Chapter 177 How to Be a Thousand Households
After Zhang Hongying saw the woman kneeling on the ground, she almost cried out in fright, but living here, she became more courageous, knowing that no thieves would dare to come here.

Take a closer look, the style of the clothes, the satin fabric, and the fur lining on the woman's body are all good things that I have never seen before, but I can feel that they must be good things, and the weather is cold, so the woman is naked Although his neck and palms were flushed red from the cold, it could be seen that they were abnormally fair.

The woman outside thought that she only knelt down when she heard the door knocking. At this moment, she raised her head, looked at Zhang Hongying with some doubts, and said respectfully:

"Mrs. Wang, I have something important to see Mr. Wang."

Looking at this appearance, although she is in her early twenties, there is a kind of lazy style in this beautiful appearance, which is extraordinarily temperamental. Zhang Hongying was stunned, but she blushed when she was called "Mrs. Wang". Bang bang jumping, he was not intimidated when he went out just now, but he was panicked by this sentence.

Quickly jumped to the side, repeatedly waved his hands and said:

"I'm not, I'm not, this is not Master Wang's house, Master Wang's house is next door!"

The woman kneeling on the ground froze, her face turned red, she muttered something in a low voice, she got up with hands and feet, pointed to the delicious restaurant uncertainly and asked:
"This one?"

In fact, the alley on the other side of the Delicious Restaurant is the gate of Wang Tong’s house. Zhang Hongying didn’t know why, but she was very wary of this woman who came to worship, and she was very reluctant to tell the location of Wang Tong’s house. At this time, Wang Tong But Tong also got up. Since he stopped going to Tian Baihu to order Mao, his early daily habit was to go to various properties of his own.

As soon as I got to the South Street, I saw Zhang Hongying and the woman. There was already a guy cleaning the entrance of the delicious restaurant, and I saw Wang Tong hurriedly greeted and said hello.

This greeting, the woman who had knelt outside early sensed it immediately, quickly lifted her skirt and trotted over, came to the front, knelt down with a plop, held up a few pieces of paper, and said earnestly:

"Slave Song Chanchan, I beg Lord Wang to take you in. I would rather die than give up as a cow or a horse."

Wang Tong, who was still a little confused, suddenly woke up. Of course, he didn't hear Zhang Hongying's muttering "I'm not ashamed" not far away. Wang Tong lowered his head and asked Song Chanchan in bewilderment:

"How is this going?"

"What else can happen, Zhang Han has fallen, and there is no backer in the Qin Pavilion. Sooner or later, the business and my wife will be swallowed up. Instead of being swallowed up, it's better for the old lady to choose a backer. Master Wang, you do things It's fair and just, so my aunt... the little girl is here to go."

This attitude is the attitude of defectors, Wang Tong is a bit dumbfounded, as for why the Song girl came to the door, he has a good idea, in the capital, there are many people watching for a business like the Qin Pavilion, once Zhang Han leaves, Without even a shelter, it became a delicacy exuding aroma.

"My lord, every year, the account of the Qin Pavilion, the little girl gets five, and the adults get five. All the running expenses, the girls and guys' accounts are all taken care of by the little girl, and the news that the Qin Pavilion knows can also tell the adults as soon as possible. , the Qin Pavilion is another good place to greet and send off, if your lord wants to entertain colleagues..."

This Song Chanchan has a pungent personality that is rare for women in this era. This kind of chattering is not so much for seeking refuge, as it is for complaining.

Wang Tong found Song Chanchan's performance very interesting. Qin Guan got all kinds of benefits in his hands. As for the gossip, everyone would think that it was just the spoils harvested by the other party after Zhang Han's downfall.

Wang Tong casually took the land deeds presented by Song Chanchan with both hands, flipped through them, and said with a smile:

"I've accepted the Qin Pavilion. I'll ask someone in the government to be a witness for the contract and land, and change it to my name, and make a clear account. If anyone comes to trouble you, just come to me."

After saying these words, Wang Tong walked in the direction of Zhenxing Building. Song Chanchan didn't expect this matter to be so simple, she raised her head and looked at Wang Tong's back in a daze, and just about to kowtow, she heard Wang Tong in front of her. Without turning around, Tong waved his hand and said:
"It's cold, go back quickly, and find someone to handle the paperwork and contract."

Miss Song's movements froze for a while, but she stood up slowly with a smile on her face. At this moment, she heard a cold snort from behind, and turned her head to look over. Looking back, Zhang Hongying's face turned red all of a sudden, and the girl hurried into the delicious restaurant.

After Zhang Juzheng was taken away, everything in the court was restored to the way it was before. If there was time after the court meeting, Zhang Juzheng, the chief assistant of the cabinet, would routinely give lectures to Emperor Wanli.

This kind of course is said to be the most core meeting of the Ming Empire. Feng Bao and Zhang Cheng, the first and second figures of the Lijian Supervisor, will come to accompany the study. The teacher who lectures is Zhang Juzheng, and the student who attends the class is Emperor Wanli , These few people can almost decide everything about the Ming Empire.

The little emperor Wanli's performance in the matter of Ding Youduo's love, his accurate judgment and firm persistence made Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao think that the little emperor had grown up a lot.

