Chapter 171

"Excuse me, is this the residence of Lord Wang, a hundred households of Jinyiwei?"

Sun Dahai was finishing his meal in Wang Tong's main room, and was about to go to Juyifang not far away to get the money, but it was almost dark, and as soon as he went out, he ran into someone who asked about the door.

Looking at the appearance of the person who asked the question, he was dressed in a blue official robe, and under the light, he could see that it was the complement of a heron, a sixth-rank civil servant.

At the feet of the Son of Heaven, a sixth-rank official is really nothing, but Sun Dahai is just a small flag, and he can't stand on the table. The other party is so polite, Sun Dahai dare not neglect, he nodded quickly and replied:

"This is the house of my Lord Wang, who is this Lord?"

The man bowed politely and said:
"I'm the head of the Ministry of Industry. The adults above ordered me to say that Mr. Wang wants a set of measuring tools. I will lead someone to bring them here."

No wonder there was a big car on the opposite side, blocked by a few passers-by who were "walking around". Sun Dahai smiled, said "wait a moment", turned around and hurried into the house.

When Sun Dahai entered, Wang Tong was chatting with Lu Wancai. There were several stacks of papers on the table. Wang Tong's eyes hurt from watching under the light. He rubbed his eyes and said:

"All the servants have to go to the place where the signs are issued to ask what's the matter. When they come back, they must write these words, hire a few old masters, be assured and reliable, and give more money. They won't know why after recording these things. Report to me once a day."

Lu Wancai looked at the stacks of papers on the table, and persuaded:
"Brother Wang, if you want to do that, you will have to go out several times more for this newspaper alone. When you are still growing up, don't be exhausted."

Wang Tong smiled, still rubbing his eyes with his hands, and said in a low voice:
"Brother Lu, if you are willing, come and check with my younger brother. Now that Zhang Ge's old man is worried and the situation in the capital is chaotic, it is always right for us to know more, especially those related to the families of various high-ranking officials and dignitaries. We must be extra careful Notice."

"It's natural to help my brother, but Brother Wang, please tell me something for my brother, you are just a family of Jinyiwei, and your jurisdiction is fixed. If you spy on things like this, I'm afraid..."

Wang Tong put down his hand over his eyes, looked at Lu Wancai and asked with a smile:

"Brother Lu, do you want the name of Zhenfusi or Dongchang? It's easy."

Lu Wancai was taken aback for a moment, and after thinking for a while, he unfolded his folding fan and said with a smile:

"Brother Wang, you've really caused Brother Wei to have many accidents. The names of Zhenfusi and Dongchang are too big, so Brother Wei should use the name of Shuntian Mansion to do it."

The two sides looked at each other and smiled, but Wang Tong thought in his heart that there were enough people below to collect the information about the place where dragons and snakes mixed up in the capital, but only himself and Lu Wancai could analyze and identify them, so they would definitely be too busy, and they should find Those who are reassuring are the ones who can deal with it, but what kind of person can be reassured about such important and private matters?
When Sun Dahai came in and talked about the outside affairs, Wang Tong couldn't help laughing and said:

"Things that blacksmiths in Zhuangzi think are extremely difficult, I greet Eunuch Zou and someone will come to your door. No wonder everyone wants to be an official!"

Everyone laughed, and Wang Tong got up to welcome him out. The delicious restaurant is spacious and brightly lit, so he asked the deliverer to unload the goods here.

On the South Street side, it was convenient for Wang Tong to invite a dozen people to help move things. The measuring tools were not heavy items, and they were quickly placed in the house.

Wang Tong took out 100 taels of silver and divided them into two parts, and said to Sun Dahai:
"50 taels will be given to the official, and the remaining 50 taels will be divided among the deliverers. Be polite."

As soon as he turned back to the main room, before continuing to talk to Lu Wancai, Sun Dahai came in again, and said to Wang Tong in a puzzled way:
"Master Wang, the head of the Ministry of Industry won't leave, saying he wants to see you, my lord?"

Wang Tong frowned and said coldly:
"Go and give him another ten taels of silver. If you want more, then I will get back the previous silver."

Sun Dahai scratched his head, put the wallet on the table in some confusion, and said:
"My lord, this principal doesn't even need the 50 taels, I just want to see my lord."

It turned out that Wang Tong and Lu Wancai looked at each other because they didn't want to ask for more. Lu Wancai stood up and said with a smile:

"Brother Wang, let's meet the guests. I will come back tomorrow to discuss with my brother, so I will leave first."

Wang Tong sent Zhang Shiqiang next door to send him away, and at the same time asked Sun Dahai to invite him in. As soon as the principal entered the room, he was stunned when he saw Wang Tong, and then smiled and greeted him:
"Master Wang is really a young hero. Mr. Ren did not expect Mr. Wang to be so young. When we met for the first time, Mr. Ren was very polite."

After speaking, he made a bow, a hundred households are also a sixth-rank, and the principal is also a sixth-rank, but the Ming Dynasty is rich in culture and military, and there is absolutely no reason for the chief of the ministry to bow first to a hundred households.

