Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 986 Liaoyang One Day and Night

Chapter 986
Not only in Liao Town, but all warriors all over the world have a similar concept. Spears and spears are good weapons, and the only ones that can be used well are generals.

Spears are used well in battle, and they are indeed sharp weapons for killing people, but it is not difficult to master them from a young age. If it is not for using knives and axes, knives and axes do not have such long handles after all, and their handling is similar to that of arms.

Then again, the soldiers in the army are equipped with the most spears. This is because a spear head saves iron and labor than a knife and axe, and the barrel of the spear can be confused with wood. Those who can use ash poles are not ordinary soldiers.

It is true that the soldiers of Liaozhen's family Ding are strong in fighting power, so they are equipped with long knives and short axes, and they also have close hand-to-hand combat, which means bravery. There is also a regulation on the Jurchen side. Only the old and the weak can use spears to fight. With gestures of appearance, the real young and strong are fighting with big swords and swords.

Moreover, warriors all have a concept that ordinary soldiers holding spears against enemies with knives are prone to accidents, if the first stab is not good, if someone bullies them with a knife, it will be troublesome.

Now the rebels are mostly swords and axes, while the spearmen of the Huwei army are pressing up step by step. This situation is exactly the kind of situation where they will suffer.

The gunpowder smoke has not dissipated, and there are still corpses lying on the road. Given the prestigious reputation of the Tiger's Might Army, it shouldn't be a disadvantage. Those Liao Town warriors watching from the wall can see the faces of the Tiger's Mighty Army spearmen with good eyesight. Looking nervous, looking at this appearance, it is clearly a young child who has just seen blood.

What the people on the top of the wall can see, the terrified soldiers below can also see. The left and right are hopeless, anyway, they have to work hard, and now the opportunity has come, which makes every rogue soldier excited.

"Killing one is enough, and two will earn!!" Now no one is thinking about running out, they are already thinking about how to fight to make a profit, and the surviving rebels are even braver than before, howling and pushing each other rushed over.

They got close enough, and saw that they were in front of the spear. Although the people in front flinched, the people behind couldn't allow them to turn around and retreat. Is there a gap? It's a bet.

The non-commissioned officer on the right side of the queue roared loudly, looking at the chaotic soldiers rushing forward like wolves and tigers, the recruits from the Huwei Army who were born in the guards were all terrified. They were different from the regiments in Guihua City. , except for the hard training, what kind of blood has been seen there.

But on the training ground, the urging of wooden sticks and whips, the extremely serious discipline and enough time for training allowed them to move mechanically after the sergeant's order was issued.

Hold the spear tightly, hold it as high as possible, and stab forward vigorously. When they stabbed out, they were still afraid, but there was no hindrance in their movements.

The chaotic soldiers who rushed to the front knew that the opponent would stab, and knew to dodge, but the defense was focused on the waist and abdomen, but they did not expect that the opponent's spear was raised so high that it was too late to block with a knife, and the chest and throat were stabbed. Enter, blood spurts wildly.

Someone also got into the gap between the two spears in the first row, and before he could move forward, he looked at the spears in the second row in despair.

The more agile one, it doesn't look good, he made a rolling gourd on the ground and got under the spears, but he only moved forward a little bit with his companions between the spears, and the spears in the third row had already moved forward. It stabs downwards and nails the person to the ground.

Shouts of killing and screams could not be heard on the street. The generals of Liao Town who were watching from the wall were completely attracted by the battle situation. "The sound of the spear piercing the flesh can't be covered up, it's the most ear-piercing sound on the battlefield.

The various regiments of the Tiger's Might Army converged from all directions, and there were fewer and fewer random soldiers. The fighting will of the rioters collapsed not long after the battle. Some people fled, but there was nowhere to escape. There are high walls and deep houses on both sides, and I am afraid that I will not be able to climb them.

Some people knelt down and begged for mercy, but the approaching Huwei soldiers still assassinated them without hesitation. Some people collapsed, ran and screamed, and still died under the spears. They clearly saw that some of the spearmen of the Huwei army were vomiting, and some were crying forward, but they kept stabbing and repeating this action mechanically
After today, the seven regiments of Tiger's Mighty Army no longer have any new recruits.

"I'm a little dizzy. When you go to Dashuai Wang's tent, tell me about my illness first, and say that I will go to Dashuai Wang's tent tomorrow to obey orders. I really can't go today."

Zha Dashou, who was watching the battle on the wall, looked pale, as if he was just recovering from a serious illness. The soldiers gave him a surprised look, and Zha Dashou hurried down the ladder to the ground, and vomited out with a "wow".

