Chapter 167
"Master, this firecracker looks like a fan ghost!?"

After Wang Tong put the blunderbuss on the table, several blacksmiths picked it up and looked it over before asking this question. Wang Tong was stunned for a moment. To be able to ask this shows that the blacksmiths are not laymen!

"Indeed, when I went to Guangdong, a Franji blacksmith gave it to me."

A blacksmith in his 40s stepped forward and said harshly:

"I'm not going to hide it from you, the young ones used to rely on eating official meals to support themselves... The master doesn't know that the craftsmen who make weapons and firearms everywhere can't do anything but work hard. If there is an important job, The officials in charge have to spend money to hire us to do it, this knife and gun can also be shot, and firearms can also be made..."

Wang Tong smiled, privately manufacturing weapons and firearms is a serious crime against the law, and these blacksmiths became a little nervous after knowing that they were Jin Yiwei.

"It's okay, it's okay, I don't care what you have done before, as long as you follow my rules from now on, no one will dare to touch you, first let's talk about this short gun, whether you can do it or not!"

After hearing Wang Tong's assurance, all the blacksmiths showed a look of peace of mind. The blacksmith who answered harshly took the short gun from his companion and looked it over carefully.
"There is nothing fancy about this style. We can do it too. The key to making firearms is to be careful and careful, not to be sloppy. Besides, the iron material of the barrel of this firecracker needs to be made of good iron, and the road needs to be rebuilt, which will cost a lot of money." Little silver."

Hearing this "can be built", Wang Tong was already very pleasantly surprised, and said with a smile:

"There's no need to worry about the money, just make a list and ask Tan Jiang or Zhang Shiqiang to buy it!"

I'm happy if I'm happy, but I still can't spend the money indiscriminately. After making the list, Wang Tong has to find someone who knows how to buy it, and he won't let them buy it by themselves.

The time with Emperor Wanli cannot be delayed, Wang Tong will return to the city immediately after completing the delivery at the blacksmith shop.

It was already lunch time when we arrived in the city, and when we put on the dark blue short robe and walked out of the house, we could already hear the shouting and cursing from the Delicious Restaurant.

Every day at lunch, the teenagers were always in high spirits, but just as Wang Tong left the house, Lu Wancai just dismounted from the intersection, chatted about the hem of his robe, ran over in a hurry, and whispered to him:

"Brother Wang, there was news from Zhang Ge's old mansion in the morning, saying that Zhang Ge's father died of illness, and he went there on September 25th."

Wang Tong was stunned for a moment, it seemed that the news had already spread in the capital, and everything was going to be brought to light.Wang Tong already knew the news, so he didn't need to be surprised, nodded, and said:
"I already know that."

Seeing Wang Tong's indifferent appearance, Lu Wancai hesitated for a moment, grabbed Wang Tong, and shouted in a low voice:

"Brother Wang, we have to prepare for this matter. If Mr. Zhang Ge is Ding You, then Eunuch Feng, the inner prisoner, will also change, and then we will also have trouble."

In Lu Wancai's mind, the biggest backer behind Wang Tong should be Feng Bao, the eunuch who is in charge of the official seal. After all the brothels and casinos in the capital, the rich and powerful families behind them must not be happy. If the backers fall, then I am afraid that the walls will fall and everyone will push them down. It is not easy to have such wealth today, but now there are How could Lu Wancai not be worried about the danger of vanishing into thin air.

Wang Tong glanced at Lu Wancai, and said in a deep voice:

"What can we do, the next thing is the stormy sea, and we will be crushed if we get involved, so we dare to do anything, let's just watch from the sidelines!"

Hearing Wang Tong's words, Lu Wancai became very anxious, thinking that this little adult might not know what kind of consequences this incident would cause, so he didn't care about anything for a while, grabbed Wang Tong's arm and said hastily:

"Master Wang, if Mr. Zhang Ge is Ding You, how can Eunuch Feng stay in a stable position? If Eunuch Feng's big tree is not stable, how can we people be safe? If you fall down, you will be smashed to pieces. Lord Wang, some time ago To collect those tens of thousands of taels of silver, I don’t know how many people will peel our brothers to pieces, we must make preparations!!”

Wang Tong looked at the anxious Lu Wancai, but couldn't help laughing, and reached out to pat Lu Tongpan's shoulder. The middle-aged man's face had already turned purple. Wang Tong said leisurely:
"Who told Big Brother Lu that Eunuch Feng is leaning on my younger brother's back. Whether Zhang Ge is worried or not, there must be an uproar. Teach me a lesson, Big Brother Lu, don’t say much, you can rest assured, I’ll go to the Delicious Restaurant for dinner first.”

After listening to Wang Tong's words, Lu Wancai stood there in a daze, the purple on his face quickly turned into a normal black and red, and he was still there in a daze without moving when Wang Tong walked away.

