Chapter 149

The force of Wang Tong's slap was not small, and the butler fell to the ground directly. The half of his face that was slapped instantly became red and swollen, and his teeth were a little loose.

The three housekeepers who were following behind him were about to catch up, but the long pole in Li Wenyuan's hand moved forward a little bit, blocking their way. The housekeeper's face hurt and he couldn't even speak, but he heard Wang Tong's words After that, I was even more shocked.

Wang Guoguang, the former Minister of the Ministry of Officials, suddenly resigned from his post and returned to his hometown, and his son, who was misbehaving, also hanged himself to death. There are various speculations in the capital about the reason, and there is a lot of rumors.

After Zhang Han came to the position of Shangshu from the assistant minister, although he thanked the first assistant Zhang Juzheng for his promotion, he was also trembling and cautious, for fear of repeating the mistakes of his predecessor.

Master be careful, the servants below naturally don’t dare to be presumptuous, but things are important today, and those who can offend official minister Zhang Han in the capital will basically not come to this yard, let alone those who can’t. Unexpectedly, the young Jin Yiwei who reported his fame was not afraid, and knocked him to the ground, and said those words.

Being able to be the housekeeper of the Shangshu Mansion, this person is also a character with a keen mind, and he immediately weighed the importance. When talking about such arrogance, he is either really capable or a lunatic.

If you really have this ability, you can't afford to be offended. You don't need to pay attention to the lunatic. The butler rubbed his face and said in a low voice:

"I've offended you. Please hold your hand high. We can talk about anything."

The people around saw that the butler in Zhang Han's mansion, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, was slapped down like this. After answering, the butler got up silently and waved at the people who came with him to stop him.

The officials and wealthy businessmen in the Qin Pavilion all looked surprised, staring at Wang Tong carefully, trying to remember Wang Tong's face, while guessing whose son this is, while thinking about what they saw and heard today. good talk.

And those shopkeepers and bosses of the yards in Dongcheng, Xicheng, Beicheng, and Nancheng, all of them had pale faces. Today, the stewards of Shuntianfu Cheng, Jinyiwei Qianhu, and finally the Minister of the Ministry of Officials all came forward. As a result, each one was more embarrassing than one, and each was more grandson. , it seems that this Ping An sign has to be handed over.

Seeing the butler back with his face covered and his eyebrows lowered, Miss Song knew that the situation was over. Before she could speak, Wang Tong asked with a smile:

"Mother Song, I think it's getting late, is there anyone else coming?"

Wang Tong still didn't believe it. Could it be that the other party could pull out the Minister of the Ministry of Officials? The Song girl was stunned on the chair, stood up abruptly, threw her handkerchief to the ground, and shouted sharply:

"Don't look at it, everyone. The uncle of Jinyiwei didn't say to close the store. It's time to drink and have fun. Old Wang, take money from the cabinet and buy a brand for this uncle Wang!"

Miss Song's attitude of breaking pots and throwing things down has eased the atmosphere in the hall a lot. After all, Wang Tong didn't say anything about closing the store, and the Minister of the Ministry of Officials is still an existence that everyone can't afford to offend. The excitement is enough. Do whatever you want!
After the Song girl finished calling the tent, she turned her head and was about to walk in. Wang Tong took the sign and said with a smile:

"Mother Song, you can buy this Ping An brand for only 5000 taels of silver. If you pay 3000 taels of silver every year, it can be used for two years!!"

Buying such a brand with [-] taels of silver is already a blatant extortion. The Song girl trembled and shouted at the shopkeeper next to her:
"Take as much silver as there is in the cabinet, and let go of the uncles locked in the firewood room. Our temple is small. If we keep it full, the courtyard will be demolished."

After finishing speaking, he walked out of the hall without looking back. Wang Tong held up the sign and shouted to those people in the hall with ashen faces who were still in the hall with a smile:

"Today, I would like to share with you a scene in the Qin Pavilion. Within 20 days, there will be government servants from Shuntian Mansion coming to the door to display it. If you buy this brand, it will keep you safe. After 20 days, it's hard to say whether it's safe or not. The price But not at this price."

After speaking, he made a circle with a smile, and many people around him did not dare to accept his bow, and hurriedly bowed and returned the bow, and there was a fuss in a hurry.

The Qin Pavilion is nothing more than a brothel, and only 800 taels of silver were found after searching the cabinet this night, which is actually quite a lot, ordinary merchants can get so much money from the cabinet.

The four servants from Shuntian Mansion were also released. These people suffered some physical pains, and then they were tied up and thrown in the woodshed. Apart from suffering, they didn't hurt their muscles or bones.

The Ping An sign was still hanging at the main entrance of the Qin Pavilion. After Wang Tong took the 800 taels of silver, he did not continue to pursue it. He led the people back with an IOU.

As soon as he went out, Wang Tong ordered someone to open the silver box with a torch, took out about 100 taels of silver, handed it to Wang Si and Li Gui outside, and said with a smile:

"The brothers who called you out tonight have all worked hard. The money will be shared for drinking and drinking. Remember to take out 20 taels to treat those four injuries."

