Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 158 Li Wei Yu Dayou

Chapter 158 Li Wei Yu Dayou

If it weren't for the old man's demeanor, I'm afraid the people from the Anping Hou's Mansion would have made a move until Fang Da rushed over in a hurry.

Seeing the old man standing on the steps, Fang Da rubbed his eyes, pushed away a few domestic servants standing in front of him, walked up to the man with a smile on his face, knelt down at the steps and said:

"Isn't this the Marquis of Wuqing? Why is your old man here?"

Even if the servants of the wealthy family have never seen them before, they still know who they are. These people in the Anping Hou Mansion immediately knelt down, turned around and ran back.

The reason why Anpinghou's family was named a marquis is because the previous generation of Fang's family had a queen, and now Anpinghou's sister is the queen of Emperor Jiajing.

The reason why Marquis Wuqing was named Marquis is because the daughter of Marquis Li Wei of Wuqing married King Yu and became Princess Yu, who became Emperor Longqing.Li Wei's daughter became the queen, who is now the Empress Dowager Li Shi.

Once the emperor and the courtiers, the most prominent time of the Anping Hou family has passed, and now the most popular person in the world is Emperor Wanli's grandfather, Li Wei, Marquis of Wuqing.

Both sides are Marquis, but the status is much lower. Li Wei broke in suddenly in the early morning, and everyone in Anping Marquis Mansion was trembling.

Anping Hou Fang Ruixing put on his coat, threw away the handkerchief that wiped his mouth, and hurried over. When he reached the door, he just showed a smiling face and wanted to greet him, but Wuqing Hou Li Wei pointed at his nose and began to curse:

"Fang Ruixing, how do you discipline your son? The child suffers from fighting outside, and your servants will fight with knives. Your son is the biggest in this capital!?"

Anping Hou Fang Ruixing's smile froze on his face. Hearing the story of Fushoulou from the steward's servants last night, he felt that something was wrong. He didn't expect that it offended Wuqinghou Li Wei's family.

"However, after losing the horse race, your incompetent son has been thinking about revenge all day long, but he can't beat Sibao, but he is working hard in these crooked ways. I don't understand. Could it be that your servant chopped Sibao, Fang Ruixing Do you think handing over the servant will settle the matter!?"

With cynicism and hot sarcasm, loudly cursing, without any intention of being merciful, Fang Ruixing's face turned dark, wondering when this Uncle Xiangcheng's family will be currying favor with Marquis Wu Qing.

In his eyes, the nobles of Uncle Xiangcheng's family who rely on meritorious service on the battlefield are regarded as rough people, and their glory and wealth will not last long. The elders of the emperor's blood like Marquis Wuqing are the real nobles, Uncle Xiangcheng Anyone who offends his family will be offended, and Li Wei, Marquis of Wuqing, can never afford to offend him.

None of his three sons has inherited the title yet. It is said that rumors have been released in the palace that his eldest son is not going to be granted the title of Marquis, but an Uncle. It is routinely reduced by one rank. Fang Ruixing, the Marquis of Anping, is entrusting someone to carry out activities. It is not to offend Marquis Wuqing.

So his face was darkened, but he still had a smile on his face, blaming himself repeatedly:
"Old Hou Ye, don't be angry. Fang is not strict with his servants, and he will be punished severely in the future. They can't be allowed to do such absurd things again. Please don't worry, old Hou Ye."

The same Hou, Anping Hou Fang Ruixing's statement already kowtowed his head to the ground, Wu Qinghou's anger lightened slightly, and he snorted coldly:

"You and I are valuable, but after all, this is at the feet of the emperor. Only by acting cautiously can the family be safe. Please leave if you bother me!"

After finishing speaking, he didn't express anything, he turned his head and left, Anping Hou Fang Ruixing's face was pale and uncertain, and he wanted to say some kind words to send him off, but he couldn't say anything.

After Wu Qinghou Li Wei left angrily, the servants who were kneeling in the yard stood up tremblingly. The butler Fang Da bent down and walked up to Fang Ruixing, and asked cautiously:

Fang Ruixing turned around and slapped him, roaring in a low voice:
"From now on, the whole mansion is not allowed to leave the gate of the house. If anyone goes out, this Marquis will break his leg with his own hands!!"

"Brother Wang, your idea is very useful. Marquis Wuqing went to Marquis Anping to make a big fuss this morning, and the Fang family immediately died down. Now that they are closing their doors to thank guests, they must have been scared out of their wits!"

In Wang Tong's room, Zou Yi said with a smile, there was a big fight yesterday, and they were all honored sons of the capital's family. The queen mother punished him and pestered Wang Tong to give him an idea.

"Your Majesty may have someone who can be useful outside the palace. This kind of matter suppresses the sufferer. If no one reports, Dongchang and Shuntian Mansion must not want to be troublesome. After all, rashly intervening in the battle between nobles will definitely cause trouble."

This sentence awakened Emperor Wanli, and he immediately arranged a private letter for Zou Yi to send out quickly, and he was looking for Li Wei, Marquis of Wuqing.

