Chapter 150
When it came to reprimanding Lu Wancai, Emperor Wanli's eyes widened and his fists were clenched tightly. When he said that he beat Ge Qianhu, the Jinyi guard, with a teapot, Emperor Wanli's breathing became rough.

When Wang Tong said that he jumped up and slapped him hard on the ground, Emperor Wanli also jumped up from the ground, waved his fist a few times, and his face flushed with excitement.

"It's really happy, it's really happy, this is the way to deal with those low-minded things in the eyes of dogs!"

In the eyes of Emperor Wanli, the Fucheng of Shuntian Mansion and the Qianhu of Jinyiwei are just like ants, and they can be beaten as soon as they are beaten. From childhood to adulthood, no matter whether it is in Yuwang Mansion or in the palace, I have never heard such a wonderful story told to him.

What Wang Tong said was not very surprising, but this time he was more arrogant than before, and his prestige rose again and again, and it was the experience of people around him. This sense of reality was unprecedented before, and the little emperor was still very serious. Substitute, thinking about what would happen if I went to this kind of occasion.

In his mind, he thought that if he showed his identity, the effect would be more majestic than what Wang Tong did. Although he didn't have personal experience, thinking about it would make people feel elated.

Li Hutou pouted beside him, he had heard what Wang Tong said a long time ago, and it was a pity that he didn't go to such a wonderful scene.

Just when he was about to drag Wang Tong to continue talking, the practice started again. Today's group confrontation is different from before. Before each practice, everyone has to draw a number plate. When the time comes, according to the number on the number plate, Divide into teams to compete.

The companions assigned each time are different, so during the battle, the strength of both sides will always change, and the cooperation with the companions will also change. There must be no dependence, and for the convenience of cooperation, the standard movements that are usually practiced It must be executed meticulously.

The two sides did not stand still to stab, but drew two lines with white ash on the playground. The two sides first reached the edge, and then they had to walk to this line before they could start a war.

In this case.Whoever arrives at this line earlier and arranges the team well will have an advantage in the subsequent stabbing. This kind of training is a higher test for the teenagers.

When the two sides have not reached the white line, they can attack each other. If they stand on the side of the white line and line up, the other side must also line up.

In order to ensure that the team keeps order when they reach the line, and to respond to sudden situations during the march, someone must shout and be responsible for certain commands during the march. Every time a team is divided, the teenagers have to elect a commander .

Wang Tong's existing experience is of no use at this time. This is the simulation of soldiers on the battlefield rushing to the battlefield to join the battle.The reason why Wang Tong can keep up with the training now and his grades are still in the upper reaches is because he already has a whole set of learning methods and can devote enough concentration.

The person in charge of the command was the officer of the fifty soldiers, judging the situation and shouting the command, it was a great responsibility and an honor.

The little Emperor Wanli and Li Hutou want to be the team officers most, but the quality of the leader is directly related to the team's victory or defeat. He is tall and can see the situation around him clearly. He must have enough skills, be able to punch and fight, and You need to have the prestige of convincing the crowd, but in the end, only these few people are selected every time, Wang Tong, Li Tao, Sun Xin, Chen Sibao, Wanli Little Emperor and Li Hutou will be placed in the center of the team no matter where they are Protecting them made these two people quite depressed.

Every class is a confrontation, everyone is exhausted and sweaty, but this kind of simulated battle makes the teenagers fight happily.

After Wang Tong finished talking about yesterday's interesting stories, he was selected as the team officer for the next course, and Chen Sibao was the team officer on the opposite side. When the two sides hurried towards the front line, Wang Tong found a unique way and didn't go to that line. They lined up over there, shouting slogans and leading the crowd to run and march. They walked around to the side of Chen Sibao's team who was caught off guard, and rushed a few steps suddenly. Although Chen Sibao's team had already lined up to meet them, they were still disrupted.

When Chen Sibao's side was in formation, Wang Tong's side had already formed a formation on the side of the white line, lined up to assassinate, one side had arranged the formation in advance, and the other side couldn't even stand on the white line, Chen Sibao's team even Unable to stand on the white line, they had to admit defeat dejectedly.

"If these children can roll around on the battlefield for a few years, they are enough to be servants!"

When it was time for recess, teachers Zhao Da and Li Wenyuan said with emotion, and Li Wenyuan took a sip of tea and replied with a smile:

"I don't have such abilities at my age. I heard that General Yu Dayou Yu and several old town guards are here to give lectures. The future of these young people is not just a family soldier who can fight and kill."

Qian Er next to him opened the window, looked at the boy on the playground, and said leisurely:

"I really want to see what prospects these children will have in the future..."

