Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 168 Unintentionally Telling the Truth

Chapter 168 Unintentionally Telling the Truth

"Dong Weng, recently there are children passing songs in the market, do you want to listen to them?"

On October [-]th, Zhang Han, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, seemed to have completely calmed down his anger, and called that Qian Chunping to play chess again.

This time Qian Chunping spoke more bluntly. After playing dozens of moves, he suddenly raised this question. Zhang Han remained calm, looked down at the chessboard, and said in a deep voice:
"There are always fools taking advantage of these seasons to fabricate prophecies, what kind of ballads, Mr. Qian read them and listened to them."

"Fenyi loses his wife, puts him under fire in the East Tower, and eliminates evil."

With a light hand, Zhang Han shook his head and smiled lightly:

"The story of the former dynasty, the story of the former dynasty, is nothing more than outside Beijing. Do the people in Beijing think that Yan Donglou is the first assistant who has been sitting in Yan Donglou for more than 20 years?"

Qian Chunping looked at the board, clicked a move casually, which happened to seal a live chess piece on Zhang Han's board, and also said with a smile:

"Dong Weng, the students feel that those few lines of the ballad seem to be about Yan Shifan instead of Yan Song!"

Zhang Han didn't answer this sentence, but looked at the chessboard and shook his head in admiration:
"Mr. Qian's chess move is really wonderful!"

Fenyi is used to refer to Yan Song, and Donglou is used to refer to Yan Shifan. Yan Song served as the chief assistant in the Jiajing Dynasty for more than 20 years, which is unprecedented in the Ming Dynasty, and his son Yan Shifan, although he is a supervisor, has also done it. Such a high position as the minister of the Ministry of Industry.

Yan Shifan prided himself on being talented in the world, he was indeed extremely smart, he handled the errands of the Ministry of Industry extremely well, and he was extremely accurate in guessing Emperor Jiajing's mind.

So Yan Song and Yan Shifan’s melodies and policy theories are very in line with the Emperor Jiajing’s mind, so close to the holy will, the natural grace is infinite, 40 years after Jiajing, Yan Song is already [-], his old wife died, Yan Shifan followed the rules and Ding You Home mourning.

Without Yan Shifan's staff and Austrian aid, the aged Yan Song gradually lost his former favor in the court, and because Yan Shifan returned to Jiangxi, he was attacked by the imperial censor in the court but could not do anything effectively. As a result, he was put to death on the charge of Tongwo.

So far, the incomparably illustrious Yan family's power has collapsed, and the cause of the incident was nothing more than Yan Shifan's worries about his family's funeral, which triggered a series of reactions.

Perhaps the downfall of the Yan family was due to other reasons. People who have been in the officialdom for a long time are more aware of the success or failure of Yan Shifan and Yan Song, but what these few words of prophecy said, they understand.

After this game of chess, Zhang Han, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, lost five pieces, but Qian Chunping, who was playing against him, knew it well. If the two played according to their usual methods, they might lose twenty pieces.

Zhang Han's mind is already messed up...

It was not too early to finish playing chess, and Zhang Han sent his family to send Qian Chunping home. If there were no servants from the Minister of the Ministry of Officials to send Qian Chunping home, it would be really troublesome if he was bumped into by the soldiers and horses of the five cities who were watching the night.

The house of Qian Chunping's family was in the east city, and it looked quite magnificent. After bidding farewell to the sender at the door, Qian Chunping turned and entered his own house.

There was already a servant waiting at the door. This servant was quite tall, and he was not very respectful to Qian Chunping. After closing the door, he took a few steps forward. Qian Chunping took a few steps, looked around, and said in a low voice:
"I've said it, can you let me take a look at Fatty, my child is timid, he can't eat when he's scared..."

Although the voice was calm, there was a slight tremor. The tall servant behind him laughed a few times and said roughly:
"Master Qian wants to see his son, and no one will stop him. You have to say it several times before you can believe him. I don't know anyone is watching the master's house now. As long as Master Qian is obedient, nothing will happen to them. Master Qian That fat son can eat and play, and yesterday someone bought him a wooden knife and gun."

After hearing these words, Qian Chunping's demeanor immediately disappeared without a trace, his body also hunched down, and he walked into the house in silence, while the tall servant also followed silently behind him.

"When Zhang Han was a servant, he was already equal to several other ministers. He had a high status, but he was not as majestic as before. He is fighting against the head and assistant of the cabinet, but now he is just like an official."

One of them was holding a volume of books, and said with a smile while reading, while the butler beside him bowed and said:

"My master is very wise. If it was normal, Zhang Han would not dare to think about Zhang Taiyue. Without Zhang Taiyue, he would not be where he is today. But people are not as good as heaven. Now a good opportunity has fallen for him. Ding You is in mourning." .”

"Zhang Taiyue is the most resourceful in the world, he also expected this, leaving this position may make it difficult to come back, we know, he knows, Feng Bao also knows, this matter, nine times out of ten it will become a deliberate deception. Regarding the matter of seizing love, according to the usual practice, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials must be consulted first, and Zhang Han's statement is very important."

