Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 159 The Veteran Talks Wu Tong's Words Without Limitations

Chapter 159 The Veteran Talks Wu Tong's Words Without Limitations
It is an extremely interesting turning point to show the ability of such a high wall first, and when the teenagers are fascinated by watching it, they suddenly say that this thing is useless.

Of course, it was also an extremely astonishing turning point. Even Wang Tong's eyes widened, and those with weak concentration directly opened their mouths wide, dumbstruck.

Yu Dayou glanced around with a smile, the words just now achieved the result he wanted, Yu Dayou continued:

"If the six instructors stay in a row, will this old man have a chance?"

The teenagers shook their heads, and Yu Dayou said again:
"If ten people and hundreds of people line up to attack like this, the old man will knock down one or two with all his strength, and the remaining weapons are on his body, so he still has his life."

Yu Dayou's words were heard by Wang Tong, which made him realize that the queue connection in modern physical education and the commands for running and walking are indeed not water without a source. Seeing that it has attracted everyone's attention, Yu Dayou said eloquently talk:

"The old man was taught by a famous teacher since he was a child. He was enlightened, and he practiced hard. When he was 40 years old, he felt that his skills were perfect. He was singled out in the world, and he couldn't find any opponent. Henan Shaolin Temple sent monks to the army to suppress the Japanese. It's unusable, and I have to learn the old man's ability to send back."

This allusion, even Wang Tong was delighted to hear it, what a majesty it is, the martial arts of Shaolin Temple are often mentioned in the market, and the legends are amazing, such a contrast makes Yu Dayou's strength even more, and the youngsters hold their breath Breathe and listen attentively.

"But it takes at least 20 years to practice the skills of this old man. On the battlefield, but in a moment, the spear is poked, the bow and arrow are shot, and the score is instantly paid off. These 20 years of effort are in vain. What skills are needed on the battlefield? What the lieutenants did just now is enough."

The Tiger Mighty Martial Arts Academy teaches simple battle skills, and there are not many theoretical things mentioned. The youngsters are vague about many concepts. Sometimes I am pleasantly surprised, sometimes confused, but I listen carefully, lest I miss one thing.

"When facing the enemy, thousands of people line up neatly, and their postures and movements are all in one place. They move forward step by step, and the formation cannot be disordered. This way, they can win the battle. Any martial arts, fancy movements, and private fights look good. It’s just death on the battlefield.”

The truth is indeed the truth, and Yu Dayou's own words are even more convincing. Yu Dayou knew that Emperor Wanli was inside, and seeing the little fat man in the forefront of the team looking at him seriously and studiously, this veteran Feeling a bit awkward, I took two steps towards this side, and said again:
"Lieutenants will go to battle to kill the enemy in the future, and there will probably not be many hand-to-hand fights. Let's talk about what to do on the battlefield. Let's go to the big shed and talk about it. I am old and can't stand the sun. !!"

With this self-deprecating sentence, the atmosphere improved a lot, and the teenagers laughed too. Yu Dayou walked towards the shed. The teenagers turned to start under the command of the instructor, but a few of them couldn't restrain their excitement and whispered to each other. Come to think of it, this even includes Li Tao and Sun Xin, who have always been prudent.

"Sure enough, I didn't guess wrong. This is not a martial arts gym, but martial arts. We will definitely be of great use after we go out."

If you can't guess it now, it's really unreasonable. If you can call someone like Yu Dayou a lecturer, what else can you do besides the imperial court running martial arts.

In the imperial city in the afternoon.

As long as the Cisheng Empress Dowager Li does not see Feng Bao and other internal officials, and does not read the papers and newspapers, she is usually accompanied by Lu Wang Zhu Yixuan. Emperor Wanli ascended the throne at the age of ten. Although he is a young emperor, there will be court meetings and various ceremonial events It is impossible to be by my mother's side all day long.

And the just ten-year-old Lu Wang Zhu Yichun became the object of Empress Dowager Li's maternal love. Emperor Wanli had a disability since he was a child, and he had a lot of thoughts. Although he was filial, it always made people feel separated.This Lu Wang Zhu Yichun is in good health, well-behaved and cute, and the Empress Dowager Li is always smiling when she is with him.

In the small study room, a female official was there reciting Tang newspapers from all over the country, Empress Dowager Li bowed her head to embroider patterns, and Little Lu Wang was holding a scroll and reading aloud.

Not long after, Empress Dowager Li felt a little tired. She rubbed her eyes and put down the bandage in her hand. The female officer who recited Tang Bao hurriedly stepped forward to take it. Empress Dowager Li smiled and said to King Lu beside her:
"Chu'er, don't look at it yet, let someone light the lamp first, and it will be bad for your eyes if you look at it."

Lu Wang Zhu Yichun finished reading a page, then closed the corners of the page, got down from the embroidery pier, and said obediently:
"My son, thank you for your mother's teaching!"

His childish innocence and pretentious etiquette made Empress Dowager Li laugh unbearably, and said with a smile:

"You child, your family still makes so many vain gifts, come to the queen mother quickly."

Only then did King Lu get up and ran over with a smile, and leaned against Empress Dowager Li. Cisheng Empress Dowager Li looked at her young son lovingly and said:

"Your imperial brother is willing to run around like crazy. You are too gentle and quiet. How old are you? You don't go out all day and you only know how to read."

King Lu twisted his body, looked up at Empress Dowager Li and said:
"My queen, my son also wants to go out to play. Didn't the emperor go to Shima Lane yesterday? I heard that it's very lively there, so my son wants to go too?"

