Chapter 157
Fushou Building in Shima Lane is considered one of the top three restaurants on this street. In the past, it was always coming in and out, with a lot of customers, but today it is extremely lively.

Because at the gate, there was a large group of rich and powerful servants who were chained and fell to the ground, unable to move, and at the steps of the gate of Fushou Building, there were more than a dozen rich and poor children in ragged clothes, with bruised noses and swollen faces, sitting there crying out for pain. The shopkeeper and Zhike of Fushoulou were crying and apologizing.

Not only passers-by wandering around, but even people from nearby businesses came to watch the excitement. It is said that Fushoulou was opened by the nephew of a certain eunuch in the palace, and no one would dare to cause trouble here.

Who would have thought that such a situation would happen today, what is going on, the businessmen in Shima Lane have seen many nobles, and some people have recognized the children of Anping Hou's family.

The honorary system of the Ming Dynasty, in addition to the vassal kings and county kings of the Tian family, there is also a system of feudal lords, marquises, and uncles. The Duke, Marquis, and Earl of the Ming Dynasty are the greatest source of the noble class of Ming Dynasty.

Later on, titles became quite rare. During the 45 years of Jiajing’s reign, only two marquises were conferred. Rare things are more valuable. The first ones were either because of crimes, or because of unworthy children, and the families withered. Such figures as Marquises are indeed noble and prominent.

The young masters of Lord Hou's family and other Xungui's families were beaten, and the guards were all chained up. But after those who claimed to be servants of the Shuntian Mansion tied them up and let the boys in blue shirts leave, Leaving people behind is also walking away. Looking at it this way, the fool also knows that this is not a messenger from Shuntian Mansion.

The shopkeeper and his fellows panicked, the iron chains couldn't be untied easily, and the dozen or so wealthy children were beaten so badly that they couldn't even walk.

The shopkeeper of Fushou Building went to tell the owner, and at the same time sent someone to look for the official. It was getting dark, and many shops began to close their doors. The idlers who watched the excitement had a lot of conversations. They should be able to have a good talk with their families when they go back at night. .

But this side is even more lively. The third son of Anping Hou's family was beaten. It was a little simpler, he struggled to get up after the person left, and asked a buddy to support him to go back to Hou Ye's mansion to report the letter.

The shopkeeper of Fushoulou sent people to Shuntian Mansion to report the letter, and the government servants rushed over there in a hurry, and the Wucheng Bingma Division also sent people over, and they were all investigating carefully.

The chief steward of the Anping Marquis Mansion is 51 years old. According to the rules, his surname is Fang. Everyone around him calls him Fang Da. Standing on the steps, Fang Da is yelling at the doctor while watching the doctor treat his young master who is crying for pain. road:
"Why did the Ming Dynasty spend money to support you trash? Let the bandits break into this place in broad daylight and lock up the people in our house. What are you doing!?"

The guards of Shuntian Mansion and the soldiers of Wucheng Bingmasi raised their heads and looked up, and they all continued to work with low eyebrows and pleasing to the eye. There must be some anger in their hearts, but such people can't afford to offend, anyway, this splint is too much. up.

"The second son of Uncle Xiangcheng's family beats people too ignorantly, look at my young master's face, how can he do this."

The reason was that my young master ambushed the second son of Uncle Xiangcheng's family, and the chief steward knew it in his heart, so the first sentence of his sentence was referring to the police officers behind and the young men in blue shirts who also wore blue shirts.

"The servants of Uncle Xiangcheng's family really don't know the heights of heaven and earth, this time they must be asked to hand over their people, at least their hands and feet must be interrupted in front of my young master!"

A few old police officers from Shuntian Mansion bent over and politely clasped their fists and said:
"Master Fang, you guys want to have Mr. Fang's injury checked, do you keep watching?"

Fang Da nodded impatiently, and several messengers walked over nodding and bowing. The messy shop was almost cleaned up, and the lights were lit, which was very bright.

That Mr. Fang was sitting there, wanting to gnash his teeth, but any movement of the muscles on his face would lead to the wound, so he could only sit there motionless.

"The four characters for attracting wealth and wealth, and the patterns below seem to be cloud patterns. This imprint seems to be sold by the Cao family's woodware shop!"

The two police officers stared at Mr. Fang's cheeks, observed and discussed carefully, and a small leader of the Five Cities Army Division came over and said:

"People from several shops on the road have asked, and they said that a group of young men in blue shirts bought it there with silver. The guys who can hit people are all sold out. The price is high, and they really made a fortune."

The two arresters of Shuntian Mansion turned their heads expressionlessly and looked at the little leader of the Wucheng Bingma Division. They all looked at each other and quickly lowered their heads. They couldn't help laughing.

If they had the money to buy things from Cao's Wooden Ware Shop as fighting tools, these teenagers must have a lot to do with the Uncle Xiangcheng's mansion. It seems that the Uncle Xiangcheng's family did not spend such a large amount of money.

