Chapter 164

The hall of the Qin Pavilion was full of turmoil, and many people did not hear the yelling outside. On the second floor, there were still many guests lying on the window lattice to watch with relish.

The old bustards in other courtyards are all humble, and they don't care if the guests take advantage of it, but this Song girl is young and beautiful, and she usually greets people with a smile, but she basically doesn't touch the guests.

When I came to the Qin Pavilion, I was thinking about Miss Song, but because behind Miss Song was Zhang Han, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, who was very tricky, and everyone was very scrupulous.

Seeing Miss Song being humiliated by Fang Zhongping now, many guests thought it was even more exciting than watching the singing and dancing of the "Eighteen Heavenly Girls".

There are also two noble sons blocking the door at the main entrance. They are looking at the farce in the hall with arms folded and smiling, thinking that if Mother Song can't stop Fang Zhongping, then I will drag one of them home to sleep later. .

When they were thinking wildly in their minds, someone behind them patted them on the shoulder and said "excuse me". The person was photographed turning his head impatiently and shouting:
"What did you borrow, I didn't see..."

Before he finished speaking, he was punched heavily in the face, and the whole person was beaten and fell inward. The other person watched his companion fall forward, and turned around to get angry, but his face did not change. When he came over, he was kicked heavily in the lower abdomen, made a rolling gourd, and rolled into it.

Wang Tong strode into the Qin Pavilion with a sullen face, followed by Li Wenyuan and Sun Dahai. He was talking with a wealthy businessman in the East City in the Zhenxing Building. This wealthy businessman had a blacksmith shop outside the capital city. , also privately made some swords and sold them.

As a result, someone was arrested and sent to Shuntian Mansion and surrounding areas of the capital with a sword made by his family. Buying and selling such swords and sharp weapons had to be reported to the government. The wealthy businessman has some relationship with Wang Si, the head of the Shuntian Mansion's police squad, so he went to Lu Wancai directly and refused to agree, so he turned to Wang Tong.

With Lu Wancai being judged by the Shuntian Mansion, this case can be easily settled. In order to express his gratitude, the wealthy businessman specially held a banquet in the Zhenxing Building. Wang Tong was very interested in this blacksmith shop and was about to ask the other party if he would sell it. Unexpectedly, before he could speak, an officer hurriedly came to report the letter.

Fang Zhongping of Anpinghou's family was making trouble there, and he didn't show up. No matter whether it was the guards of Shuntian Mansion or his Jin Yiwei, they probably couldn't suppress it, so he had to express his thoughts in a hurry and rushed over on horseback.

The promotion of the Ping An brand depends on force, and it also depends on force to maintain it. If you buy this brand and you can’t protect your business, then this brand’s policy will become a naked search. If you don't pay attention to them, you won't be able to walk a tightrope.

Originally, there was a lot of noise in the hall, women were crying, and some people were booing and laughing. It was extremely lively, but the two people were beaten in and fell to the ground before screaming. The room immediately fell silent, and all eyes were on at the main entrance.

A tall young man wearing a pair of breasted dark blue gown strode in. Of course, only those who are close can see that it is a young man.

Places like Qinguan are engaged in regular customer business, and most of the regular customers have experienced the disputes caused by the Ping An brand not long ago, and everyone knows this domineering young man Wang Tong.

Wang Tong stood in the brightly lit hall and looked around. Except for those rich and powerful children who came with Fang Zhongping who were still ignorant, the rest of the people shrank back, quite nervous.

"There is nothing wrong here, everyone, please do your own thing, don't delay the feast and have fun."

Wang Tong said calmly, while clasping his fists casually to both sides, most of the guests in the hall shrank back after hearing Wang Tong's words, as if they had received an order.

"What the hell are you!! Come here to pretend to be a big man!!"

Taking a step forward, one of the Xungui's disciples shouted loudly and rushed forward. Li Wenyuan took a step towards this side, and just stopped in front of the Xungui's disciple. He didn't see what he was doing. The disciple let out a cry of pain, clutching his stomach and fell to the ground.

Only then did everyone look over, the Xiuchun knife in Li Wenyuan's hand was not out of its sheath, but judging from the way he was holding it, it was obvious that it was used as a short stick.

This one was knocked down, and the noble boy who rushed over from the other side hadn't stopped, Sun Dahai cursed, picked up a stool and threw it at him, Sun Dahai was familiar with street fights, this stool was lost Sure, knock people to the ground all at once.

Those honorable children in the hall were a little dumbfounded. When they came in, these three people didn't look like nobles in their clothes, but they were so arrogant when they could act. They didn't care about their identities at all, and the quiet reaction around them was also weird. I dare not speak out.

Fang Zhongping over there was still pulling the girl's arm, but he stopped, staring fiercely at Wang Tong who was approaching, and cursed loudly:

"Where did the bastard come from, don't you know who I am?"

