Chapter 987 Hunting
Since Li Chengliang started his army, the Li family has been in charge of Liao Town for nearly 30 years. Naturally, his power is not only the 10,000+ soldiers on the surface, but the tens of thousands of family members. The private relationship must be intricate.

"This old man is still sure, even if it is a place where the Tartars are active, the old man is sure to spread the news."

Hearing Li Chengliang's answer, Wang Tong nodded and said in a deep voice:
"Since this is the case, there is a message that must be spread as soon as possible, so that these Tartars will know as soon as possible."

Yu Feng is a military household in Weiguchengtun, Haizhou. It is not very accurate to say that there is no one in Liao Town who is not a military household. To be precise, Yu Feng's family is a military household full-time farming, and all the males in their family are There is no possibility of serving as a soldier, only farming and working, no different from farmers in the pass.

Here in Liao Town, because there are fewer people and more land, the harvest is better, so there is no need for all the labor force to be used for farming. If you can serve as a soldier, the family tax will be reduced or exempted. If you can be a personal guard in the Li family For pacesetters and the like, there are even people who help you farm, with a certain amount of money and food subsidies.

However, the population of Liao Town is over several million, and the young and old are also over one million. Those who can go out of production to engage in martial arts are either generations of martial arts, or they are particularly outstanding. It is difficult for Yu Feng to be selected.

Yu Feng is 21 years old this year. Two of his companions who grew up with him are now one serving as a personal guard under Sun Shoulian, and the other is serving as a servant under Li Rumei. They are living a good life at home. Those two companions occasionally return to the ancient city When visiting relatives in the village, they are all showing off their power and showing off their power with extraordinary style.

The man is good at holding a knife. Yu Feng was very envious when he saw his childhood friend like this, and this envy didn't last for a year or two, which also made him unwilling to farm hard.

There are still large areas of undeveloped land in Liao Town, and there are many old forests. There are mountains around Guchengtun. Yu Feng learned how to bow and horse with the old army in Guchengtun. It is much better than other "farming military households" in the village.

Yu Feng is not satisfied with the current situation, but the guards everywhere in Liao Town are lacking, and the generals are very satisfied with maintaining the current situation, and do not want to expand the scale, because there are comparisons with their childhood companions, and now let them Yu Feng was not reconciled to being a big soldier.

The defeat of Liao Town outside the side wall made Yu Feng feel that the chances were even slimmer. Yu Feng, who was extremely disappointed, was ready to go to the grassland to try his luck. He heard from the defenders of Gucheng Village that many merchants on the grassland were recruiting Guards, although these guards live on the tip of their swords, they earn a lot of money and live happily.

Just when he had this plan, Wang Tong's army came to Liao Town. Many people took him as a joke when he announced the recruitment of volunteer cavalry, but Yu Feng was better informed than those whose ancestors were in Liao Town. He knew a lot about Wang Tong. His deeds, this seemingly harsh and absurd recruitment announcement, made him feel that he could give it a try, at least there was a chance in it.

He prepared horses, bows and arrows by himself, and sold the two good leathers he made to hundreds of households in the village at a low price, in exchange for arrows and supplies. This behavior was not only regarded as a joke by the villagers, but also by himself. His father and brothers scolded him.

But the joke is that Yu Feng shot seven bandits and rascals to death, and in exchange for 14 taels of silver, he immediately became a capable person in the village, and many young men were willing to go with him immediately.

After arriving in Liaoyang City, Yu Feng had already followed eight people, all of whom were young people from Liao Town who brought their own weapons and horses and wanted to take risks and make a fortune.

These people all called Yu Feng "the boss", and Yu Feng hoped that these people would call him Big Brother, because Yu Feng knew that Xiaoqi was called by that in the army.

Following the Eastern Expedition Army, Yu Feng's idea is not just to earn some extra money, he also wants to join this team. Wang Tong has made countless achievements, and Yu Feng wants to participate.

His expectations are getting bigger and bigger. Among the number of volunteer cavalry who are not professional warriors, Yu Feng has the highest number. A cavalry guerrilla from the Eastern Expedition Army came to see him and chatted with him. A few words, let him perform martial arts on the horse, and shoot three arrows.

After reading it, he encouraged him a few words, and added arrows and harnesses to him, and gave him a set of plate armor and a helmet. This set of armor made Yu Feng very excited. This armor is not from the direct line of the Li family in Liao Town. It is impossible to have men and horses, and all young people who like martial arts are envious of drooling, which also makes him more determined to fight the Eastern Expedition Army to the end.

After bringing enough supplies in Liaoyang City, all the people went on the road. Although Yu Feng wanted to make contributions, the others wanted to hunt more Tartar heads and bring more money back. After all, one person is five taels now. Silver, it is ten taels for a middle-aged family to live a good life for a year.