Since it doesn't matter if Feng Bao, the eunuch in charge of the chief inspector of ceremonies, is not stable, Lu Wan didn't dare to think deeply about who Brother Wang's backer is. Standing there, he just felt dizzy and confused.

I don't know why, the delicious restaurant in Yingtian was quiet just now, when Wang Tong entered the door, he saw Zhang Hongying pushing a small cart with wooden wheels and holding a plate to refill the food.

Where Zhang Hongying walked, all the teenagers were eating food, Wang Tong sat down wondering, watching Li Hutou eating too, without saying hello.

After a while, when Zhang Hongying finished packing and left with the wooden wheeled cart, the restaurant became noisy again. Seeing Wang Tong's surprised appearance, Li Hutou muttered:

"Sister Hongying is so powerful, everyone is afraid of her now, and dare not leave anything behind after eating, otherwise, they will scold people in person..."

She shrank her head while speaking, Zhang Hongying was two years older than most teenagers, and girls matured earlier than boys. Except for Wang Tong, who was already an adult mentally and spiritually, her existence was almost like that of the teenagers in the martial arts hall. My big sister is both respectful and fearful.

Seeing the appearance of the teenagers in the room, Wang Tong couldn't hold back, burst out laughing, and hurriedly ate to cover up, the anxiety and tension these days have been relieved a lot.

Unlike the turbulent undercurrent a few days ago, after the news of Zhang Juzheng's father's death was officially announced, the entire capital became quiet.

In addition to going to Zhang Juzheng's mansion to offer condolences and condolences in accordance with official rules, Liubu and the ministers and ministers of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, the two capital censors and two deputy capital censors of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and the cabinet's academicians, in addition to going to Zhang Juzheng's mansion to express condolences and condolences every day As usual, I was on errand, and I used to go to the court to go to the romantic, feast and have fun.

These days are all about self-cultivation, staying behind closed doors, and not seeing outsiders. These bigwigs are like this, but the officials below are more active.

They only recently found out about the news. They inquired with each other and discussed privately. The big boss above is placing a bet at this time, and they want to stand in line. inevitable.

Even the brothels and restaurants in the capital have a particularly good business. Those private rooms and private seats are always whispering there at noon and evening, planning officials.

As for the places outside the capital, it goes without saying that the officials who were placed by Zhang Juzheng and blocked by these people, because some time ago Qingzhang land suffered from the unlucky people in the lawsuit, they had various thoughts.

This is the case in the outer court, but it is a different scene in the inner court. In the important yamen, the Sili Supervisor, the Yuma Supervisor, and the Neiguan Supervisor, everyone is a little more friendly than before.

In the supervisor of ceremonies, whether it is Zhang Cheng or a few eunuchs in the hall, the slightly more important memorials that could be forwarded by themselves in the past must be submitted to Feng Bao for reading and ruling.

Feng Bao is still the same, he can't see at all that Zhang Juzheng, his biggest ally in the foreign court, is in danger of losing his post, everything is as usual.

During the day, the eunuchs were very polite when they were doing errands, but at night, when all the serving masters had gone to sleep, the scene was almost the same as outside.

Anyone in the inner court who is called a eunuch, like the cabinet scholars and six ministers outside, went to various places, and did not mention Zhang Juzheng's impending Ding You.

On the contrary, the people below are moving around a lot, everyone can see clearly, if Eunuch Feng's position is unstable, who will replace Eunuch Feng? No. [-] character, the possibility of being a substitute is the greatest.

It is not appropriate to go to Zhang Cheng now, but Zou Yi, the supervisor of the four guards of the Royal Horse Supervisor, Longxiang Zuowei, is Zhang Cheng's closest adopted son, and he is kind and friendly. It is most suitable to go to his side .

But this Eunuch Zou also closed the door. He went out on business in the morning and was still out on business in the afternoon. After finally coming back in the evening, the small house where he lived was also closed.

The gatekeeper was a little eunuch less than ten years old, called Zhao Jinliang, but a young man had his own ideas, whether it was giving money or losing his temper, this little guy just gritted his teeth and refused to let anyone in.

Even the young eunuch of the Zhidian Supervisor was blocked from coming to the door. It is said that he lost his temper and slapped the young eunuch several times. The corner of Zhao Jinliang's mouth was bloodied, but he was still not allowed to enter.

When the top and bottom were pretending to be unpredictable or thought they knew everything, Emperor Wanli was a little at a loss. His own teacher, when the father of Zhang Juzheng, the chief assistant of the dynasty, passed away, he also ordered condolences.

He also knew that Ding You, the official who encountered such a situation, would have to leave his position for more than two years, but what should Zhang Juzheng do? The companion will also say a few words.

But this time, neither the Empress Dowager nor Feng Bao remained silent. Even if Emperor Wanli brought it up intentionally, the topic would be diverted intentionally or unintentionally.
come on, come on, come on
(End of this chapter)

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