Chapter 145

"Been beaten!?"

Wang Tong stood up suddenly, Wang Si nodded repeatedly, and Lu Wancai who was beside him closed his folding fan and also stood up, asking in a low voice:

"The Qin Pavilion is not a business in Xicheng, why did you check it out today!"

Speaking of this, Wang Tong remembered that he and Ben didn't know where the Qin Pavilion was, and turned to look at Lu Wancai. The new general judge quickly explained:

"Qin Guan is the most famous brothel in Xicheng, and it was originally planned to be last!"

"Go and call the man outside, and I will ask you face to face."

Seeing that Lu Wancai seemed to have been there, he looked a little embarrassed, Wang Tong didn't want to say more, and directly ordered Wang Si to lead someone in, and the messenger was waiting outside the house, and called in after a while.

The man who came in was rather sturdy, with a few scratches on his clothes and two bruises on his face. As soon as he came in, he was scolded by Wang Si:
"What are you doing standing there stupidly, kowtow to Lord Wang quickly."

This person must have heard about Wang Tong's age, and he recognized it easily. He quickly knelt down and kowtowed. Wang Sibei said with a smile:

"His name is Yang Yinsuo, and he is the youngest brother of the villain's mother-in-law. He is still unwilling to farm at home at the age of 17. This time there is a gap in the government office, so I will help to make up for it by the way!"

Wang Tong nodded, knowing in his heart that Wang Si wanted this person to stay, and it's okay to sell this favor, but now is not the time to talk about this, he asked:
"How many people did you go to and how did you get beaten? Tell me from the beginning!"

The man kowtowed again, covered his face and said:
"There is a shaker-sized dice shop near the Qin Pavilion. It is said that they pooled money together with the four nearby small casinos to buy a Ping An sign. There are too many people using the sign these days, and the small family can't take care of it. . . . "

There are many people because of the large number of people. These unorthodox industries all come to buy brands and pay for them. Lu Wancai and others are the original initiators, and the others just ignore it with the mentality of watching a joke. They are really busy without touching the ground.

Yang Yinsuo and his four companions were going back to rest at night, when Lu Wan went through the list and found this one missing, Wang Si rushed over and scolded them, telling them to hurry up and deliver the sign.

After sending them over, the sky was getting dark, and those little bosses thanked them so much for letting them drink and go out after eating and drinking, but they saw the brightly lit Qin Pavilion not far away.

There is a curfew in the capital most of the time at night. Wherever the lights are brightly lit, it is either a private mansion or a brothel or restaurant. A few people are curious, and Lu Tongpan and the two team leaders have made it clear that the next step The signs are about to be issued in the west city. After discussing with a few people, it is better to go to say hello and see the situation by the way.

Unexpectedly, they were dressed as guards in square hats and soap clothes, and they were stopped by the guards of the Qin Pavilion before they even approached the door of the Qin Pavilion. Some words were rude, but that's all right. After explaining the purpose of setting up the sign, the guards of the Qin Pavilion directly started to fight. There were only five of them on their side, and dozens of them on the other side. They could fight there.

With three punches and two kicks, four people were caught. Yang Yinsuo ran out first with a strong body and quick legs, and the guards shouted at the back:

"One sign is 500 taels, and four servants have four signs. Let's use 2000 taels to redeem people!"

Yang Yinsuo didn't hear what was going on in the back, and just ran back there. The distance between the junction of Xicheng and Nancheng to South Street is really not short, so he just ran back.

After finishing speaking, Wang Tong frowned and asked:

"Don't you guys want to get some money, or want to play girls in the yard for free!?"

Wang Tong really knows a lot about the virtues of the servants in Shuntian Mansion. It's unbelievable that these young men are full of vigor and vigor over there.

Then Yang Yinsuo kowtowed again, and explained in a panic:

"My lord, my brother-in-law has already said that if you want to use this errand to do other things, you have to break the villain's legs and throw him back to his hometown. The villain always handles errands in a friendly manner and never dares to lose his temper!"

Wang Si hurriedly explained on the side:

"My lord, my brother-in-law is just good-looking, lively and curious, and he is very honest. If you don't stare at the little one, you have to watch carefully for the sake of your own wife. He won't lie!"

"Silver lock is a kind kid, Lao Li uses his own head as a guarantee!"

Li Gui at the side also joined in, and Wang Tong waved his hand and said:
"Get up quickly, Brother Zhang, go to the wing room and find some medicinal wine to smear on him, and change into the uniform of that helper as well!"

Zhang Shiqiang agreed and led him away. Wang Tong turned to Lu Wancai and said:
"Brother Lu, do you know who opened this Qin Pavilion?"

"I don't know, but I have played there a few times, and I have seen Lao Qiu, the commander of the Wucheng Bingma Division, talk to the old bustard in a low voice, as if he was a follower, and the officials who came to Beijing from various places, all the ministries below Wai Lang , I often see it there, I have been a pusher for so many years, and I have never seen any cases over there."

