Chapter 147 Get Out!
Tonight, the business of the Qin Pavilion is very good. The Mr. Gui who welcomes the guests at the door is a bit overwhelmed. Yesterday, his wife was laughing and cursing in front of the general judge of Shuntian Mansion. The prestige has risen.

Looking at the new guests, the number of officials and scholars has not changed much. On the contrary, there are many businessmen who come to the door. Anyone with sharp eyes can recognize them. They seem to be the bosses and shopkeepers of various yards in the North City, East City, and West City. There are also a few from Nancheng.

It is said that colleagues are enemies, but these people all smile politely and come to spend money, it really makes people wonder why?
"These timid bastards, my mother gave them a head start, one by one began to come to please, don't you know that my mother has already prepared money to buy this Qin Pavilion yesterday!"

In the private room on the second floor facing the main door, the window was open a crack, the Song girl from yesterday sat on the seat with her legs crossed, and behind her were two middle-aged men who looked like they were in charge.

"Mother Song, we met Lu Wancai in front of them in our yard, will they deny the stock they promised!"

"They dare, be careful when the time comes, my aunt will also use the Shuntian Mansion to come to the door to collect the money, and I won't look at who is behind my aunt!!"

Miss Song snorted coldly, and casually dropped a candied fruit into her mouth.

Not to mention the above things, Mr. Gui, who greeted the guests at the door, saw a familiar face from the bustling crowd. The greatest skill of these people is to remember people, and it will always be beneficial to greet people warmly when the time comes.

The face and figure of this man was tall and strong, but under the light, one could see that this man was only a half-grown child, and the two middle-aged old servants behind him showed some dignity in their gestures and gestures.

The long gown on his body is made of black satin from Suzhou, and he is wearing calfskin boots. Standing at the door, he is looking at it curiously. Most people come here for the first time, and they always feel a little bit reluctant to let go. This half-grown child is calm and composed. Looking around, with this attire and calm demeanor, I'm afraid it's someone's young master.

This kind of rich family who has obviously never been to Fengyue place, as long as they win over, they will be a stable source of income for the yard in the future, and young people don't know how to spend money.

In just a few glances, the two tortoises at the door had already greeted him by coincidence, and they glared at each other by coincidence, the senior one took the lead.

"Young master, will you show us the Qin Pavilion tonight? You really have good eyesight. You have come to the right place. Please come inside, please come inside..."

The half-grown child nodded reservedly, followed Mr. Gui and strode inside. Just now, the young master was standing on the edge of light and darkness, and came out from the inside. The two middle-aged servants behind him were each carrying a long pole. What are you doing, Mr. Gui was a little dazed, the young master said indifferently:

"It's my family's rule, just take one piece in, and it's not that you don't give money."

Mr. Turtle is also well-informed, seeing the young master's demeanor and tone of voice, he knows that this is not an ordinary family's, and the two long poles are not something shocking, just take them in.

After the boy walked through the gate, the two servants behind him attracted the attention of many people. Even Miss Song on the second floor opened the window to look down.

"Master, sit here, drink tea to moisten your throat first, and let the sisters of the Qin Pavilion greet you. In our Qin Pavilion, there are girls from Yangzhou, Datong, and all over the place!"

Mr. Gui, who led the people in, greeted them courteously, while wondering whether this half-grown child didn't understand the rules of giving tips, and should he speak more clearly.

The boy waved his hand, pointed to a place and said:
"It's a bit hot tonight, find a cool place to sit, um, it's good over there, General Tan, Wen Yuan, bring me a table and chairs!"

Amidst the dumbfounded Mr. Turtle, General Tan and Li Wenyuan moved the tables and chairs to the gate of the Qin Pavilion. Wang Tong lifted up his gown and sat down leisurely, smiling and saying:
"I'm really thirsty, hurry up and get a pot of tea to drink!!"

As soon as he said these words, the turtle man reacted. Looking at this posture, everyone knew that this was a door-to-door provocation. Look at the two old servants in their 40s and [-]s, and the half-grown child. Seeing his childishness, the tortoise immediately took courage, pointed at him and cursed angrily:

"Who's child dares to come here to make trouble..."

Halfway through the conversation, a long pole came down head-on with a "huh", and the tortoise shrank back subconsciously, but who would have thought that the long pole went directly between his legs, and left and right, the tortoise The whole person turned sideways and fell heavily on the ground, the pole jumped directly at the waist again, the turtle rolled a few times on the ground, and rolled towards the inside.

