Chapter 181

It has been almost 200 years since the founding of the Ming Dynasty by Zhu Yuanzhang, and it can be said that there is no one with such power as the Empress Dowager Li.

It's not that the empress dowager's status gives her any power, but that both Zhang Juzheng's reform and Feng Bao's power need her support, and after Empress Dowager Li gave her own support, she also got Feng Bao and Zhang Juzheng, two inner court and peace leaders. The full support of the highest authority in the outer court.

With this kind of support and her status as the birth mother of Emperor Wanli, everything is different. Moreover, the Li family was born in a small family, and knows the hardships and various activities of the people. He also spent a long time with Emperor Longqing in Yuwang Mansion, and he has developed his scheming. City, vision and means.

After Empress Dowager Li gained great power, she did not indulge her family members. Her younger brother, Li Qi, worked diligently on errands, and his father, Marquis of Wuqing, Li Wei, was also cautious and low-key. Kneeling in the snow, her attitude made all the officials and scholars in the world respect her and think that she has no selfish intentions.

With the superposition of these factors, Empress Dowager Li already has the prestige and ability to abolish the emperor.

Emperor Wanli is the biological son of Empress Dowager Li, and she has been very respected and loved since she was a child. Empress Dowager Li has also gone through the Jiajing and Longqing dynasties. She does not want Emperor Wanli to repeat the mistakes made by Emperor Wanli's father and ancestors.Therefore, the requirements for the emperor are extremely strict. In addition to being diligent and studious, it also restrains Wanli's behavior.

At the beginning of the fourth year of Wanli, the Emperor Wanli once asked a little maid to sing, but the little maid could not sing, so the Emperor Wanli said that he would be beheaded, but this could not be real, and finally cut off a part of the little maid. strands of hair.

The matter spread to the ears of Empress Dowager Li, who ordered Emperor Wanli to kneel down, then put on a dress and a phoenix crown, and said that she would go to the Taimiao to report to the ancestors of the Ming Dynasty and establish a new monarch for Jiangshan Sheji. That time really scared Emperor Wanli out of his wits. Although Empress Dowager Li was just pretending, Emperor Wanli realized what his mother could do.

This incident caused a great disturbance, and everyone inside and outside the palace knew about it, but the comments were overwhelmingly praising Empress Dowager Li.

As the political ally of Empress Dowager Li, Zhang Juzheng, the chief assistant of the cabinet, naturally knew who could restrain this unreasonable little emperor for Emperor Wanli.

Sure enough, when Zhang Juzheng said that he would play the Empress Dowager Ming, Emperor Wanli's aura suddenly lost his momentum, and he fell down on the dragon chair and remained silent.

But the atmosphere in the courtroom today is already extremely embarrassing. Except for Emperor Wanli, everyone including Zhang Juzheng is kneeling on the ground. .

In this scene, it is really hard to say who has the upper hand and who is at a disadvantage. Emperor Wanli leaned back in his chair for a while, and suddenly said:

"The virtuous minister near, the villain far, all the lovers mean to keep Wang Tong away from my side, don't they?"

The words of the little emperor Wanli finally eased the atmosphere in Wenyuan Pavilion, but Zhang Juzheng, the chief assistant of the cabinet, did not just use this to step down, but said solemnly:
"Your Majesty, in the past few years, he has paid less attention to the way of sages and sages, and spent too much on martial arts. The Huwei Martial Arts Hall is a place created by villains to confuse His Majesty. Your Majesty, please disband the Martial Arts Hall and return the youngsters. Your Majesty will live in the palace, reduce the number of times you go out, and cultivate yourself diligently."

Emperor Wanli closed his mouth, his face changed, but he still spoke:
"Everyone, get up, Feng Daban, Zhang Banban, get up too!"

Amid the sound of gratitude, the ministers and eunuchs stood up one after another. Emperor Wanli looked calm and said:
"Mr. Zhang is right. I've been wasting this year, and now it's almost the end of the year. When the twelfth lunar month comes, I will dismantle the Tiger Mighty Martial Arts Hall and send all the youngsters back."

After saying this, Zhang Juzheng led the ministers to kneel down and praised:
"Your Majesty Shengming!"

Emperor Wanli sneered at himself, and gently asked everyone to stand up. After all the ministers were seated, Emperor Wanli said solemnly:

"Since the widows are far away from them, is this matter to be over and not pursued anymore, or the lovers will continue to pursue and beat Wang Tong hard."

Anyone can see the little emperor's determination to defend Wang Tong at this time, and he must obey Zhang Ge's instructions, but the goal seems to have been achieved in another way at the moment, and he is so hard-nosed with the already angry emperor. official way.

Except for Lu Tiaoyang and a few eunuchs who cared about their mouths and noses and had nothing to do with themselves, the rest of the people looked at Zhang Juzheng indifferently.

But at this time, the little emperor Wanli was watching very closely, paying special attention to these small movements, and immediately caught his eyes, the little emperor gritted his teeth, but said nothing.

Zhang Juzheng bowed in his seat, and said in a deep voice:
"Your Majesty is merciful, and gave Wang Tong a chance to reform himself. Naturally, the ministers will not violate His Majesty's benevolent heart, but this person's reputation in the capital is too bad. If he stays here, he may be afraid of going wrong. Please His Majesty consider it."

Emperor Wanli nodded, and said calmly:
"I understand the meaning of Mr. Zhang and all the lovers. Wang Tong can't be in the capital, right?"

