Chapter 984
In the General Military Office, the generals of Liao Town started to commotion, Wang Tong laid out his achievements indifferently, a general of Liao Town did not dare to act rudely in front of Wang Tong, but this was in the territory of Liao Town On the road, surrounded by my own companions, I am much more courageous.

There is also a saying that the law does not blame the public. The three rules set by Wang Tong are extremely unacceptable to the generals in Liao Town, so they will naturally make trouble.

Hearing Wang Tong's achievements, Li Chengliang, the commander-in-chief of Liao Town, bowed his head and remained silent from the beginning to the end. The anger that had been burning in the other people also slowly extinguished, and they even felt a little cold.

The generals of the Ming Dynasty also had an evaluation of the Tartars on the grassland. The Alta tribe was the strongest, and the Horqin tribe was contemptuously called the barbarians. Wang Tong's army to conquer the Alta tribe was far inferior to Liaozhen's army to fight Horqin and Jurchen. Yes, but such a glorious victory for one side is such a disastrous defeat for one side.

Under such a disparity in strength, it is useless to say anything, the overwhelming strength of strength, and the status is far higher, the people in Liao Town find that even if they are dissatisfied, they can only accept this way, or else they can only kill the head and exterminate the family. After going one way, it is not about whether you can keep your own privileged forces, but whether you can keep your own life.

Wang Tong's expression was calm there, and he was not in a hurry to reply from the generals of Liao Town. Wang Xijue and Chen Ju looked at each other, but neither made a sound.

The official office became more and more quiet. Li Chengliang, who had been bowing his head, raised his head and stared at Li Rubai and the others sternly. He was haggard from illness, and now his expression was stern and terrifying.

On the one hand, Wang Tong's pressure was overwhelming, and on the other hand, Li Chengliang's suggestion was almost cursing on the spot. Li Rubai came out with some hesitation, bowed and said:

"Follow the commander's orders!"

Li Rusong was in the Xuanfu, and Li Rubai was the head of the second generation of generals in Liaozhen. Since he took the lead, the others also avoided embarrassment and filed out to take orders.

With a smile on the corner of Wang Tong's mouth, he said again:
"Half an hour, everyone, first go and restrain your own soldiers and horses. After half an hour, close the city gates and enforce martial law throughout the city. If you can't clean it up in time, don't blame me for being cruel!"

Having already agreed to the first order, everyone has no psychological barriers, and they bowed down again. Wang Tong waved his hand and said:
"Go, don't delay!"

Wang Tong's attitude is really domineering to the extreme, even he has never done this to his most obedient Huwei army officer corps. Although the people below are not angry, they can only bear it.

A group of people hurriedly retreated out to make arrangements, and there were three people from the Eastern Expedition Army and Li Chengliang left in the room. Li Chengliang waved his hand, but sent out all the servants who were serving him. It was inconvenient for him to get up, so he bowed down on the chair bowed his head and said:

"This old man has always been arrogant and indulgent to these sons and daughters. Letting them not know the rules, it's a crime for adults to worry about it."

It is not an exaggeration to say that Li Chengliang, the commander-in-chief of Liao Town, has such a status in Daming, but today he bowed his head in front of Wang Tong. Li Chengliang could understand that if he wanted to save the Li family, he would You must bow your head in everything, and you can no longer do things in the old way.

Others are old and mature, but Li Rubai and others below have been well-clothed and well-fed since they were born. They have gone smoothly step by step and never encountered any obstacles. Naturally, they can't think so clearly.

Seeing Li Chengliang who had completely bowed his head, Wang Tong shook his head and smiled, patted the table and said:

"At the time of the battle, I don't want to do things and use troops. There is no obstacle. After this battle, the Li family can be preserved. Master Li, don't worry!"

Li Chengliang was stunned, coughed a few times, and thanked him with fists on the chair.

Wang Tong, Wang Xijue and Chen Ju greeted each other, and since they went to the barracks, the atmosphere in the official office was extremely awkward just now. Once Wang Tong left, Li Chengliang didn't need to stay any longer, so he chatted a few gossiping words with Wang Xijue and Chen Ju, He called the servants to carry him in.

The relatives of Wang Xijue and Chen Ju were preparing chariots and horses outside. Chen Ju looked around, leaned over to Wang Xijue and said in a low voice:

"Old Wang Ge, this Wang Tong is actually so domineering, he doesn't give the Li family any face!"

Wang Xijue didn't seem to hear it. Chen Ju was feeling embarrassed when he heard Wang Xijue say in a deep voice:

"He is the commander-in-chief of the army, and the people in Liaozhen are controlled by him. What he said is not pleasant, but he followed the rules. If he doesn't obey the rules but is kind, what's the use if he can't win the battle... …Abiding by the rules, following the rules, is easier said than done!"

"The generals will immediately deploy, Jizhen will take over the city defense, and the [-]rd, [-]th, [-]th, and [-]th regiments of the Huwei Army will enter Liaoyang City. They will act in units of a hundred households. Every street must be searched carefully. Anyone who escapes and resists is shot or killed, and one hour before dark, the whole city is under martial law."

Most of the generals below were Wang Tong's personal guards in the past. They marched all the way and had no chance to command the battle. They were all very excited when they heard this, and they all obeyed the order with a bang.

