Chapter 151
With Feng Bao's words, Zhang Juzheng couldn't say anything more. For the emperor, nothing to hide and loyalty are the most important things, and the rest are small details.

"Eunuch Feng, it is not good for Wang Tong to be so close to His Majesty as a small military official, and it will definitely lead to disaster in the future!"

Zhang Juzheng said something again, Feng Bao circled the folder in his hand to mark it, and said indifferently:

"Whether it's a blessing or a curse, it's all his own chance. Since we are so close to His Majesty, we as slaves and servants naturally can't say too much. Speaking of which, Wang Tong sent 5000 taels this morning." Yin Zi enters the palace, this child is doing things properly."

There was praise in Feng Bao's words, so Zhang Juzheng stopped talking about this direction. After hearing Feng Bao's last words, he deducted the discount, but thought of something.

After being silent for a while, Zhang Juzheng said in a deep voice:

"Just reaching out to the brothels and casinos in the capital can make so much money. The number of decent shops and warehouses in the capital is probably ten times and a hundred times that of these places. If the levy is also imposed.... How many merchants..."

Hearing Zhang Juzheng's vague words, Feng Bao raised his head, the expression on his face had become abnormally serious, and he shouted in a low voice:
"Tai Yue, why are you thinking about it again? In the ten years after Lord Jiajing, Yan Song, Xu Jie, and Gao Gong at the time of the first emperor, no one had the idea of ​​​​commercial taxation, but they showed that they were the government and the opposition. Wow, if the officials and censors don't want to be impeached by Shangben, don't even mention this matter!"

Zhang Juzheng sighed, and said wearily:
"Eunuch Feng, I don't know what you said, but it's really..."

"Old Zhang Ge, why should you be so discouraged? Clearing up the land has already achieved results. This year's treasury is already the best situation in the past 30 years. When the big policy is implemented, it will be another world. It is useless to think about things that are too far away, and Take it easy!"

Someone outside reported that Zhang Han, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, had arrived, Feng Bao and Zhang Juzheng stopped talking, and the cabinet meeting was about to begin.

Feng Bao stood up and said with a smile:
"Zhang Han knows better than Wang Guoguang. He loses face so much, but he knows how to keep quiet and has a future!"

"Brother Zou, here is 300 taels of gold, please keep it!"

With so much silver, his family members had to share it accordingly. The 5000 taels of silver to be sent to the palace had to be delivered by Zou Yi, and Wang Tong directly prepared a portion for him.

Intimate relationship is intimate, no one will not be happy when so much golden money is delivered to the door, Zou Yi said with a smile:

"They're all from my own family, why are you being so polite?"

After being polite, Zou Yi accepted it twice after pretending to give way twice. He couldn't help admiring in his heart. Being an officer of the Horse Supervisor was much more lucrative than the former Internal Officer's Supervisor, but he earned so many days. It's not as good as Wang Tong sending more at a time.

Wang Tong looked at more than 20 wooden boxes beside him, and said:
"Here is a total of 5000 taels. Brother Zou, you don't need to write any certificates for the younger brother, and you don't need to give the title in the palace. When it is shipped in, please show it to Eunuch Zhang and Eunuch Feng, and ask them how to arrange it. .”

No note, no name, let Zhang Cheng and Feng Bao arrange it, that is to say, the 5000 taels of silver will be sent over, and you two are free to deduct as much as you want, it is all a small filial piety.

Even Zou Yi, who is well-informed, gave Wang Tong a thumbs up when he heard Wang Tong's arrangement, and praised:

"If you don't say that Brother Wang is a person who does great things, such a big deal shows that his courage is different from ordinary people."

With gold and silver as lubricants, the relationship between the two parties has become closer again. Zou Yi sat down with a smile, and said leisurely:
"Brother Wang, you are getting more and more courageous. If you are going to make trouble in the Qin Pavilion, why do you have to wait for the news from the East Factory before you start!"

"No matter how big this world is, no one is bigger than the emperor. At that time, there were too many people in the capital waiting and watching. If I hadn't acted vigorously here, I am afraid that there is not so much money in the world today. I am afraid that I will have to pay for it!!"

After a few jokes, Zou Yi said:

"The origin of Miss Song is really special, she has no relationship with Zhang Han, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, but usually they are siblings.

Wang Tong smiled, these big people have a lot of dirty things, brother and sister are equal, God knows what it is, seeing the expression on Wang Tong's face, Zou Yi knew that he had misunderstood, and quickly explained:
"Brother Wang, things are not what you think. When Zhang Han was a local procurator, he was involved in a case. As a result, in the same year as Zhang Han, a local magistrate took all the blame on himself. The magistrate was sentenced to death, his family property was confiscated, and his sister was thrown into the Jiaofang Division."

The Jiaofang Division is the place where official prostitutes are managed. When Miss Song entered here, she also entered the pit of fire. Zou Yi continued:

"From then on, Zhang Han has been promoted step by step. It's rare that he didn't forget his roots. After he became a servant, he redeemed Miss Song. He wanted to send a sum of money back home, but he didn't expect that Miss Song was unwilling to accept other people's favors in vain. I don’t know why, but I opened this Qin Pavilion, and that Miss Song didn’t know what she learned in the Jiaofang Division. She managed this Qin Pavilion in an orderly manner, and she really helped Zhang Han a lot..."

