Chapter 153
Although it was a bit hot on June [-]th in the fifth year of Wanli, it was very sunny, and it was a good weather for playing.

For the teenagers in the martial arts hall, this is what it means to be beautiful. The only dissatisfaction is that Huang Yijun didn't come out until before lunch, just like the last holiday.

In this martial arts school, the teacher has always had strict orders, saying that actions must be together, and no one can be left behind, including such fun.

Everyone has been looking forward to this Shima Lane for a long time. Chen Sibao and Tang Sihai are the only people who can talk about it. The hype mentioned here is like the hype, everything that is delicious, fun, and beautiful.

Those who are able to come to this martial arts gym, the family is not short of money, not to mention Chen Sibao's chest slapping loudly, saying that Si Hai and I have covered all the expenses of the brothers in Shima Lane.

The teenagers wearing dark blue short-sleeved shirts lined up on the street, which was actually quite eye-catching. Chen Sibao and Tang Sihai, who were older, felt feverish on their faces.

When walking, I looked left and right, afraid of being seen by acquaintances on the road, and when the news spread, this face would be completely lost, and there were so many people walking on the street, whether it was the government servants of Shuntian Prefecture or Wucheng It would be very embarrassing for soldiers from the Bingma Division or any other yamen to come and ask.

However, the journey went smoothly. Except for the natural pointing and pointing of the people along the way, no one was sent to ask questions. Halfway along the way, Chen Sibao whispered to Tang Sihai:
"No, in the Bimo Hutong in front of you lives the Minister of the Ministry of Justice, Shuntian Mansion and Wucheng Bingmasi have to put a few people there to watch, why can't you see it today?"

Tang Sihai was also confused, of course they didn't know that every yamen in the capital had been greeted in various ways, whether it was the yamen servants of Shuntian Prefecture or the soldiers of Wucheng Bingmasi, they would not appear in the actions of the young people on the route.

The teenagers in blue clothes were indeed the focus of everyone's attention walking on the road. They had a different idea from Chen Sibao and the others. The rest of the teenagers walked forward with their chests up. There is pride in this group, even Emperor Wanli.

Every time they walk a certain distance, the group of pedestrians who follow them to watch the excitement will change. There are also idlers who want to get close to have a few jokes, or even make trouble, but these people are dragged away every time before they reach the line. go back.

To say that there has never been a rotation of civilians watching the bustle, that is, Xue Zhanye, who is wearing a bamboo hat, is accompanied by a dozen strong men in civilian clothes, who constantly accept orders beside Xue Zhanye, and then run to pass them on. , It is to ensure the safety of Emperor Wanli, and to keep the little emperor from being discovered.

Shima Lane is in Dongcheng, most of the nobles and powerful officials of the capital live here. There are merchants from other provinces, even the Western Regions, Western Oceans, Southeast Asia, Korea, and outside the Great Wall, all wanting to make a pot of gold here.

This Shima Lane is one of the busiest streets in Dongcheng. One of the reasons for this is that there are more sensual places on the other streets, and Chen Sibao and others also grasped their limits when bragging.

When they were about to reach Shima Lane, the teenagers were already excited. It was indeed the most prosperous place in the capital, and even the place close to Shima Lane was quite amazing.

"This is probably the best place in our Xuan Mansion, tsk tsk, this is not the right place yet!"

"When I was young, my father took me to the streets of Ji Town. At that time, I couldn't use my eyes. Compared with this place, it's really worse than heaven and earth!"

Chen Sibao and his close friends looked at each other, and couldn't help the smile on their faces, the meaning was self-evident, these bumpkins who had never seen the market.

But this sneer was well-intentioned, so Chen Sibao wanted to make fun of Wang Tong who was standing behind them, and when he turned his head to look, he found that Wang Tong also had that dazed and intoxicated look on his face. Chen Sibao was taken aback, dumbfounded With a smile, this Mr. Wang should have seen the market before, and he looked like this.

Although the times are different, the prosperity and bustle of the central business district are essentially the same, although the way of expression is different. Such a scene makes Wang Tong feel a little bit backward in time and space.

This may be the same as the feeling of a wanderer far away from his hometown, seeing the bright moon in the sky, and thinking of seeing the moonlight in his hometown, it is just a feeling.

The discharge of the teenagers stopped for a while, and a hurried passerby passed by the team leader, Instructor Zhao Da, and whispered as he passed by:

"You can go in!"

Only then did Zhao Da say hello, and the teenagers filed in. This street is almost twice as wide as South Street, and the length is not known how much longer. There are all kinds of shops on both sides, and many of them are buildings. There are even three floors on the second floor. On the first floor, there are guys and intellectuals greeting guests loudly at the door.

Pedestrians on the street can even use the word "crowded" to describe it. Looking up, there are crowds of people's heads. Except for this shop, there are people who have drawn a circle on the street and sell stalls. Special products, and those who yelled and sold snacks with a bamboo basket in their arms, added fuel to the lively atmosphere.

