Chapter 985
The soldiers in Liao Town are somewhat different from other border towns. They have relatively sufficient food and wages, and have never lost any battles. In addition, Liao Town is a pure military town without civilian control. Top, run amok.

After the defeat, the officers and soldiers of Liao Town lost all their vigor and spirit. They were full of resentment and anger, and there was still a kind of panic in their hearts. Even the officers and soldiers of Liao Town, who were known as the strongest in the world, were defeated in this way. The prisoner came in, is everyone's life over?

With this mood, on the one hand, venting their grievances on the people's heads, on the other hand, thinking about looting goods and escaping from Liao Town at that time. It is important.

The soldiers harmed the people inside and outside the city, and ran amok, but the generals didn't have any intention of restraining them. When they returned from a big defeat, everyone suffered a great loss, and the people below were also unstable. Everyone wanted to take advantage of this. When grasping strength, there is an intention to win over, let alone care, and some people even deliberately indulge.

Naturally, it is the common people who suffer. Those who can live in Liaoyang City are wealthy families. Taxes in Liaoyang Town are lighter than other places in Daming, and there are more opportunities to make a fortune. Everyone lives a good life. You can be safe and worry-free, who would have thought that such a disaster would happen.

As for the daughter of this family, it is a tacit practice in Liao Town. The family of a daughter can be regarded as a rich man, but at this point, the Li family will be watching, and they will always use some means to take away your family business. There are really many people who broke their homes because of this, but after a long time, everyone has come to understand...

At the beginning of the military disaster, the soldiers were not too courageous, but they just hid from their masters and sneaked around. Some people put their ideas on the official treasury and kept them hidden. Some companions resisted anxiously after being caught, killing and injuring civilians, but Shangfeng was also confused.

With such an indulgent attitude, the list of soldiers will naturally become bigger and bigger. Up to now, some people have broken into the house in daylight, looted money, and even ruined female relatives. They are extremely rampant. After some people resisted, the whole family was killed. Killing, such extreme examples are not uncommon.

The people in the city did not dare to go out, did not dare to trade, and did not even dare to live alone. Some families connected with more than a dozen families and gathered young and strong men to protect themselves; Some people simply leave the city with their whole family, betting that they will be fine if they leave here.

Among other things, every family dared not go out during the day, the female family members plastered their faces and hid them in places like the cellar, and there were young and strong people lying on the cracks of the door and looking out on the wall, being extremely cautious.

When Wang Tong and others entered the city, many people also saw it through the cracks in the door. They didn't feel that the savior was coming, but they were frightened in their hearts. Now these defeated soldiers in the city are already a scourge. If more soldiers from other places come Ma, that's really worse, Daming's guest army has always been the scourge of scourges.

I was apprehensive and frightened for two or three hours, looking at the sun to the west, all households were surprised to see that the officers and soldiers of the town who had been wandering in the street and showing off their power suddenly left in a hurry, and some people they knew Most of the people who can be seen leaving in a hurry are all the personal guards of the most direct line of the Li family.

Less than half an hour later, horns sounded from several places in the city gate, the sound was desolate and long, but no one had ever heard this sound in Liaoyang City, so I don't know what the order was.

Not long after, I saw those defeated soldiers who hadn't left started running around like headless chickens, and some people yelled in horror:
"The city gate is closed, the city gate is closed, and the army sent by the imperial court has entered the city!"

Some routs turned over the walls of the nearby residents' yards. At this time, unlike at the beginning, the people were also desperate, and the residents of the Liaodi Army Town also had some weapons in their homes. It was nothing more than a fight. It made the situation in the city even more chaotic.

Starting from several gates of Liaoyang City, there was the sound of orderly footsteps and the collision of armor leaves. It didn't take long for the sound of killing to spread throughout the city.

Sanjiang Commercial Bank and the various businesses of the Sanjiang System have more than ten branches in Liaoyang City, and the business is very large, but after the defeated soldiers returned to Liaoyang City, these businesses suffered. , The defeated soldiers aimed at these places.

The Sanjiang Trading Company also had guards, but they were rich in wealth and filled with resentment. The soldiers and rascals were no less motivated to besiege the Sanjiang Trading Company than they were to fight against the Tartars.

The guys in several commercial firms were killed or injured. The chief shopkeeper of the Sanjiang system in Liaodi simply summoned everyone to the largest local branch, and at the same time asked Li Chengliang for help. , but after so many years of ups and downs in his official career, he still knows the severity clearly. He immediately issued strict orders not to say anything, and even sent people to guard the Sanjiang system. This is considered safe.

