Chapter 152

"Master, there is a commotion at the Delicious Restaurant, go over and have a look!"

During lunch time, teenagers ate at the Delicious Restaurant, and sometimes Emperor Wanli would come to join in the fun, and people would leave the restaurant after everything was prepared.

But to clean up the bowls and chopsticks, to see if the food is still enough to eat, there is always a patrol in the restaurant, and then a backup outside, these two people are required to be more clever.

Today, there are twenty cooks and helpers in the Delicious Restaurant, and nearly fifty other busy people. For their arrangements, Wang Tong has already handed over to Widow Ma to arrange for them, and Widow Ma has never made any mistakes.

It was Shi Shi who reported outside the door. He is the leader of the guys now. He is a man who knows how to look at people. Any young man in the delicious restaurant is an important person. Therefore, when Wang Tong is away, he specifically asked him to keep an eye on him. , let me know if there is any movement in the restaurant.

Although the teenagers are huddled together and have a very good relationship, there are three groups of people from Xuanfu, Jizhen, and the capital, and now there are Chen Sibao, and these four groups still have some friction with each other. With Li Hutou, the little emperor Wanli and himself, those are almost five small forces. The young man's temperament is unstable, and God knows when he will make a move.

Hearing the stone's report, Wang Tong explained a few words to the people in the room, and strode towards the delicacy hall. When he was about to enter the delicacy hall, he could clearly hear a woman's loud voice, which seemed to be young women.

Wang Tong frowned suddenly, who is so bold, he turned his head and asked Shi Shi in a deep voice:
"Who is serving in the store today?"

"If you go back to the master, it's Zhang Hongying!"

"Nonsense, this little girl still looks like a sensible person, how can she yell at a customer like that."

He said that Zhang Hongying was a little girl, but he didn't expect that the other party was two or three years older than him. The building of this delicious restaurant also considered the function of sound insulation. What was shouting inside could not be heard outside.

Wang Tong thought for a while, but turned around and left the courtyard, he wanted to enter through the main entrance, he was glad when he went out, fortunately the little Emperor Wanli didn't come this morning, otherwise it would be even more troublesome.

This is also one of the rules. When the little emperor came, Wang Tong always had to accompany him to have lunch, which was regarded as a closer relationship. He walked out of the yard, turned out of the alley, and arrived at the main entrance of the Delicious Restaurant.

It is also the same rule. When the little emperor comes to the delicious restaurant for dinner, there are usually four "low-duty forbidden soldiers" outside the door "walking around for nothing". .

These Dongchang fans are on the bright side, and naturally there is power in the dark, of course Wang Tong knows what these people are doing, everyone just knows it.

It is said that there is such a lot of trouble inside, these fans have to go into the store to have a look, but today the two fans are chatting there leisurely, seeing Wang Tong coming, they just smiled and nodded , there was no panic and anxious expression on his face.

But at the front, because the kitchen is facing outside and needs to be ventilated, Zhang Hongying's angry voice can already be heard, but the specific content is not clear.

Wang Tong nodded in response, feeling weird again in his heart, opened the curtain and walked in, and finally heard clearly.

"Many people outside can only eat these meals during the Chinese New Year. If you waste food like this, do you know what kind of crime you are committing!!"

Zhang Hongying, who was usually silent, pinched her waist with one hand, and pointed at a table in front of her with the other, accusing loudly, and everyone around the table was silent.

The four people sitting at the table accused were all Sun Xin, their faces were flushed, and Li Tao next to him was holding a small half of a biscuit, bowing his head and stuffing it into his mouth.

Zhang Hongying also heard the sound of the door curtain, looked back, saw Wang Tong, was stunned for a moment, then turned her hands pinching her waist and said loudly:

"Waste the food, it will be struck by thunder. When my aunt cleans up tomorrow, if there is leftover food, then I will eat it tomorrow. If I leave it three times, I will starve you!!"

After finishing speaking angrily, he turned his head and walked out quickly, but when he walked to Wang Tong's side, he kept his head down and did not say hello.

As soon as the girl left the shop, the teenagers were obviously relieved. Li Hutou called Wang Tong to sit down behind him. His lunch was still placed on the table. After Wang Tong sat down, Li Hutou He approached mysteriously and said:

"Just now Zhang Hongying came in and lost her temper. There were a few pancakes on Li Tao's table, most of which were eaten and left there. Zhang Hongying came in with a steamer to steam the meat. When she saw this, she immediately lost her temper. Tao even replied, but Zhang Hongying's voice suddenly became louder. Li Tao's face turned red, and he lowered his head and dared not speak. Thanks to my quick response, I ate the leftovers. Chen Sibao and his gang And ate the food cleanly."