The children of the big brothers in the capital fight, but they have to dispatch the power of the government to investigate. The children in Tianshui and Kushui Hutong, South Street, fight every day. That day, few of them were bleeding, and no one's parents were seen. Come to report to the officer.

Quite a few of their cheeks had the red marks of "recruiting wealth and wealth" imprinted on them. They were swollen and swollen, and the guards couldn't help laughing when they had their injuries checked. Fang Zhongping, who looked at Fang Zhongping, who was originally in a bad mood, looked tired and lazy. He slapped the table hard and wanted to open his mouth to speak, but his cheeks were so sore that he had to close it.

But Fang Da became angry, looked left and right, and said:
"What about Lu Wancai, why doesn't he, the responsible pusher, come for such an important matter?"

"Master Fang, our Lord Lu is now under sentence!"

"What is it worth to pass the sentence? Tomorrow, my Lord Hou will pass in a note, and he will never want to be an official in his life."

Over there, there were officials who were untying the locked servants and guards. After opening a few locks, someone trotted over and called the heads of Shuntian Mansion and Wucheng Bingmasi aside.

The chief arrester from Shuntian Mansion, and the commander of Wucheng Bingmasi, the guard from Shuntian Mansion who called them over looked cautious and said in a low voice:
"My lords, our keys can open the shackles that lock people, this... this..."

"If I remember correctly, the shackles in Shuntian Mansion are all in the same style!?"

"Well, there is a special official workshop to build it, and no folk stuff is used."

After asking and answering a few times, everyone's expressions became a little weird. The five-city soldier Ma Si rubbed his hands together, and said with a sneer:

"Our two yamen are both working in the capital. I didn't expect Shuntian Mansion to get angry recently. It's better for the Wucheng soldiers and horses to withdraw from this matter. Who doesn't know that the Marquis of Anping is famous for protecting his children and protecting his weaknesses."

The chief clasped his hands together, turned around and raised his voice to say hello:

"Brothers, the errands of patrolling the city are very important. The adults in Shuntian Mansion said just now that they have taken care of the work here, so let's go!"

Who wants to be angry here, when they hear their leader yelling, they immediately get up and follow, the gang of the Hou Mansion are all staring at them, and they haven't reacted when they leave.

The people in Shuntian Mansion looked at the chief arrester, and after being waved impatiently, they had to continue to check the wound and undo the shackles. The one who came to talk just now leaned over and said in a low voice:

"Boss, Lord Lu transferred a lot of people out of the mansion this morning, this..."

Hearing this, the chief executive was shocked, coughed a few times, turned around and shouted:

"Brothers, the matter is almost over. Let's loosen the shackles and let everyone go back quickly. We will be on duty tomorrow!"

After speaking, he walked up to Fang Da with a smile, scratched his head and said:
"Uncle Fang, the little ones can't help you with the next matter. Let's go back and record the matter first. Tomorrow, we will conduct a family investigation. When the time comes, the results will be sent to you. Young Master and all the young masters are hurting." It's not easy, go back and find a doctor to see, and take some medicine, take your leave, take your leave."

After finishing speaking, he lowered his head and made a bow, leading the crowd to turn around and leave, leaving the Anpinghou family to look at each other in blank dismay. They are also rich families, generations of nobles, and now they understand that something is wrong At that time, all the chariots, horses and manpower of the Hou Mansion also rushed over, and hurriedly transported away the wounded.

Returning to Anpinghou's Mansion, seeing the miserable condition of his own son, and looking at the embarrassment of the easy-going servants who followed him, Anpinghou Fang Ruixing was furious, but after hearing Fang Da's report, he calmed down, knowing that there was something wrong with him. No, but I have already called Wen from home to write a note, and I am going to send it to Shuntian Mansion to find out what happened.

The matter came to the door the next day. When the Hou Mansion was eating breakfast, the door was slammed. In places like Anping Hou's house, the door will not be opened at all other than to meet the emperor's will.

The entrance and exit of the mansion are all through the side door. The gatekeeper inside went to open the door with an angry face. Just as he stuck his head out, before he could make a sound, the door was pushed open by two people, and a fat old man of medium build strode away. Come in.

The old man was wearing a purple official robe, with a square face, and he was smiling even when he was silent, but now his face was full of anger. The concierge wanted to scold him, but he saw two big men with gloomy faces behind him. The person who broke into the Hou's mansion so swaggeringly was not an ordinary person, and swallowed back the words he wanted to scold.

The fat old man didn't let him go, he slapped him both positively and negatively, and cursed angrily:
"Are you deaf? Grandpa, I have been knocking on the door for so long."

He was slapped twice, and kicked up again, kicking the porter into the yard. The nearby guards and family members were startled, but seeing this posture, no one dared to do anything. The old man glared fiercely and raised his voice. said:

"Old man Li Wei, tell Fang Ruixing to come out and see me, hurry up, or else you'll demolish this rotten place of yours!!"

(End of this chapter)

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