Chapter 170
"Elder Ge's pure and filial heart is truly moving."

Zhang Siwei, a scholar of the cabinet, held the memorial of Zhang Juzheng, the chief assistant of the cabinet, and said with a sob.

Zhang Siwei is the third person in the cabinet, and he is also the Minister of the Ministry of War. But in this cabinet, Zhang Juzheng did not care about his status at all. His words already knocked his head to the ground.

The Minister of Rites, Wan Shihe, had a calm face, looked left and right but didn't say a word. He was frightened by the appointment of Wang Guoguang, the former Minister of Officials, and he didn't dare to participate in such matters anymore, so he retired in this position.

On the contrary, Zhang Han, the new Minister of the Ministry of Officials, was unambiguous, nodding with a smile and agreeing:
"If Mr. Ge wasn't so pure and filial, how could he have the great loyalty of the country's pillars? Loyalty and pure filial piety, it's really my great Ming's luck, and he is a model for officials and scholars in the world."

There was another echo in the cabinet, Shen Shixing, Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, stood up with tears on his face, and said:
"The lower officials don't know if they should say something or not. They say that they are old and unfilial, but they feel uneasy if they don't say it."

The noise in Wenyuan Pavilion has not stopped since the morning, everyone praised Zhang Ge for being old and filial, but Zhang Juzheng sat in his seat without saying a word.

Of course, everyone was secretly looking at Zhang Juzheng's face when they were talking. According to the rules and regulations, Zhang Juzheng will prepare for the funeral at home tomorrow, but today he is actually here to explain.

But no matter what happens next, Zhang Juzheng is still the chief assistant now, and no one dares to make any judgments on Zhang Taiyue's whereabouts. Everyone's praises and praises are enough.

However, when Shen Shixing, Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, came out, the cabinet that was still like a market just now fell silent, and everyone's eyes were on Shen Shixing. Zhang Juzheng looked at Shen Shixing for a while, and said in a deep voice:

"Ru Mo, if you have something to say, just say it."

Shen Shixing is also 43 years old, but at this time with tears in his eyes, he said sincerely and excitedly:

"Ge Lao, filial piety is a great festival, but after all, you are a small family. If there is no Ge Lao to assist the Holy One, what will happen in this world, what will this great government do? It is difficult to have both, the lower officials also know that the old man is difficult to decide, but considering the common people of the country, the old man should abandon his reputation and concentrate on the world!"

When Shen Shixing said this, everyone in the room was stunned. No matter what they thought in their hearts, they all stood up together, and bowed to Zhang Juzheng one after another:
"Master, please think twice about the country."

Zhang Juzheng opened his slightly closed eyes, and looked at the eagerness of the crowd, except for the Minister of Rites, Wanshi, who was sitting there, and the old man who relied on his qualifications to sit still, the rest of the people got up, that is, to be quiet for a while, Zhang Juzheng suddenly He slapped the back of the chair and reprimanded him with an angry face:

"Ru Mo, the promotion of you to the cabinet is not for you to say such absurd words. My father passed away. How can a son of man love an official position? Where does the code of ethics always go? You all sit down, absurd, really absurd .”

Shen Shixing shed tears, knelt down and said:

"Ge Lao, the words of the lower officials are what they think in their hearts. The emperor cannot do without the Ge Lao, the cabinet cannot do without the Ge Lao, and the Ming Dynasty cannot do without the Ge Lao. Family affairs and state affairs are more important than others. The Ge Lao must be cautious. ah!"

When the rest of the people saw this, they wanted to bow down again. The anger on Zhang Juzheng's face became even bigger, and he stood up and cursed angrily:
"As important ministers of the country, you are so disrespectful. It is the emperor's will to leave or leave this official. Whatever you do, get up and get up. The holy car is coming, so don't lose your manners."

It was only then that everyone got up, but it was a coincidence that just after the Wenyuan Pavilion and other state officials had finished arranging their robes, someone outside announced the emperor's arrival loudly.

The little emperor Wanli walked in with a sullen face, and all the officials kowtowed to pay respects. Emperor Wanli was the first to say to Zhang Juzheng in a harmonious voice:

"When something like this happened at home, Mr. Zhang Ge still needs to express his condolences, don't let his health be broken."

Emperor Wanli said so, Zhang Juzheng had to knelt down to thank him again, and the next step was the normal formalities of resignation. It will only be a few days later.

The officials in the court had different thoughts, but no matter who they were, they didn't notice any abnormalities on the face of the little emperor, they just felt that the little emperor was very indifferent, as if he had nothing to do with him.

At this court meeting, everyone did not come up with any meaningful attitudes and policies, and could only return to their respective houses.

What the cabinet is discussing cannot be concealed at all. The news will spread throughout the capital in the afternoon of the court meeting in the morning. His statement is even more puzzling.

The only way for the censor to show his existence is to stand in line at such a time and give a memorial. The more uncertain the situation is, the more decisively he stands on one side, and if he gambles once, there will definitely be endless glory and wealth. If you make a wrong bet, it will be a land of eternal doom.

The capital court, which had already started to be restless, became quiet again.

When Zhang Han, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, returned to his mansion, the first thing he did was to tell the welcoming butler:
"According to the practice these days, no outsiders are seen."

