Chapter 148

Seeing Miss Song's nonchalant expression, Wang Tong felt awe-inspiring, since he was not afraid, he must have something to rely on, but if this person does not show up all the time, then the fuss tonight would be meaningless.

But on the surface, Wang Tong didn't seem to care much. He picked up the lanyard of the Ping An brand with his fingers, dangled it there, and said:
"Brother, to be honest, these 3000 taels of silver are still cheap. After tonight, when I come to buy it again, it won't be at this price!?"

The two of them were sitting here talking and laughing happily. If someone just came in and saw them, they would think that the two were chatting and reminiscing about the old days. Before Miss Song could speak, there was a commotion behind her, which was originally concentrated on the two of them. A lot of my attention is distracted.

"This Qin Pavilion is really good, next time I will invite Mr. Ge to come here for a drink and enjoy the flowers!!"

First there was a laughing voice, and then a drunken voice came:
"Damn, if it wasn't for my ugly woman who wanted me to go back quickly, I would have slept in this yard today, and the young lady who accompanied me with the wine just now could pinch out the water, and my bones would be crisp when I talked..."

"As long as the adults are happy to play, wait until the daytime..."

It seemed that both of them drank a lot, and the people in the back came out of the way. There were many people in the hall, but they all quietly listened to Wang Tong and Miss Song laughing and cursing, the voices of these two people were too conspicuous.

Maybe they also realized that it was quiet outside, so they stopped talking in wonder. The Song girl looked back, but she was dressed as a businessman and a man dressed as a guard in a thousand households.

After seeing the man, Miss Song's eyes lit up, she glared fiercely at the steward beside her, and hurriedly greeted him gracefully, not caring about Wang Tong who was sitting over there, she stepped forward and greeted with a smile:
"Isn't this Ge Qianhu, Uncle Ge? Please, you didn't come many times, but you came here today, and you have encountered such a thing. I'm really sorry, Lao Zhang, we will invite Uncle Ge's account today."

This Ge Qianhu was big and fat, his face was flushed from drinking, and a thin man dressed as a businessman was supporting him. When he saw Miss Song coming to meet him, he straightened his eyes first, and reached out to touch her. Stumbling, he said vaguely:

"There are such good things, I would rather be scolded by my wife tomorrow, and sleep with him tonight!!"

When she was talking, she was about to reach out to touch her face. Miss Song's complexion changed and she flicked to the side. The businessman who supported Ge Qianhu really wanted to recognize Miss Song, so he hurriedly approached Ge Qianhu's ear and reminded:
"Master Ge! Master Ge! This is the mother of this yard, the mother Song who was mentioned in the drink just now!!"

Ge Qianhu was not completely drunk yet, he stretched out his hand halfway and took it back embarrassingly, wondering how to end it, so he asked carelessly:
"Mother Song, what happened just now?"

"Hey, a hundred households from Jinyiwei came to Nancheng and blocked the door in the name of Shuntian Mansion. Look at Uncle Ge, this business can't be done!"

"...Hundred households... from Nancheng..."

That Ge Qianhu babbled a few words, then suddenly became angry, pushed away the businessman who was supporting him, stumbled forward, and cursed loudly:
"This place is under management. What are the hundreds of households in Nancheng here to join in the fun? You bastard, are you Zhou Linbing's or Liao's second son!!"

Liao's second child is also a Qianhu in Nancheng, and he and Zhou Linbing are in charge of the Nancheng district. This Ge Qianhu was wearing an official robe, and no one dared to stop him when he stumbled out. He arrived in front of Wang Tong within a few steps.

All the people in the room were standing, that is, Wang Tong was drinking tea vigorously, the target was obvious. Ge Qianhu came to him, pointed at Wang Tong with his fat finger, and asked:
"Are you a hundred households in the southern city?"

Wang Tong put the sign on the table, looked up, nodded and said:

"Master Ge, I'm a hundred households in Nancheng, here on business."

There is still a basic attitude towards the Shangguan in Jinyiwei. Wang Tong also looked at the gloating expression of the Song girl behind Ge Qianhu. Looking at all this, as long as I shrink back, I am afraid that the Ping An brand will no longer be promoted, and I am afraid that those who have already received it will have to repeat it.

Wang Tong's answer made the drunk Ge Qianhu immediately lose his temper. He raised his hand and slapped him, cursing:
"Little bastard, didn't your adults teach you the rules, and don't look at whose it is..."

The smell of alcohol and spitting had sprayed onto his face, and there were already low laughs among the crowd watching. Wang Tong blocked it with one hand, and grabbed the teapot with the other hand and slammed it at it.

There was still half a pot of tea in the teapot, and when it hit his face, the teapot burst and the tea and blood splashed everywhere. Wang Tong kicked Ge Qianhu's lower abdomen with his second kick. The person fell backwards and fell heavily on the floor with a loud bang.

The low laughter in the hall disappeared, instead there were one or two screams from a woman, her face was bleeding, the tea splashed on her face, and her upper and lower pains were excruciating. Ge Qianhu also woke up a lot from the wine, and pointed at Wang Tong on the ground and cursed:

"You bastard, you violated our family law by beating Shangguan, you wait..."

