Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 165 Doing What You Can and Stopping Still

Chapter 165 Doing What You Can and Stopping Still
When parents die, children should observe filial piety and mourn at home, while serving officials have the rule of "Ding You", who must stay at home for 27 months before returning to work, which is called Qifu.

It is impossible for any position to be vacant for two years. Once there is a vacancy, it must be replaced. Everything in the world can be surrendered, but this official position cannot be surrendered. When officials are restored to their original posts, they often have to be transferred to other places.

Other official positions are easy to talk about, but the chief assistant of the cabinet is a unique job in the world. It is proposed that the name is the first assistant, but it is actually the prime minister.
A country cannot be without a king for a day. Similarly, a country cannot be without a head and assistant for a day. If Zhang Juzheng is Ding You, this position must be replaced by someone. Once the emperor and the courtiers, the head and assistant are different, and everything is different.

Leaving aside the clearing of the land and the whipping method that is going to be seriously implemented, what will happen to the people around Zhang Juzheng?

Zhang Juzheng has been the chief assistant since Wanli ascended the throne. Most of the ministers and officials were appointed by Zhang Juzheng. I don’t know how many people are his cronies. Will the new chief assistant accommodate these people? What about seats for your party members?

At the end of Jiajing period and the beginning of Longqing period, Feng Bao, the eunuch in charge of the chief inspector of ceremonies, was just the eunuch accompanying the chief inspector of ceremonies, and Gao Gong, the chief assistant at that time, kept suppressing him.

It is precisely because of the joint alliance with Zhang Juzheng that he has the power to be in charge of the Ritual Supervisor and the Imperial Supervisor today, and has become the No. 1 status in the inner court.

Without the alliance of Zhang Juzheng, and the people in the palace coveting this position made trouble, would Feng Bao still be as stable as Mount Tai?

Or without Zhang Juzheng, the eunuch Feng Bao, the chief inspector of ceremonies, would not fall, but his power would be weakened due to the lack of support from the foreign court, and another powerful person in the palace would rise up, and the situation would change.

The second eunuch in the palace is Zhang Cheng. If Feng Bao falls or is weakened, Zhang Cheng is most likely to gain power, and Wang Tong, who is closely related to Zhang Cheng, will of course benefit a lot.

The current government is controlled by Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao, and Emperor Wanli is just a decoration. If these two people are weakened or left, the little emperor who grows up will inevitably gain greater authority, and the prestige of Emperor Wanli will rise , then as a close minister of the emperor, I will definitely benefit a lot.

The little emperor said that he wanted to give himself a Jinyiwei to direct his affairs or command his colleagues to do things, but he was suppressed by the big bosses. If Zhang Juzheng and Ding You left and Feng Bao's power weakened, would his position in the hundred households be higher?

Ever since he realized the importance of this news, Wang Tong has been thinking about what it will bring, but after thinking about it, it seems that it will only benefit him and not harm him.

However, Wang Tong was not flustered. He knew that his consideration must not be comprehensive, because he had only just come into contact with politics, and the complexity and treachery in it were far beyond what he could accurately judge with his experience and knowledge.

The banquet in the Zhenxing Building was not over yet, and it would be very rude for Wang Tong to leave the banquet halfway, but no matter what his status, the wealthy businessman would not dare to leave and could only wait for him to come back.

Back at the wine table, seeing Wang Tong's absent-minded look, the rich businessman was quick to drink a glass of wine and said:
"The blacksmith's wages for this shop, iron materials, charcoal coal, and the set of household items cost me a total of 300 taels of silver. My lord helped settle this matter this time. I have nothing to thank, so I will sell it to you at a cheaper price. Well, there are still two stewards in the blacksmith shop who have some relatives with me, so my lord will give you 50 taels of severance money, and it will be considered a deal."

Wang Tong was stunned, but turned his head and said to Wang Si who was drinking with him next to him:

"Boss Wang, after this banquet, everyone is also a magician. If there is a chance to deal with them in the future, you can help me more. If you have any difficulties, come to me!"

Although Wang Tong's current status is still a hundred, but in the eyes of this rich businessman and Wang Si, that is already heaven. Hearing that he made this wish, Wang Si hurriedly gave the rich businessman a wink, and the rich businessman also Flushed with excitement, he got up and drank three glasses in a row in the name of a toast.

"Your shop has four iron furnaces, six skilled craftsmen, and more than 50 young and strong laborers. You come to buy and sell [-]% of the farm tools in Zhuangzi near Tongzhou, not to mention the private business. Come down, the income of one hundred and fifty taels is the minimum, and there will be more if you do it well, just let it go, are you willing?"

Wang Tong understood the value of this blacksmith shop, and before the case was settled, he asked someone to inquire about it. This blacksmith shop even brought tools, and it could be sold for 800 taels. The case was settled, but the value of this big gift is too heavy, so I have this question.