Speaking of this, Wang Tong probably understands why Zhang Hongying got angry. The food at the Delicious Restaurant is open to the public, and the quality and quantity are guaranteed. There is no concept at all.

Every day at noon and evening meals, there are always a lot of half-eaten cakes, half-gnawed bones and the like thrown out. Few people want to take these white flour cakes and meat bones home and heat them up before eating.

But Wang Tong also doesn't want others to eat leftovers, and he also came in the era of extremely rich material, and he was afraid of some diseases because of this, so Wang Tong only allowed to feed the leftovers to pigs, and he was not allowed to cook them. For other purposes, it turned out that the pigs raised nearby by the Delicious Restaurant all ate fat heads and big ears.

Later, the funds of the Delicious Restaurant became more and more abundant, and the food in the store was no worse than that of the teenagers, and everyone gradually got used to this kind of "luxury" behavior.

But I’m used to it, so I can’t say it’s reasonable to do so. Zhang Hongying lost her temper today, and Wang Tong still quite agrees in his heart. The conditions of the delicious restaurant are so good, it’s easy to make people feel delusional. You must know what Wang Tong ate in the orphanage. , definitely not as good as it is today.

Wang Tong was biting some cold biscuits, and felt that today's incident was very funny. When he came in, the little girl Zhang Hongying was like a crazy cat, extremely vicious.

Shopkeeper Xia’s brother-in-law’s family is not well-off, and Zhang Hongying helped the family from a very early age. It is said that she was the head of the family when she was 11 years old.

If you are not in charge of a family, you don’t know how much food is expensive, and girls who are in charge of the house may be particularly uncomfortable with these teenagers wasting food every day.

Perhaps in the future, Zhang Hongying will be arranged for lunch and dinner in this delicious restaurant to come and help, which can be regarded as a restraint for the teenagers.

The teenagers ate very quickly, and Zhang Hongying's berserk just now really shocked them, many dry food corners that were casually thrown on the table were picked up and eaten by the teenagers frowning.

After lunch, there was still half an hour of rest time. The teenagers usually played and joked on the playground of the martial arts school, or went to the hall under renovation to look at the sand table and models of soldiers and horses.

But Wang Tong still had some things to do, so he hurried back to his house after dinner. Several people in the house were chatting, Wang Tong said sorry, and returned a wooden box on the ground. Opened his mouth and said:
"Brother Lu, this is 700 taels of silver. The owner of Jixiang Teahouse is going back to his hometown in Shandong. The day before yesterday, he said that he would sell this storefront. The shopkeeper of his family is acquainted with me. He came to ask me if I am willing. There are all kinds of troubles around this delicious restaurant. It's a convenient place, this teahouse is just right, I have to go to the martial arts hall in the afternoon, so I have to trouble Big Brother Lu to take the money."

Lu Wancai closed the folding fan, stood up with a smile, and said:
"What trouble is it? I'll go there once!"

The more this kind of dispatch is like a servant, the more comfortable it is for Lu Wan, who is already a judge. This is because Brother Wang did not regard himself as an outsider. He also has followers outside, and he is about to call in to carry the money. Wang Tong After a little thought, he exhorted and said:
"Brother Lu, please don't be angry after listening to a few words. The owner of Jixiang Teahouse asked for 600 taels of silver, and arranged for someone to escort him to his hometown. My younger brother agreed and added 100 taels to him. I also asked Brother Lu to talk about it." Remember to make a contract with the boss and let the middleman in the yamen do the notarization... I don’t know how many eyes are staring at us right now, I would rather spend more money to do things properly, so as not to be caught Here comes the handle."

The words were tactful, but thinking that Lu Wancai might do things like lower the price in order to sell well, and he was talking in a detour out of face, Lu Wancai knocked his forehead with the folding fan, and said with a smile:

"Brother Wang, you are so young, old Lu Bai has lived for 40 years!"

Haha smiled and walked out of the door. Lu Wancai, who has been in the officialdom for many years, never thought of this is hard to say, but this self-satisfied attitude of pleasing others shows one thing, he is led by Wang Tong and obeys orders in everything.

"In the afternoon of the next day, General Yu Dayouyu will come to this martial arts hall to teach everyone skills, and the eunuch Huang Yang, the supervising eunuch of the Imperial Horse Supervisor, will also give lectures to everyone. Next, everyone will be busier. We have discussed it with the instructors. Everyone has practiced hard in the past few days, and tomorrow we will have a day off, let everyone go to Shima Lane to relax."

Before Zhao Da finished speaking, some teenagers couldn't help cheering, and Emperor Wanli waved his fists excitedly, but Wang Tong's mind was not on it. He was thinking about what kind of character Yu Dayou was. What kind of skills can be taught to teenagers.
Thank you all for your support
(End of this chapter)

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