"Brother Li is so handsome!"

General Tan at the side gave a thumbs up, blocked the door, and moved his hand again. The receptionists and guards outside realized that something was wrong, but there were many guests crowded at the door, and they couldn't get in in a hurry, and they were desperately evacuating , Tan Jiang turned over with a long pole in his hand, Wang Tong didn't look back, and sat down and asked:

"General Tan, how are your spear skills?"

Tan Jiang replied with a smile:

"Returning to the old man, the young ones have been in the army for many years. The skills in the army are the first to use guns, and the young ones can still use them!"

While speaking, the long pole shook and had already been tapped out. The steps at the gate of the Qin Pavilion were only eight floors. The three guards who had rushed up were hit by the head of Tan Jiang's pole at the knees and knees. They couldn't stand still and fell on the steps. There is such a roll down.

This move was accurate and quick, and immediately shocked the group of people outside, and they automatically stepped out of the circle. Li Wenyuan, who was facing inward, put the head of the long stick on the ground, holding the tail end with one hand.

There were also guards watching the field inside. They peeped at Li Wenyuan who seemed to be a little absent-minded, and wanted to take advantage of it. He bowed his body and grabbed the head of the pole with both hands, thinking that you are a lame man. Waiting to be beaten?
As soon as the hand grabbed it, the long pole jumped up like a frightened snake, and it just bounced on his chin. It was a merit in his previous life that he didn't bite off his tongue, but this time he knocked people unconscious .

Wang Tong raised his voice and shouted:

"It's such a big deal, I'm here, young master, don't you even have someone to serve tea?"

When he saw Li Wenyuan's arm shaking just now, the long pole had such a reaction. Wang Tong secretly smiled in his heart, knowing that Li Wenyuan meant to compete with General Tan.

"Hurry up, everyone, if Miss Song becomes popular, we'll all be skinned!"

On the steps, one of the two men took out an iron ruler, and the other took out a thick iron-covered stick, and shouted at the back. Seeing that the two men looked like the leader, after such a greeting, more than a dozen people dressed in the same clothes had gathered When they got up, the two were unambiguous, waving their guys and rushing forward.

Tan Jiang took a step forward, and the long pole pierced straight out like lightning, hitting the target. The two people didn't even have time to block it, but they were stabbed in the lower abdomen by the long pole. , as soon as the two of them fell, the footsteps of the guard behind were immediately stopped.

There are also those who want to show off their skills, jumping up and jumping over, people in mid-air, their body just became a target, and Tan Jiang stabbed him in the forehead with a stick, and turned back directly.

Someone fell to the ground below, and someone came over from above, and those who followed were in a hurry. The leader of Latte Ruler endured the pain and rolled down the steps, screaming at the top of his voice:
"The rest of them, where the hell are they going to die!!"

There were more than 40 people outside, but only a dozen rushed out, and the other people went there. The boss was about to curse, but he saw a person running towards him from the crowd. He kicked his stomach hard, and now it hurts more than before, and he immediately curled up speechless.

Only then did the guests who were crowded outside realize that, at some point, there were many big men behind them, three or two people surrounded the guard yard of the Qin Pavilion, punching and kicking.

The lights at the entrance of the Qin Pavilion were quite bright. The guests were all curious and wanted to take a closer look, but the menacing men all warned coldly:
"Shuntian Mansion is on business, and everyone who has nothing to do with it should retreat as quickly as possible, otherwise they will all be arrested as suspects!!"

Ordinary people backed away when they heard this, and those who had a bad temper and were not convinced, seeing the vicious appearance of the other party's crowd, did not dare to stay longer and hurried away.

Not long after, except for the guards of the Qin Pavilion who were beaten on the ground, they were all under Wang Tong's subordinates. Seven people including Tan Bing and Tan Jian walked into the hall of the Qin Pavilion with long poles.

The outside gradually became quiet, and the inside was already silent. Looking at the big men standing in a row behind inside, everyone trembled in their hearts. The half-grown child Wang Tong sitting in front of them was confusing.

When it was quiet, a trembling little maid was holding a tea tray with teacups and teapots on it, and walked towards Wang Tong's side. When the little maid came to Wang Tong's side, her whole body was trembling. The teapot and teacup clanged and were finally placed on the table, and they immediately turned around and ran back.

