Chapter 172
Official Ding You, according to the usual practice, the proposal to seize the feelings should be issued by the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, and only then did the Zhongzhi in the morning and the request from the family of the Zhang family.

Zhang Juzheng's servant was extremely polite, but Zhang Han was silent for a long time before replying:

"You Qi, did Brother Tai Yue say what you said, or did you say it yourself?"

The middle-aged man named You Qi was taken aback when he heard the words. He originally stood at the bottom with his hands down, but now he looked up at Zhang Han impolitely, and then lowered his head and said:
"The villain can't understand Mr. Zhang's words."

"You Qi, officials below the third grade of the capital will greet you when they see you. Don't you often say that if I am an official, it is common for me to be a cardinal in the cabinet. Why can't I understand this? Brother Taiyue is a very upright person People, it's not that you youngsters are taking power outside and ruining his reputation, but today you still use the name to say that the official proposes to seize love. How could the leader do such a thing, if this official really proposed it, wouldn't it ruin the reputation of Brother Tai Yue!"

These words were stern, but You Qi raised his head, with a sneer on his face, but still said in a respectful tone:

"My villain understands Master Zhang's meaning!"

"Rude! You are just a nameless servant, but you are so shameless in front of this official. Ding Youduo, who is the chief assistant of the court, how can you be so inferior to a pig and dog that you can talk, if it is not for Gu Nian See Brother Taiyue's Qingyu, this officer will call for someone to tie you up and send you back!
You Qi straightened up, cupped his fists and said:
"You don't need to be tied up by your lord. You Qi will leave now. What I saw and heard today will definitely be reported to my master."

Zhang Han, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, angrily patted the tea table beside him, You Qi had a sneer on his face, turned his head and walked away, showing no sign of fear.

You Qi disappeared from sight, Zhang Han's butler ran over in small steps, Zhang Han waved his hand and said:

"From now on, no relatives, relatives or outsiders will be seen. It is said that the old man has contracted a cold and is recuperating."

At the end of October and the beginning of November, the situation in the capital was very strange. Officials above the third rank were silent, but the officials of science and Taoism began to write articles praising and praising Zhang Juzheng, the chief assistant of the cabinet. Being filial to your parents is really a role model of morality.

There are also sporadic articles saying that the Ming Dynasty cannot be without a head and assistant for a day, how can he abolish the government for private reasons, I implore Mr. Zhang Ge to consider the well-being of the common people and the people, and live in mourning in office, and implore the emperor to issue an edict to seize love.

However, there are no powerful figures involved in the two parties' speeches. They are all small fish and shrimps. Anyone with a discerning eye can tell that these officials are just gambling for their wealth and fortune. Seriously.

But most of the people in the game are restless, the more calm it is, the more people feel confused when there is no movement inside and outside the palace

On the contrary, Zhang Han, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, said that he was recuperating from illness, which made many people seem to be aware of something. On the second day of November, there were more memorials praising the filial piety of the chief minister in the capital.

At this time, the focus of everyone's attention is of course Zhang Juzheng, the chief assistant of the cabinet of the person involved. They couldn't see it, and the whole house was strictly forbidden to go out.

The only exception is You Qi, Zhang Juzheng's most trusted servant, but he hasn't been to many places during the past few days. He has called on the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, the Minister of the Ministry of War, and the Zuodu Yushi of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and he has not seen him at other times. How does he act.

"Master, the sea dog medicine sent by Dong Qianhu in Shandong has arrived. Ask the master in the kitchen if you want to boil it today."

In Zhang Juzheng's study room, surrounded by several small officials in the book office, Zhang Juzheng was the same as when he was working in the cabinet. There were newspapers and official documents piled up on the desk, and he reviewed them there.

Hearing the request from the butler outside the door, Zhang Juzheng put down his pen and said with a smile:

"It's rare that this person has the heart to let the kitchen follow the recipe tonight!"

As soon as the housekeeper left, Zhang Juzheng started to open a booklet again, and only after looking at it for a few times, someone shouted a report outside:
"Master, Feng Bangning and Feng Dudu are here to pay respects."

Feng Bangning is Feng Bao's nephew, because Feng Bao's power is quite prominent in the capital, and he also has the high title of Zuo Dudu of the Dudu Mansion.

"When you bring tea to the living room, I'll go there right away. There are seven waiters in the living room, and everyone else avoids it."

The housekeeper outside agreed and turned to leave. Zhang Juzheng turned around and told a secretary:

"Immediately draw up a bill in the name of the cabinet, denouncing that the land in Qingzhang in Nanzhili is unfavorable. The three places of Suzhou, Songjiang, and Changzhou must investigate thoroughly. If there is any obstacle or difficulty, report it to the cabinet immediately. If you don't report it, you will be held accountable." local responsibility."

The secretary quickly responded, but it suddenly occurred to him that the only big landlord in Songjiang Mansion was Xu Jie, Zhang Juzheng's teacher. More than [-] mu, it is said that most of them are forcibly occupied and donated fields, so it is necessary to investigate this.