With a sullen face, Wang Tong kicked him in the ribs, squatted down, stared at Ge Qianhu and said in a deep voice:
"It's nothing to hit you. The young master led people to rush to Liu Dutang's Zhuangzi. Afterwards, the Zhuangzi was given to the young master. What do you think I am waiting for!"

The voice was so low that the people around couldn't hear it. Ge Qianhu was too drunk to be dull, but he heard it clearly. Regardless of the blood on his face mixed with tea, he reached out and wiped it, and said in a low voice:

"...You are the one who opened a restaurant in Nancheng..."

Wang Tong ignored it, and sat back on the chair. The businessman came over tremblingly, and helped Ge Qianhu up with great effort. Ge Qianhu was also a bachelor, but his face was covered with blood, but he nodded to Wang Tong. Opened his mouth and said:
"What an offense, buy a drink to make amends another day!!"

Everyone in the room was completely silent at this time. Many people scolded Chen Zhizhong, the Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion, but they didn't see it, but after beating Jinyiwei Qianhu, the other party actually respectfully apologized. Who is this half-grown boy?

The more people who work in Jinyiwei and see more battles among the powerful, the more they are afraid of such people who have no clue about the depth and background, because they know the horror of this powerful person better than others.

This time, Miss Song's movements were a little stiff. Although she still sat back on the chair, her face was not as smiling as before. Wang Tong picked up the safe sign with his fingers and said calmly:

"Mother Song, this brand is a good one. You only need to pay 4000 taels for the first time, and then you can use it for three years after paying 200 taels a month. It will keep your Qin Pavilion safe. What do you think, buy it!!"

Miss Song's expression changed, this time she didn't speak with a smile, but said in a cold voice:
"Little brother, you are not very old, what do you need so much money for, your hands are so dark, be careful that you will not even have a copper coin to buy straw mats in the future."

Poor people in the capital can't afford coffins, so they often take a straw mat and throw them out of the city when it's dark. Miss Song's cursing words can be regarded as poisonous.

However, Wang Tong felt very confident. After entering the Qin Pavilion, the Song girl had always been tit-for-tat and never let her down. Her vicious words at this moment showed that she was flustered.

At this time, there was a commotion outside the door, and Miss Song suddenly stood up, Wang Tong raised his voice and said:
"Let's put it in, this mother Song must have been waiting for this one outside!!"

Hearing Wang Tong's order, the noise outside quieted down, and several people strode in. There were four of them in total, but they were all dressed as servants, with black robes and caps, but the black robes were also made of high-quality silk and satin. They were the servants of the rich and powerful families. After these four people came in, they ignored Jin Yiwei and his group at all.

On the contrary, the guests who were watching in the hall didn't care about being afraid anymore, and stepped forward to greet each other with warm and enthusiastic tone.

Ordinary people can't come to high-end places like Qin Guan, the guests are either rich or expensive, and those who take the initiative to say hello have to protect their own homes when they say hello, they are all servants from somewhere, and there are even Yuanwailang from a certain department.

At the same time, Wang Tong also noticed that as soon as the four people came in, Miss Song on the opposite side completely relaxed. The person in charge was in his forties, turned his head and looked at Wang Tong and the others coldly, and turned his head to care about Miss Song. said:
"Grandma Sangu, there's nothing wrong with it!"

Even though Miss Song relaxed, she still said angrily:

"What's the matter? These people are going to demolish the yard. At worst, my aunt will go back to the old place. Why bother?"

The middle-aged man in his 40s turned his head and said coldly:

"You are from that yamen, how dare you come to check the Qin Pavilion?"

"Master belongs to Jin Yiwei!"

Wang Tong replied coldly, the middle-aged man's face became more angry, and he stepped forward and said:
"Being reckless!! Hurry up and kowtow to Grandma Sangu to apologize, and then get out, tomorrow I will find someone to argue with you!"

"Why, you four, there are hundreds of us, do you kneel when you say kneel?"

Wang Tong laughed loudly when he heard that, the middle-aged man took a step forward and said solemnly:

"I am the housekeeper of Master Zhang Han, Minister of the Ministry of Officials. If you are like this, even the Commander of Jin Yiwei, Mr. Liu, will pay respects to my master when he sees him. What are you doing?"

After Wang Guoguang became an official official, Zhang Han became the official secretary. The official secretary is extremely important. No wonder there are so many disputes. Wang Tong was taken aback, turned his head and muttered in a low voice:

"Damn, why am I competing with the Minister of the Ministry of Officials!"

Seeing him tilting his head, the butler thought Wang Tong was afraid, so he took a step forward and said:
"Kowtow to apologize! Then get out..."

Before he finished speaking, Wang Tong stood up and slapped him hard on the face, directly knocking him down on the ground. Wang Tong squatted down and picked him up again, and said in a cold voice:

"If it wasn't for the young master, would Zhang Han be able to become this Shangshu!!?"
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(End of this chapter)

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