Chapter 144

Through various channels, the ghosts and snake gods in Nancheng knew about the so-called Ping An brand earlier than some Jinyiwei soldiers.

No matter what rumors are going on in the streets and alleys, Wang Tong is still just a small hundred households, and the person who promoted this matter is Lu Wancai, the new general judge of the Yamen of Shuntian Prefecture and also the leader of the promotion officer.

To win a Ping An brand, you need 600 taels of silver in almost three years, which is the least. Gambling houses and brothels are not profiteering industries, that is, they earn more than other legitimate businesses. Such a sum is equivalent to peeling off a layer of skin , with bloody flesh.

But immediately after getting the news, there was a sensation in the market. Anyone with a little official relationship, and those who were abducted, asked people to inquire.

Skinning and sucking blood is nothing, with this brand, it can be regarded as having a relationship with the government, so you don't have to worry about it every day, ordinary servants and even the village chief will nod and bow when they come, they are extremely polite.

I don't know when, the government will kill the pig and send people over to search it. After years of hard work, it will be reduced to ashes, and people may still be arrested.

With the brand name, not only will the government not send people to harass, but will help you maintain law and order, and this business can be done peacefully. The gamblers in the casino and the guests of the brothel don't worry about the government's raids, so they will naturally play Peace of mind and happiness, long time, my wife does business in a normal way, even if the cost of buying the brand is deducted, she may still earn more than before.

Moreover, this Ping An brand has been obtained, which vaguely means a serious businessman. After all, the government admitted that it also issued a certificate, which is even more tempting to some people in the market.

Doesn't matter what titles of "dragon" and "tiger" are in your name, are you well-known inside and outside the city, and do you have dozens of desperate people who are not afraid of death?

After all, he is a rascal, and he is also looked down upon by others. When walking on the street, no one looks straight at him. No matter whether he is afraid or not, he always hides like a dirty thing. He is always a bit embarrassed in front of decent people. This Ping An brand is more or less whitewashed.

The place on South Street where the safety sign was first promoted, the example is in front of everyone. Those who received the sign, there are no more soldiers from the Jinyiwei, soldiers from the Wucheng Bingmasi, and people from the county government office to harass and blackmail. , those who didn’t receive a sign, were raided twice a day, and the business couldn’t go on.

It was just made by Jinyiwei General Banner. Now this safe sign is Lu Wancai, the official of Shuntian Mansion. This official is in charge of the criminal name of Shuntian Mansion. He maintains law and order, and he is in charge of investigating cases. He happens to be in charge of this. What is here is the sky above everyone's heads.

What's more, it's a higher level today, and it's even more offending to be a general judge and also lead the position of pushing officials, not to mention what case happened in Shuntian Mansion, and nearly a hundred officials were swept away It is said that it is Lu Wancai who handles the guard. Such a character is amazing.

With all these causal reasons, this brand naturally scrambled to get it, lest it would be one step too late and become the target of being raided.

These people must have never imagined that Lu Wancai promoted this safe brand without the permission of the government at all, and none of the money they handed over would go to the pocket of Shuntian Mansion. The money was divided into three parts, one part went to Wang Tong, and the other The portion belongs to the servants and Jin Yiwei who work below, and the other portion is accumulated.

This accumulated portion is in the name of the Martial Arts Reserve, which is exclusively used for all expenses of the Huwei Martial Arts Hall. As for the accounts of the Huwei Martial Arts Hall, it is jointly managed by Wang Tong and Zou Yi.

The servants at the bottom of Shuntian Mansion won't make a sound after sharing the benefits. The people above, there are a large number of thieves from the Heaven, Earth and Sanyang Society in the government office. This relationship is making them burnt out. Who dares to control the popular Lu Wancai.

"Brother Zhang, I heard that there are quite a few brothers who are related to you and the sea recently!"

Now Wang Tong didn't have to go to the office in the morning, and his promotion was actually dug out under Tian Ronghao's authority. He didn't know how to face Tian Bo for a while, so he simply held a morning meeting in the morning.

The emperor had to have an early court, and modern companies had to have a morning meeting. Wang Tong directly moved here to use it for himself, and made arrangements.

After Lu Wancai and Wang Si and Li Gui heard about it, they also wanted to join in. This morning, there were quite a few people in the house. After the Sanyang Society was wiped out, Ma Sanbiao also stayed at Wang Tong's side to recuperate. , even more crowded.

When Wang Tong asked such a question, both Zhang Shiqiang and Sun Dahai were a little nervous. Zhang Shiqiang got up quickly and said:

"They are all people who worked together in the past. The nephews and brothers are idle at home. When they heard that there is a new hundred households established by the adults, there are many vacancies. They all want to make up for it."

Sun Dahai followed along and said:

"Your Excellency also knows that we are poor on Niulan Street. Many poor brothers see that my family eats well and dresses well, and they are envious of our fat poor. Your Excellency is capable, so they all think about it." Turn around."