Among the teenagers in Huwei Wuguan, only six of them live in the capital, and the rest are the children of the troops stationed in the prefectures and counties around the capital, not to mention those from Xuanfu and Jizhen. Even Emperor Wanli himself did not come. over here.

Except for Chen Sibao and the others who had been here, the rest of the teenagers all showed dumbfounded expressions, followed by uncontrollable excitement.

"A group of five people, separated according to the usual arrangement, and we are still gathering here before dark!!"

Zhao Da shouted at the top of his voice, the teenagers all took the money, and immediately dispersed after hearing the order, looking for things they were interested in,

Chen Sibao was naturally the original buddies, while Wang Tong walked into Shima Lane together with Li Hutou, the little emperor Wanli, Zhao Da, and Li Wenyuan.

There are also a lot of monsters and ghosts fishing in troubled waters in such lively places. For example, there is a special class of people who see a young man who is alone, and then go up and trick him into a secluded place to knock him unconscious, or ask for a ransom, or traffic people.

The teenagers in the Huwei Martial Arts Academy are in groups of five, tall and tall like Li Tao and Sun Xin, naturally no one dares to provoke them, but there is also a small one who looks young, so naturally they become targets.

Often this person is grabbed by someone as soon as he passes by, and pulled towards the back. This kind of human traffickers have accomplices, and they will shout when they are grabbed, but when they are dragged to the street, they often look at their accomplices as well. After being restrained, some old guards from Shuntian Mansion came to recognize him, but he just nodded and shook his head. If he nodded, he was immediately thrown into a small alley and tied up.

The teenagers were happily shopping, of course they didn't know about the things that happened around them, and of course they didn't know that every five teenagers were accompanied by five fans from Dongchang, ten soldiers directly under Jinyiwei, and one third of Shuntian Mansion. The servants of the government are all wandering in this street.

After this day, all those pickpockets in Shima Lane, those who set up tricks, those who abducted children, and those who touched porcelain were all wiped out, and after they were caught, they were escorted to Shuntianfu Yamen. This time the judgment was also very fast , A lot of people were killed, and a lot of people were exiled. For a while, the law and order in Shima Lane was very good.

For Chen Sibao, Tang Sihai and others, being able to come to Shima Lane is really a rare opportunity to relax. They have no idea of ​​running. The simple life in the room, the exhaustion of training, and the relaxed chat with the big guys, these days are very fascinating.

"There is no shortage of oil and water in the martial arts hall, but there are too few tricks. The venison strips and sherbet in Fushoulou really make me hungry..."

"Today is a tight time, and our brothers are all holding tooth-beating festivals in Fushoulou. His family's fried fish cakes are worse than Dafenglai's, so we don't care about them!"

"Brother Chen, let's have some drinks, the Spring Breeze Dew over at Fushou Building is delicious..."

Chen Sibao looked around, patted the forehead of the companion who was talking about drinking, and said in a low voice:
"What kind of wine to drink, go back and run around the playground to kill you, come to the door to eat until you are full, and then bring back some good fried meat and snacks, that's it. Go, go, I'm so hungry."

After discussing with each other, they hurriedly walked towards the Fushou Building. The Zhike at the door saw a few teenagers dressed as nurses approaching, and hurriedly stopped them. When they got closer and saw the faces, they recognized the people and hurriedly greeted them graciously. He went in, greeted with a smile and said:

"Mr. Chen, Mr. Tang, it's been a while since I visited the small shop. Look at the masters, why are there so many scandals?"

Tang Sihai rolled his eyes and muttered:
"I can see that the young master is black, why didn't I see that the young master is much stronger..."

But now his mind is on the delicious food in the restaurant, and he hurriedly followed in. As soon as he entered the door, the shopkeeper and the waiter greeted him warmly. Naturally, Chen Sibao and others would not eat in the scattered seats on the first floor, and the seats on the second floor were separated by a screen. , it is quiet and you can see the excitement on the street, young people like it the most.

Chen Sibao walked in the front and went up to the second floor along the stairs. A person was coming out of a partition. The two of them were taken aback when they met each other. Chen Sibao turned his head and left. Tang Sihai and the others were taken aback. Chen Sibao was sombre whispered:
"The youngest Fang of the Anping Hou's family is also here, let's go!"

When the group of excited people heard Chen Sibao's words, their complexions changed, they turned around and started to go downstairs. A waiter who was serving food was knocked right on the ground, and the plate was smashed to pieces.

"Little ones, let me stop those who pass the blue clothes!"

When they went downstairs, they heard someone shouting from the second floor. As soon as they reached the first floor, they saw that the door was blocked by people in domestic servant clothes.

"Second Chen, Fourth Tang, I have been looking for you for a long time!"

Someone is coming down the second floor—
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(End of this chapter)

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