Chapter 176

"...inheriting the entrustment of the late emperor to assist me in my childhood... I rely on it so much, how can I leave me in a day..."

On November [-]th, Emperor Wanli issued an imperial edict to seize his love and stay in office. Everyone who read the sentences in the imperial edict knew that the general situation was settled.

However, when the general trend is set, there are still some discordant voices. In the officialdom, there are always people who have lost their minds in reading, or people who are making a last-ditch effort for their own master's backstage.

It is a cliché that Wu Zhongxing, editor of the Imperial Academy, impeached Zhang Juzheng for seizing his love.Reviewing Zhao Yongxian's words, he thought that the stories of the previous dynasties could not be used to create a basis for Zhang Juzheng's seduction, saying that "to compile history for one person, but not to mention the absurdity, will be laughed at by later generations."

Then the rhetoric became more and more fierce. The member of the Criminal Ministry, Wailang Ai Mu, and the principal, Shen Sixiao, jointly named Shangshu, impeaching Zhang Juzheng for seizing love is "greedy for position and forgetting relatives".

Zou Yuanbiao, a scholar of political affairs, sharply criticized Zhang Juzheng for always calling himself an "extraordinary person", but he "regarded going to funerals as a common thing and disdained it", which was actually calling him no different from a beast.

On November [-]th, Zhang Juzheng had returned to the cabinet to preside over government affairs. All these memorials were sent to the cabinet by the inspector of ceremonies. After seeing these memorials, Zhang Juzheng, the chief assistant of the cabinet, was furious.

Wu Zhongxing and Zhao Yongxian were Jinshi received by Zhang Juzheng in the fifth year of Longqing, and Ai Mu was a fellow of Zhang Juzheng. Zhang Juzheng always regarded him as a faction close to him. It never occurred to him that when the general situation was clear, these close people would come out and sing the opposite. This kind of anger can be imagined.

Their punishment was decided after Zhang Juzheng saw the memorial. Wu Zhongxing and Zhao Yongxian were each given 160 points, Ai Mu and Shen Sixiao were each given [-] points, and Zou Yuanbiao, who was the most vocal, was given [-] points.

Shoufu was furious, it was such a small fish and shrimp again, the policeman who hit the board was extraordinarily hard, not only couldn't get up after several people finished beating, Zou Yuanbiao was in shock on the verge of death.

But the disposal was not over yet. Wu Zhongxing and Zhao Yongxian were dismissed from their posts, and Ai Mu, Shen Sixiao, and Zou Yuanbiao were assigned to Liangzhou, Shendianwei, and Duyunwei respectively.

Dismissal and expulsion waited for ten years, and all the merits of the imperial examinations were destroyed, and the places where they were sent were even more miserable. They were all frontier fortresses, where there were often tug-of-war with Tartar soldiers, horse bandits and robbers. There, not to mention the difficult conditions, even life is at stake.

This kind of disposition has not been seen in Daming for 20 years. The emperor has used such methods to deal with officials and scholars, but it is rare for the first assistant to act so cruelly.

However, since Emperor Wanli issued an imperial edict on November 15th, only these five people came out to speak, and the rest were silent.

"The hearts of the people are restless, and the government is full of treacherous and flatterers. Anyone who tries to intercede in support of the rescue will be regarded as an accomplice and will be investigated as a whole."

That is, on November [-]th, it was rumored in the official circles of the capital that the first assistant Zhang Ge said this sentence, and many things that happened next confirmed this sentence. Was demoted and resigned, or found a small fault and asked for guilt.

Now, the official circles in the capital are awe-inspiring, and the official circles in the world are awe-inspiring. Only now have everyone seen how powerful and majestic Zhang Juzheng is.

At this point in the matter of Ding You seizing love, many people who had planned to plan in advance were all in vain, and what they did was completely a joke. Only then did some people realize that this was a situation set up by Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao.

When the dust settled, among the officials of the second rank and above, those who made the right bet rejoiced, those who watched coldly and said nothing were worried, and those who had other thoughts knew what to do.

Everyone's officials have reached this point, and there is no need to point out many things. Zhang Han, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, Wan Shi, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, and the same day made a memorial, explaining that he is old and frail, and he asked the emperor to allow him to become an official. Emperor Wanli has nothing to do It's all right, the cabinet and the inspector of ceremonies have no intention of retaining him.

Therefore, the efficiency of the Ming government's work has become rare. On the second day after Zhang Han and Wan Shihe went to the memorial, the little emperor Wanli issued an edict to allow Zhang Han and Wan Shihe to return to their hometowns to serve as officials.

There is a position of Minister of the Ministry of Officials and a position of Minister of Rites, one is the head of the six departments, and the other is the most noble, but there is no commotion and enthusiasm in the officialdom of the capital, and everyone knows who should sit in this position , Sure enough, not too unexpected,

Li Youzi, the left servant of the Ministry of Officials, was promoted to the next level and became the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, and Shen Shixing, the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, was the Minister of the Ministry of Rites.

Maybe the undercurrent is turbulent, but there is not much turmoil on the surface, and you don’t need a very understanding person to understand it. At present, the cabinet bachelors of the court and the six ministers of the nine ministers are all old Zhang Ge.