But whether to ask or not is a sin, just after hesitating, Zhang Juzheng has already walked out of the study, leaving these few people embarrassed and worried.

Although there was such a commotion outside, Zhang Juzheng's gestures and gestures were all relaxed, and when he walked into the living room, he heard two people chatting inside.

Even though You Qi is a servant, the ministers of various ministries and all the important ministers in the matter are vying to marry their daughters and sisters to You Qi as concubines, so that You Qi can speak well in front of Mr. Zhang Ge.

Even though Feng Bangning was Feng Bao's nephew, he didn't dare to neglect You Qi. Although the two sat and stood, they talked as if they were friends for many years.

The housekeeper outside the door saw that Zhang Juzheng was coming, and just about to announce, Zhang Juzheng waved him away, Zhang Ge elder stretched out his hand to stroke his thick long beard, and strode in.

Seeing him coming in, You Qi immediately took a step back, bowed and lowered his head, Feng Bangning, who was wearing a robe with a rich man's coat, stood up quickly, bowed down respectfully, and said in his mouth:
"Little nephew asks Mr. Zhang Ge how well!"

"They're all from my own family, so why bother to be polite? Get up, how is Brother Shuanglin these days, have you received the high-grade sea cucumber that you sent a few days ago?"

"My uncle thanked Mr. Zhang Ge, everything is fine recently."

The two sides exchanged a few words of politeness, but Feng Bangning never sat down, just stood there and asked:

"My uncle asked Mr. Zhang Ge, but we still need to wait for a while, or it can be activated at this time."

Zhang Juzheng sat there and sighed, mocking himself:
"In the past ten days, I can see that everyone is attracted to this position. Those promoted by me don't know how to be grateful, but want to fish in troubled waters, and some are watching from the sidelines, wanting to wait for everything to be clear before making a move. It’s fine if it’s someone else, it’s all thanks to who these few people are today, their hearts are so cold, it’s a pity, it’s a pity, it’s a shame!!”

Feng Bangning bowed his head and listened, and when Zhang Juzheng finished sighing, he quickly said in a low voice:

"My uncle has also been feeling emotional in the past few days. My uncle also knew about the news sent by You Qi the day before yesterday. This time, I sent my nephew to ask Mr. Zhang Ge, the left servant of the household department, Li Youzi, how is he?"

According to the official rank of the Ming Dynasty, the Zuo Shilang of the household department is already equivalent to the ministers of other ministries, and the ministers of each ministry are involved in confidentiality, and the actual person in charge of each ministry is the minister of each ministry.

When Feng Bangning said this, Zhang Juzheng already understood the meaning, and he replied after a little pondering:

"This person is still cautious in doing things, but he also likes to talk big and talk, it's just quite satisfactory."

"What Uncle Jia means is that although the Minister of the Ministry of Officials initiated the idea of ​​seizing love, it is neither the law of the Ming Dynasty nor the rules of the ancestors.

After saying this, seeing Zhang Juzheng was silent, Feng Bangning followed up with another sentence:
"Ke Dao Qingliu, I still need to ask Mr. Zhang Ge to say hello. Qing Yi is always useful at this time, so as not to be taken advantage of by others."

Zhang Juzheng finally sighed, waved his hands and said:

"Go back and talk to Brother Shuanglin, do not rush to do this for a few days, I want to wait for Zhang Ziwen (Zhang Han's character) and leave Wang Guoguang, the first thing I think of is him to take over. , I didn't expect him to treat me like this, let's see if he has any remorse."

"Master, the headmaster sent a list yesterday, saying that he wants to buy some things for our blacksmith workshop. The small ones totaled up just now, and it's almost 500 taels."

Tan Jiang said in a deep voice in Wang Tong's main room. Wang Tong and Lu Wancai sat opposite each other on the two sides of the desk, looking at the transcripts and newspapers in their hands. Hearing what Tan Jiang said, Wang Tong nodded and said:

"Go and ask the prices of the items on the list. If the prices are public or [-]% higher than the original prices, then just pay him the money."

General Tan agreed, and Sun Dahai beside him said a little angrily:

"An official from the Ministry of Industry spends less than two hours a day in the yamen. He spends all day in the workshop. He also buys this and that. Could it be that he came to our side to make money?"

Wang Tong raised his head and smiled and replied:
"I like this director very much. It doesn't matter if you spend money. If you can really make something, then I will give him another sum of money."

While speaking, Wang Tong saw a note in his hand, read it carefully several times, and asked in a deep voice:
"Luo Dao, the servant of the upper reaches of Zhangge's old mansion, complained about the busy management of the mansion when he was having fun in Mingchunlou, and now he has some leisure time to play... Who is You Qi in Zhangge's old mansion? This servant belongs to Zhang Ge's old man It's still You Qi's, when did the mansion get busy?"

"You Qi is the most trusted servant of Mr. Zhang Gel. His style is no different from that of the master of the capital. Although he is a servant, he also has his own servants under his command. He is busy with this, and he is afraid that he will go to the Mingchun Building. Ask."
happy weekend
(End of this chapter)

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