Wang Si and Li Gui happily agreed, but tonight the people they called looked at Wang Tong with mixed eyes of admiration, and the four injured even ignored the support of their companions and struggled to give him Wang Tong kowtowed, Wang Tong waved his hand with a smile, and said:
"You also suffered for my work, and you deserve the money!"

The emperor did not send hungry soldiers, if others help you out and give money, then they will naturally come to help next time. These servants and idlers will remember Wang Tong's generosity when they see him.

When the group arrived at the Nancheng side, Wang Si and Li Gui led them away. Wang Tong didn't walk a few steps, and said again:

"Brother Zhang, send 100 taels to Lu Tongpan, and then tell us about today's situation, and then bring out 200 taels of silver. Our own brothers have worked hard tonight, and those boys are good at wine and meat. Money, if you have an errand, give silver!"

Zhang Shiqiang hastily agreed, and everyone who works in Jinyiwei has already changed into Jinyiwei's flying fish suits, walking at night without ID will cause trouble.

After walking a few steps, Tan Jiang, who was carrying a pole, came over and said in a low voice:

"Little one, boldly ask, where did the master learn this skill? Your lord has clearly never been in battle in front of Hunyuan Temple, but you can arrange people around the Qin Pavilion to block the front and then lie in ambush among the crowd." , There are nearly a hundred guards in the Qin Pavilion, except for the loud noise at the front door, the rest are made of every sound, which is really admirable..."

Wang Tong smiled, there is no interface. From childhood to adulthood, class and class, school and school, and even welfare schools and social personnel fought. Wang Tong participated in many such fights. , this has rich practice and theory, it is not difficult to besiege a brothel.

I remember that when I rode a bicycle to fight in groups, I had to leave a special person to guard the bicycle, so as not to be destroyed by others, and I would not be able to run away. Think about chatting with the teenagers in the martial arts hall. Li Tao said that the Xuanfu and the Tartars were at war. Sometimes mounted infantry are used, and the infantry dismounts in formation, leaving one of the ten horses behind, which is called a horse stake.

These ancient and modern battles and gang fights really have some coincidences, but these reasons, that is, one or two emotions, cannot be said to General Tan.

As for intimidating the audience in the lobby of the Qin Pavilion, receiving and letting go, that is a matter of marketing and psychology. Back then, it was mostly used in dealing with suppliers and customers, so naturally it cannot be said .

Everyone was breathing heavily, not because they were tired from the Qin Pavilion and on the way back and forth, but because of their elation and excitement. Zhang Shiqiang followed the cart pulling the wounded, because the silver box was also placed there, and walked a few steps. But he remembered something and called Sun Dahai to stare at him. He ran to Wang Tong quickly and asked:

"My lord, why don't you invite two collectors to come over tonight? The brand will be easy to push tomorrow, and the money will be a lot of money by then..."

Wang Tong smiled and waved his hands, and said softly:

"We still can't push the sign tomorrow morning. These people have to wait, wait for the reaction of Zhang Han, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, and see if Zhang Han will make any moves. They want to see the wind and move the rudder, so there is no rush."

But this time Wang Tong was wrong. Early the next morning, Wang Tong was awakened by the knocking on the door, but it was Li Hutou who opened the door.

"Brother Wang, a few servants from other families outside said they belonged to the Zhang family, and they wanted to come to see something..."

Wang Tong put on his clothes and went out. The red and swollen cheeks of the man standing at the door hadn't subsided. I met him in the Qin Pavilion last night. Before Wang Tong could say anything, the butler had already clasped his fists deeply and said politely:

"Young Zhang Quanfu met Mr. Wang, but he didn't know him last night. He offended him so much. I hope Mr. Wang will not be offended."

From his tone and posture, he couldn't see the conflict from yesterday at all. Wang Tong rubbed his cheeks with his hands to wake himself up, and said with a smile:

"So it's Steward Zhang, please come inside."

The butler entered the yard, and the four servants behind him unloaded two boxes from the carriage, and opened them in the yard without entering the house, revealing the silver ingots inside. The butler bowed again and said:

"This is 2000 taels of silver. The rest of the Qin Pavilion can't be made up for a while. I hope the adults can give it a few days."

It is obvious that he is the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, but he sent money in the name of Qinguan. The IOU issued yesterday, I showed the housekeeper a few times, then tore it into pieces, and said again:
"I leave 1000 taels enough, and the Qin Pavilion won't have to pay an annuity for the next three years."

The butler showed a sincere expression, knelt on the ground and kowtowed, and then led the people to move out respectfully with a box of silver.

"... I took the teapot and knocked down those thousands of households... and a few men in black walked in..."

In the afternoon during the military officer's class break, Wang Tong was telling what happened last night. The two children listened attentively. Wang Tong paused for a while, and Emperor Wanli kept asking:
"And then!?"

Just after noon that day, someone took the initiative to buy the brand...
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(End of this chapter)

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