Chapter 142
People all over the world talked about why Zhang Juzheng was able to hold great power. One of the important reasons was that Liu Shouyou, the commander of Jinyiwei, was responsible for Zhang Juzheng.

Jinyiwei is the largest intelligence agency of the Ming Dynasty. Its internal and external intelligence investigations and spying. In the past, these news flowed from Jinyiwei and Dongchang to the palace, and finally reached the eunuchs and emperors who were in charge of ceremonies. There were very few ministers in the outer dynasty. able to intervene and understand.

At the beginning of the Wanli Dynasty, Jin Yiwei fell to Zhang Juzheng with Feng Bao's acquiescence. The big and small matters of Beijing officials and foreign officials, as well as public and private information inside and outside the capital, were all under Zhang Juzheng's control. Whether it is to implement national policies or carry out political struggles, Zhang Juzheng has advantages that the chief assistants of the Ming Dynasty did not have.

As Zhang Juzheng's power grew day by day, Liu Shouyou, the commander of Jinyiwei, benefited more and became more loyal to Zhang Juzheng.

The emperor suddenly called in in the morning, Liu Shouyou's first reaction was to call his confidant and tell him to tell Old Ge about the emperor's summoning, then he packed up his clothes and hurried towards the imperial city.

The little eunuch who led the way took him to the imperial study. Liu Shouyou heard the announcement in the room, and quickly bent over and walked in, knelt down, and began to kowtow to salute.

Although respectful in terms of etiquette, Liu Shouyou had been with Zhang Juzheng for a long time, and he knew that the elder Ge and the eunuch who was in charge of rites and the eunuchs treated Wanli Emperor as a child.

Although Liu Shou knew that his family didn't have that status, he really didn't have much respect for Emperor Wanli in his heart.

The court meeting was over, and the imperial study room was also very quiet. The little emperor had a rather gentle smile on his round face, and asked softly:
"Liu Aiqing, I heard there are Zhuangzi outside your city?"

Liu Shou who asked this question was taken aback for a moment, and after careful consideration in his heart, he opened his mouth to report:

"Reporting to Your Majesty, I have a total of six manors outside the capital, but they are all family properties, passed down from my late father."

Liu Shouyou's father was a minister favored by Emperor Jiajing, and he received a lot of rewards. What he said just now was actually a lot of attention. The salaries of civil and military officials in the Ming Dynasty were extremely low, and the commander of Jin Yiwei's annual salary was only 200 taels of silver. How can I afford Zhuangzi outside the city.

Of course, none of the ministers of civil and military affairs count on such things to live their lives, but there are some things that are tacitly understood by everyone under the table, but if they are really pursued, it will be troublesome. Liu Shouyou replied in this way, directly pushing the matter to Emperor Jiajing On the body, I don't think I will go into details.

However, Emperor Wanli didn't seem to be obsessed with this question, he just nodded and said with a smile:

"Don't kneel, sit down!"

After saying "Thank you, Your Majesty, for bestowing the seat", Liu Shouyou calmed down a bit, and sat on the embroidered pier next to him. The little emperor was always smiling, and matched with his childish fat face, he looked gentle and unusual. And asked again:
"I heard that you had a Zhuangzi outside the city that was robbed by Wang Tong's leader?"

Liu Shouyou had a mental "thump", quickly stood up from the embroidered pier, and replied respectfully:

"Returning to Your Majesty, the minister's Zhuangzi and one of Wang Tong's subordinates, Ma Sanbiao, had some old grievances. Ma Sanbiao went to the neighborhood that day, and was discovered by the dealers. They entangled each other and started fighting. Reporting inside the minister's mansion will also release the people. Who would have thought that Wang Tong would lead people to attack, rob people and make a scene. More than a dozen dealers were injured, two of them were seriously injured, and Zhuangzi also suffered a lot of damage. "

What he said was quite skillful. It seemed to be telling the truth, but in fact he pushed all the mistakes to Wang Tong's side. Emperor Wanli nodded again, and said in agreement:

"It is indeed a little reckless, and Liu Aiqing, you are Wang Tong's superior, he is so aggressive, and there are no etiquette rules, he is just a general flag and so arrogant, then what should we do in the future, these people must be ruthless Seriously reprimand the lesson!!"

Commander Liu Shouyou of Jinyiwei quickly bowed and said:

"Your Majesty is wise and fair, but Wang Tong is still a young man, so he was a bit reckless, but other things are good, so it's fine after learning this lesson."

Emperor Wanli was nodding with a smile all the time, and at this time he said in a complimenting tone:
"Liu Aiqing is open-minded!"

Having said that, Liu Shouyou finally breathed a sigh of relief. Emperor Wanli was interceding on behalf of Wang Tong. Maybe Zhang Ge's deeds at the court meeting that day made the little emperor worry, but Wang Tong's promotion path has been overwhelmed. Stop it for a while, there is no greater revenge in the officialdom than stopping others from being promoted.

"Wang Tong is young here, Liu Aiqing, you need to be more caring and supportive. He has a lot of people and some horses. He needs a place to settle outside the city. Liu Aiqing, the Zhuangzi who was attacked, has suffered a lot of damage. In my opinion, if I don’t give it to Wang Tong, it also seems that Liu Aiqing is broad-minded and supports the younger generation.”

