Chapter 175

When Emperor Wanli was still studying in the martial arts school, the General Secretary received a memorial from Li Youzi, the left servant of the Ministry of Officials, who was almost on the same level as the ministers of other ministries.

The Secretary of General Administration did not dare to neglect the memorials of such people, so he hurriedly sent them to the Supervisor of Rites.

The memorial states that the recovery of Zhang Juzheng is the pillar of the country, and it is indispensable for a day, and it is for the sake of the whole world. I ask your Majesty to issue an edict to seize the situation.

The capital is like a sieve, and no news can be concealed. Once the memorial is published, within an hour, all the officials and forces in the capital who are qualified to care about this matter will know the news.

There was still half an hour left before the Secretary of General Administration stopped collecting memorials, but within this half hour, many officials rushed here either in sedan chairs or on horseback.

The first person to come here is Lu Tiaoyang, the second assistant of the cabinet, the second is Zhang Siwei, the minister of the Ministry of Soldiers of the Cabinet University, Chen Sanmo in the official department, and Zeng Shichu, the censor, is ranked third and fourth. , The Department of General Administration suddenly became a market place, and all those in the capital who were qualified to speak up played one after another.

The words and phrases in everyone's memorials are different, but there is only one meaning expressed, Zhang Juzheng can't leave, Zhang Ge always wants to leave, the country will not be the country, please ask the emperor to issue an edict to seize the love.

On this day, a group of low-ranking officials in the General Administration Department were soft-handed when they took the benefits. Everyone who was on the show was worried that their papers would not be delivered or would be delivered late, so they had to give money to these officials who uploaded them.

Zhang Han, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, naturally arranged for someone to inquire about the news. After hearing this, the servant knew it was not good, and hurried back to the Minister's Mansion.

After the court meeting in the morning, Zhang Han, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, was sinking like water. He returned home without saying a word, and stayed in the study. The emperor's statement and Feng Bao's attitude had already explained the problem. The hard caps of myself and Wanshihe will have an effect.

After the family's breathless report, Zhang Han, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, still looked calm, and just said "Got it" indifferently, and kicked out the servant who had inquired about the news.

As soon as the man left, Zhang Han's face turned ashen, and he fell down on the seat. The butler standing outside the door looked in, and was frightened. He ran in and shouted in a low voice:
"Master, what's the matter with you, do you want to invite the doctor..."

Zhang Han waved his hands, sighed, and said to himself:
"I don't have enough people, I don't have enough people, why did I lose my head, thinking that this time is an opportunity that fell from the sky, and I will lose everything, I will lose everything!"

Zhang Han's housekeeper also participated in a lot of secrets. He naturally knew what his master was talking about. He also heard the family's report just now. :
"Master, why don't we play too..."

"There is no time. If I do this, I will be laughed at by the world. Why do you think those people moved so fast? They have written two memorials in their hands. One is to approve of Zhang Juzheng's seduction of love, and the other is to praise Zhang Juzheng for returning home for funerals." , the filial piety is earth-shattering."

Zhang Han said a few words, but suddenly remembered something, and shouted in a deep voice:
"What about Qian Chunping, did someone teach you what he said to me?"

The butler muttered a few times, and said in a low voice:
"Didn't the master close the door and see no visitors a few days ago? Then Qian Chunping came to visit and said that he had already got an errand in the Changlu Salt Administration and was about to take up the post. He even said something ashamed."

"What is he ashamed of? This official is cruel. He has been cautious for so many years. He finally got to this position, but he was instigated by a clean guest's words and made a big mistake. He is ashamed!"

Hearing that Zhang Han was getting more and more frustrated, the butler really panicked, and hurriedly approached and said:

"Master, the gate of the city will be closed for half an hour, or let the madam and the young master go first, and the young ones will clean up now."

Zhang Han bent down, put his hands on his knees, shook his head heavily, and said:
"All of these things have not been made clear. There is no danger of killing someone. It's just that the official will not do it. Tomorrow, I will submit my official post and it will be over...Go and call Song Chanchan over."

In front of the mansion of Zhang Siwei, Minister of the Cabinet and Secretary of the Ministry of War, several officials are saying goodbye to Zhang Siwei respectfully and politely.

Everyone knew in their hearts that these officials thanked Zhang Siwei for leading them to play in time, and the bet was just right. After a few words of politeness, Zhang Siwei turned and entered the mansion.

As soon as the back door was closed, Zhang Siwei immediately turned frosty, and strode towards the back room.

That night, in the imperial city, in the palace of Cisheng Empress Dowager Li, Empress Dowager Li dined with Emperor Wanli and King Lu just like yesterday.

After taking a few bites, Empress Dowager Li gave Emperor Wanli a piece of food with chopsticks, and said with a smile:

"The emperor issued an edict today to seize love. This is the right thing to do. It has retained a wise minister for my Ming Dynasty. The emperor is becoming more and more like an emperor!"

