Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 163 The Misfortune of the Qin Pavilion

Chapter 163 The Misfortune of the Qin Pavilion

After the Qin Pavilion in the west city was rioted there by a hundred households of Jinyiwei, everyone thought their business was over, and there were many venues and yards where Qin Guan made a name for themselves, waiting to see Qin Guan's jokes.

Who would have thought that within a few days, the Qin Pavilion would put up a sign of safety, and Lu Wancai, the new general judge of Shuntian Mansion, would bring people over for a few drinks, and the business was booming again.

It didn't take long for everyone to think they figured it out. After all, behind Miss Song was Zhang Han, Minister of the Ministry of Officials. With such a big figure, he couldn't hold on to any scene. It is estimated that the hundred households would have to sell some face.

Moreover, this Song girl is indeed good at dancing with long sleeves and good management. In August, she bought more than a dozen girls with excellent sex skills on the Qinhuai River in Nanjing, and arrived at the Qin Pavilion at the end of September.

This kind of gentle girl from the south of the Yangtze River, with first-class appearance and appearance, is proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and immediately caused a sensation in the capital. Within a few days, she became the most popular brothel in the capital.

Every day, there are a large number of officials and scholars, sons and young masters, and this mother Song also knows how to win over. Every day, she let this dry woman play and dance in the center of the hall on the first floor.

A large stage was set up for singing and dancing, about a foot higher than the ground, and four bamboo poles in the shape of a well were hung from the ceiling, and a circle of powder gauze was hung on it, just covering the stage.

People outside could see it dimly, but it was even more itchy. When going in and out of this platform, even good people could see clearly that she was indeed a beautiful girl with different styles, but not to mention her beautiful figure.

In addition to these attractive means, this Song girl also set a rule that these girls are not allowed to stay with them and leave the cabinet within half a year, but can only sing with them.

This even attracted those people to come, and many flamboyant people scattered a lot of money, just want to comb one, or want to buy it home and raise it, but this girl Song stopped them.

The so-called stealing is worse than not being able to steal, but this kind of appetizing method is just right, and it makes the Qin Pavilion full of customers. Playing the moon, just to listen to the music and see the girls, maybe it's the idea of ​​these scholars, these girls somehow have the nickname "Eighteen Heavenly Girls of Yaochi"
The two courtyards around the Qin Pavilion were almost crowded by the Qin Pavilion and there were no customers, but there was nothing to do, just said sourly:

"It's the property of the Minister of the Ministry of Officials. Without this backing, these little fans would have been snatched away."

However, in a place like the capital where dragons and tigers are hidden, there are many people who can't be offended by officials. On the night of the tenth day of October, at this time of weekdays, there should be melodious singing of silk and bamboo, but at this time, there are only a few people yelling and cursing.

There is an exquisite and clean small house in the backyard of the Qin Pavilion. The steward of the Qin Pavilion is standing in front of the door and shouting loudly:

"Grandma, that scumbag in front of me is about to hit someone, and the younger ones dare not touch him, what should I do, or...or he will do what he wants tonight!!"

After a while in the house, a female voice rang out, saying loudly:

"My mother has something important to do, so I decided to kill the talent. My mother's dozen or so cash cows will all be harmed by his bastards. Didn't they buy the Ping An brand, and call the guards to take care of them!"

"My aunt, how can the servant manage it!"

"Why can't you control the brands bought for so much money, go and call someone! Get out of here!!"

The steward ran back with a sad face, and the scolding could be heard even in the courtyard, but there was still no movement in the courtyard, suddenly the door opened inside, and a male voice sounded.

There was no ambiguous scenery at the door of the house, the girl Song was talking to a man in Tsing Yi who was full of travel and dust and was extremely tired.

"Miss Song, there are too many people staring at the master's mansion right now. I'm galloping along this road. I saw too many people. I want you to send the news."

Miss Song nodded with a sullen face, and said:
"Go find an inn to stay, and I will definitely send the news tonight!"

While he was talking, there were footsteps outside again, and the man in Tsing Yi pressed his hand on the handle of the knife at his waist, but he heard someone shouting at the top of his voice:

"Grandma, the young master beat up the servant who came over, and now he is dragging a girl..."

Miss Song nodded at the man in Tsing Yi, and the man in Tsing Yi walked along the back door of the house, Miss Song stomped her feet and muttered cursing:

"It costs almost 3000 taels, and I can't handle the shit after taking it over. Isn't this just extortion of money?"

He opened the door of the house and hurried forward accompanied by the steward.

Within a few months, the hall of the Qin Pavilion has been in such a mess twice, the first time was caused by a little-known Jinyiwei hundred households, and the second time was caused by the current Xiaohou Ye.

Being called the Little Marquis may not really have this title. The son of a certain Marquis is generally called "Little Marquis" outside, and there are not many people who can make such a scene, Fang Zhongping, the third son of the Marquis of Anping, is one of them. one.

After being confined in the Hou Mansion for a month, Anping Hou Fang Ruixing found that there was no action against him outside. It was as if the gang fight that day hadn't happened, and his precautions became less cautious.