Wang Tong strode over and said coldly:

"Why don't you know? Didn't Mr. Fang report to his family several times when he was in Shima Lane?"

As soon as Shima Lane was mentioned, Fang Zhongping's expression immediately changed. He looked at Wang Tong for a while, took a step back, and shouted loudly:
"My son recognizes you, you are leading Chen Sibao..."

While speaking, Wang Tong had already walked up to him, and slapped him fiercely with his backhand. It was not so much a slap as a slap, it was better to say he raised his arm and slammed it down. With a crisp "slap", the whole person was knocked over On the ground, he grabbed the girl and flung him away in a panic and ran back.

Fang Zhongping was knocked down to the ground, and he struggled a few times before getting up. Wang Tong grabbed his hair and threw it hard towards the ground. Fortunately, the hall of the Qin Pavilion was paved with wooden planks, but the impact was still serious. Cyanosis on the forehead.

After a few "bang bang" kowtows, Fang Zhongping's mouth was bleeding, his hair was in a mess, his face was bruised, and he looked at Wang Tong with fear.

His lips trembled and he didn't know what to say, but Wang Tong didn't give him a chance to speak. He grabbed Fang Zhongping by the bun on his head and walked a few steps towards the main entrance, pointing at the beam The hanging safety sign said:
"Master Fang, can you see the sign?"

While speaking, he grabbed Fang Zhongping's hand on top of his head and exerted force. The third son of Anpinghou was indeed frightened by the beating. He looked at the sign and said repeatedly:
"I saw..."

"The word "safety" is written on the sign. For any store with this sign, the servants of Shuntian Mansion and the brothers of Jinyiwei must keep the store safe and prevent people from making trouble and destroying it. Do you understand? "

Wang Tong dragged Fang Zhongping's hair forward and said in a cold voice. Fang Zhongping held his head and staggered forward, agreeing without a word.

Outside the door, Wang Tong let go, and Fang Zhongping took two steps back, pointed at Wang Tong and shouted angrily:
"It's just a member of Jinyiwei, how dare you treat me like this, wait for my father to hand over a note to Liu Shouyou..."

Before the words fell, there was another scream, and Wang Tong kicked him down the steps. Wang Tong stared at him and said with a sneer:

"Come here to play, no one pays attention to you, make a fuss again, let you know that what you suffered just now is the lightest."

When Fang Zhongping climbed up from the bottom, he didn't dare to say a word anymore. The more powerful the capital, the more he knew the truth of others. He declared himself the title of Marquis of Anping several times, but the other party's attacks became more and more serious, and He didn't shy away from being humiliated face to face, thinking about all the things he was grounded after the Shima Lane fight, Fang Zhongping, who was completely drunk, was also frightened.

Those noble disciples who came with Fang Zhongping also knew that they had hit the iron plate, and now they were the joke in the hall. Many people on the first and second floors were secretly watching through the gaps in the windows and screens, looking at these It's also interesting that the lawless and unscrupulous young master is so deflated just now.

When Wang Tong walked in again, he looked at the nobles who were at a loss and said in a cold voice:
"Leave compensation for expenses and broken things, keep playing if you want to play, and leave quickly if you want to leave!!"

When things got to this point, who would dare to stay, the gang of disciples frantically took out their money, helped up their fallen comrades, and hurried out.

The troublemakers left, but the hall of the Qin Pavilion was still quiet. Wang Tong stood there, no one dared to speak loudly, or even panted loudly, whether it was the woman or the guests of the Qin Pavilion.

This tall young man was too domineering and domineering. Even though he was here to make peace, he looked like he was causing trouble.

It was Miss Song who reacted quicker. While sending someone to help the injured servant to seek treatment from the doctor, she arranged for the servants of the Qin Pavilion to clean up the messy hall.

Many people saw the sign hanging at the main entrance from Wang Tong, and they all looked in awe. Within two days, what Wang Tong did tonight and the effectiveness of this safe sign will spread throughout the capital. up.

Wang Tong still had something to discuss in the Zhenxing Building, so he naturally didn't want to delay here. He hugged Miss Song from a distance, turned his head and was about to leave.

"Master Wang, wait a moment!"

Just as he turned around, he heard Miss Song greet him. Turning around, Miss Song trotted up to him and got closer. Just as Wang Tong frowned and dodged, he heard Miss Song whisper:
"My lord, Zhang Ge's father died on September 26."

After saying this, he turned his head to greet the guests. Wang Tong walked out the door in a daze. Zhang Juzheng's father's death had nothing to do with him. Miss Song was very solemn when she told the news, and she meant to repay her for helping her. .

Riding on the horse back, halfway through, Wang Tong yelled suddenly on the horse, which startled Sun Dahai and Li Wenyuan.

Big deal...
The competition before and after is really fierce, everyone has to vote more monthly votes for Lao Bai, and work harder for Lao Bai!

(End of this chapter)

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