This time when the Huwei army entered the city to clear the field, Sanjiang Commercial Bank immediately sent personnel as guides, and the first one to go was the semicolon of Sanjiang Commercial Bank, because there was no one in the semicolon, and many soldiers who were not the Ding soldiers of the Li family were entrenched in the area. There.

There is no need to wait to get there, the killing ring has already started on the way, the arrangement is so clear just now, and anyone who dares to walk around on the street now must not be a good citizen.

Although there are less than 200 people in the first team, there are [-] spearmen and [-] firecrackers. Walking on the street, this is a real god of death.

Seeing this, where the scattered soldiers dared to fight, they all ran away. If they wanted to run, the gunfire soldiers with ammunition trotted a few steps to keep up, and shot immediately. The knife rushed up, and this was no different from sending him to death, and he was directly pierced by the spear.

The streets in Liaoyang City are all south and north, with a checkerboard pattern. Gradually, the defeated soldiers in the city began to be driven to the central area of ​​the city. This is the residence of the Li family's nephews and cronies. They have already received orders. It is tightly closed, and the servants' personal guards are strictly guarding it inside.

Some of the rebels running amok in the city panicked and wanted to enter these mansions, but they were slaughtered and thrown out immediately after entering, which was also a dead end. The fighting courage and skills of the rebels had already been proved to be incompetent in Jiefanzhai. It's even more useless here.

There are more and more defeated soldiers gathered on the street. After all, it is courageous to have a large number of people. There are also generals such as Qian Zong and Zong Zong, and there are also leaders. In addition, in the store on the street, the comrades were killed too badly. Even those who knelt down and begged for mercy were beheaded on the spot, letting them know that there was no way out.

Then we have to fight to the death "Brothers, fight with them, this group of barbarians from the pass will not give us a way out!!" "These days are delicious and delicious, and I have slept with many women. Mother's worth it, let's fight it, fight it out, let's go to the Tartars, and we can have a good time!!!"

This place is full of beast-like howls. After all, it is a regular soldier who can be organized in a hurry, and the regiments of the Huwei Army that have been chasing are pressing down from the street in a leisurely manner. This atmosphere is even more serious. It makes people feel suffocated.

This was originally the mansion of Li Chengliang and Li's nephew's cronies. It was the first time for all of them to see the Huwei army fighting. The guards guarded the gate carefully at the top of the wall, but Li Rubai and his gang also went to the top of the wall. They wanted to see it too. In the end how to fight.

"With so many rebels trapped in this small place, don't they know how important it is to fight a cornered beast?"

Some people said that the rebellious soldiers gathered more and more, but the troops of the Huwei Army also gathered from hundreds of households into camps, and from the camps into groups, filling up every street. Divide into small teams, and search the nearby alleys and houses, so as not to escape anyone.

"Brothers, rush at his mother, it won't work if you rush in front of them!!"

There were also people yelling there, and the rebels barely formed their formation. Someone yelled wildly, and a group of people rushed towards the south direction.

The rebels really had some tricks, they were blocked in several directions, but they actually knew to charge in one direction, knowing that if they didn't charge out they would die, and there was still a way to survive.

"Two platoons fire at the same time, one shot, fire!!!"

Standing on the top of the wall, the officer of the Tiger's Mighty Army shouted loudly, and the firecrackers who had been prepared for a long time opened fire immediately. The sound of bangs and bangs rang out, and the streets were narrow. intensity, both platoons fired simultaneously.

The seemingly crazy attack of the rebels stopped abruptly after they entered the range of the firecracker. This firecracker was not a large-scale artillery battle such as a fast gun or a three-eyed blunderbuss they had seen in the army, but a real killing weapon. The shooting was not consistent, and it was very difficult for the firecrackers to retreat to the rear row to charge the powder, but this was enough.

The momentum of the rebels was quickly contained, and then they squeezed backwards. They fought only when they knew there was a chance of survival. Who would foolishly seek death in such a mortal end.

"...It's just that the firecrackers are powerful and take advantage of long-range shots. Wang Tong's soldiers are definitely not good at melee combat. As long as they get close, they will collapse..."

Zu Chengxun, who was also standing on the wall watching, turned pale, but he was still pretending to be an expert muttering evaluation, which seemed to echo his evaluation. After going down, but did not continue to shoot, all the gunfire soldiers of Huwei Army retreated to the back row of the team, and the officers shouted orders again:
"Spearmen move forward to kill the enemy!!"

The spearmen of the Huwei Army regiments held their spears flat and strode forward. The generals in Liaozhen who were watching the battle held their breaths and did not care to say anything——
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(End of this chapter)

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