It's really interesting, Wang Tong rubbed the teacup with his hand, and just said: "This Miss Song is also legendary." He immediately realized it, and said with a smile:

"Brother Zou's remarks, are you trying to make peace for Zhang Han and Zhang Shangshu?"

Even though Cai Cai was telling the story objectively just now, his tendencies were obvious. It was obviously paving the way for the following words. Zou Yi was taken aback, but he didn't expect the other party to react so quickly. He pointed at Wang Tong and said with a smile:
"Oh, I really don't know that you are the reincarnation of that fairy, Brother Wang. How did you turn your mind so fast? Zhang Han sent a message from the young prisoner entrusted to the imperial prison, saying that there was a misunderstanding. Miss Song was impatient and offended you. Brother, he said that if there is still dissatisfaction on the side of the brother, he can make up for it as much as possible."

"Brother Zou, please bring a message to the past. The matter is over. I am afraid that the Qin Pavilion will be used by colleagues as an early bird. From now on, we will pay for things according to the usual practice. I will not make things difficult here. Please rest assured, Mr. Zhang. .”

Seeing that Wang Tong thought clearly, Zou Yi smiled and said nothing, took a sip of tea, seemed to think of something suddenly, and said inadvertently:

"A newspaper came over, saying that Yu Dayou had already arrived in Nanjing. Counting the days, he would arrive in a month."

Wang Tong was a little puzzled, why did he say this, Zou Yi continued:

"This martial arts hall is more and more like a martial arts school now. Brother Wang has learned all his skills here. If he really wants to go to the capital camp, a border town or something to become a general, then it will be boring?"

Hearing Zou Yi's words, Wang Tong was stunned for a moment, and after a while of silence, he said slowly:
"Thank you, Big Brother Zou, for your reminder, I really need to think about it more."

After the Qin Pavilion was occupied by the people led by Wang Tong, everyone in the capital who was related to the Ping An brand honestly paid for the brand.

Being able to beat people there is as long as you have the courage to do it. The key is that if you get into a fight, the people who are beaten and quarreled the next day don't know how to say anything, and they just come to the door to give money to the beaters. There is such a result where Bu Shangshu is related, and everyone knows what kind of person Wang Tong is.

When the money from the Ping An brand was collected, the helpers below all changed their equipment immediately, and the troops were even stronger.

Liu Shouyou's Zhuangzi is a Zhuangzi who both farms and raises horses. There are nearly [-] horses in that Zhuangzi, and the horses naturally belong to Wang Tong.

The cost of raising horses is not small. Wang Tong kept a hundred good horses for his own use, and sold the rest at the mule and horse market. Houses and canals, even the big brother and the farmer who had an arrow in his arm were invited to see a doctor.

The people in the Zhuangzi thought simply, they would sacrifice their lives to the master, and whoever was good to their family would be loyal to them. Wang Tong's money, which was poured down, would naturally grab people's hearts.

Sixteen family generals surnamed Tan, fifty trained youths, and weapons and equipment, even if there is any trouble in this village, they can easily control it with their hands.

Moreover, Wang Tong also instructed Tan Jian, Tan Bing and others to select those who are strong and willing to endure hardships from among the young and middle-aged people in Zhuangzi, and they can be pulled over for training. In Wang Tong's eyes, the rent that Zhuangzi collected was not at all in Wang Tong's eyes. Zhuangzi's position close to the capital and the manpower were what mattered.

It has been a month since the launch of the Ping An brand. It is said that Yu Dayou has already lived in the capital and will come to the martial arts hall to give lectures in a few days.

At the end of June in the lunar calendar, summer has already begun. In this era without fans and air conditioners, it is really difficult. Everything is on the right track, and there is nothing to do. People are inevitably a little bored.

In Wang Tong's main room, Lu Wancai fanned himself with a folding fan while patting a stack of papers on the table and said:

"Brother Wang, the contract documents of Zhuangzi 120 and two of you have been sealed. From then on, they are all entrusted to your house and counted as your servants."

"With nearly 400 people in Zhuangzi, it's okay to pick out more than 50 usable ones. Brother Zhang, go to the experience department and ask Hou Baihu. He said that we have recruited people to fill the vacancies. I'm going to make a record, and then go to get the body and waist badge when the time comes."

After Wang Tong finished speaking, Zhang Shiqiang agreed from the side, and Wang Tong explained with a smile:

"There are more than a hundred people under him who can punch and fight. It is very easy for others to be charged with crimes. They simply recognize the servants first, and then go to the experience department to file a copy. When the time comes, no matter who asks, there will be a Say it."

Everyone in the room laughed, but at this moment they heard a noise in front of them, Wang Tong listened intently, it seemed that there was a woman calling from the Delicious Restaurant...
Calling for all votes and support! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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