Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 178 Unforeseen circumstances

Chapter 178 Unforeseen circumstances
"Jin Yiwei is the son of heaven's own army. Whether to punish him or not is a major national policy. For Wang Tong's move, Yu's private minister should be grateful, but Yu Gong should be cautious. After the minister returns to discuss with the cabinet, he will report back to His Majesty."

After hearing Zhang Juzheng's words, the excitement on Emperor Wanli's face subsided little by little, and Zhang Ju bowed calmly to leave, and Emperor Wanli subconsciously agreed.

The little emperor didn't say anything, but held the book and read it for a while. There was something wrong with the supervisor of ceremonies. After getting the news, Feng Bao pleaded guilty and left first. Then Emperor Wanli put down the book and said in a low voice:

"Zhang Banban, is it so difficult for me to promote someone?"

Zhang Cheng hurried forward a few steps, waved at the people around him, and after all the eunuchs who were waiting on him retreated, Zhang Cheng bent down and said in a low voice:

"Long live Lord's words may have violated Zhang Ge's taboo, and this person who was promoted is a trusted military officer, and even more..."

Emperor Wanli was taken aback when he heard this, and then he picked up the book and threw it down hard. He raised his voice, said a word, then lowered it suddenly, and shouted in a deep voice:
"I violated Mr. Zhang's taboo! What about my taboo!!? I am the Son of Heaven, inside and outside the palace, I talk about the Queen Mother, Eunuch Feng, and Zhang Ge all the time. Who cares about me..."

Zhang Cheng subconsciously stretched out his hand to cover his mouth, but stopped halfway. His action made Emperor Wanli even more angry. The corners of Zhang Cheng's mouth turned up slightly, and immediately he had a bitter face again, and said in a low voice:
"Long Live Lord speaks carefully, this one should be more cautious, maybe it will reach someone's ears."

His voice was so low that even Emperor Wanli couldn't hear it clearly, but he finally understood it, his face flushed suddenly, he let out a long breath, but regained his composure.

Although the little emperor Wanli was still not very agile on his feet, but because he had been in the martial arts hall for a long time, he walked quite steadily and firmly. After what he said just now, Zhang Cheng didn't dare to speak anymore, and hurriedly followed behind.

"I'm going to the martial arts hall for lunch today, Zhang Banban can arrange it!"

Walking out of the courtyard, Emperor Wanli gave orders in a deep voice. As soon as he mentioned martial arts, several thoughts flashed through Zhang Cheng's mind, and he gritted his teeth and said:

"Long Live Lord, this servant risked his life to say something, please ask Long Live Lord for permission!"

Emperor Wanli frowned, glanced at him and said:
"You are risking your life, and Wang Tong is also risking your death. I am now in a situation where I am listening to others. Who else can I chop off? Give less."

Zhang Cheng was taken aback for a moment, wondering who 'Sister Hongying' was, who was so courageous, but he immediately got to the point, and hurriedly said in a low voice:

"Long Live Lord, do you really think that Wang Tong is loyal, and you must keep him safe no matter what?"

Hearing this, Wanli was stunned for a moment, thinking that it was just because he couldn't be promoted, how could Ping'an be involved, but Emperor Wanli never doubted Wang Tong's loyalty.

This year, he has grown a lot, and he has had so much fun in the Huwei Martial Art Museum, and in this political turmoil, Wang Tong gave correct advice.

What's even more rare is that this Wang Tong didn't flatter him just because he was the Son of Heaven. Instead, he said something and never concealed it. I remember my father once said when I was a child that this is the greatest loyalty.

Zhang Cheng has been with Emperor Wanli for so many years, and the little emperor also knows that his companion has always been steady and rarely pretends to be surprising. The words just now naturally caught the attention of the little emperor Wanli, and he nodded solemnly:
"Wang Tong's loyalty is beyond doubt, Zhang Banban, how do you say it's safe?"

"The servant girl shouldn't have said these words to the Lord Long Live, but according to the rules of these years, the servant girl said a lie, that is, within three or two days, there must be a censor to impeach Wang Tong."

Emperor Wanli stopped in his tracks, looked back at Zhang Cheng, with a puzzled look on his face, and asked:
"Impeach him for what? I know everything Wang Tong has done. How can he do anything wrong?"

Even though he was talking to the emperor, Zhang Cheng couldn't help stomping his feet and said hastily:
"Long Live Lord, leading people to beat Liu Shouyou's Zhuangzi, as well as the Ping An brand, isn't it all a fault!"

"What kind of mistake is this? For the matter of the Ping'an brand, the money sent to the palace was more than 2 taels. Isn't Feng Daban and Zhang Banban [-] taels each?"

Emperor Wanli asked in confusion, Zhang Cheng didn't expect Wang Tong to even say this, he couldn't help but blushed slightly, sighed and said:

"Long live Lord, knowing does not mean complying with the rules. Things that are not in compliance with the rules on weekdays will pass with one eye open and one eye closed. But if you want to make trouble, you only need to investigate the violation of the rules."

Emperor Wanli's complexion became very bad, and he shouted in a low voice:
"What are you going to do, I am close to a person, is there such a big mistake?"

