Chapter 143
The seventh-rank official in front of the prime minister's gate, the butler of the commander of Jinyiwei is not an ordinary person, at least in the circle of Jinyi's pro-army, that is a role that everyone respects as a person.

At the very least, those who are in the position of thousands of households or hundreds of households should be treated politely. The other party will order people who can be seen every day.

Hou Zhe, a hundred households in the management department, was considered equal and polite when facing Wang Tong, but after Liu Quancai entered the house, his attitude towards the housekeeper of Liu Dutang was humility and flattery.

Who would have thought that he had a hundred households, and he was not in the eyes of Housekeeper Liu at all. On the contrary, he said a few words to Wang Tong with the attitude of a big man, and then gave him the land deed and keys.

The experience department is the support of the entire Jinyiwei, and the news is the most well-informed. Everyone has heard about Wang Tong's incident, saying that his subordinates were detained by the Liu family's Zhuangzi, and then he led people to snatch them back with their faces masked. I thought it was a concealment, but who would have thought that it would be seen through at the city gate.

Outsiders don't know about the case of Tiandi Sanyanghui, but Jin Yiwei knows it clearly. Wang Tong killed the thief leader and wiped out the core. Wang Tong has many other credits.

Such meritorious service, it is not an exaggeration to raise a thousand households directly from the general banner. Even if the capital has no position, it can be placed in a wealthy province to be a hundred households under the management, but it is only promoted to a hundred households in the capital, and even the area under its jurisdiction It's not yet decided, but everyone knows that Master Liu has done his best in this matter.

Although that Wang Tong has connections in the palace, the county magistrate might as well take care of it now. Mr. Liu doesn't like you, so there will be troubles in the future. Hundreds of households Hou Zhe came tonight just to get a familiar face. You can use the relationship in the other party's palace, right?

Who would have thought that after seeing this scene, with Hou Zhe's shrewd temper, he would actually ask a question. Wang Tong nodded and shook his head, holding the title deed while looking at it, and said:
"It's the first time I've seen this old man."

Baihu Hou Zhe was also a little confused, and asked another question, staring at the land deed and said:
"Master Wang, this is the Zhuangzi Liu Dutang was beaten by you!"

"That's right, it's Zhuangzi."

Wang Tong answered with a nod of his head, he also reacted, and looked at Hou Zhe next to him, Wang Tong shook his head and smiled, the smile on Hou Zhe's face was uglier than crying.

This emperor has a habit of not being able to hide any news. After only one day, the news that Liu Shouyou, commander of Jinyiwei, sent the Zhuangzi outside the city to Baihu Wangtong spread throughout the capital.

The parties involved were silent, but as long as they understood the cause and effect, everyone would know that it was Wang Tong who slapped Liu Shouyou in the face.

The other party attacked your Zhuangzi, and this person was still your subordinate, but instead of doing anything to him, he was promoted to an official position, and then you sent the beaten Zhuangzi over respectfully, what is going on? Isn't this kowtowing to the other party after being slapped.

Considering the status and status of both parties, it is needless to say.

What's more, he also thought of the big tree that Liu Shouyou, the commander of Jinyiwei, was standing next to - Zhang Juzheng, the chief assistant of the cabinet. If the people on his side were trampled down like this, Zhang Ge would also lose power.

This aroused other speculations, until some well-informed person said that he had seen the inscription of Feng Bao and Eunuch Feng in the delicious restaurant, and everyone suddenly realized.

Eunuch Feng, the eunuch in charge of the chief inspector and the admiral of the East Factory, is the backstage of this small hundred households. No wonder, no wonder, he Liu Shouyou kicked the iron plate this time!
The entire capital was gloating at the jokes, and at the same time carefully observed the new Baihu Wang Tong. This young man may be behind the sky, everyone should treat it with caution.

As for the interior of Jinyiwei, Hou Baihu, who was in charge of the department, went back and told the people close to him, and the person close to him told the people close to him, and the news spread quickly.

The rumors that Wang Tong himself circulated wildly did not attract much attention. After Zhuangzi's land deed was issued, the young men in the nearby mansion and the generals of the Tan family, all kinds of armor, horse gear, and weapons brought by them would all be sold. Arrange for moving and delivery out of town.

The commander of Jin Yiwei, Liu Shouyou, sent over Zhuangzi's land deed, which was equivalent to knocking his head on the ground, and naturally he would not care about other things with Wang Tong.

The area under the jurisdiction of Wang Tong's [-] households was also drawn out. The Martial Arts Hall, the surrounding houses and streets occupied by the Four Camps, the various yamen of the East Factory, and the increasingly prosperous South Street were all assigned to Wang Tong.

It turned out that those people under Tian Ronghao, Wang Tong didn't want to cross over, and Jinyi's pro-military yamen also generously provided the establishment. Wang Tong still had more than 80 positions for military pay. He recruited people by himself. The waist card tells the body.

With face and face again, he had to thank Emperor Wanli in the martial arts hall, but it was really not easy for Wang Tong to find a chance to kowtow to Emperor Wanli to thank him.

