Chapter 169
Emperor Wanli was almost half an hour earlier than usual, which is indeed strange. Emperor Wanli's morning court meeting and Zhang Juzheng's class could not be delayed.

Qiao Da went out along the side door, Wang Tong greeted the little emperor from the main door, Wan Li's joy could be seen from the outside, with a relaxed expression on his face, he walked towards the main room with his hands behind his back.

Ma Sanbiao is now in Zhuangzi outside the city to recuperate, Li Wenyuan and Li Hutou have also moved to the newly bought mansion, and Wang Tong lives alone in the mansion again. Every afternoon when he goes to the martial arts hall, Zhang Hongying They will come to clean it again, but it is also clean and tidy.

As soon as he entered the room, Emperor Wanli sat on the seat by himself. Wang Tong was about to serve tea, but Zou Yi stopped him with his hand. He winked at the room and said in a low voice:
"It's important to serve the Lord Long Live well, we will take care of such trivial matters at home."

Wang Tong nodded, but Zou Yi didn't follow into the room, instead he waited outside the door. Emperor Wanli looked at the furnishings in the room very freshly, and when he raised his eyes, he saw two firecrackers on the table.

The little emperor picked up the blunderbuss with a smile, and Wang Tong hurriedly stepped forward, and said with an embarrassed smile:

"Your Majesty, this thing is a murder weapon. It's better not to touch your majesty's golden body, otherwise the minister's crime will be too great."

Fortunately, there was no ammunition in the short gun, otherwise Wang Tong would go up and grab it. Emperor Wanli fiddled with it a few times, and it was heavy in his hand. He put it on the table boringly, and said with a smile:

"What are you worried about? It's not like I haven't touched it before. Wang Tong, your firecrackers are too rough. I have a few firecrackers given by Priest Franz in my palace. They are exquisite and tight. I will give you two to play with."

Wang Tong hurriedly thanked him, Emperor Wanli waved his hand nonchalantly, and said repeatedly:
"Get up, I and you are the only two people in this room, there is no need to be so polite. By the way, there is a catastrophe in Nanzhili, and there are a lot of wasteland in Fengyang Mansion and Huai'an Mansion. Some people also reported that they want to demarcate the land to stabilize the refugees. It is rare to have so much land vacant. I thought, I will award 15 mu to the Wuqinghou's mansion, leave [-] mu to Lu Wang, and give it to you Twenty thousand mu."

What is the concept of [-] mu of land? Wang Tong imagined it but he didn't figure it out. Emperor Wanli was quite proud and said with a smile:

"When I give it to you, I will let the people from the Ministry of Household Affairs and Nanzhili allocate this land near Luzhou Prefecture. I heard that it is a good land and very valuable."

"Your Majesty's great kindness, I thank you, and I will repay you faithfully!"

"Get up, get up, I said you don't need to be polite."

What kind of happy things happened to Emperor Wanli today? Wang Tong wondered, but he was not dizzy yet. After thanking him, he hurried forward and said:

"Your Majesty's generous gift, I am naturally grateful, but I also boldly say a word, I am afraid that the Cabinet, the Ministry of Household Affairs, and even the Metropolitan Procuratorate will have trouble with your Majesty's decree."

With so much land sealed off, not to mention Wang Tong, who is a close minister, even Wanli's younger brother Lu Wang and grandfather Wu Qinghou will be criticized by civil officials. Wang and Marquis Wu Qing are not in the way, and I am afraid that no matter how many times I die, it will not be enough.

[-] mu of land can do too many things, it is a huge wealth, Wang Tong knows all this, but he knows that these things are not something that he can eat now, and the end of swallowing it seems to be nothing but choking to death way out.

Of course, most of the ministers in the DPRK and China are from the south of the Yangtze River. If the family members of these ministers buy at low prices and wantonly merge, it will be "all people are happy to follow it".

Hearing what Wang Tong said, Emperor Wanli waved his hand nonchalantly and said:
"I'm just afraid of Mr. Zhang. Other officials don't care about him. Now that Mr. Zhang is not here, it's time for me to call the shots."

"Your Majesty, what do you mean when the elder is not here?"

Although the news of Zhang Juzheng's father's funeral has been officially announced, but there is no news that he wants Ding You to be in the funeral. It doesn't matter how to say this sentence, Wang Tong is really puzzled, and can't help but ask rudely.

Emperor Wanli laughed even more happily when he heard Wang Tong's question, and said:
"Since I took office, I have never been so relaxed and at ease today. Mr. Zhang didn't say a word in the Wenyuan Pavilion, and the other scholars were silent. The people from the six departments said a few things about the department, and then they dispersed. Mr. Zhang hastily rushed back to the mansion, and the morning class will not be on."

Looking at Emperor Wanli's demeanor, he looked like a student whose teacher was sick and didn't have to go to school. It was really surprising that the emperor of the Ming Empire was happy for such a trivial matter.

The more Emperor Wanli said, the more excited he was, he patted the table and said:

"According to the rules, Mr. Zhang will be on the form soon, and he is requesting to go home to observe the mourning system. Then I will approve Mr. Zhang's form. Haha, it will be interesting then..."

Wang Tong stood at the side, listening with hands down, but his heart was overwhelmed. The attitudes of all parties in the DPRK and China towards Zhang Juzheng and Ding You finally knew a little bit. At least Emperor Wanli was willing to let Zhang Juzheng resign and return to his hometown.