Zhang Chengchang sighed and continued:

"The civil servants don't want to see the Long Live Lord get close to people other than scholars. The servants are the cattle and horses of the Tian Family, and the Long Live God's servants. If they do too much, they are said by those officials to be eunuchs. Mr. Zhang Ge must be very afraid that the military officer can make the Lord Long Live praise and promote him several times, and he can also participate in this important event. ..."

Emperor Wanli looked a little dazed, and murmured:

"The widow was going to be promoted to his official position, wouldn't this hurt him?"

Having said that, the little emperor shivered, turned his head to look at Zhang Cheng and said with gritted teeth:
"Zhang Banban, I want to protect this Wang Tong, I want to get rid of Liu Shou and others, and let Wang Tong do it. Whoever dares to say anything, I will punish him!!"

Emperor Wanli moved his hands violently, his eyes were a little blood red, but he didn't notice his movements. Several court ladies and eunuchs standing at the gate of a courtyard in the distance all knelt down and saw the emperor's excitement. Is the greatest disaster, or kneel down and pretend to be deaf and dumb.

"Long live, don't be angry, don't be angry."

Zhang Cheng hurriedly reached out to pat the little Emperor Wanli on the back, and said in a low voice:
"Long live Lord, I am afraid that Wang Tong's crimes are even greater. If Wang Tong's incidents are brought to the side of the two empress dowagers, and the Ping An brand is related to brothels, the empress dowagers hate these places the most..."

When the martial arts hall was tense, Wang Tong was always used to making people take a deep breath. Emperor Wanli subconsciously took a few long breaths, calmed down, and said in a harsh voice:
"I won't go to the martial arts hall anymore, Zhang Ban will accompany you and ask them to bring the meals to the small study, and you come to accompany me to eat, so make a plan."

"Ziwei (Zhang Siwei's character), Ru Mo (Shen Shixing's character), I gave a lecture to the Holy Spirit today, and the Holy Master said during the class break that he would promote Wang Tong from a hundred households of Jinyiwei to a thousand households."

It was already quite cold in the capital in late November, but the study of Zhang Juzheng, the chief assistant of the cabinet, was as warm as spring. Li Youzi, Minister of the Ministry, and several others were present.

Zhang Juzheng took a sip of tea and said the above words. After Ding You's argument, Zhang Juzheng became even more authoritative. Several people looked at each other, but they couldn't understand the meaning of Zhang Juzheng's words, and forgot to go back.

"Your Majesty said that he was going to issue an edict to seduce love, but Wang Tong's remonstrance made His Majesty make up his mind. He said so, but the action of issuing an edict to seduce love is likely to be moved by Wang Tong's words. "

The power of a courtier is nothing more than his own power and the trust of the emperor. Wang Tong can persuade the emperor to issue an edict to keep the chief assistant of the dynasty. Such influence is a bit scary.

Li Youzi, the new Minister of the Ministry of Officials, pondered for a while, and said with a smile:

"It's surprising that Wang Tong's little warrior can still understand the basics."

In the eyes of scholars, it is a miracle for a warrior to be able to talk and walk, let alone participate in government affairs. Li Youzi heard about Wang Tong when he was in the Ministry of Officials, and he was very afraid, so his speech was somewhat vague.

After hearing Zhang Juzheng's words, Zhang Siwei, a scholar of the Wenhua Palace and Shangshu of the Ministry of War, froze. He didn't know what he remembered, and his reaction was half a beat behind. Quickly, he was annoyed that he was talking behind Li Youzi, so he hurriedly said:

"Wang Tong is only a member of a hundred households, but he can actually persuade the emperor. The Ming system is that the emperor is in the middle, and the six cabinets are assisted. If he can do this with a close military official, it will not be a breach of ethics. I will read the sages and sages, and I will do it myself." For righteous things, you must be admonished, please Your Majesty stay away from villains and stay close to virtuous ministers."

"Wu Zong was close to Jiang Bin and Qian Ning. The Ming Dynasty was always in chaos, and the nine borders were restless. Emperor Shizong also favored Lu Bing. There is a cabinet boss in this dynasty. The world is at the time of Qingming. That Wang Tong relied on the trust of the emperor and ran rampant in the capital. He even forcibly collects taxes with businessmen everywhere, and has no superiors, and forcibly breaks into Zhuangzi, the commander of Liu Shouyou, and even builds a martial arts gym. Spears and sticks, isn’t this seducing His Majesty to play games, not to mention those two unseemly street fights.”

Zhang Siwei talked eloquently, and both Shen Shixing and Li Youzi looked at him in surprise, wondering how he knew such details, Zhang Siwei said in a deep voice:
"Your Majesty is fifteen this year, and Wang Tong is also fifteen this year. There will be a long time in the future. If this is the case now, what will happen in the future!?"

After saying these words, several people in the study room nodded. They are now at the top of Ming Dynasty, and they naturally don't want someone closer to the emperor to occupy or even replace their position. Although Wang Tong has always been low-key, but this time Their performance has really made them feel threatened.

Zhang Juzheng, the chief assistant of the cabinet, pondered for a while, stood up and walked a few steps, turned around and said to these people:
"Tomorrow, the officials will be mobilized to go to the public, and the king will be clear, and the world will be clear."

The three people in the study stood up together and bowed to accept the order.

Wang Tong has been very happy that day. With the emperor's guarantee, it seems that there is no problem in promoting Qianhu.
Chapter 2 will be later, thank you everyone

(End of this chapter)

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