This Fang Zhongping has a restless temperament. The family was loosened and he ran out immediately. The title of "Eighteen Heavenly Girls in Yaochi" is very famous. How could Fang Zhongping's good-natured temperament not come to join in the fun .

This is the first time here tonight. As soon as I saw the young beauties playing, singing and dancing in the tulle, I was immediately fascinated. After a few drinks with his friends, I wanted to go down and drag a girl over to accompany the drink .

It's okay to accompany the wine, sitting together, Fang Zhongping teased a few words, the girl responded arrogantly and timidly, Fang Zhongping immediately lost his temper and insisted on grooming the girl tonight.

All the servants in the Qin Pavilion knew Miss Song's rules. When they saw Fang Zhongping like this, they immediately snatched her back. At the beginning, Fang Zhongping was also a bit scrupulous. The background, but drunken, dazed, the more Fang Zhongping looked at the girl, the more he liked it, and he insisted on taking her away.

For the money, the people in the Qin Pavilion refused to agree, Xu Yiyi, but the people in the Qin Pavilion did not agree. Fang Zhongping was finally furious. Some time ago, he was cleaned up miserably in Shima Lane. Playing with my companions on the street, I always feel suspicious that the other party is laughing at me.

Blocked by the people from the Qin Pavilion, Fang Zhongping also forgot that the Qin Pavilion has people who are backing him, so he is courageous. Instead, he thought that the other party thought he had suffered a disadvantage outside and looked down on him, so he immediately made a big fuss.

Everyone also knows the identity of this young master. A group of Qin Guan's servants just squeezed in front, keeping those girls behind, and a group of honorable children who followed Fang Zhongping also knew the Qin Guan's backstage It's the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, who can't afford to be offended, but he is smiling and blocking all the way out.

Now in this hall, more than [-] intellectuals and teapot owners formed a circle, surrounded by a dozen or so girls with faded faces. Lord Hou's friends guarded the entrance and the intersection, and then the guests of the Qin Pavilion watched the excitement. It was also a joy to see the frightened appearance of those beautiful girls who couldn't touch or eat.

As long as it wasn't for the girls to go out and the boys to go out, these children didn't care, the steward who just reported the letter ran out the door, and soon found the two guards who were on duty nearby.

Shuntian Mansion arranges manpower to be assigned nearby, and those who live nearby are in charge of this area. As long as the owner comes to find him, he must arrive at the scene as soon as possible, otherwise the bonus money will be withheld, so the guards are also very active after receiving the report. Followed and rushed over.

But what happened in the Qin Pavilion, after the two guards yelled a few words after entering, Fang Zhongping revealed his identity angrily.

The messengers of Shuntian Mansion are not learning how to be errands before entering the industry, but who can offend and who cannot be offended in this capital. Obviously, this Anping Empress Mansion is one that must not be offended. The two servants have lost their momentum, Fang Zhongping is naturally imposing He went up, slapped and kicked a few times, and after being knocked to the ground, the two of them didn't dare to say anything, got up and ran out in a desperate manner.

Seeing this Qin Guan, he dared to call someone, and it was the messenger from Shuntian Mansion. What kind of person is Fang Zhongping? Officer, this is too contemptuous of people, Fang Zhongping has already fallen into a state of rage.

When he got angry, he couldn't control his fists and feet. When the acquaintance of the Qin Pavilion who was beaten in front of him and didn't fight back was spitting blood from the beating in the room, his body fell limply to the ground, and the hall on the first floor of the Qin Pavilion exclaimed in a low voice. But it made Fang Zhongping even more proud, he was about to stretch out his hand to grab the girl when the gap came out.

"Stop, Mr. Fang, why are you so angry today!"

A cry of coquettishness resounded at the door, and that Song girl squeezed in between the two honored children with a smile. Fang Zhongping grabbed the arm of the girl in front of him, and pulled it out regardless of the other party's struggle, ignoring Song who came out. Miss, Miss Song saw the servant who was beaten and vomited blood, and when she heard the girl's cry, the smile on her face disappeared, and she raised her voice and said:
"Mr. Fang, do you know who is behind the Qin Pavilion?"

Fang Zhongping stopped, turned to look at Miss Song, and said harshly:
"Song Chanchan, you bastard from the teaching workshop, the young master stripped you to sleep now, Zhang Han can still kill the young master, don't fucking talk nonsense, get the hell out, the young master is going to take this young lady away! "

Miss Song's expression changed in an instant, and she gradually became stern. Fang Zhongping's words were vicious and cruel, but things were probably just as he said. The Minister of the Ministry of Officials would not turn his face against Marquis Anping because of a brothel girl.

The hall of the Qin Pavilion became quiet, only the cries of the dragged woman and Fang Zhongping's laughter and scolding. At this time, there was a sound of horseshoes outside, and someone shouted:
"Mother Song, I heard that someone is making trouble?"

The curtain slowly opened, haha

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(End of this chapter)

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