"We are a group of brothers now who know the basics. If an outsider is allowed in, there will inevitably be some right and wrong. Please don't promise indiscriminately. Give me back the things you received from others!"

Wang Tong's voice was a little harsher. Sun Dahai and Zhang Shiqiang were both shocked, and they quickly agreed with a big salute. After Wang Tong finished talking about them, he turned his head and said to Lu Wancai and the others:

"After only four days of promoting this brand, Wang Si and Li Gui have more than [-] people in their hands. What do we need so many people for? Can they still fight if they really want to do it? Also disperse people, and wait for someone to arrest them." It's too late to handle it!"

Wang Si and Li Gui were not under Wang Tong's jurisdiction, so he reprimanded him, but he hurriedly bowed down to make amends, and promised to go back and do as he said.

Being reprimanded like this, instead of being angry, Lu Wancai and the three of them felt a little emotional in their hearts, Mr. Wang finally treated us as his own.

However, whether it was Sun Dahai, Wang Si, or Li Gui, they were all surprised. Although these things were not deliberately hidden, how did Master Wang know?

It's not difficult to know, because now the news about the movements of everyone related to Huwei Martial Art Museum and Wang Tong is being watched by the special personnel of Dongchang and Zhenfu Division. These news are gathered to Zou Yi, and Zou Yi Share it generously with Wang Tong, of course you know the movements of the people below.

Wang Tongduan sat at the main seat, obviously he was the youngest, but at this time he seemed to be an elder and said earnestly:

"I know you guys can't get rid of face and favor, but these people have nothing to do with it except to distribute money. So what kind of trouble did Zhao Guodong's helper cause him? Could it be that you didn't see it and dispersed. I just want to Take care of you, I don’t want to worry about the others!!”

Half-grown children spoke like elders, but the adults below were still listening respectfully and politely. Wang Tong also noticed the embarrassed expressions on the faces of several people, so he couldn't help but sighed and continued:
"Below, those who are in good health, have both parents and some property, and those who want uncles and brothers to work in the Jinyi army can be recruited, but they can't be counted under my hundred households. They all go to the Zhuangzi outside the city to practice and eat well. Fortunately, there is still money to be taken, and it is no worse than ordinary errands."

Just now he reprimanded the order, the following people will definitely lose face outside, Wang Tong will have to be gentle next time, anyway, there is no shortage of money in his hands now, but he is short of manpower.

After saying this sentence, Zhang Shiqiang, Sun Dahai, Wang Si, Li Gui and others clasped their fists and bowed down in complete admiration. Wang Tong waved his hand, then turned to Lu Wancai and said:

"Brother Lu, today is May 22, and the money collected is more than 300 taels. This money is for buying a brand. Those bosses and shopkeepers, do you have any complaints?"

Lu Wancai waved the folding fan in his hand and said with a smile:
"Originally, the payment is made on an annual basis, but the brand is in short supply. Everyone is willing to spend an extra sum of money to buy peace of mind first. Who will complain, and it's too late to get the joy of getting it!"

Wang Tong nodded and said in a deep voice:
"Although we promised that the higher-ups will distribute the annual maintenance fee to them, but everyone will see this money, take out 2000 taels, Brother Lu and Brother Zhang, please refer to it and distribute it to the subordinates!"

This is also a surprise, the enthusiasm of everyone below is so high, and even some people are willing to pay the "license fee", so Wang Tong is naturally grateful.

"The brands in Nancheng are almost out. Wait for another three days, and then try our best to clean up those without brands. After others have paid, let them see the benefits of paying for it!"

Wang Tong said calmly, except for Li Wenyuan, all the people standing around had smiles on their faces. This kind of thing has both prestige and money, so why not do it.

At this time, Li Gui boldly approached and said:
"Master Wang, there are some common people here in Nancheng. There are few rich and noble families. Everyone is very afraid of trouble. If they go to other places, they will probably be in trouble!"

"The east city is rich, the west city is expensive, and the north city is all relatives of the emperor." This is a jingle of the people in the capital. The implementation of the Ping An brand brings great benefits to these three places, but also great difficulties to these three places.

Before Wang Tong could speak, he heard someone shouting outside:
"King head! King head!"

Wang Tong was taken aback for a moment, wondering when he had this title, but Wang Si next to him jumped up and said with a smile:

"Master Wang, it's the little one's subordinates. Why did these bastards come here? The little one will come back as soon as he goes..."

After speaking, he ran out in a hurry, Wang Tong looked at Lu Wancai and Li Gui, both of them shook their heads, indicating that they didn't know this either.

Wang Tong's thoughts were interrupted, and he patted the table with his hands. Just as he was about to continue talking, Wang Si who had just left ran back again. This time, he had a look of anxiety on his face, and said hastily as soon as he entered the door:
"My lord, the Mavericks who went to the Qin Pavilion to collect the money were beaten, now let's take the money to redeem them!"
Thank you all, I wish you a happy weekend, and there will be more
(End of this chapter)

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