The butler nodded, turned around and gave some instructions to the porter. Zhang Han took off the crown of honor on his head, and walked slowly towards the study, while the butler respectfully followed.

After passing the door of the inner house, Zhang Han looked left and right, and the housekeeper who followed immediately understood, waved at the servants and women in the inner house behind Zhang Han, and drove them all out.

Zhang Han walked a few steps in silence, and suddenly said in a low voice:
"How is the girl over there?"

"Returning to the master, the eighteen heavenly girls from Yaochi have already caused a sensation in the capital, not to mention this woman is much better than the eighteen heavenly girls, and she will definitely be favored."

Zhang Han stopped in his tracks, turned his head and asked coldly:
"Since that is said, there is still no news?"

Seeing sweat on his forehead, the butler bent his waist even lower, and replied in a voice that couldn't be lowered:

"Forgive me, master. Mr. Zhang Ge's inner house is too closely watched. There are several checkpoints to pass in and out. The young one is only able to pick up the conversation now."

"The official said it was a bad idea at the time, and you just wanted to get a woman to send in. Didn't Zhang Siwei get Taixi Ji, and I haven't heard any news from inquiries."

Zhang Juzheng has many concubines in his inner house. This is an open secret of the capital. This term is generally used to refer to European countries. The concubine that Zhang Siwei bought for Zhang Juzheng in Guangdong, which happened in the fourth year of Wanli, caused a sensation in the capital on that day. Literati and inkmen regard this as a good talk.

Zhang Han didn't go into the study, but walked into a pavilion next to him, sat down and said in a deep voice:

"Pretending to be that girl's natal family, if you go there too many times, people will be suspicious. Don't pay attention to this for now, just leave it as a leisure, and it will not be impossible to use it in the future."

The butler bowed and agreed, Zhang Han patted his forehead with his hand and got up and walked towards the study. Before he reached the door, he heard a shout from the front, and the porter ran over quickly.

"Master, there is a will, there is a will."

After the court meeting, there was a decree. Zhang Han turned around abruptly. The housekeeper next to him had seen such things a lot, and hurriedly shouted:
"Little San, hurry up and prepare the incense case... what are you doing here, go open the door and receive the order."

The concierge took a few breaths, and said hastily:

"The father-in-law who delivered the decree said that it is a secret decree, so there is no need to make a big fanfare, just go to the main room to receive the decree."

Zhang Han was taken aback, and signaled the housekeeper to go out to receive the order, while he changed into his official uniform and walked to the main room. The eunuch who delivered the order was wearing a scarlet robe and walked into the room with a smile on his face.

After the etiquette procedure was over, the eunuch said with a smile:

"My lord Zhang, your Majesty's meaning is very clear. Mr. Zhang Ge, the chief assistant, has worked hard and made great achievements, and he is promoting the great policy of enriching the country and benefiting the people. Although there is a great funeral at home, the country and society cannot do without Mr. Zhang Ge. Long Live God wants to issue an edict to seize love. , these things are in accordance with established rules and regulations, and there must be a heavenly official from the Ministry of Officials to initiate..."

Zhang Han had been kneeling there listening, but now he raised his head and said:

"I came back from Wenyuan Pavilion in the morning, and I heard about the cabinet's discussions. Why don't you know this decree? Could it be the central decree, or someone made the decree in the name of His Majesty!?"

In the Tang and Song Dynasties, if the emperor’s decree was not directly issued by the Ministry of Zhongshu, it was called Zhongzhi. The decree, such a decree, is often not accepted by the officials who receive the decree.

Moreover, this unacceptable behavior will be praised by the ruling and opposition scholars, who think that they have a strong character, and Zhang Juzheng, the chief assistant of the dynasty, is worrying about seduction. This is a matter of the world, and it is too rash to convey the message.

Hearing Zhang Han's rhetorical question, the eunuch immediately changed his face, and shouted sharply:
"Master Zhang, can you say that about the will of the palace? Do you still have the Lord Long Live in your eyes, and do you have the king's law of the Ming Dynasty?"

The decree did not belong to the emperor, but to the palace first, and this rebuttal was so angry, Zhang Han became more and more suspicious, and said in protest:

"Doing this is precisely for the sake of Daming's royal law, and it is precisely to prevent the treacherous villain from taking advantage of the loophole!!"

He was also very stern, the eunuch's face was blue and white, and at the end he snorted coldly, rolled up his will, and left with a flick of his sleeves. Zhang Han also stood up with a gloomy face, brushed the hem of his official uniform with his sleeve, and stood at the door of the main room. He kept watching the eunuch leave.

"Godfather, Eunuch Feng sent the pony from the clerk's office to Zhang Han's house to deliver the decree, but that Zhang Han is not stupid, he didn't accept the decree at all."

That night, Zou Yi reported to Zhang Cheng in a low voice. Seeing that Zhang Cheng was silent, Zou Yi tentatively asked for instructions:
"Godfather, why don't my son find someone he knows and spread the news."

Zhang Cheng stared at Zou Yi, his expression became serious, and he shouted in a deep voice:

"Are you confused or your brain is burnt out, just stay there, don't say don't move, just watch."

(End of this chapter)

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