Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 173 What a big game of chess

Chapter 173 What a big game of chess
Brothels are usually closed in the morning. After seeing off the overnight guests, the yard will also close for a few hours to rest, and then start in the afternoon.

The same is true of the Mingchun Building, but this morning is a bit unusual, everyone in the Mingchun Building looks nervous, and there is no other reason.

Everyone in the building still remembered the scene where Wang Tong led the people to smash the store. After that, they heard many stories about Wang Tong's rampant activities in the capital, and they were even more trembling.

But they suffered losses at the time, but later made some profits. They were the first businessmen to put up the sign of Ping An. If the family size is not small or small, it will be hung under the name of Mingchun Tower.

The business that comes and goes is much better. Now that Wang Tong's reputation is big, and he has a good relationship with Lu Wancai, the judge and judge of the Shuntian Mansion, Mingchun Tower is even more in awe of Wang Tong.

Wang Tong came early in the morning, and Mother Jiang was resting at home, so she rushed over in a hurry. When she heard that Wang Tong wanted to find Cuihong, Mother Jiang said kindly:

"Master Wang, what is the meaning of this girl who is not in the second class? If you are interested, my lord, let Yuping serve you."

Yuping is the number one card in the Mingchun Building. Hearing her words, Sun Dahai, who was following Wang Tong, couldn't help laughing, and Zhang Shiqiang quickly lowered his head.

Wang Tong didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he came to ask a question, why he was misunderstood as looking for a girl to play with, he didn't bother to explain, and said:
"Find a secluded house, I will wait for the emerald red in that room, don't disturb others."

Mother Jiang agreed with trepidation, thinking that heroes like Mr. Wang have different hobbies than others, so it's better to ask less.

Cuihong is almost thirty years old, with heavy make-up, very plump, but also a bit of style and beauty, when she was led into the room, she even scratched her head to make a pose, Wang Tong waved her hands impatiently and said:

"Ask you a few things, and answer honestly."

Only then did Cui Hong become more cautious, and Wang Tong asked:
"Has Luo Dao come to your side often?"

Seeing Cui Hong hesitate, Wang Tong took out ten taels of silver and put it on the table, and said in a cold voice:

"I told you, this money is yours, and Mama Jiang won't withhold it. If you don't say it, you won't be in the capital tomorrow, feeding wild dogs on the random graves!!"

The white silver, the bloody threat, the emerald red body trembled, but his eyes were greedily staring at the silver, and said involuntarily;
"Luo Dao and the Nu's family have been dating for two years. He comes here every three days, and he is You Qiye's follower. Others dare not delay him, and the Nu's family has lost a lot of business!"

"He complained about being busy on your side, but did he say anything?"

"I said, I said that I was going to prepare for the funeral for Mr. Zhang Ge. If I was busy, I couldn't go out. I had to go to various places outside the city carefully to buy, and I even pretended to do it for others. As a result, I was busy for a few days. The second person who was doing this matter The housekeeper was scolded by You Qiye, and the funeral stopped again."

The more he listened, the more he felt something was wrong, Wang Tong pondered for a while, and asked again:
"When are you busy?"

"Luo Dao didn't say when, but on the sixth day of October, he originally said he wanted to find the slave's family and give the slave's a silver bracelet, but he didn't come until the day before yesterday, and he didn't mention the bracelet. It's heartless, thanks to... "

Wang Tong ignored Cui Hong's next words. After a little calculation, he had already thought of a possibility. He nodded, and Cui Hong immediately reached out to grab the silver, but Wang Tong suddenly covered it with his hand, and asked in a deep voice:

"Today when the official comes, the civil servant asks, you don't want to talk to outsiders about anything."

The emerald red eyes rolled, and said with a charming smile:

"My family understands that Mr. Wang has never been here today."

Wang Tong nodded and took his hand away. As soon as he went out, Mother Jiang greeted him. Seeing Wang Tong's clothes and expression, he knew that things were not as she thought. Before she could ask, Wang Tong said in a low voice:

"From today on, this Cuihong can only take Luo Dao, you find a reassuring servant girl to watch over, and I will know everything you say, please remember the guest who ordered Cuihong, Mother Jiang, and I will give you money! "

That Jiang Mama has also been in the market for a long time, and she is very single, so she said straightforwardly:

"Didn't Mr. Wang look down on my concubine? For this matter, Mingchunlou has it."

Wang Tong nodded and said:

"I remember your words, let me take my leave first!"

A group of people got on their horses and roared away. When they were on the horse, Wang Tong thought that the news he heard in the Qin Pavilion was on the tenth day of October. It is said that it was the fastest news from the capital. Even if it was not the fastest, it must be similar .

But Zhang Juzheng's mansion began to prepare for the funeral on the sixth day of October. Although it stopped later, what did this mean? Zhang Juzheng knew the news of his father's death at least on or before the sixth day of October.