After the man finished speaking, the steward quickly replied seriously:
"Master, don't worry. Qian Chunping married the sixth house and gave birth to eight daughters. He raised a woman outside but gave him a son. He was very nervous. He reported the location of the house and the woman in front of him that day. Qian Chunping softened immediately."

The man called Master put down the book and said calmly:
"Tell this person that as long as he says everything he needs to say, the next thing has nothing to do with him. His family has no shortage of money, and there is still a job for Changlu Yanzheng."

The butler wanted to say something, but he kept his mouth shut. The old man glanced at him, shook his head and said:
"Kill people to kill people, those people from Dongchang and Jinyiwei have very sharp noses, and it's troublesome to get out of trouble for nothing. They arrange to go to Changlu Salt Administration. Who would not like such a good job? If you want to do it in the long run, then you have to shut up !"

The fattest job in the world is the salt administration. Needless to say, the Lianghuai Salt Industry, it is said that after three years in the Haicheng Salt Administration Yamen, even an ordinary official can be rich for several lifetimes, and the Changlu Salt Field is The largest and best place in the Northland, although the income is far worse than Lianghuai, but the advantage is that there are few people and a low profile. For those who are familiar with the inside information, this is a first-class good place.

On October 21st before lunch, Emperor Wanli arrived at the Huwei Martial Arts Hall early. Naturally, he was not interested in attending any lessons on marching and formation, so he had to ask Wang Tong for entertainment.

Wang Tong was carefully inspecting a short-fired blunderbuss in the main room. The blacksmith next to him was the boss in his 40s, named Qiao Da. Wang Tong had studied blacksmithing in Macau for more than half a year. Look out the doorway.

Although the newly built firecracker is similar in appearance to his original one, the details are very different. For example, the linkage between the beak clip holding the matchlock and the trigger is not smooth, and the barrel is not completely smooth. Straight lines, but polished smooth.

This kind of firecracker is probably a burden on the battlefield. If the linkage is not smooth, it will get stuck.

Everything else is passable. The tenon and tenon of the barrel and the wooden stock, the medicine pool and the trigger mechanism, etc. can all be seen with care. Wang Tong put the short gun on the table, looked at Qiao Da and said:
"There are no burrs in the gun barrel, and the tenon joint is still regular. If it weren't for these few places, this officer would think that you are cheating money for nothing?"

Wang Tong said it calmly, but Qiao Da's face turned pale. From Wang Tong's action of inspecting the firecracker just now, it can be seen that this young master is very expert. These two sentences prove this point even more. Tong didn't get angry, just looking at him like that, Qiao Da's face became paler and paler, and sweat gradually oozes from his forehead.

As time went by, Wang Tong also had a majestic demeanor regardless of his young age. Just looking at Qiao Da like this, the blacksmith, who had never seen an official before, felt the pressure, and finally couldn't bear it anymore, and knelt down fell to the ground, and cried out:

"Master, you guys really did your best!!"

Wang Tong was puzzled, and said:
"Of course I know that you have tried your best here, so there is no way to improve it. What's the use if you can't do your best!"

Then Qiao Da knew that he had misunderstood, so he stood up embarrassingly, coughed and said:
"To tell you the truth, the key is that the measuring tools are not easy to use. There are mistakes in the measured things. When they are made and stitched together, they will naturally look like this."

Wang Tong nodded. The tool for measuring the size is not easy to use. The data obtained from the short firecracker must be full of errors. Naturally, this replica has many problems, and we can't expect a few blacksmiths who privately make weapons and farm tools to know how to use it. What kind of earth-shattering ability is there, so to speak, this rough replica short-fire gun seems to be justified.

The problem was with the measuring tools, Wang Tong said:
"Measuring tools and weighing instruments, buy them if you need them. Although it costs more money, it should be."

Qiao Da rubbed his hands together, and said with some embarrassment:

"Adults want good household items, so they have to use good measuring tools. There are no shops selling such appliances, but I know that there are two places, but I'm afraid it's not easy to get them?"

Having said that, Wang Tong became interested and asked:

"There is a craftsman department in the Ministry of Industry, and there are also workshops in the palace that make utensils for the emperor, but the master also knows that these two yamen are too big to deal with."

Just as he was talking, the courtyard door outside was pushed open, and Zou Yi, who was wearing casual clothes, yelled at the door:

"Brother Wang, Young Master Huang is here."

Young Master Huang, Wang Tong reacted immediately, waved his hand at Qiao Da and said:
"The two measuring tools of the Ministry of Industry and the Imperial Supervisor, I will find a way for you. You go back and sort out the method of building from beginning to end, and see what you can improve yourself. Go on!"

Qiao Da wondered in his heart, how did the master know the name of this "what kind of prison", and he also said that he could get the measuring tools. Do Jinyiwei Baihu have such a great ability?
He retreated while pondering, Wang Tong had already strode out to meet him.
(End of this chapter)

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