Although the generals of Liaozhen are arrogant and extravagant, they have all fought in battle and have seen blood wounds, but today's battle made them very uncomfortable, making these men rolling on the tip of their knives feel cruel, For the first time, they felt that war has nothing to do with the bravery of generals and soldiers, but something else, mechanical and indifferent killing, which is even different from massacre.
The rebels were wiped out in this cruel way, and it was already dark at this time, and at the military meeting after the decree was announced, a group of people lost their temper and contradicted Wang Tong's order.

After the purge, Li Rubai and others took the initiative to approach Wang Tong, saying that they hoped to send someone to help the army move the corpses. After all, there are so many corpses in the city that are prone to disease.

"It's freezing cold, there's nothing wrong with keeping the corpse in the city for a day."

Wang Tong gave a simple reply, it is still strictly forbidden for anyone to go out, and then Wang Tong called out his own soldiers and the Jinyiwei in the city, and all the shopkeepers and shopkeepers who are familiar with the terrain of Sanjiang Commercial Bank also came out to help, Wang Tong He also sent someone to ask Li Chengliang to arrange for him [-] officers and soldiers in the garrison in the city, and the Seventh Regiment of the Huwei Army also divided into small groups to follow.

Beat the gong along the street to shout, and every household must have a man come forward to contact the official, otherwise it will be regarded as hiding soldiers and bandits.

Except that such searches are not carried out in the homes of officials and generals in the city, all the rest, regardless of whether they are merchants or ordinary people, must open their doors for inspection.

Liaoyang City, which was silent because of the killing, became noisy again. Officials lit lanterns and held torches, and went from house to house to inquire. From time to time, some people cried and screamed, and there were sudden roars and fights.

The soldiers of the Liao army who were still on the city wall had already passed the news to Li Chengliang, and the residents of the Liao town outside the city were already being inspected by the Huwei army.

According to common sense, if the army went to the place, if they did this, it would most likely be door-to-door looting, but Li Chengliang and his nephews and cronies knew that this was not the case, but they didn't know what to do.

The answer was known the next morning, and during the search of the city that lasted until the second half of the night, more than [-] rioters who hid in residents' homes were found. This was expected, but more than [-] people said People who don't know their origins are also searched out, and this is the harvest.

Some were deserters from Liaodong and Liaobei who fled to hide in the homes of relatives and friends, this coolie who was punished to work after being whipped and sticked, but some people came from outside the side wall, they were Jurchens.

Liaozhen deployed spies in the Jurchen village outside the side wall, and the Jurchens also did the same thing. After the defeat of Liaozhen, many spies went deep into Liaoyang City when they were not interested in doing anything. He was caught during the sieve-like interrogation.

Although the Jurchen spies are hateful, those who take in the Jurchen spies for small profits are also disgusting. The treatment for them is very simple.

After one day and one night of martial law, the city has already been cleaned up abnormally. There must be rebels and Tartar spies who slipped through the net, but this harsh atmosphere in the city has also been established. , even if they can hide, they can't hide for long.

Liao Town had no shortage of wood, and even though it was defeated, there was no shortage of manpower. The corpses in the city began to be carried out, and wooden stakes were erected on the side of the road, and the corpses of the rebels were hung on them for public display.

This kind of intimidation is the most effective. Seeing that the rioters who were doing evil in the city a few days ago have become dead, everyone is awe-inspiring. These piles remind the owner that Liao Town has indeed suffered a defeat, but This does not mean that this is not the territory of Ming Dynasty, anyone who wants to violate this authority will end badly.

On the afternoon of the day when the wooden stakes were erected, the garrison and Jin Yiwei received dozens of secret reports of revelations, and some rebels and spies were caught, but this was the finishing touches.

"Master Li, please tell me the truth, how many cavalry can be mobilized in Liaoyang and the surrounding places within a day's journey?"

After cleaning up the scene, Li Chengliang's attitude towards Wang Tong was a bit more polite. Hearing Wang Tong's question, Li Chengliang laughed at himself and replied:
"I don't dare to hide anything in front of the adults. I don't know what the standard is. If it is the servants and pacesetters of the Li family, there are still more than four thousand."

After hearing Li Chengliang's answer, Wang Tong pondered for a while, and said:
"Master Li, please send your trusted nephews to lead. I will use these people."

"Since your lord has an order, Liao Town naturally dare not disobey, but in times of war, Liaoyang's defense cannot be empty!"

"Defend the city, I will leave you [-] infantry, that's enough, the army is moving, and Master Li has to worry about food and fodder supplies."

Having said that, Li Chengliang naturally had nothing to say, but just agreed to take the order, Wang Tong pondered for a while, and said again:

"I don't know if Mr. Li can still spread the news to all parts of Liao Town"

(End of this chapter)

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