It is not right to delay Ding You's time in order to suppress the news. An extra month is meaningless. Why pretend to be unresponsive? What are talented people like Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao going to do.

But by coincidence, when Wang Tong went back to the house to look for Zou Yi, Zou Yi was not there, nor were the eunuchs who were usually on duty here, saying that Eunuch Zhang had an errand.

In desperation, he could only wait for the afternoon at the martial arts hall. During the break, as soon as Emperor Wanli finished serving the snacks, Wang Tong took Emperor Wanli to the side and said in a low voice:

"Your Majesty, I have something important to report!"

Emperor Wanli frowned and nodded. Wang Tong immediately told Emperor Wanli what he heard and analyzed in the morning, and said solemnly:

"I risk my life to say something, Your Majesty should make a decree to seize love tomorrow."

An angry look appeared on the little emperor's face, his voice became cold, and he said in a deep voice:
"Wang Tong, you have to know how to behave properly. You just advised me to hold back and wait and see. It's absurd not to let the widow issue an edict to seduce love."

"Your Majesty, Mr. Zhang Ge is playing hard to get. He delayed the arrival of the news of his death, but he couldn't help other people to inquire about private rumors. This is clearly to let everyone have time to prepare to join forces, so that everyone will oppose him. Purging those officials with dissenting intentions, I boldly speculated that the empress dowager knew about this, and Eunuch Feng also knew about it, if Mr. Zhang Ge and such a hero did not have such complete assurance, how could they dare to take such risks."

Hearing Wang Tong's earnest analysis, the little emperor Wanli's expression gradually eased, and he muttered to himself:
"Why don't you tell me that I was Mr. Zhang's disciple when I was five years old, Wang Tong, are you thinking too much, Ding Youduoqing, I'll wait for the courtiers below to play, and the arbitration will be done at that time."

Wang Tong looked around, gritted his teeth and said:
"I ask for the death penalty first, and then I ask your majesty to say something disrespectful."

Emperor Wanli nodded with a sullen face. Wang Tong lowered his voice and approached him and said:

"Maybe Mr. Zhang Ge is also using this matter to test the emperor. The Queen Mother and Eunuch Feng support it, but His Majesty is like this. If..."

It was really impossible to continue, Emperor Wanli's face was red and white, he was angry at first, but he was thoughtful, and finally he calmed down, looked at Wang Tong and said:
"Do you know, that sentence just now, I can kill your ten clans, I think you know it too, but you can say these words to me, no matter whether it is true or not, you are loyal. So far, don't mention it again in the future, I have my own concerns."

Having said that, I have nothing to say. During the rest of the afternoon, Emperor Wanli never stayed alone with Wang Tong. They just gathered together to laugh and chat with everyone.

After the afternoon class ended, Zou Yi finally finished his work in the palace and came to the martial arts hall to pick up people. After sending the emperor to the palace, he turned back because of Wang Tong's greeting.

The communication this time was much simpler. Before Wang Tong finished his own experience and speculation, Zou Yi had already understood the general idea, his face became extremely serious, and he said:
"Brother Wang's news arrived just in time. Our family will go to the palace and tell the foster father, my good fellow, this is not Zhang Juzheng testing everyone alone. I am afraid that Eunuch Feng has an idea. Let me take my leave and come back tomorrow." discuss."

Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao were allies with each other, connected internally and externally, those who hoped for Zhang Juzheng and Ding You in the palace must also hope that Feng Bao's foundation would be shaken.

Thinking about it this way, Zhang Juzheng really did a great job by taking advantage of his father's funeral. Those who disagreed with them inside and outside would probably be wiped out. From then on, there was no one who disagreed with them inside and outside the court.

As usual, Emperor Wanli ate dinner at the Cisheng Empress Dowager Li's side, and it was also a custom that King Lu sat at the same table.

Empress Dowager Li especially likes her two sons to eat at the same table with her. Perhaps the satisfaction of being a mother is here. Empress Dowager Li doesn't eat much by herself.

"Your Majesty, can anyone mention Mr. Zhang's matter at the court meeting today?"

"After returning to my mother, Minister of Punishment Shen Shixing insisted on asking the emperor to issue an edict to seize love, while Minister of Rites Wan Shihe said that Ding You is the rule of the ages and should not be disobeyed. The other cabinet officials kept silent."

"Xu'er, how's your reading today?"

"After returning to my mother, I read the 'Book of Rites' today, but I don't understand it. I feel so stupid."

Empress Dowager Li covered her mouth and laughed softly, comfortingly said:

"Don't worry, you're only old, you'll understand slowly."

"Queen, I heard that the most knowledgeable person in Ming Dynasty is Mr. Zhang Ge. Can I accompany the emperor's elder brother and let Mr. Zhang teach knowledge?"

Cisheng Empress Dowager Li nodded with a smile. Emperor Wanli was eating deliciously with a bowl of rice. After hearing this, his movements did not stop, but the corners of his eyes twitched unconsciously.
Twice, thank you all

(End of this chapter)

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