At this moment, we can see the precepts and deeds of Wang Tong leading the guards. Although everyone is enthusiastic, they strictly abide by the rules and do not mess up.

"Yang Jin, 6000 people from Ji Town will go to take over the city gate first. After the city is cleared, the main streets in the city will be garrisoned by soldiers from Ji Town, and 4000 people from Ji Town will take over the warehouses. This is the top priority, you know! "

Listening to Wang Tong's solemn words, Ji Town's deputy general Yang Jin also accepted the order with awe, Wang Tong pondered for a while, and said again:
"Go and pass on my commander's order to the Volunteer Cavalry. From now on, they are allowed to go to the northeast of Liaoyang to hunt and kill Mongolian and Jurchen horse detection teams or infiltrating teams."

The messengers had already entered the military tent and waited. Cai Nan quickly drafted the military order there. Wang Tong said again:
"Select [-] Huwei Army and Datong Tanma, [-] Xuanfu Cavalry, and [-] Liaozhen's own Tanma, and divide them into two teams. One team will go to Shenyang Zhongwei, and the other team will go to Liaonan and send to Shenyang. The scouts in Zhongwei must report the situation in Shenyang to the army every day, and the scouts sent to southern Liaoning must find the traces of Shuerhaqi's troops and inform them where they are as soon as possible."

Cai Nan had finished writing the document and handed it to Wang Tong. Wang Tong browsed it roughly, pondered for a while, and said:
"One head is five taels. After the head is inspected, if you don't pretend to be meritorious, you will be paid in cash. If you kill innocent people, you will pay for your life with your life. Let Li Sanshi and the others do the inspection of the head."

Cai Nan nodded, and changed a few more places. Wang Tong used his seal to sign, one copy was taken directly to pass the order, and the other was sent to Wang Xijue and Chen Ju for reporting.

It is said that he obeys the rules, but this is the place where he does not obey the rules. In fact, the military orders of the Eastern Expedition Army must be confirmed by Wang Xijue before they can take effect, but Wang Tong ignores this matter. Regarding military affairs, efficiency is the first priority. If the order is issued directly, the people below will execute it without hesitation.

Of course, Wang Xijue and Chen Ju knew about this situation, but they just didn't see it. After Chen Ju went to the capital for a secret performance, he didn't express any opinions after getting a reply.

Cai Nan finished writing the general order, and after the personal soldiers passed the order, Cai Nan approached and said in a low voice:
"My lord, I have given too much oppression to the people in Liao Town today, and I am afraid that it will not be kind in the future. Left and right are just seeking to win, so why do you do this?"

It is the relationship between Cai Nan and Wang Tong, so he can say this in front of Wang Tong. Wang Tong smiled indifferently and said:
"After this battle, the generals of the Li family may be here, but Liao Town is definitely not there. If they don't give them some prestige, they don't know what to do. The army is fighting on the front line. They will inevitably have to make some small moves. Just calm down first."

Cai Nan shook his head, it was difficult to change what Wang Tong had made up his mind to, but what Cai Nan reminded just now reminded Wang Tong of something, and he sent someone to call Li Sanshi in.

Li Rusong reached a tacit agreement with Wang Tong through various channels, and the Xuanfu sent soldiers and horses to follow him, which was also a product of this tacit understanding. Li Sanshi was the son of the Li family, and his father was Li Chengliang's guard. At that time, Li Chengliang had been recited twice from the dead, and he had accumulated meritorious qualifications. Although he was a servant, Li Sanshi's father also achieved the position of general when he was dying.

Li Sanshi was a servant when he was a child, but he was raised as a young master, no worse than the nephews of the Li family, so he followed Li Rusong since he was a child, and practiced martial arts together. Bring Li Rusong's family and soldiers back to Liao Town.

Back in Liao Town, Wang Tong knew from his eyeliner that several times people from Liao Town came to contact him privately, but Li Sanshi never disappeared. This position must have been instructed by Li Rusong. But Wang Tong knew that this power was available.

"Are you familiar with nephews like Li Chengliang?"

"Responding to the commander's question, the subordinates are familiar with it, and we all grew up together."

Li Sanshi answered in a satisfactory manner, Wang Tong nodded, and said straightforwardly:

"You enter Shenyang City as soon as possible, and get in touch with the guards in the city. The city must be guarded, and the warehouses in the city must be well guarded. The savings can be spent normally, but they cannot be wasted or robbed for private use. If this is guarded, the city will be destroyed. It doesn’t matter if it’s gone, if it’s not guarded, if the city is still there, their heads can’t be kept, you remember these words, they must spread to the city, understand?”

Seeing that Li Sanshi kowtowed to accept the order without any objection, Wang Tong said again:
"The Li family seems to be prosperous in Liao Town, but it is already rotten. From now on, the general family of the Li family will prosper in Xuanfu, so let's do our best!"

In the first month of the 16th year of Wanli, Liaoyang City did not have a festive atmosphere at all. The originally somewhat well-behaved soldiers began to run amok, breaking down doors, looting, killing and wounding good people, raping and looting, and the entire Liaoyang City’s civilians seemed to be living in hell. After Zheng Dajun arrived, people became even more terrified, for fear that this chaos would get worse...

(End of this chapter)

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