Chapter 154
Before the door was blocked, Chen Sibao yelled at his companions and rushed up. The servants outside reacted faster, and a group of people directly blocked the door.

Such a large restaurant has a tea shed outside and tea and food inside. This is a place for the entourage and servants of the powerful to rest and wait.

When they came in, Chen Sibao and the others were full of thoughts about food, they would look carefully at the place, and seeing a few familiar faces of the Fang family among the people blocking the way, they couldn't help crying secretly.

Tang Sihai had already started punching and kicking. There were differences between the upper and lower levels. The servants of the Fang family who didn't know whose family just hugged their heads to protect their vitals, or stretched out their hands to block them, just didn't fight back.

In just a short moment, there was a chaotic sound on the stairs, and a dozen people of the same age as Chen Sibao had already run down. The shopkeeper on the counter on the first floor saw this, and immediately had a bitter face, before the shopkeeper could make a sound. Pleading, the person who came down from the upstairs had already cupped his fists casually, and said:
"Please save face, the Anpinghou family has something to do here, and this young master will pay all of your bills!"

Daming Duke, Marquis, Jue, etc., those who can be named Marquis in the family are already great big shots. After the name was announced, those people sitting in the scattered seats on the first floor got up in a hurry, bowed their heads and walked out quickly.

The domestic servants blocking the door opened an opening, let the guests out, and then blocked them tightly again.

Chen Sibao took a sip on the ground, gritted his teeth, looked over, and said harshly:
"Fang Zhongping, it's nothing more than last year's Chongyang gamble, the young master beat you on horseback. Why do you have to remember this enmity so firmly? Is it endless?"

Fang Zhongping's face turned cold, and just as he was about to speak, Tang Sihai who turned around already teased and said:

"Second brother, of course he has to remember to be reliable. Didn't he come to us twice and be beaten back by us?"

There are five people, Chen Sibao and Tang Sihai, all of them turned around now, and when they heard the ridicule, they all burst into laughter. Fang Zhongping's face became even uglier, and he had already lifted up the long silk gown he was wearing, and turned it around in his hand The same is true of those noble young masters who are tied on the belt and following behind him.

For these wealthy young men, not wearing a long gown can't show their status, but if they really want to fight, the long gown is too obstructive, so it is also a habit to pull up the hem and tie it around the waist.

"Chen Huobao, look at your tattered clothes. Could it be that your family is ruined and you can only go to look after the house for others. There are still a few dogs in the young master's house. Come here if you want to eat or not!"

Chen Sibao lowered his head and said to the people around him:
"Remember to form a team of five, hold on first, wait for the opportunity to see if you can run..."

Before he finished speaking, Tang Sihai was already furious by Fang Zhongping's words, and rushed over while cursing. There were scattered seats downstairs, and the floor was covered with tables, chairs and benches. Tang Sihai couldn't even run after running like this. Two steps away, someone over there took the bench and threw it over there.

Subconsciously flashing sideways, there were also two people rushing over there, one hugging the waist and the other tearing, directly throwing Tang Sihai to the ground. Tang Sihai has been practicing in the martial arts hall for so long, and his body has become much stronger. Rolling around to push people away, but there were many people on Fang Zhongping's side, and another one rushed forward, punching and kicking immediately.

Chen Sibao and Tang Sihai are the best of friends, and training together in the martial arts hall deepened their friendship. Seeing Tang Sihai being beaten, Chen Sibao couldn't calm down anymore, and rushed forward with a loud shout.

If you fight in a rush, you won't pay attention to any formation coordination, and Chen Sibao and others who have been practicing for less than two months are not much stronger than the other young masters.

Of course they were outnumbered, three or four people entangled one of them, and quickly brought down Nanda, but Chen Sibao grabbed a stool, waved it left and right, and stopped for a while.

However, as more people were knocked down, those who had free hands gradually surrounded them, and Fang Zhongping said with a smile:

"If you have the ability to put down the stool, let's put it down empty-handed, otherwise you are not a good man!"

There are many people bullying few people, so it goes without saying whether this guy is a hero or not, Chen Sibao is not stupid, he turned the stool a few times in his hand, and rushed towards the loose doorway.

This street is too lively, even though there is a fight in Fushoulou, the teenagers strolling in other places don't know that they each have their own interests and have a great time playing.

The Dongchang Fanzi and a group of officials who followed Chen Sibao and others, saw the generals fighting inside, and immediately panicked. Several people wanted to rush in, but they were stopped by the guards at the door. The Dongchang people revealed their identities. Those servants ignored it at all, and said directly:
"The third son of the Marquis of Anping is inside. If you have anything to say, come to our Marquis Mansion!"

The three levels of public, marquis, and uncle, the level of feudal marquis, are no longer restricted by the laws of Ming Dynasty, and the people in Dongchang dare not be presumptuous. They are watching here and sending people to report.