Hearing Zou Yi's praise, Wang Tong shook his head and replied with a smile:

"In any case, he is also the grandson of Marquis Wuqing. Hearing this, there is no reason not to be in a hurry. Naturally, he will attack the Fang family of Marquis Anping!"

Zou Yi laughed haha, making Wang Tong a little puzzled, Zou Yi stopped laughing, and said in a low voice:
"Li Wei, the Marquis of Wuqing, was reprimanded several times by the Empress Dowager Li for making a fuss about supplying winter clothes to border towns. Now the relationship with the palace is estranged. The Lord Long Live gave him this opportunity, which is a chance to make good friends with the palace. How could he not come here excitedly, he can't wait!
Wang Tong was a little speechless at this moment, as expected, there was no human favor everywhere in the affairs of the Tian family, but only interests and intrigues.

In the afternoon at the Tiger Mighty Martial Arts Hall, the teenagers did not hold a confrontational competition, but under the command of the instructors, they performed all kinds of movements there in a uniform manner.

These movements are very simple, and they are the most basic movements. Since the teenagers came to this Tiger Mighty Martial Arts Hall, they have done these movements countless times, and they are proficient.

However, every young man was concentrating and meticulously made every movement, because there was an old man watching.

Yu Dayou, who holds a false title in the military, has fought countless victories in his life, and was promoted to a high position as the commander-in-chief of a town. He was also demoted and convicted for several small defeats and various weird reasons.Some people say that he can live until now because of Tan Lun and Tan Zili's smooth career. He was on the verge of going to prison several times, but the Ministry of War argued for him, so that he can live peacefully until today.

Even so, Yu Dayou is still the legend of the warriors of the Ming Dynasty. Among these generals, he is like a character who came out of the myth.

Even the Emperor Wanli and Li Hutou were gesticulating with full energy. Wanli didn't think about Yu Dayou, and Li Hutou had never heard of it, but these generals in the martial arts hall couldn't help but tell all kinds of wonderful things about him every day. , After listening for a long time, a tall image was established in my heart.

Wang Tong was also quite excited. Yu Dayou was one of the celebrities he was not familiar with, but he had heard of his name in that era. Besides, when people talk about martial arts nowadays, they must mention three people: "Li Chengliang, Qi Jiguang, Yu Dayou", this is also considered a star figure among warriors.

Not to mention the teenagers in the martial arts hall, even Zhao Dayi was as respectful as a primary school student when he was teaching, and he didn't dare to stand beside him.

"You have practiced well. These children can be servants when they are one or two years older. If there are those with high comprehension, they will have a bright future!"

After the teenagers finished training, they lined up neatly in front of the instructors. Hearing Yu Dayou's evaluation, the instructors' faces were full of joy. The military system of the Ming Dynasty was corrupt, and the military pay was deducted from top to bottom. Strength is the so-called "family soldier".

The military salaries of ordinary soldiers are deducted and the number of soldiers who are less than one percent of them are raised. The soldiers are also the only professional soldiers who do not need to engage in production, train daily, and are well-equipped.

In every battle, the charge is at the front, and it is these family soldiers who play a decisive role in the outcome of the entire battlefield. The teenagers who have been training for several months have actually received this evaluation, which is already very high, and the instructors also have brilliance on their faces very.

In order for everyone to see Yu Dayou, the arrangement this time is that the short ones are in front and the tall ones are in the back. Everyone is scrutinizing this famous general, and Wang Tong is no exception.

Yu Dayou is taller and taller than the instructors, but his figure is much more burly. If it weren't for the white hair and white beard, no one would think that he is an old man. His face is long and narrow, and his dark complexion makes Yu Dayou more like a fisherman. Maybe this veteran Because there are young people in front of me, when they turned from the instructors, they spoke a lot more kindly and humorously:

"Everyone, you know that this old man can fight, right?"

All the teenagers nodded desperately, of course they know, and they also know that you are number one in the world, Yu Dayou nodded proudly and smiled, then turned to the six teachers and said:
"Let's all take a pole, one of you six beat me, let's attack!!"

The instructors looked at each other, and they all saw the disbelief in each other's eyes. Could it be that six middle-aged men can't deal with an old man? It's a joke.

The teenagers were all excited, they didn't expect that there would be such a real competition, it was so worth it.

The six attacked together, and Yu Dayou kept retreating until Sun San took a quick step. Yu Dayou suddenly stepped forward, blocked Sun San's pole, and stabbed him down with one blow. Li Wenyuan was knocked down and stabbed, but Li Wenyuan stayed until the end, but the victory was already decided, and he threw away the pole in frustration and surrendered.

"Is the old man great or not!"

Yu Dayou panted a little unevenly, but he still turned his head and asked the boys.


Convinced and answered in unison, Yu Dayou smiled, threw away the pole casually, and said loudly:
"Learn this skill, or become a fast catcher, or go to rob houses, or else you will be a street performer. It is useless to use it on the military formation!!"

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(End of this chapter)

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