Wang Tong smiled and poured himself a cup of tea. Before he drank it, he heard a female voice on the opposite side saying:
"This young master said outside that he is from the Shuntian Mansion. I never thought that the mansion would accept such a young child..."

The tone was teasing, but it was Shuntian Mansion Cheng Chen Zhizhong who came out first, this Chen Zhizhong was still dressed casually, walked up to Wang Tong angrily, and asked loudly:
"who are you!?"

"Who are you!?"

Wang Tong and Chen Zhizhong had never met each other before. He took a sip of his tea and asked coldly. Chen Zhizhong was choked by this, his face turned green, and he said with a sneer:

"You don't even recognize the Prime Minister of this residence, you still have the face to say that you are from the Shuntian Prefecture, you are such a thug, pretending to be an official, you are really audacious!!"

Wang Tong put down the teacup, leaned on the back of the chair, stretched his legs, and said with a smile:

"Young Master's people say that he is an errand in Shuntian Mansion, but I am not from Shuntian Mansion. What is pretending to be an official mansion? It turns out that this is Chen Zhizhong, the prime minister of Shuntian Mansion. He is a dignified mansion. You have the face to say that you are soaked in the kiln every day." Are you a member of the government?"

After these few words passed, even the skeptical guests in the hall couldn't help laughing out loud. Chen Zhizhong's face was darkened, his lips were trembling, and he pointed at Wang Tong and asked:

"You... Where are you working, report it, report it..., I want to join you!"

"Young master is working in Jinyi's army, and he is a hundred household..."

Hearing that he was a member of Jinyiwei, Chen Zhizhong let go of his last trace of worry, pointed at Wang Tong and said angrily:

"A small family of a hundred is so rampant. I will go to see Liu Dutang right now, and I will fire you as a lunatic, and then I will punish you in Shuntian Mansion!!"

Wang Tong picked up the teacup again, and finished speaking slowly:
"... South Street Wang Tong is!"

Chen Zhizhong was taken aback for a moment, then continued to shout:
"So what about South Street Wang Tong, do you know that here..."

It was as if someone had suddenly grabbed the neck of Chen Zhizhong, the Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion, and his yelling stopped abruptly. Chen Zhizhong remembered the name. In the forbidden area of ​​the yamen, it is said that there is still a banner in his house with the seal of the eunuch Feng Baofeng, the eunuch of the supervisor of ceremonies. It is said that the eunuch Zhang Cheng, eunuch Zhang Cheng, is his elder.

Chen Zhizhong thought of this, his face that was originally red from anger gradually turned pale, and his whole body froze there, there was a sound of "wow", his face and chest suddenly became hot, and he subconsciously jumped back a step , his upper body was wet, Wang Tong had already poured tea on his face, stared at him, and said disdainfully:
"I asked Lu Tong to judge the Ping An brand. What kind of thing are you, dare to reach out and mess around? Get out!!!"

Wang Tong threw the teacup heavily in front of Chen Zhizhong, shouted at the last sentence, Chen Zhizhong, the Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion, was shocked, his face became whiter and paler, at last he hugged Wang Tong, bowed his head and walked away quickly Going out, from this side to going out, he never dared to raise his head again, he was really ashamed to face people.

The hall was even more quiet. Everyone stared at Wang Tong who was sitting there, wondering who this is, who is Wang Tong on the South Street?Watching Fucheng Chen Zhizhong leave, that Miss Song had a disdainful smile on her face, spat and said in a low voice with disdain:

"It's all about asking for help, but whoever will do it for him, let's daydream!"

The two servants of the Qin Pavilion moved a chair and put it down five steps away from Wang Tong. The Song girl twisted her waist, walked to the chair and sat down, and asked with a smile:

"Young master, I don't know what's important to come here!"

As expected, Chen Zhizhong, Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion, cannot be regarded as the backstage of this brothel. Wang Tong also put a smile on his face, and said politely:
"Eldest sister, did my younger brother bring you something good?

The Song girl made a questioning expression and asked with a smile:

"Then thank you little brother first, I don't know what a good thing it is, it can't be you, little brother!"

Wang Tong ignored Miss Song's teasing, took out a sign from his pocket, and said with a smile:

"Mother Song can buy this Ping An brand for only 3000 taels of silver. After buying it, she will pay 500 taels a year, which can be replaced every three years to keep the house safe. Don't you think it's a good thing?"

"Oh, the price has doubled!"

Girl Song laughed and trembled, but she didn't show any fear.
How about a monthly pass?

(End of this chapter)

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