Chapter 180
"Why do you have to endure it?"

After unfolding this banner, Wang Tong naturally recognized the characters, but he still couldn't help asking.

Zou Yi, who was sitting there, shook his head and said in a deep voice:
"I don't know, brother, but there must be a reason for the father-in-law to write this picture for you."

"Last night, someone passed the news to me, telling me that Qingliu, the speech officer of the capital, wants to join me. Is it because of this matter? Do I still have to be afraid of those scholars?"

Wang Tong was already a little excited, but Zou Yi was taken aback when he heard his words. It seemed that he just realized the reason, and after a little hesitation, he opened his mouth and said:
"Except for the ones with broken brains, who will really speak up for righteousness? They are the swords of the court bosses. This joint name Shangshu is almost instigated by one or a few second-rank or above officials. Brother Wang , who did you offend?"

Wang Tongteng stood up from his seat, took a few steps back and forth, and roared in a low voice:
"Who I offended, I don't know myself. With the Ping An brand, I offended all the people who opened brothel casinos in the capital, but they are nothing. They don't know. Doesn't Eunuch Zhang know who is protecting me behind my back?" Now, who is it, who did I offend when I fell to the ground!!?”

Zou Yi was shocked when he heard his words, and said with a wry smile:

"For the affairs of the world, if the righteous father can't protect you, you have to let Brother Wang bear it. There are not many people who can't afford to offend his old man..."

At this point, Wang Tong was stunned, and then sat back on the chair discouraged, his face was ashen, for some reason, seeing Wang Tong who was always calm and calm like this made Zou Yi feel closer.

There was silence in the room for a while, and Zou Yi whispered:

"Just the two of us saying this, there is indeed a disaster imminent right now, but since Lord Yifu wrote this word, it means that the matter has not reached the stage of killing the head and exterminating the family. If you really make such a big mistake, Yifu My lord will never pay any attention to you, Brother Wang."

This is harsh, but it is true, Wang Tong took a deep breath, straightened his body, turned his head and asked:
"Brother Zou, what should I do now."

Zou Yi said with a wry smile:

"What else can I do, it's nothing more than changing the money and manpower, just wait!"

"Your Majesty, today's memorials from the Metropolitan Procuratorate and various departments submitted by the Secretary of the General Administration are all about impeachment of Jin Yiwei, a hundred households Wang Tong relied on the powerful, ran amok in the capital, searched for the people's fat and anointment, and the people's grievances were boiling unstoppable..."

"...Shuntian Mansion is the official office of the herdsmen of the capital, and the Prime Minister of the Fu Yin's Mansion is acting as the herdsman of Tiantian, but the small hundred households are yelling in front of their faces, without any rules..."

"...Wang Tong has been brutal and ruthless since he joined Jinyi's army.

"...Greedy and lustful, they do everything they can to search for money. As an official of the court, he actually opened a shop in the street, and in the land of brothels and fireworks, he opened donations and collected taxes, corrupting the court..."

Lu Xiaodong, the censor of the right capital of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, was there holding a memorial and reading aloud. In the Wenyuan Pavilion where the cabinet is located, the cabinet scholars, six ministers and nine officials sat there with serious expressions.

The little Emperor Wanli who was sitting in the right seat had a frosty face, and listened to the reading below with no expression on his face. If these officials wanted to criticize him, they could accuse them of any crime.

The fact that Emperor Wanli was in Huwei Martial Arts Hall, that is, only the people in this room are qualified to know. For various considerations, the officials did not mention this in the memorial.

After Lu Xiaodong, the censor of the right capital, finished reading a letter, the censor of the left capital, Liu Shubin, knelt down to Chen Zou, and said solemnly:

"Your Majesty is the king of the world. You should read the books of sages and learn the principles of sages and sages. Only then can you govern the country and secure the world, and rule over billions of people. However, for more than a hundred days, your Majesty has become obsessed with vulgar martial arts, loved villains, and ministers." At the risk of death, I implore Your Majesty to stay close to the way of sages and sages, to be close to ministers of sages and sages, and to stay away from villains."

The words were sonorous and forceful, and they kowtowed to the ground after speaking. Although everyone in the room looked serious, their eyes were all focused on Emperor Wanli's face at this moment.

The little emperor had a round and fat face a year ago, but now it has some edges and corners. Zhang Juzheng, Shen Shixing and others have all met Emperor Jiajing, and Wanli now vaguely looks like his grandfather.

Wanli was silent for a while, but with a smile on his face, he asked gently:
"Liu Aiqing, is the current political envoy Pan Guangde?"

Everyone was a little dazed, wondering why Emperor Wanli asked such irrelevant words, Liu Shubin raised his head and answered:

"Reporting to Your Majesty, Pan Guangde is the envoy of the General Administration Department."

"Pan Guangde has done a good job. The widow should reward him well. In the past, except for the urgent ones, the papers handed in from below were only submitted every other day. Today, these papers were delivered within an hour. It is an errand. You are so hardworking, the widow must reward you well."