Empress Dowager Li reached out and touched King Lu's head, and said:

"It's ok, the queen mother will send a few people to take you out another day, so you can have a good time!"

"There are a lot of delicious food in Shima Lane. It is said that there is no such thing in the palace. Enen, I heard that the emperor's brother fought with the people of Anpinghou's family yesterday, smashed the restaurant, and even used a knife.... The emperor's brother led You won the battle, the emperor is really powerful, the queen mother, and the children are also going to the martial arts gym..."

The seemingly unintentional words made Empress Dowager Li's complexion change a little. Her smile was a little stiff, and she lowered her head and asked seriously:

"Hey, who did you hear about this?"

King Lu raised his head, looked innocently at Queen Mother Li with big eyes, and said in a childish voice:
"I heard the people in the palace talking about it, and I think it's very interesting. The queen mother, I also want to go to that martial arts hall."

Empress Dowager Li patted King Lu's head lightly, and said softly:
"Xu'er go out to play with the little palace first, okay, the queen mother still has some things to do here."

King Lu jumped down again, saluted, and then bounced out. Empress Dowager Li saw that the smile on her face disappeared as soon as King Lu came out of the room, and picked up a silver bell beside the bed and shook it.

The silver bell rang, and two female officials immediately appeared at the door. Empress Dowager Li said in a deep voice:
"Xuan Fengbao, Zhang Cheng, tell them to come to Ai's house immediately, hurry up!"

"...Your Majesty is in the martial arts gym. Firstly, he has a playmate, and secondly, he is here to get fit. It's not for you to stir up trouble... Gu Nianer and others are loyal to obey orders, sacrifice their lives to protect the Lord, and they are still in good spirits. Let’s make a note this time...From now on, martial arts youths are not allowed to leave the martial arts hall without the permission of Xu Gongzhong... If there are repeat offenders, they will be severely punished..."

On the morning of the fifth day of July, Zou Yi came to the Martial Arts Hall to deliver an order, and the six instructors, Wang Tong, Xue Zhanye, Deng Pu, and Hu Qi all knelt down to accept the order.

After reading the decree and kowtowing to thank you for accepting the decree, Zou Yi said in a solemn voice:
"Everyone, have you heard the will of the empress dowager? Eunuch Feng and Eunuch Zhang also have something to tell you. This martial arts gym is a great opportunity for you. You should cherish it and don't let this wealth become a treasure. disaster."

Everyone thanked them again, and then Zou Yi let everyone retreat, leaving only Wang Tong, Wang Tong also looked a little uneasy, until today when he received the decree, Emperor Wanli hadn't appeared in the martial arts hall for three days. Except for the eunuch who went to the delicious restaurant for dinner, Zou Yi, Cai Nan and others were nowhere to be seen.

They beat up the children of Anping Hou's family, fought offensively and defensively in the most lively restaurant in Shima Lane, and almost used a knife. In the end, the people from Dongchang showed up and locked them up from afternoon to night, and then Wu Qinghou He was also invited to come forward and went to the Anping Hou Mansion to make a scene and scold him.

The matter has come to this point, no matter how you look at it, it is not a child's play, but a nonsense. Earlier, Emperor Wanli begged Wu Qinghou, Feng Bao and Zhang Cheng at the same time, and unexpectedly suppressed this matter. I know, what to do if something happens if the knife is used, what if the children of Anpinghou's family are broken, what if there is a bad quarrel among the honorables, Queen Mother Li is both scared and angry.

But today's decree made Wang Tong feel relieved, the decree is only a reprimand, and staying in this martial arts hall to study, everything is under control, and nothing will happen in the future.

It's dangerous, Wang Tong is also self-reflecting, he has really lost his mind recently, he has forgotten that the emperor is still young, and the real masters of Daming are the Queen Mother, Feng Bao and Zhang Juzheng.

Everyone left, Zou Yi sighed and sat beside Wang Tong, and said:
"This incident was so troublesome that even Eunuch Feng and his adoptive father knelt in front of the queen mother and were reprimanded for half an hour. Then Eunuch Feng and his adoptive father called our family to scold us severely. Our family sent a message to Brother Wang, in the midst of misfortune and fortune, we must be cautious!"

Wang Tong said he was taught, coughed a few times and said:

"I won't be going out of this martial arts gym in the future. Thank you for your father-in-law's teachings. I also ask Big Brother Zou to bring a message back, saying that my younger brother must be careful in the future."

Zou Yi nodded, and suddenly leaned over and said in a low voice:
"Our family is also puzzled. There are many people who know about this matter, but it is appropriate to suppress it. Why do you let the empress dowager know that the person who reported the letter is not going to make things difficult for the Lord Long Live?"

Wang Tong will not have an answer here, Zou Yi is asking and answering on his own, in fact, the two of them still wonder why the punishment is so light when there is such a big disturbance.

On the third day of the seventh lunar month, Zhang Juzheng, the chief assistant of the cabinet, played a tribute to the Empress Dowager Li, saying that although Wanli's behavior was radical, he also had the virtue of caring for his courtiers, which is an act of a virtuous monarch.

Very inexplicable praise, but this is the reason why the punishment is light...——
Lao Bai was surprised and moved by the improvement in the ranking. I hope everyone will continue to support Lao Bai. Also, it is too hot here now. I am thinking about going out for two days to escape the heat. Of course, the update will not change ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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