Most of the voluntary cavalry went to the area from Liaoyang to the west of the official road in Shenyang, because the military villages and Qianhusuo there were relatively dense and relatively safe. Although after Shenyang was besieged, the fortresses near the front line began to be abandoned. Others The local situation is not good, but there is a certain basis for activities there.

However, for some volunteer cavalry who came from the personal guards of generals, as well as those like Yu Feng who wanted to take a risk, they were active in the east side of the official road. There were only two military strongholds there, and one of them had already given up. , and the rest of the area is the Jianzhou Jurchen army led by Shuerhaqi, and most of that area is already under the control of the Tartars.

Although this is a plain, many places are forests and water grass depressions, which are places where people can hide. If the Jurchen and Mongolian spies come here, this is the way they will choose.

"Here is the corpse of a Han dog, the sixth one."

A tall Jurchen man walked under the tree, followed by four Jurchen men dressed in the same clothes, all in fur coats and fur hats, and there was a person sitting under the tree, to be precise, a corpse, with obvious wound, his face was pale and black.

The Jurchen man reached out and pressed the corpse, and said again:

"It's not frozen yet. They should have bled to death. The remaining three shouldn't be too far away."

One came up from behind, reached out and touched the corpse a few times, got up and kicked the corpse down, spit and said:
"Nothing, and his horse is still there, I don't know."

"A group of hairy kids also want to fight the old hunter. This is the crow trying to catch Hai Dongqing. There should be three more, and one of them was also shot by an arrow. My arrow was smeared with dung. He won't live long."

Another person said carelessly, but at first that person bent over, looked at the traces on the snow and took a few steps forward, then turned his head and said:
"Here they left men and swept the horseshoe marks with branches"

There was a smile in his voice when he said this, and several other people had already stretched their bows and arrows and followed them with laughter. What's the use of sweeping away the marks in the snow? It looks like it is dragging the branches with its ponytail. It is clear that people are sweeping while walking, and no one will go far.

These five Jurchen rangers are all old hunters from the Jianzhou Department. This time they were sent out to operate at the junction of Liaonan and Liaoyang City, but they ran into a group of volunteer cavalry. He said that the volunteer cavalry in Liao Town were indeed no match. A team of nine clearly had the upper hand, but the opponent relied on the terrain in the forest to shoot and kill several people in the first fight, and the ambusher was chased down by the ambusher instead. .

Looking at the traces, the Jurchen man took a few steps forward. Because the branches swept by, there was a layer of scattered snow on the snow, while other places were dense. It is absurd that people would send out such young children as spies.

Originally, everyone felt uneasy about Ying Minghan's reckless start of war with Daming. Although they had won a big victory, they still had no idea. They have all become their own territory, and there are,

Every winter, there is a lot of snow in Liaozhen. It is common for knees to be covered with snow on the ground. People and horses can't run fast. In fact, everyone is not walking, but walking.

The person in the front glanced at the front from the corner of his eyes, then stared at the traces, and moved forward step by step. Just as the voice fell, he suddenly felt that the snow in front of him was a little loose, and something was blocking it. A trace of a rope stands out on the surface.

With a "buzz", something was triggered a dozen steps ahead. This thing was buried very shallow, but it was covered with scattered snow and reflected light. If you don't pay attention, it's hard to see clearly. I was careless, and I was playing with the mind of hunting roe deer.

The Jurchen who was exploring the way screamed and fell on his back. The upward part of his lower abdomen had been penetrated. The person rolled on the ground in pain, and several people behind him hurried to catch up.

Turning the person over, the expression of the person on the ground has been distorted in pain, and he said in a hissing voice:

"This is the bear's den, now my intestines are broken, you finish me, and then go and kill those bright dogs"

His intestines are broken, and there is only one way to die. Several of his companions cursed loudly, but they still took out a knife and cut his throat.

The sudden death made the group unable to react for a while. They suddenly heard movement in front of them. Several people raised their heads. A person was only twenty steps away from them. He should have been hiding behind a tree. The bows in their hands are already fully drawn, and there are only two good archers in this group of Han people, and one of them is already dead, but no matter how bad the archery skills are, it is difficult to shoot accurately at this distance, and there is no time to react.

The Han man who was shooting arrows on the opposite side let out a heart-piercing scream as if he was about to be shot to death, but his arm did not shake, and the arrow he shot still sank into the chest of a Jurchen, and then he was also shot by the next two arrows. Arrow shot to death.

Chasing and killing them all the way was like a game of cat and mouse. Suddenly two people died on my side, and the Jurchen Rangers fell into a state of rage.

At this moment, from their right side, there was another sharp whistle of arrows piercing through the air, a Jurchen subconsciously turned his head, an arrow pierced his neck, and another one died.——
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(End of this chapter)

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