During the last class break, Emperor Wanli dragged Wang Tong aside again, wiped sweat off his face, and asked:
"Wang Tong, how much money can you collect for this Ping An brand!?"

This time there were only two people around, and Wanli's expression when he asked this question was not as cheerful as before, but rather solemn.

Wang Tong also felt a little awe-inspiring. After all, he had known Emperor Wanli for so long. Although the young emperor was young, Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao were in charge of the country's major affairs and inner palace. Even his personal life was more important. Follow the arrangement of Empress Dowager Li.

But at a young age, he has an unusual interest in gold, silver and money. Every time he talks about related topics, he seems to be a different person, asking carefully and pondering over and over again.

Because of the status of Emperor Wanli, Wang Tong did not hide anything he did. Whether overtly or secretly, Emperor Wanli was willing to listen to all the intrigues outside the imperial city, street fights, anecdotes, parents' gossip, everything. For him, it was all very new, and he wanted to understand it carefully.

During this process, Wang Tong discovered Emperor Wanli's interest in economic matters. Every time he talked about the operating revenue and expenditure, consumption and income of the delicious restaurant, he listened in great detail, and the questions were beyond the scope of curiosity.

It must be the same about the Ping An brand, and this kind of question and answer seems to be not a conversation among the young companions among the military officers, but a bit of a prelude to the meaning.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, there are almost 4 brothels and casinos in the entire capital, ranging in size, and the price of each brand is different, but this time at least more than 2 taels can be collected, and there will be nearly [-] taels a year in the future. Wanliang, once the three-year period passes, you don’t know what will happen?"

"This year it's more than 4 taels, and there will be nearly [-] taels every year in the future!!"

Emperor Wanli was obviously shocked by this number, his eyes widened a little and stared at Wang Tong, Wang Tong leaned over and said with a smile:

"Thanks to His Majesty, if the villain comes forward, those in the courtyard will give some face, so that the money can be collected."

"Tsk tsk, I haven't thought about it. I listened to Mr. Zhang and Feng Daban all day long. How much land will be produced by Qingzhang in this province today, and how many hidden acres will be there tomorrow. This is not a few 4 taels. While distributing a sign, unexpectedly received so much, alas, Wang Tong, what are you going to spend!"

At this time, Wang Tong was a little dazed. More than 4 taels of silver could surprise the emperor so much. Although he was a little emperor, when the emperor asked how to spend it, Wang Tong cheered up a little. Forget it. Then he replied:
"Divided into three parts, one part is used to make hard money for everyone on business. After all, this safe brand is safe, and people need to go to the store to maintain it. One part is used to maintain the various expenses of this martial arts school. It is not always good. The other part of the money in Hua Palace is sent to the palace."

Although the pre-allocation is also divided in this way, the details are very different from what Wang Tong said now, but Emperor Wanli was very satisfied after hearing it.

With so much money, there are two things involved in the palace. The royal family is not at a disadvantage. Over there, Zhao Da has already started knocking with a clapper. The recess is over, and the last class of the day is about to begin.

Wanli stood up, patted the ashes, smiled and asked in a low voice:

"Wang Tong, how much money can you get yourself?"

"If you go back to His Majesty, the villain himself can have 6000 to 8000 taels of income."

"You've made a fortune, and you won't be able to earn this money for several lifetimes of salary!"

"If I hadn't met the emperor, how could the villain have such a blessing."

The two of them ran towards the field talking and laughing. Even if they were distributed according to the above, in fact, [-]% or even a little more of them were controlled by Wang Tong, and they would definitely take less.

There was a lot of commotion in the Qin Pavilion. Although there were no real bigwigs present at the time, there were many officials from all over the place, rich and powerful inside and outside the capital, and the news naturally spread wildly.

Wang Tong, a young man from Jinyiwei Baihu in Nancheng South Street, suddenly jumped in front of everyone's eyes. Many people knew this Jinyiwei Baihu who poured water on the Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion, smashed Jinyiwei Qianhu with a pot, and slapped the steward of the Ministry of Officials.

The eyes and ears of Dongchang and Jinyiwei who were in charge of detectives and spies would naturally report such things upwards, and the information was finally collected in the hands of Feng Bao and Zhang Juzheng.

"At such a young age, he is able to search for money like this, and is still so domineering and unscrupulous outside. What will happen to such a person in the future, it is really worrying!"

In the cabinet, Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao sat and talked. Hearing Zhang Juzheng's words, Feng Bao smiled indifferently and said:
"Tai Yue, you are thinking too much. Wang Tong did not hide anything from His Majesty. He had already explained it carefully the day before yesterday. He did not hide anything. This is the greatest loyalty."
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(End of this chapter)

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