After hearing the praise, Emperor Wanli quickly put down the bowl, bowed and thanked:
"Thank you for the praise from the queen mother. Mr. Zhang is in charge of the world. Without him, there is no one who can replace him. The emperor is also doing this for the Ming Dynasty."

Empress Dowager Li nodded with a smile. The Emperor Wanli noticed that the Empress Dowager Cisheng's happiness came from the heart, and the compliment may not have been seen for a long time, but the Empress Dowager Li's joy did not make the always filial Emperor Wanli happy. On the contrary, it made the little emperor feel happy. Many are uncomfortable.

For the little emperor, he felt that his mother should not hide anything from him, and he should not even have any temptations.

"You child, it's your own family that pays so much courtesy, don't delay the meal, eat quickly!"

Cisheng Empress Dowager Li didn't think there was anything wrong, instead she smiled and urged her. At this time, Lu Wang who was beside her said in surprise:

"Oh, Brother Emperor, you have grown a lot taller."

This sentence immediately diverted everyone's attention, even the absent-minded Emperor Wanli looked down, and Lu Wang said childishly:

"In the past, the emperor's elder brother had to jump when he got off the embroidered pier, but now he doesn't have to."

Emperor Wanli bowed his head and made gestures, with a smile on his face. He has practiced for almost half a year, and he exercised enough every day, and he ate well. At the age of thirteen or fourteen, it was time for him to grow taller. Emperor Wanli's height A large chunk has grown, but the increase in height can't be seen every day, but after a long time, the range can be obvious.

Empress Dowager Li was also delighted to see this. The growth of her own children always made their parents happy. Emperor Wanli sat back and took a sip of soup, and said excitedly:
"Then Wang Tong's method is really useful, he is really my loyal subject."

King Lu was laughing and looking very happy, but the female officer standing not far away was quite surprised. She had watched the Empress Dowager's family banquet for a long time, so she could naturally see the way in it. In the past, when Lu Wang said such things, Wanli would definitely have a fight with him, but today they are very separated.

Song Chanchan, the head of the Qin Pavilion, has been invited to the residence of Zhang Han, Minister of the Ministry of Officials. In the past, if an old bustard from a brothel appeared in the residence of Minister of the Ministry of Officials, it would inevitably cause an uproar. Death, but today the battle between Li Dingyou and love has come to an end, who still has the heart to care about this character who is bound to lose.

Everyone is holding back their energy and waiting for the day after tomorrow, or write a book to praise His Majesty's wisdom, praise the old man for abandoning his family to take care of Daming, or watch who is deliberately suppressed, so everyone can beat the dog in the water.

People in the capital who are well-informed know that the backstage of the Qin Pavilion is Zhang Han, Minister of the Ministry of Officials. Some people suspect that Song Chanchan is Zhang Han's foreign house outside, and those who are more informed know that Song's mother is not.

Song Chanchan came to the Zhang residence, but her face was extremely cold, she didn't notice the respect and politeness of the servants at all, she just walked inward under the guidance of the housekeeper.

Although there was a major blow in the afternoon and his official career was ruined as soon as possible, Zhang Han adjusted quickly. When Song Chanchan came in, his expression was already normal.

Song Chanchan said a thousand blessings with a blank expression, and sat across from her swaggeringly, her usual appearance in the Qin Pavilion was completely gone, Zhang Han didn't care, and said:
"I thought it would help you to start a family and start a business in the capital, but now it doesn't seem to be possible. The business of the Qin Pavilion is booming and there are many high-ranking officials and nobles. There must be many people who are greedy. Once the official leaves, someone will definitely attack. It is very dangerous. Tomorrow Qin I will give you another 5000 taels of silver, and you can go back to your hometown and find someone to live in for the rest of your life!"

"After all those years in the Jiaofang Division, who else is willing to want me as a girl, it's better to stay in the capital to be angry."

Song Chanchan's cold words did not make Zhang Han angry, but sighed, turned around and took out some papers, and said in a low voice:
"Your elder brother took care of things by himself and hurt your whole family. Zhang was only able to help you last year, and he really felt guilty, but Zhang couldn't stay in the capital immediately. He seemed like a bereaved dog. I entrusted you to others and no one took over. If you go back to your hometown, you can still be safe. Here, you can only ask for blessings. This is the land deed of the Qin Pavilion and the contract of the house behind. If you Take everything if you keep it, but Zhang can't protect him, aren't you afraid of being robbed?"

There must be a lot of people in the capital staring at unowned women and properties. The Song girl grabbed the contracts, but hesitated. Zhang Han sighed again and said:

"If there is any powerful person to take refuge in, you can also go there, there is always a shelter..."

The girl Song trembled, with a thoughtful look on her face, she made up her mind after a while, and Song Chanchan gritted her teeth and said in a low voice:
"...Nowhere to go, nowhere to go, then I will vote for Wang Tong..."

(End of this chapter)

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