The chief was tall and tall, and although the blue heron bunzi official gown he was wearing was clean, it was already very old. The bookish sourness of civil servants did not seem to be on this principal. He looked very simple and honest, with a very gentle temperament.

In short, this person will not be offensive, Wang Tong also smiled and stood up to return the salute, explaining and asking:
"I was a little distracted just now, and I neglected Mr. Ren. I don't know what Mr. Ren wants to see Wang?"

Director Ren is also an official of the Ministry of Industry, and he has a lot of experience. When he came in, he greeted him politely, and this young Jin Yiwei accepted it without embarrassment, and then found a reason to return the gift. This kind of arrogance and reserve in his bones, isn't it? Having reliance is the home of great wealth and great honor.

What's more, it was Master Shi Lang who said hello, and wanted to send this set of measuring tools and scales here in person. Thinking of all this, the chief executive finally corrected his position, and his words and attitude were a little more polite, smiling. said:

"To tell you the truth, Mr. Wang, this set of measuring tools and scales of the Ministry of Industry is known as the world standard, but no one has touched it for almost 40 years. When it was delivered to Mr. Ren today, Mr. Ren and several policemen from the Ministry were busy for a long time. Wipe the dust clean, Ren is also curious, what does Lord Wang use it for?"

Wang Tong's principle of doing things is to be aboveboard, and he also has a good feeling for the director, so he replied with a smile:

"The blacksmith workshop below wants to make some firecrackers, but the measuring tools in hand are too rough, and this standard equipment is needed for calibration, so as not to produce defective products."

He said casually here, but the director's eyes lit up and he asked:
"Master Wang, do you have to use measuring tools to measure and calibrate the firecrackers in your workshop?"

"Of course, the barrel of the firecracker must be straight, the inner bore must be polished and smooth, and it must be tenoned with the wooden bracket. The linkage between the trigger and the medicine tank must be smooth and durable. If there is no standard inspection, how can we make a suitable firecracker."

After all, he has been a blacksmith and has experience in modern quality systems. Wang Tong said that he came here casually. Only then did he find that the head of the Ministry of Industry was full of surprise and astonishment. He couldn't help but stop and ask:
"Is it so wrong?"

His rhetorical question caused Director Ren to suddenly open up the chatterbox, and said with a sigh:

"How can there be any mistakes in doing this, but when did our firearms workshop in Daming do one of them? Craftsmen are like livestock, and when making firearms, they deal with rough and rough manufacturing. Who would want to spend that effort to test and calibrate with measuring tools to make firearms?" It's not bad if it comes out, and it's not bad if it can be made. The few official workshops in the capital and Tianjin may not even be able to make it. The waste is extremely incompetent. The Ministry of War doesn’t have to go to Guangdong every year to buy firecrackers from private workshops.”

The more he talked, the more he was filled with righteous indignation. Director Ren's face was full of anger, and he said angrily there:

"It's not just firearms that can't be made. Daming official workshops claim to be all-encompassing, but they can't do anything. The things they make are all unusable and shabby goods. Even those private workshops are also infected with such Trouble, if things go on like this, what is the word "work" in Ming Dynasty, and what craftsmanship is there."

Wang Tong covered his mouth and coughed a few times, then Chief Ren was stunned for a moment, stopped his growing agitation, and smiled awkwardly:

"Ren has moved to another place again. I came today mainly to see who is so serious about the workshop. I really didn't expect that my lord Jinyi's background in the army is so proficient in craftsmanship."

Wang Tong couldn't stand the other party's irrelevant ramblings, so he simply asked directly:
"Master Ren is here to praise me?"

Finally got to the point, Director Ren cleared his throat, bowed again and said:
"It's rare to see such a finely crafted place. Ren is also a little bit excited. Can Mr. Wang do a favor and ask Ren to go to the blacksmith workshop and participate in it."

Wang Tong took a few glances at the director, shook his head and laughed. In this era, it is rare to see officials who study technology like this. In that life, he respected people with professional skills. The director in front of him also It made him feel good enough, and he agreed immediately and said:
"Master Ren is going, Mr. Wang welcomes, if you think there is anything that needs to be improved in the workshop, just say it, and you can open your mouth for any expenses, and make good things, you and I will benefit."

Hearing Wang Tong's words, the chief couldn't help being overjoyed, bowed deeply again, and hurriedly left. Wang Tong hurriedly called out and asked:
"My lord Ren, I will have more time to deal with you in the future, but please take the 50 taels of silver first. If the workshop can be done well, Mr. Wang will give you another reward."

Director Ren looked at Wang Tong, hesitantly picked up the wallet, turned around and went out with fists in his arms.

"Master Zhang, my master has been in grief for the past few days, but he can't let go of the big policy that is about to be implemented. Compared with family affairs and state affairs, state affairs are the most important. My master wants to go back to Jiangling to pay homage and funeral when everything is in order. According to the regulations, Master Zhang has to initiate the proposal of seizing love, so it will take a lot of trouble."

At night, at the residence of Zhang Han, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, a middle-aged man said respectfully, Zhang Han's face sank like water, and he didn't say a word.
Thank you all, have a great weekend, thank you
(End of this chapter)

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