But Emperor Wanli is not the only one who has the decision-making power in the palace. Empress Dowager Li did not speak, Feng Bao did not speak, and even Zhang Cheng and Eunuch Zhang, who knew the news, did not speak.

"I'm already fifteen this year. The emperor has already entered Beijing to take over the throne and started to rule the world. Once Mr. Zhang leaves, I will take care of everything. Liu Shouyou is driven away, you come to be the commander of Jinyiwei, and we, the monarchs and ministers, will do a good job."

Previously, Wang Tong was given the position of commander of Jinyiwei, but now he is the commander of Jinyiwei, which is the number one military position in the world.

It was [-] mu of fertile land, and there was a real shortage of commanders and envoys of Jinyiwei. Emperor Wanli said all the attractive things, but Wang Tong was in a cold sweat. What the little emperor said was completely castles in the sky.

I am also about to turn 15, no matter what I get, I am afraid that I will soon be submerged in the memorial of impeachment, and maybe I will be attacked by the queen mother and Feng Bao, but looking at the attitude of the emperor, I am admonishing him. He still doesn't know how to export his words, and if he pours cold water on the emperor, he might be smashed to pieces.

When Emperor Wanli finished speaking excitedly, Wang Tong turned his head to look at the door. Zou Yi had already gone to stand by the courtyard door at some point, apparently to avoid hearing Emperor Wanli's long speech, so as not to get tainted with what he shouldn't have. Trouble.

"Your Majesty, I have a few words to say, but before you speak, please don't blame me!!"

Wang Tong gritted his teeth, took a step forward and said in a deep voice. Emperor Wanli was stunned for a moment, and then a look of disappointment appeared on his face, and he said:
"Wang Tong, you are the same age as the widow, but you always like to say spoiling things, so go ahead, I don't blame you."

It seems that Emperor Wanli was not completely dizzy, Wang Tong gave a dry laugh, stepped forward and said:

"Your Majesty is arbitrary, but you have to listen to what the Empress Dowager has to say. Can I take the liberty to ask, what does the Empress Dowager think of Mr. Zhang?"

Emperor Wanli leaned back in his chair, with a bored expression on his face, and muttered:

"The queen mother didn't say anything, neither did Feng Daban. I think they might let me decide this time, so..."

It turned out that it was just your wishful thinking, and the cold sweat on Wang Tong's back grew a little more, he hurriedly knelt down and said earnestly:

"Your Majesty, Mr. Zhang Ge has been in charge of the outer court for nearly six years. All the officials are disciples. Eunuch Feng has been in charge of the inner court for nearly ten years. Even the young prisoner of the twelfth prison has to call his ancestors, the queen mother..."

What Wang Tong said has gone beyond the scope of a courtier. It is really necessary to say a word of forgiveness in advance. The smile and excitement on the face of the little emperor Wanli disappeared little by little, and gradually replaced by an angry look, but Wang Tong did not kowtow. Instead, he stood upright and looked at Emperor Wanli.

Of course his eyes were open and frank. The two looked at each other for a while, and Emperor Wanli slammed the table down, and said weakly:

"Get up and answer. I know you are loyal. When I first became the throne, I didn't understand anything. It's okay not to be the master. But now that I have grown up, I understand, but Mr. Zhang and other ministers still treat the widow as a child. , internal and external matters are decided by Feng Daban and Mr. Zhang, I am the Son of Heaven, Wang Tong, don’t you think this is a rare opportunity, as long as Mr. Zhang leaves, Feng Daban will have nothing to rely on, and I will decide everything at that time, Governing the country is very simple, just choose an obedient and honest minister as the chief assistant."

After Wang Tong stood up, he lowered his voice and said:
"Your Majesty, don't be in a hurry. Ding You is in mourning, and the Chief Assistant has to make a confession. What's more, the attitudes of the Queen Mother and Eunuch Feng are unclear. Thousands of officials in the capital and the world are also silent. If Your Majesty reveals I am afraid that my own thoughts will soon become the target of public criticism."

The skills of persuading clients and persuading leaders in the past were crazily turning in Wang Tong's mind. Combining the current affairs and political situation knowledge he knew, he considered the appropriate language to persuade this little emperor who had just been poured with cold water.

But even so, Emperor Wanli was still irritated by these words, he stopped his hand when he was about to clap it, and lowered his voice and shouted:

"I am the Son of Heaven, I am the Son of Heaven!! Feng Daban is my servant, Mr. Zhang is my servant, and thousands of officials in the world are my servants and servants. What do they want to do, what is wrong with me!!"

He didn't take pictures, lowered his voice, and said aggrieved words at the end, which showed that Emperor Wanli still understood the importance. Wang Tong was relieved and said in a low voice:

"Your Majesty, Ding You's funeral is indeed an opportunity for His Majesty, but Your Majesty is only fifteen this year, and Mr. Zhang Ge is almost fifty. Your Majesty can afford to wait. There is a saying that the best laugh is when you laugh at the end."

This "common saying" does not exist now, and Emperor Wanli couldn't help laughing after hearing it.

On October 25th of the fifth year of Wanli, Zhang Juzheng, the chief assistant of the cabinet, gave a performance, saying that the father of the family died of illness, and he should go home to mourn for three years according to the usual practice. He asked the emperor for permission to find someone to replace him.

(End of this chapter)

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