After Emperor Wanli finished speaking, Liu Shubin was taken aback for a moment, and he could also hear the irony contained in Emperor Wanli's words. Emperor Wanli sat there and asked with a smile:

"Dear dears, I have grown a lot taller and stronger, and I feel full of energy when I study and go to court. Liu Aiqing, you say it is a vulgar thing for me. Is it because I am weak and sick that I have done your thing mean?"

This sentence is too heavy, Liu Shubin hissed eagerly and replied:
"What I said is just to let His Majesty read more books of sages and understand the principles of sages. There is absolutely no other meaning. Please be careful, Your Majesty, please be careful!"

Shen Shixing, a cabinet scholar and newly appointed Minister of Rites, quickly stood up and said respectfully:

"Your Majesty's dragon body is strong and strong, long live the future, and the courtiers are very happy to see it. Liu Zongxian also means the same thing in his heart, but Wang Tong is acting arrogantly in the capital, and it is said that he is still looking for money in filthy places such as brothels and casinos." Send it to the palace, if it spreads to the outside world, wouldn't it ruin the reputation of the Tian Family..."

"I really don't know how Shen Aiqing and the supervisory censors of the Metropolitan Procuratorate know about the news of such filthy places. Yesterday's report from Dongchang also said that officials from the capital often go in and out of brothels, drink alcohol and have sex with prostitutes. Could it be that these people are also filthy?" , they are my officials, don't they seem to have ruined my reputation."

The smile on the face of the little emperor Wanli had disappeared, and he still answered coldly. The Zongxian mentioned by Shen Shixing just now was the surrogate name of Zuodu Yushi.

The great masters of the cabinet and the six ministers and nine ministers have never seen the little emperor Wanli behave like this, but Zhang Juzheng, the chief assistant of the cabinet sitting next to the emperor Wanli, has always been calm, without any winks or gestures. If you don't move, the rest of the people can't stop.

"Your Majesty, the minister risked his death. Do you remember the story of Jiang Bin and Qian Ning in Wuzong Dynasty? Those two villains took advantage of the trust of the emperor, killed Zhongliang, and conspired against them. Although they were executed in the end, they still caused chaos. , although this Wang Tong is not evil, but his wolfish ambition has been revealed, His Majesty must take precautions before they happen, so as not to cause a catastrophe!"

Shen Shixing knelt there in embarrassment, but Zhang Siwei, a cabinet scholar and Minister of the Ministry of War, stood up again, and said loudly. Emperor Wanli took a cup of tea, took a sip, and said coldly:
"Zhang Qing's family is comparing Wu Zong to me!?"

Emperor Wuzong of the Ming Dynasty was Emperor Zhengde, an extremely absurd emperor in the official evaluation of Ming Dynasty. Inherit the inheritance of Emperor Zhengde.The evaluation of Emperor Wuzong can be imagined. Zhang Siwei had no choice but to kneel down and kowtow to apologize for Wanli's rhetorical question.

"Your Majesty, dear minister, Yuan Xiaoren..."

"Li Shangshu, how many wives and concubines do you have, how many close friends do you have, have I ever asked you a question, I don't remember asking, then why are you so concerned about my private affairs?"

Li Youzi, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, just stood up, but was stopped by Emperor Wanli's words. In the current court meeting, the courtiers tried to quote scriptures, but Emperor Wanli did not reason with them at all, and directly refuted them back sentence by sentence.

On the right hand side of Emperor Wanli, the eunuchs of the Supervisor of Rituals, from Feng Bao Zhang Cheng to the following attendants, all had low eyebrows and were expressionless.

The one who still has the right to speak is Lu Tiaoyang, the second assistant of the cabinet, but this old gentleman has never made his debut on this occasion. The old god is sitting there, just not moving.

Zhang Juzheng shook his head slightly, he did not expect that Emperor Wanli would have such great determination to protect Wang Tong, the emperor is so close to this person, and the two of them are similar in age, if he is allowed to develop, it will be unstoppable in the future, Can't let it go.Thinking of this, Zhang Juzheng stood up, first saluted solemnly, and then said in a deep voice:
"Your Majesty is the Son of Heaven. The Tian family has no personal affairs. Every move of His Majesty is a major event in the world. The censors have heard about it. This Wang Tong has a lot of bad deeds, and the sky is angry. In this way, the reputation of the ancestors and the ancestors of the country and the country have been damaged, how should His Majesty deal with himself?"

Zhang Juzheng, the chief assistant of the cabinet, stood up and advised that Emperor Wanli could no longer engage in such shameless debates. His tense face suddenly collapsed, and he stood up from the dragon chair angrily, and shouted:

"If you want me to be like this, if you want me to be like that, since I became the throne, have I ever made up my own mind, what's the point of being the Son of Heaven, you should just be..."

When these words were uttered, everyone in Wenyuan Pavilion, no matter whether they were the six ministers of the cabinet or the secretary office outside, no matter whether they were the eunuchs who were in charge of ceremonies or the little eunuchs serving outside, all knelt down when they heard these words.

Zhang Juzheng knelt down calmly, and said in a gentle tone:

"If Your Majesty does not accept the remonstrance, I will submit it to the Empress Dowager, and ask the Empress Dowager to judge."

Hearing these words, Emperor Wanli's anger dissipated, and he sat back on the dragon chair dejectedly.

(End of this chapter)

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