Commander Ma Siqiu of the Five Cities Army is a fifth-rank military general. Although he is in a government office that receives anger, he still has good fortune. Where the status is, the people in the capital should give some face. He is still so careful with him, which shows that this The backstage is really not small, just like the backstage of Mingchun Tower is the servant of the Ministry of Punishment.

"Brother Lu, go over and have a look first, and ask them if they will let you go. If these people still don't listen, then I will lead them there once."

Wang Tong said in a deep voice, the Shuntian Mansion is promoting the Ping An brand, so it's better to let Lu Wancai come forward and find out the other party's details.

"Let's go out of the city quickly tomorrow, and call our sons and daughters into the city, there is something to do!"

Hearing Wang Tong's order, Sun Dahai quickly accepted the order. Wang Tong's mouth was dry, he took a sip from the tea bowl next to him, and joked with a smile:
"These big bosses in the capital have so many ways to make money, why are they willing to build this yard? Could it be that they are really making money every day, or their faces are radiant."

Tan Jiang, who has been silent by his side, smiled and said:

"It's nothing more than a convenient place to entertain subordinates and guests. Every yamen in the six ministries has their own places that they often go to, and it can be regarded as honoring the boss. This is something that everyone tacitly knows. How do the people know who is behind it? That position is naturally understood."

Wang Tong patted his forehead and said in a low voice:

"I don't know which god is behind this Qin Pavilion!"

Lu Wancai and others rode over there, and they arrived in less than half an hour. All three of them came from rich families, and now they have a lot of money in their hands. They look like wealthy people without wearing official clothes.

When they arrived at the door of the Qin Pavilion, the guards would naturally not stop them, but the teapot at the door was a smart person, and this kind of people had the ability to never forget, when they saw Lu Wancai coming, they greeted Lu Wancai graciously:

"Isn't this Mr. Lu? You haven't been here for a long time. Please hurry!"

He turned his head and shouted inside:

"There are distinguished guests coming to serve you with good tea~~!"

He shouted in a drawn-out tone, and the guards at the door came over to take the reins, and Lu Wancai strode up the steps, saying in a deep voice:

"Call your mother Song to come out, I have something to do!!"

Not knowing who the other party's backstage is, Lu Wancai also suppressed his emotions. The teapot welcoming guests saw that Lu Wancai's expression was not right, and he didn't dare to delay, so he quickly said courteously:
"You old man go in and wait, and the young one will call Mama Song here!"

Entering the hall, the palace lanterns were covered with pink gauze, which made the atmosphere in the hall rather ambiguous. The screens separated into small spaces, where men and women sat and talked and laughed in a low voice.

This Qin Pavilion pays attention to a romantic atmosphere, no matter how impatient people come here, they have to pretend to be gentle. This kind of atmosphere is most welcomed by the big family members of the capital. Lu Wancai found a seat in the hall and sat down, and the maids brought it over Tea, another woman came to ask for that girl, but Lu Wancai pushed them away.

It didn't take long for everyone to know the purpose of Lu Wancai's visit, and the servants in the Qin Pavilion who greeted the guests with tea and water all deliberately avoided him.

That Mama Song is the person in charge of the Qin Pavilion. It is said that people like Lu Wancai came over, so Mama Song would have to come out to say hello, not to mention that she said hello and said there was something to do.

Lu Wancai had been waiting impatiently, and when he was about to get angry, he heard someone inside greet him:
"Isn't this Lu Tongpan? After being promoted, he hasn't come to the Qin Pavilion. Why, don't you think that the girls here are not beautiful, and you don't have enough talent?"

The voice was quite pleasant, teasing and coquettish, and even more charming, but there was no respect in the words, and before the words finished, a young woman under 30 years old came out.Lu Wancai naturally understood the meaning of his words, stood up sullenly and shouted:

"Mother Song, there are a few servants in the government office that have been detained by your Qin Pavilion. Under the feet of the Son of Heaven, there are also servants from my Shuntian Mansion. Could it be that you don't see the law of the king in your eyes?"

Not here, it's really hard to believe that this beautiful woman who is less than 30 years old is the mother of Song in everyone's mouth. Hearing Lu Wancai's question, the woman chuckled, waved the handkerchief in her hand, and said softly:

"Master Lu, don't scare the guests and girls in the Qin Pavilion. The servants didn't see it, but a few villains just now told us that we need to buy a wooden sign in a few days. This sign is 500 taels a piece. If you want to give 300 taels of silver, this kind of thieves and slaves who are blackmailing people will naturally not be let go, let the little ones catch them and tie them up, and they are about to be sent to the Shuntian Mansion?"

After saying this, Lu Wan slapped the table heavily, stood up abruptly, and said angrily:

"If you talk nonsense again, this official will seal your dirty place!!"

In response to his yelling, that mother Song didn't change her expression, but someone on the second floor yelled angrily:
"Lu Wancai, what nonsense are you talking about!!"

Lu Wancai was taken aback for a moment, but Mother Song covered her mouth and laughed lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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