Therefore, in the current course, in addition to telling the principles of sages and sages and the gains and losses of the past dynasties, sometimes government affairs will be discussed, and the promotion rewards and punishments of officials in a certain place will be discussed, and the Wanli Emperor will make the decision.

"Since the prefect of Changzhou Prefecture began to clear the land, the land in the mansion has not increased by one mu, but many people in the mansion have written secret letters to Beijing to file a complaint, strictly specifying how many acres of land under the name of a certain household, and how many acres of land was encroached by a certain household. , Your Majesty, how should we deal with this?"

The so-called "contribution" is related to the fact that people with meritorious reputations in Ming Dynasty do not need to pay taxes. People without fame entrust their land under the names of famous people, and pay a small amount of money to the entrusted people, but save money. A large sum of taxes was imposed, and this encroachment was often the land that the famous family took the opportunity to swallow.

Not to mention others, Zhang Juzheng's hometown in Jiangling, Huguang, owns [-] hectares of land, but the local Zhang surnamed family donated nearly [-] hectares of land, and Zhang Juzheng handled it impartially, which has already earned him a reputation for justice.

Emperor Wanli heard the question, put down the book in his hand, pondered for a while and said:
"The magistrate of Changzhou fined his salary for one year, transferred to Laizhou Prefecture as the magistrate, and sent the head of the household department to Changzhou Prefecture to take charge of the matter."

Feng Bao and Zhang Juzheng looked at each other, Zhang Cheng next to him also nodded slightly, Zhang Juzheng asked with a smile:

"I dare to ask Your Majesty, the Qingzhang of the world's fields, Shanxi's incompetent officials have been exonerated from the government, and the two county magistrates in Henan who participated in the hidden fields have been beheaded. Why is the prefect of Changzhou only fined for one year and transferred to another post?" Go to Laizhou Mansion?"

"More than 40% of the officials above the fourth rank in the court are from various prefectures in the south of the south of the Yangtze River. If you serve as a magistrate in a wealthy county in the south of the Yangtze River, you must have your hands tied. If you meet a passerby on the street, they may be relatives of that adult in the capital. How can we manage it? Xu Ge’s hometown has more than [-] mu of fertile land in Songjiang Prefecture. No reason to be demoted."

When it comes to the allusion of Hai Rui and Xu Jie, Zhang Juzheng is a little embarrassed. Xu Jie, the chief assistant of the cabinet of the Jiajing Dynasty and the Longqing Dynasty, after returning to his hometown, wanted to occupy the land and set up a huge foundation. Tiandi, unexpectedly, Xu Jie bribed Dai Fengxiang, the official at the time, to impeach Hai Rui for killing the gentry. Zhang Juzheng had a lot to do with this matter, and he felt very uncomfortable when he heard Wanli mention it.

"However, as a herdsman official, he didn't make any progress in the errands assigned by the imperial court. He was transferred to a remote place like Laizhou Prefecture. He was punished with a one-year salary penalty. At the same time, he sent the head of the household department to supervise. The widow will use the eunuchs in the palace and the messengers of Jin Yiwei!"

Emperor Wanli said while thinking, and quickly said something. Several big men in the study looked at each other, and Zhang Juzheng praised with a smile:
"Your Majesty's disposition can be said to be arbitrary, but I want to explain one thing, the magistrate's transfer to Laizhou Mansion for a year's salary is not punishment. If it is really ordered, it will be a great reward."

Emperor Wanli was taken aback, Feng Bao said softly beside him:
"Long live, the magistrate of Changzhou Prefecture doesn't have much oil and water. There are family members of officials everywhere below, and they have to deal with the court's errands. If he wants to search for it, the official position will be lost immediately. He can be transferred to the position of Laizhou Prefecture. Without a big family, you can search and make money freely, and the salary is nothing, and you will be fat immediately."

"With the salary of the imperial court, you still want to be greedy for ink. I want to follow the example of my great-grandfather and peel them for grass."

Emperor Wanli was said to be a little angry, and he said something viciously there. Several big men in the room looked at each other and smiled, and changed the topic. The governor of a province can only earn 200 taels of silver a year, so don't be greedy. How to feed a family, how to communicate in officialdom.

However, Emperor Wanli also had other thoughts. When the topic changed, he said with a smile:
"Mr. Zhang, Jinyiwei Baihu Wang Tongqin is reliable, and he has made some contributions recently. I am thinking about promoting him to a thousand households. What do you think, sir?"

The smile on Zhang Juzheng's face was still there, and he asked gently:

"I dare to ask Your Majesty what merits Wang Tong has, but I have never heard of it."

Emperor Wanli was taken aback by the question, hesitated for a while but thought of something, and said a little excitedly:

"Mr. Ding You Duo Qing some time ago, there was a lot of discussion between the government and the public, but this Wang Tong was the first to suggest to me, saying that Mr. Zhang has worked hard and made great achievements, and the Ming Dynasty is indispensable. His words are exactly in line with my mind, and I issued an edict to Duo Qing , Mr. Leaving, this Wang Tong also has a lot of credit, it is indeed faster to be promoted to the commander, but it should be given to a thousand households."

The smile on Zhang Juzheng's face gradually faded, and Zhang Cheng who had been standing by the side sighed unnoticed and shook his head slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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