Emperor Wanli was standing in front of a stall with Li Hutou, each holding a pie in his hand, and his face was full of surprises when he ate it. Emperor Wanli asked in surprise with his mouth full:

"This pie can also be filled with apples, um, it's so delicious, it must be very expensive, one tael of silver each!?"

Following his words, Zhao Da and the pie stall owner laughed together. The stall owner was also funny, and said with a smile:

"Young master, you can buy more than a hundred for a tael of silver. This is the famous fruit pie made by Ma Liang. The ingredients are well-chosen. Out of Shima Lane, you can buy three for ten cents."

The little emperor Wanli just said that casually, and he was eating it with great joy. Wang Tong was actually surprised when he saw this apple-filled biscuit. He thought it was a modern thing, and it came from the West. , I didn't expect that there was already a Daming in this era. (It does exist in history, it is not fictional, and there is a related anecdote)

"In addition to the Ma family's fruit cakes, if you want to try something new, you can't go too far inside. There is also a family of jujube cakes. Not to mention our people in the capital, even several big families in Lianzhou often send people to buy them!"

While eating the snacks, listening to the store's introduction of the customs made people feel particularly good. After the Emperor Wanli finished eating, he said with anticipation:
"Let's go and taste the date cake, and sell some of this pie when we come back..."

Halfway through speaking, exclamations and curses suddenly came from the front direction. As soon as the movement came out, Zhao Da was already in front of Emperor Wanli, and several "common people" who were wandering around also surrounded him. It was the dagger at his waist, staring nervously at the direction of the noise.

The panicked movement kept approaching, the crowd parted, and a figure in the blue shirt of the martial arts school stumbled towards him. It was Zhao Da who shouted first:

"It's Chen Sibao from the martial arts gym, what's wrong with you!!? What about Tang Sihai and the others!?"

These words were actually telling the surrounding guards who was rushing past, and the guards who had already surrounded Emperor Wanli dispersed immediately.

Because the crowd gathered and dispersed quickly, Emperor Wanli didn't notice anything. Instead, he stared at the bruised Chen Sibao with concern. There was no one chasing after Chen Sibao. Anyway, the beating was over and he didn't see life and death.

The clothes on Chen Sibao's body were torn in several places, and he was extremely embarrassed. He wanted to run home to rescue the soldiers regardless, but he ran into Wang Tong and his party on the way.

He reacted quickly, and he had to distribute the delicious food through Huang Yijun in front of him. The teenagers in the martial arts gym and even the supernatural Wang Tong were very concerned about these two children. He took a few breaths and saw He seemed to answer Zhao Da's words, but actually stared at Huang Yijun pleadingly:
"Teacher, lieutenants, when we went to eat just now, we were blocked by people who had made enemies in the past. Now Xiao Tang and the others are being beaten, everyone, go and save them!"

Everyone's eyes were fixed on Emperor Wanli intentionally or unintentionally, but Emperor Wanli subconsciously looked back at Wang Tong, who nodded.

Emperor Wanli's face had long been filled with righteous indignation. After Wang Tong nodded, he was even more emotional, turned his head and said loudly:

"If you dare to beat you, it's against our Tiger Mighty Martial Arts Academy. We can't let them go lightly. Zhao Jiaoxi, Wang Tong, Hutou, let's quickly gather other captains to save people! Can you?"

His statement was quite weird, the front was an order, but the back turned into a consultation. Wang Tong and Zhao Da both laughed secretly when they heard it, knowing that the Long Live Lord had already made an order, but they were afraid that what they just said would be seen by others. There was a loophole, and I deliberately added a sentence, but who would say it if he knew it, and Li Hutou who didn't know it was more interested than Wanli. Chen Sibao hesitated after hearing such a straightforward answer from Emperor Wanli, and Wang Tong felt that something was wrong. Chen Sibao gritted his teeth and said:

"Lieutenant Huang, I have something to tell everyone. It's not easy for the beating person to vote. He is the third son of the Fang family of Anping Hou."

After getting along with everyone for so long, Chen Sibao has also developed feelings for everyone. If the child of Master Hou's family is beaten, the capital may set up a big prison. Wang Tong is a powerful Jinyiwei. Yes, that's really a crime.

"It's just a beating on the left and right, and they don't dare to make too much trouble, or let's just forget it..."

I thought that the name of Anping Hou's family would make everyone look embarrassed, but I didn't expect Emperor Wanli to wave his fist nonchalantly, and said loudly:
"Only people in the martial arts hall can fight, and others can't do it. Don't worry, Captain Chen, we will avenge you!!"

The emperor's words are clear, this time only the teenagers in the martial arts hall are in charge, Zhao Da exchanged glances with the surrounding people, and shook their heads to inform others.

While preparing, Wang Tong dragged Emperor Wanli and asked in a low voice:

"Your Majesty, this is from Lord Hou's family..."

"What are you afraid of? Apart from the Marquis Wuqing's family, who else in the world can't I beat?"
In addition to asking for a monthly ticket, let me modify it and ask a small question, why can't this Wu Qinghou play, and someone who knows the book review area will leave a message, haha

The answer will be found in the next chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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