangulation of spies and rangers within [-] miles around the surrounding army.

There were [-] volunteer cavalry who were unwilling to join the Tanma battalion, plus [-] cavalry from the Huwei Army, and [-] personal guards directly under Wang Tong, making a total of [-] cavalry for the mobility and security of the army.

Adding all these up, there are only a thousand cavalry of the Huwei Army following the army.
Everyone in Liaoyang City also knows that the army walking on the official road between Liaoyang and Shenyang is only the seven regiments of the Huwei Army plus supplies and artillery, while Liaozhen itself has [-] horsemen, Jizhen has more than [-] horsemen, and Datong has [-] horsemen. Yu Qi, more than a thousand cavalry from Xuanfu, and more than a thousand cavalry from the Huwei Army rushed westward from Liaoyang City, along a series of Baozi army strongholds on the border between Liao Town and the grassland to Tielingwei.

Taking Liaoyang as the starting point, go to Shenyang along the official road, and then go to Tielingwei. This is the shortest route, but now this method actually goes all the way north along the Liaohe River to Tielingwei, and it takes nearly a quarter longer. distance.

But if it is considered from the perspective of supplies, it is more reasonable. The amount of supplies needed by Wanqi is huge, and on the border along the Liaohe River, a large number of military fortresses are still there, and the storage is abundant. This cavalry brigade only needs to carry one day's food and fodder , the rest can be taken in-place, and the speed is actually increased.

However, marching and supplies are the same thing. The ultimate goal of the army is to win. Wang Tong's side only has more than 6000 infantry, more than [-] cavalry, plus the artillery team and the baggage team, there are less than [-] people, while Shenyang The number of Jurchen and Mongolian coalition forces under the city is close to [-].

As for the coalition forces of the various towns going to Tieling Guard, there were only more than [-] cavalry, while the coalition forces of the Horqin and Mongolian tribes had nearly [-] cavalry under Tieling Guard.

There are still scouts who can get close to the army. After all, the number of more than a thousand cavalry is limited, and it is impossible to cover everything. The credibility of the information seen under such tight cover is getting higher and higher.

In fact, all parts of Liao Town, from Liaodong to Liaobei, from the areas controlled by the Ming army to the areas controlled and operated by the Tartars, have gradually learned the news in the past few days.

More than [-] infantry from Ji Town stayed in Liao Town, and the cavalry from each town went to Tieling Guards. Divide into several lanes, each of your lanes is weaker than each of the enemy's lanes.

In the Liaonan generation, Sun Shoulian, the lieutenant general who broke up, has been fighting very hard, and has already fallen behind. There is no way to help, and he even needs Wang Tong's assistance.
Moreover, the current situation in Liao Town is different from that of the Tartars. Liao Town's vitality is now damaged. After four thousand elites are drawn, the rest of the force can only stick to every key point and cannot provide reinforcements, while the Tartars are calm. Many, at present, Nurhachi can enter Liao Town in Hetuala for reinforcements at any time, and strengthen each road at will.

When the Eastern Expeditionary Army came to Liao Town, everyone felt that the situation was going to get better, but no one thought that the situation would get worse now.

Wang Tong is obviously a general who is good at using troops, and he has won so many victories, but he did not expect him to make such an absurd division of troops.

If there is any deep meaning in doing this, it’s fine, but no one can see it. If you can’t do it, it’s good to keep it secret, but the news is spreading in Liaodong and Liaobei, and everyone knows it. Well, the Tartars were not stupid to be able to win such a battle, and they naturally knew how to deal with it.

The terrain between Liaoyang and Shenyang was flat, and the tens of thousands of Tartars who besieged Shenyang knew that there was not much power in Shenyang. They had already hoarded enough food, grass and luggage under Shenyang, and the terrain was familiar.

The combination of the Huwei army brought by Wang Tong and the strength in Shenyang City was far inferior to the Tartar army under the city. Because of this advantage, the Tartar army simply set up a formation in the south of Shenyang City, waiting for the battle.

The Tartars sent out several teams of cavalry to cut off the grain roads of the Ming army, but they found that the grain and grass of the Huwei army were shipped by their own carts, and there was no grain transport team following behind.

No matter how much food is in the cart, it will be used up one day. The officers and soldiers are fighting in such a situation that they may run out of food and grass at any time.The morale of the army is definitely unstable.

We all know that Wang Tong once made brilliant achievements on the Tumed grassland, but at that time he had more than 3 troops in his hands, as well as the army of Ji Town, which was famous on the grassland, but this time he There were only ten thousand infantry, and all the soldiers and horses in Ji Town let him stay in Liaoyang City.

The so-called inevitable defeat, the army led by Wang Tong has already occupied a few lines, the current situation only makes the enemy optimistic and the friendly army pessimistic.

On the contrary, the Ming army did a good job. During the march, the guards were heavily guarded, and it was not easy for the cavalry sent by the Tartars to take advantage of the loopholes to attack. If they got close, they might be hit by bows and arrows and firecrackers.

The contact during the march made the ignorant Mongols and Jurchens see the wealth of the mighty Tiger Army. The carts, the horses pulling the carts, the weapons in the hands of the soldiers, and the armor on their bodies all make people drool. Once a force is consumed, it will immediately change suddenly, and the strength will increase sharply.

King Khan Taiji thought so, the generals and ordinary soldiers below thought that as long as they agreed, they could get better equipment for themselves and make a small fortune.

More and more people gathered under the city of Shenyang. For the Jurchen and Mongolian coalition forces, the situation is very good.
(End of this chapter)

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