What the little emperor said was so straightforward, but Zhang Juzheng didn't deny it, just nodded, and the little emperor Wanli exhaled, and said in a deep voice:
"In that case, I will expel him from the capital!"

With this decree, Zhang Juzheng and all the ministers stood up again to praise "Your Majesty's Holy Spirit". When these ministers bowed their heads, Emperor Wanli sneered a few times, but did not answer.

Although the process was somewhat troublesome, the little emperor lost his temper, but this also achieved the goal of everyone, and everyone was relieved. Lu Tiaoyang, the second assistant of the cabinet, said:
"Your Majesty, there is probably a certain amount of tax money and food in the world this year, and it is much more than last year. Will your Majesty let the Ministry of Households Xing Shangshu Chen Zou?"

The increase in the national treasury is always a happy thing. Lu Tiaoyang also meant to ease the tense atmosphere in Wenyuan Pavilion. Xing Shangshu from the household department has been silent. At this time, he stepped forward with a smile on his face to prepare for Chen Zuo. But the little emperor stretched out his hand to stop him, and said:
"There is still someone on my side who needs to be promoted. My dear friends, make an appointment as soon as possible, and draw up a ticket and hand it over to the Supervisor of Ceremonies for an order to send it out as soon as possible."

Everyone was sitting upright again. Personnel appointments are the most important thing in the government. Every big boss is extremely concerned to see if it has anything to do with him.

"I am very familiar with Wang Tong, a hundred households of Jinyiwei. He is diligent and loyal, and he has the ability to prepare weapons and wealth. He should be of great use. Zhang Banban, there is a vacancy for a thousand households in Jinyiwei Tianjin, right?"

Having said that, he turned to ask Zhang Cheng, and Zhang Cheng immediately replied respectfully:
"Going back to Lord Long Live, Jin Yiwei of Tianjin Three Guards punished Wang Damin of Qianhu who fell off his horse and broke his leg. He wants to go back to the capital to raise soldiers. There is a vacancy for that position."

The little emperor nodded, turned around and said:
"Since this is the case, let Wang Tong take this position. Zhang Aiqing from the Ministry of War will issue a document quickly. After the supervisor of ceremonies approves it, let Wang Tong set off and leave the capital to take up his post."

The bigwigs in Wenyuan Pavilion looked at each other in blank dismay, and the officials and censors came forward to impeach, and today they spoke so fiercely that they indeed drove away Wang Tong, who was most trusted by Emperor Wanli, and disbanded the Huwei Martial Arts Hall. I don't seem to have suffered too much, how can I calculate this result?
Of course, it is the greatest blessing and the greatest good position to be beside the emperor in officialdom. If we are far away, this relationship will fade away. From this point of view, Wang Tong has been given the greatest punishment. , cut off his way to rise in the officialdom, is there anything more important than this?
However, when the emperor said this, it depended on what the old man thought. Shen Shixing, the new Minister of Rites, glanced at Zhang Juzheng, and found that his expression was indifferent, and he couldn't see any joy or anger. He simply gritted his teeth, stood up and saluted and said:
"His Majesty……"

"I'm a little tired. I'll go back and have a rest. Mr. Zhang Ge will see if there is anything to report to the Supervisor of Rituals."

Before Shen Shixing finished speaking, Emperor Wanli got up and interrupted Shen Shixing's words, and walked towards the door without moving his head, and several eunuchs hurriedly followed.

But the eunuch Feng Bao, who was in charge of the supervisor of ceremonies, fell behind. When everyone left the room, he stopped at the door, turned around and said with a smile:

"My lords, Lord Long Live is fifteen this year. The boy from a small family outside the palace is already at the top of his family when he reaches fifteen. Lord Long Live also has his own temper. Since he backed down a step, my lords will see you well." Just accept it, don't be endless, everyone's disciples and grandchildren will be restrained when they go back today, and they will stop tomorrow!"

Everyone in the room looked a little stiff, Zhang Juzheng coughed and was about to speak when Feng Bao leaned back, smiled and continued:
"My lords are all doing it for the good of the Long Live Lord. Our family understands that, but this Daming is, after all, the Daming of the Long Live Lord, isn't he? In the end, the person who catches the chief is the Long Live Lord. Let's forget about it!"

After finishing speaking, Feng Bao opened the curtain and walked out.

There was a moment of silence in the room. Everyone in the room looked at me and I looked at you. Second assistant Lu Tiaoyang stroked his beard and said with a dry smile:

"Since Your Majesty has made a decision, then Wang Tong will also leave the capital, so let's follow the order and write down the document!"

The transfer and promotion of Jinyiwei is also decided by the Ministry of War. Zhang Siwei, Minister of the Ministry of Soldiers of the Cabinet University, is in charge. However, he ignored Lu Tiaoyang, and just looked at Zhang Juzheng, the chief assistant of the cabinet, who was sitting there. Closed, looking as usual.

The room was quiet for a while before Zhang Juzheng opened his eyes and said:

"The villain is not in the capital, so he can't do harm. If he goes to Tianjin Wei, he may be able to change his mind, start a new life, and become a useful talent in the Ming Dynasty. His Majesty's painstaking efforts, we as ministers must not let us down. The Ministry of War will issue a report as soon as possible. Over there, the inspector of ceremonies!"

Zhang Siwei hurriedly stood up to accept the order. The ministers in Wenyuan Pavilion hesitated for a while, but they all stood up together, and all said that Lord Shoufu was loyal and wise.

(End of this chapter)

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