Wang Tong could only whisper to Emperor Wanli during the break between classes and when there were fewer people around:
"Your Majesty has given you a great gift, and I will do my best to repay you!"

Emperor Wanli waved his hand indifferently, and said with a smile:

"It's just a Zhuangzi, what's worth it, I originally wanted to promote you, but I only made you a hundred households, this is a matter of holding your breath!"

"Your Majesty, I couldn't have dreamed of being able to have what I am today. A year ago, I could not have dreamed of what I am today. It is all thanks to Your Majesty's kindness. It would be a sin to expect anything else!"

The more sincerely Wang Tong thanked, the more guilty Emperor Wanli would feel. Indeed, it was already a great leap for ordinary people from the general banner to a hundred households, but the emperor promoted someone for such a short period, and it was a bit If you can't get it out, you are really embarrassed.

Emperor Wanli's face darkened, obviously thinking of the scene of being pushed back by the big bosses in the cabinet, and then his face returned to normal, and he said to Wang Tong with a smile:
"If you want to thank me, why don't you talk to the instructors and take everyone out for a stroll or shopping. I see that after going out that time, everyone's training is very energetic..."

Wang Tong nodded, before he could speak, Emperor Wanli went on to say:

"Let's go to Shima Lane!"

Wang Tong nodded quickly, he was afraid that he would laugh if he raised his head again, Emperor Wanli saw Wang Tong agreed, he patted Wang Tong's shoulder happily, and then went to listen to Chen Sibao's gang talking nonsense.

Chen Sibao and Tang Sihai are both good characters in the capital. Although they can't say anything about brothels and gambling houses, they can't say anything about shops for shopping, places with many jugglers, places with a lot of snacks in the north and south, and the Western Regions. The places where foreign and foreign businessmen gather are all proficient.

These are the most delicious and interesting places in the capital. Although the youngsters are interested in Wang Tong's overseas anecdotes and battles, they are also interested in the prosperity of the capital.

Although Emperor Wanli had been in the capital for more than ten years, the longest distance he traveled was near this South Street. Hearing what these people said, he was also fascinated.

As soon as Wang Tong heard it, he understood that the little emperor wanted to go shopping, but he wanted to find a high-sounding reason, so he couldn't help laughing.

The emperor's request, of course, must be met in a way, but the guards of Dongchang and Yumajian will have to work hard again, and then they have to plan well.

Official Lu Tui of Shuntian Mansion should be called Lu Tongpan now. This Lord Lu is a celebrity in Shuntian Mansion, and he has made great contributions to the investigation of some cult cases. It is said that Yin Huangsen of Shuntian Mansion and Chen Zhizhong, the Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion, hesitated at the time. And the disgraced face reprimanded by the top for prevarication.

However, because Lu Tongpan persisted in the investigation, he finally got rewarded today. Now he is very angry in the yamen, and his work is a little less mature than before, so he started to make drastic moves.

I don't know where I ate the bear's heart and leopard's guts. I actually want to promote the Ping An brand in brothels, gambling houses, and tea houses and restaurants in the whole capital. If you receive this brand, you have to pay 50 taels to 200 taels a year. With this Brand, if someone causes trouble in the business in the future, the government personnel will rush to deal with it as soon as possible...

The people below sneered at this idea, brothers in small places can do whatever they want, those big places, when they have paid attention to the servants of Shuntian Mansion, we don’t need to solve any problems, and even let people spend money to buy brands, then Isn't it boring to ask for it?

Everyone knows that Lu Tongpan is now a celebrity, but once this decree came out, no one seriously implemented it except for Lu Tongpan's two close friends, Wang Si and Li Gui.

Since Mr. Lu is familiar with Nancheng, the promotion of the Ping An brand is naturally carried out in Nancheng, and I don't know how many people are waiting to see his jokes.

On the night of May [-]th, in Wang Tong's house, several leaders under his command gathered together, Zhang Shiqiang, Sun Dahai, Li Wenyuan, Tan Jiang, Lu Wancai and the two captors.

Among these people, only Wang Tong was sitting, and he said in a deep voice:

"The name of the safe brand in Nancheng has been spread, and it shouldn't be difficult to promote it, but it is inevitable that there will be idiots who don't understand. If they don't receive this brand, Master Lu will immediately pass the news to him, and we will immediately make him feel unsafe! "

Lu Tongpan closed his fan and tapped his palms, nodded with a smile, and Wang Tong continued:

"Don't all the people in the big mansion move out of the city, keep 20 people, leave eight on your side in Tan Jiang, and five people on your side in Dahai at any time, when there is a time to do something!"

Those who were called out bowed and took orders.

"Wang Tong, I heard that you are going to search for money from brothels and gambling houses. Don't you think such money is dirty?"

"Your Majesty, relying on power, these places have never paid a penny to the government, and they hide filth and evil. There are many disasters and illegal things. The purpose of doing this is to rectify law and order, and to control these uncontrolled places in the hands of the government. , and they used their silver.”

This is the question and answer in the martial arts hall in the afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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