"Mr. Zhang said that I am wise and powerful, and I am decisive. In the past few days, I have been more respectful and polite in Zoudui and Shangshuzhong. Even my mother and Feng Daban have praised me many times for growing up and knowing the situation."

Emperor Wanli did not come to Huwei Martial Arts Hall for several days in November. Now that the weather is cold, the teenagers seldom gather together to chat and laugh as before during recess. They are all playing outside and wearing protective gear. Fighting with long and short wooden sticks, and now teaching marching and combat every day, the proportion of the course of responding to the enemy is increasing, and the activities of the teenagers are not as full as before. To have a chance of surviving on the battlefield, you must practice hard every day.

The teenagers' inter-class activities were also done in the same way, but the Emperor Wanli who came to the martial arts hall also participated in the training in a regular manner, and he chatted with Wang Tong during the inter-class and middle breaks.

The little emperor was not very happy about the matter of seizing love, on the contrary, he was more concerned, talking about the compliments of Zhang Juzheng, Feng Bao and the queen mother, his face was full of boredom.

There was a fire wall in the class room, but the teenagers were not allowed to stay in the room during the break and middle. Wang Tong and Emperor Wanli leaned against the door, chatting while watching the teenagers playing outside.

"Wang Tong, if I don't issue an edict this time, what will be the consequences?"

Emperor Wanli's question made Wang Tong feel embarrassed, but he had to bite the bullet and answer:

"If Your Majesty doesn't change it, you can ignore the memorials of the courtiers and officials. What will happen in the end?"

"The queen mother and Feng Daban will definitely come to persuade the widow..."

Emperor Wanli took the initiative to answer, Wang Tong clenched and loosened his hands, and asked in a tone as calm as possible:

"Can Your Majesty hold it?"

Emperor Wanli followed Li Hutou with his eyes, and replied in a daze:

"The queen mother brought out the ancestral land to suppress me. If Feng Daban speaks some reason, I won't be able to stand it."

"If His Majesty was pressured to agree at that time, there would definitely be a rift between Zhang Gelao and Zhang Ge, and what the situation would be then, it would definitely be embarrassing."

Emperor Wanli shook his head and said in a low voice:

"What can I do now, Mr. Zhang is more respectful to me than before, but at the court meeting, when the six ministers and nine ministers present, they still have to look at Mr. Zhang..."

"Your Majesty, don't disrespect the minister for saying a single sentence many times. Wait a minute, things will definitely change."

Emperor Wanli didn't nod, and Wang Tong didn't continue with his next words, but judging from the whole incident, Zhang Juzheng, the chief minister of the cabinet, was supported by various forces inside and outside the palace. It’s hard to say something if you can’t sit still, but these words are very rebellious, so it’s better not to say them.

"You gave me an idea this time, so that the widow will not be ashamed. The queen mother has rarely praised me in these years!"

After some embarrassing silence, Emperor Wanli said this sentence with a smile, Wang Tong bowed slightly, and said condescendingly:
"Your Majesty's words are serious. For such matters, I should do my best."

Hearing Wang Tong's words, Emperor Wanli nodded and said solemnly:

"Wang Tong, you are different from those older ones. You are truly loyal to me, and the tiger head is also sincerely good to me. Let us monarchs and ministers take their time, and when the time comes, make a show for the world to see."

Wang Tong bowed his head again, as if he was leading the order. The little Emperor Wanli was a little excited when he said this, and turned his head and said with a smile:

"You have merit this time, I want to promote you, hehe, I think Feng Daban and Mr. Zhang will not hinder anything this time."

While he was talking, Li Hutou ran over with his face flushed, and greeted him loudly:

"Brother Wang, Huang Yijun, what are you old cats doing in the house, come down and fight together, we are missing two people here!"

Emperor Wanli walked down the steps with a smile, stood beside Li Hutou, straightened his body and said:

"Tiger head, I'm much taller than you!"

There is a four-year age difference between the two, one has already started to develop, and Li Hutou is still a child, but when he heard what the little emperor said, Li Hutou was a little annoyed immediately, and said angrily:

"What's the use of being tall? If we have the ability, let's go to the playground and play a few rounds to see who is better."

The little emperor and Li Hu headed towards the playground laughing, Wang Tong tightened his protective gear, picked up a pole and followed.

Zhang Hongying is now living with Mrs. Ma. Although Zhang Hongying claims to be a maid for Wang Tong, Mrs. Ma treats her like she treats her own daughter. Although they do a lot of work every day, everyone is so busy and there is nothing special. Press to live alone.

The food is good and full, and those teenagers are very afraid of him. It feels like there are a lot of younger brothers. Moreover, Zhang Hongying also knows through Mrs. Ma that her parents and uncle live well outside the city, so Zhang Hongying is very happy every day , Humming a ditty when I go out in the morning.

On November [-]th, Zhang Hongying went out happily wearing a newly bought silk-cotton Bijia to go to the delicious restaurant. It was still dark, but she almost screamed out when she opened the door.

A woman kneels in front of the door...

(End of this chapter)

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