Liu Shouyou, the commander of Jinyiwei, finally understood why the emperor asked him to intercede.

Originally his Zhuangzi was masked and attacked by Wang Tong, and the well-informed people in the capital spread the rumors. He had already lost a lot of face, so he found Zhang Juzheng and stated that no matter what purpose Zhang Juzheng, the chief assistant, held down Wang Tong , people outside will think that this is Mr. Ge trying to win his breath.

This big face has only been maintained for less than two days, and today the emperor asked him to give the Zhuangzi to Wang Tong, which was equivalent to a slap in the face.

"Let's give Wang Tong the title deed, the horses on the farm, and the farmer. It's rare for Daming to have such a sincere person. We still need a lot of support."

The emperor's words were the will, and Liu Shouyou's mind was spinning, but he had no way to refute it, so he respectfully praised:
"Your Majesty is wise, I will arrange it when I get back."

"I still have some notes to read, Aiqing, let's go back now!"

Wang Tong euphemistically talked to Emperor Wanli in the afternoon of the previous day, basically meaning that Liu Shouyou's Zhuangzi outside the city was needed, otherwise there would be no place for so many people and horses.

At the same time, a few hints were hinted that His Majesty's plan to promote a humble official at the court meeting was rejected by Zhang Gelao and others. This is a trivial matter, but what about His Majesty's prestige? , became the commander of the Jinyiwei capital begging the old man to suppress the emperor.

If you don't promote yourself, it's for the public, but it's not because you, Liu Shouyou, have a lot of face. If you don't promote yourself, you have to take that Zhuangzi over and show it to everyone.

The little emperor Wanli is also a person with a clear mind, and has experienced countless ups and downs in the court, so he immediately understood what Wang Tong meant.

Since the emperor agreed, but there has been no news. Wang Tong observed carefully in the Huwei Martial Arts Hall in the afternoon, and found that Emperor Wanli was the same as usual. Inexplicable, people can't figure it out.

As soon as he got home, Zhang Shiqiang respectfully led the person in. The person who came in looked similar to Lu Wancai in his usual attire. He was about 40 years old, with a badge on his waist that read "Jinyi Pro-Military Experience Department", The man was holding a bag in his hand, and when he entered the door, he smiled and said:

"A certain surname is Hou. He is a hundred households who are undergoing surveys in the company. Congratulations to Mr. Wang!"

Wang Tong was taken aback by the hundred households who were in charge of grinding in the experience department. He quickly stood up and clasped his fists in salute. Milling means assessing personnel performance. In modern terms, this position is the leader in charge of human resources. Such a person cannot be neglected.

Zhang Shiqiang had already prepared snacks and tea and put them on the table, and then he withdrew. Then Hou Baihu took out his confession and waist card from his pocket. This waist card was a brass brand, and handed these To Wang Tong, said with a smile:

"Our Jinyi pro-army has managed hundreds of households at the age of 14. Mr. Wang can be said to be unprecedented. He is really a young hero. You and I will keep in touch in the future!"

"Naturally, Master Hou asked the senior manager to pick it up, and delivered it in person. It's too polite."

"It's polite to talk about there, but it's just dropped in."

Yang Baihu of the Experience Department offended Wang Tong, and was dispatched to the border. All the leaders of the Experience Department knew about this matter, and warned each other not to offend this small general banner. Naturally, it belongs to the category that can be won over.

For an ordinary Baihu's notice card, the person who went through the department would not take it as a big deal at all, just come and get it, but for this Wang Tong, Hou Baihu, who is in charge of this account, has to make a trip in person.

When the two parties were polite, Zhang Shiqiang raised his voice outside to announce:

"My lord, Liu Quancai, Mr. Liu, please see me!"

Wang Tong was taken aback when he heard the name, because he had never heard of it before, but Hou Baihu, who had experienced this, changed his expression and said with a smile:

"It doesn't matter, Mr. Wang sees it!"

Not long after, a slightly fat man in his 50s walked in. This man was also dressed in a green coat and a cap. He was clearly a servant, but he looked like a master.

Wang Tong was still not familiar with people when he saw them, so it was Hou Baihu who greeted him first, and Hou Baihu clasped his fists in a more polite manner than before and said with a smile:

"Uncle Liu, I'm Hou Zhe from the Experience Department. I didn't expect to see you here again!"

To Hou Baihu's polite greeting, Liu Quancai just nodded, took out a few documents from his arms, and took out a few bunches of keys from the bag beside him, put them on the table, bowed and said:

"Master Wang, here is the land deed of the village and the key to the warehouse. There are people waiting for the master to handle the handover of the horses and the tenants."

Wang Tong already understood what was going on, no wonder the little Emperor Wanli pretended to be mysterious in the afternoon, it turned out that he did it like this, he was really a child.

Liu Quancai's expression was a little stiff, he put down his things and saw Wang Tong nodding, so he took his leave and left. The Hou Baihu who was beside him had already opened his mouth, stared at Wang Tong without grace and asked:
"That was Liu Dutang's housekeeper just now!!?"

(End of this chapter)

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