The rich businessman has a good capacity for alcohol, but he drank three glasses in a row just now, and he became more drunk. He blushed and said with a smile:
"My lord, the villain was thinking about making more money when he started this business. This time, when he committed a crime, his mother and child were crying and crying, and I was terrified. Only then did I realize that I didn't even have an official position, but I was too courageous. In the future Ah, I have to weigh myself, earn as much money as I can, I can't go through so much trouble, this time, thanks to my lord, the case is closed, and the villain will move to Tianjin Sanwei in a few days..."

Wang Tong, who never drank much, picked up the wine cup and took a sip. It was really good wine, sweet and sweet in his mouth, but it was like a small fire in his throat, burning warmly.

What kind of ability, what to do, this rich businessman's words made Wang Tong suddenly enlightened. The father of Zhang Juzheng, the chief assistant of the dynasty, died. Whether Ding You or not, actually represented whether there would be a drastic change in the top management of the Ming Empire. Can you benefit from this drastic change, can you benefit from this news? Such thoughts are too delusional and ridiculous.

I am not qualified to participate in the intrigue of those big bosses, the struggle of various forces, or even to watch it too closely. If I am not careful, I will be smashed to pieces.

The only way to cope is to do what you can, nothing more.

"Brother Zou, I got news from somewhere last night that Zhang Ge's father passed away on September 26!"

Every morning, Zou Yi would always come to sit in Wang Tong's main room, drink some tea, eat some snacks, and chat a few words. It may not be a big deal, and it has become a living habit.

After being drunk that day, the relationship between the two parties became closer. When Wang Tong said this, Zou Yi had just taken a bite of the ham mooncake in his mouth. With his eyes closed, he rubbed his neck with his hand, and after a long time he calmed down, but he didn't care to drink water, and asked in a hoarse voice:

"Old Zhang Ge, which one is it, Zhang Siwei or Zhang Juzheng..."

"It's Zhang Juzheng!"

"What a big deal, what a great deal, brother Wang, how do you know?"

Zou Yi got up and walked a few steps, stopped and asked this question, Wang Tong hesitated, and the girl Song told him that if the other party was involved, but Zou Yi didn't expect to know the answer, put on the hat, and hurriedly leave.

Wang Tong didn't go to deliver it either. He drank tea and ate snacks slowly in the room, and then put incense on his father's tablet. He did what he could and should do, and the rest was to wait and see what happened.

The Supervisor of Ceremonies is also the center of the world, and there is never a time of leisure throughout the year. Now, the land of the world is clear, the rewards and punishments of officials involved, the adjustment of policies and taxes in various provinces, and various memorials are much more than usual. The eunuchs are very busy.

At all levels, the ceremonial supervisors are required to read and classify the red notebooks. The important ones are directly on the books of Feng Bao and Zhang Cheng. report up.

On both sides of the eunuch Zhang Cheng, the supervisor of ceremonies, there were several high stacks. Zhang Cheng took down the memorial book from time to time and opened it, circled it a few times, and gave a few words of instructions. The little eunuch said in a low voice:

"Send it to Eunuch Feng..."

While he was busy, a young eunuch wearing a green robe quickly stepped into the room, and put a memorial on Zhang Cheng's desk. Those who came here were usually important memorials, and the little eunuch looked at Zhang Cheng. It looks like a child, but Zhang Cheng also recognizes it. It is Zhao Jinliang who Zou Yi arranged to study in the inner school. He has only been in the palace for a few months, and he specially brought him here to kowtow to him. It is said that he is a close person of Wang Tong. What.

With so many signs, Zhang Cheng just looked up and continued to review. After grading two books, he picked up the playbook and unfolded it. After a few glances, he approved a few strokes, and then put it aside.

After reviewing for a while, Zhang Cheng said hello and got up to go out. There are three urgencies in people. The eunuchs are especially inconvenient, and everyone is not surprised.

Zhang Cheng walked out of the house of the Chief of Rites, and walked quickly to the other side. The Imperial Horse Supervisor has a small warehouse for storing flags here, but Zou Yi waited at the door. When Zhang Cheng came, Zou Yi respectfully Invite people in.

"What's the mystery? Do you think others can't see that you sent that child to deliver the letter?"

As soon as he was seated, Zhang Cheng reprimanded him impolitely. Zou Yi hurriedly bowed to laugh with him, and hurriedly said:

"I couldn't find anyone I could trust at the moment, and the matter was urgent, so I arrested that Zhao Jinliang and went there...Godfather, my son got the news outside that Zhang Juzheng's father died of illness on September 26."

Zhang Cheng's body trembled, and then it was as usual. He didn't make a sound, but Zou Yi, who had always been steady, was a little impatient at this moment. He stepped closer and said:
"Godfather, why don't my son find someone right away, so we can make preparations inside and out."

Zhang Cheng raised his hand and waved it. After a long silence, he opened his mouth and said:

"Don't do anything..."

Seeing that Zou Yi wanted to open his mouth again, he couldn't help but said in a deep voice:

"Even we know it, so wouldn't Feng Shuanglin know it?"
Changed a small detail, huh, this is in and out, thank you for pointing out in the book review area, thank you everyone
The front is getting far
(End of this chapter)

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